/* For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place. */ #ifndef LAYERPALETTE_H #define LAYERPALETTE_H #include #include "scribusapi.h" #include "scrpalettebase.h" #include "scribusstructs.h" #include "sclayer.h" class CheckBox; class QEvent; class QHBoxLayout; class QHeaderView; class QLabel; class QPushButton; class QSpinBox; class QTableWidget; class QTableWidgetItem; class QToolButton; class QVBoxLayout; class ScComboBox; class ScribusDoc; class SCRIBUS_API LayerPalette : public ScrPaletteBase { Q_OBJECT public: LayerPalette(QWidget* parent); ~LayerPalette() {}; virtual void changeEvent(QEvent *e); void setDoc(ScribusDoc* doc); void rebuildList(); QTableWidget* Table; //public for the event filter in scribus.cpp.. TODO public slots: void addLayer(); void dupLayer(); void removeLayer(); void upLayer(); void downLayer(); void changeName(int row, int col); void visibleLayer(); void printLayer(); void lockLayer(); void flowToggleLayer(); void outlineToggleLayer(); void toggleAllfromHeader(int index); void markLayer(); void changeOpacity(); void changeBlendMode(int blend); void setActiveLayer(int row, int col); void ClearInhalt(); void markActiveLayer(int layerNumber=-1); void languageChange(); signals: void LayerChanged(); void LayerActivated(int); protected: ScribusDoc* m_Doc; QVBoxLayout* LayerPaletteLayout; QHBoxLayout* Layout1; QHBoxLayout* layout1; QLabel* textLabel1; ScComboBox* blendMode; QLabel* textLabel2; QSpinBox* opacitySpinBox; QHeaderView* Header; QPushButton* newLayerButton; QPushButton* duplicateLayerButton; QPushButton* deleteLayerButton; QPushButton* raiseLayerButton; QPushButton* lowerLayerButton; ScLayers *layers; }; #endif // LAYERPALETTE_H