/* For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place. */ /*************************************************************************** preview.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Sun Jun 1 08:00:00 CEST 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by Franz Schmid email : Franz.Schmid@altmuehlnet.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "preview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pslib.h" #include "checkDocument.h" #include "cmsettings.h" #include "prefsfile.h" #include "prefscontext.h" #include "prefsmanager.h" #include "prefstable.h" #include "util.h" #include "util_icon.h" #include "sccolor.h" #include "scribusview.h" #include "scribusdoc.h" #include "scpaths.h" #include "pageselector.h" #include "util_printer.h" #include "util_ghostscript.h" #include "sccolorengine.h" #include "scribuscore.h" #if defined(_WIN32) #include "scprintengine_gdi.h" #endif extern bool printDinUse; PPreview::PPreview( QWidget* parent, ScribusView *vin, ScribusDoc *docu, QString printer, PrintEngine engine ) : QDialog( parent ) { setModal(true); setWindowIcon(QIcon(loadIcon ( "AppIcon.png" ))); Q_ASSERT(!docu->masterPageMode()); prefsManager=PrefsManager::instance(); QString tmp; postscriptPreview = usePostscriptPreview(printer, engine); QString caption = tr("Print Preview"); #ifdef _WIN32 if (postscriptPreview) caption += " (PostScript)"; else caption += " (GDI)"; #endif setWindowTitle( caption ); doc = docu; view = vin; HavePngAlpha = ScCore->havePNGAlpha(); HaveTiffSep = postscriptPreview ? ScCore->haveTIFFSep() : false; APage = -1; CMode = false; GsAl = false; Trans = false; GMode = true; mHor = false; mVer = false; fClip = false; fSpot = true; fGray = false; fICC = false; scaleFactor = 1.0; SMode = 1; getNumericGSVersion(GsMajor, GsMinor); PLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); PLayout->setMargin(0); PLayout->setSpacing(0); int tbWidth = 0; Layout5 = new QHBoxLayout; Layout5->setSpacing(3); Layout5->setMargin(0); Anzeige = new QScrollArea(this); Anzeige->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); Layout5->addWidget(Anzeige); settingsBarLayout = new QVBoxLayout; settingsBarLayout->setSpacing(3); settingsBarLayout->setMargin(0); devTitle = new QGroupBox( this ); devTitle->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum); devTitle->setTitle( tr( "Display Settings" ) ); Layout2 = new QVBoxLayout( devTitle ); Layout2->setSpacing(5); Layout2->setMargin(5); Layout2->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); AntiAlias = new QCheckBox(devTitle); AntiAlias->setText( tr("Enable &Antialiasing")); AntiAlias->setChecked( postscriptPreview ? prefsManager->appPrefs.PrPr_AntiAliasing : false); AntiAlias->setEnabled( postscriptPreview ); Layout2->addWidget(AntiAlias); AliasTr = new QCheckBox(devTitle); AliasTr->setText( tr("Display Trans&parency")); AliasTr->setChecked(prefsManager->appPrefs.PrPr_Transparency); AliasTr->setEnabled( postscriptPreview ); Layout2->addWidget(AliasTr); EnableCMYK = new QCheckBox(devTitle); EnableCMYK->setText( tr("&Display CMYK")); EnableCMYK->setChecked( postscriptPreview ? prefsManager->appPrefs.PrPr_Mode : false); EnableCMYK->setEnabled( postscriptPreview ); Layout2->addWidget(EnableCMYK); if (HaveTiffSep) { ColorList usedSpots; doc->getUsedColors(usedSpots, true); QStringList spots = usedSpots.keys(); Table = new QTableWidget(spots.count()+4, 2, devTitle ); inkMax = (spots.count()+4) * 255; Table->setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, new QTableWidgetItem(QIcon(loadIcon("16/show-object.png")), "")); Table->setHorizontalHeaderItem(1, new QTableWidgetItem( tr("Separation Name"))); QHeaderView *header = Table->horizontalHeader(); header->setStretchLastSection(true); header->setMovable(false); // header->setClickable(false); header->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::Fixed); Table->setColumnWidth(0, 24); Table->verticalHeader()->hide(); Table->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::NoSelection ); Table->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); Table->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); flagsVisible.clear(); Table->setItem(0, 1, new QTableWidgetItem( tr("Cyan"))); QCheckBox *cp = new QCheckBox(this); cp->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); connect(cp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ToggleCMYK_Colour())); Table->setCellWidget(0, 0, cp); cp->setChecked(prefsManager->appPrefs.PrPr_C); flagsVisible.insert("Cyan", cp); Table->setItem(1, 1, new QTableWidgetItem( tr("Magenta"))); cp = new QCheckBox(this); cp->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); connect(cp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ToggleCMYK_Colour())); Table->setCellWidget(1, 0, cp); cp->setChecked(prefsManager->appPrefs.PrPr_M); flagsVisible.insert("Magenta", cp); Table->setItem(2, 1, new QTableWidgetItem( tr("Yellow"))); cp = new QCheckBox(this); cp->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); connect(cp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ToggleCMYK_Colour())); Table->setCellWidget(2, 0, cp); cp->setChecked(prefsManager->appPrefs.PrPr_Y); flagsVisible.insert("Yellow", cp); Table->setItem(3, 1, new QTableWidgetItem( tr("Black"))); cp = new QCheckBox(this); cp->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); connect(cp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ToggleCMYK_Colour())); Table->setCellWidget(3, 0, cp); cp->setChecked(prefsManager->appPrefs.PrPr_K); flagsVisible.insert("Black", cp); for (int sp = 0; sp < spots.count(); ++sp) { Table->setItem(sp+4, 1, new QTableWidgetItem(spots[sp])); cp = new QCheckBox(this); cp->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); connect(cp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ToggleCMYK_Colour())); Table->setCellWidget(sp+4, 0, cp); cp->setChecked(true); flagsVisible.insert(spots[sp], cp); } Layout2->addWidget(Table); tbWidth = Table->columnWidth(1); EnableInkCover = new QCheckBox(devTitle); EnableInkCover->setText( tr("Display Ink Coverage")); EnableInkCover->setChecked(prefsManager->appPrefs.PrPr_InkCoverage); EnableInkCover->setEnabled( postscriptPreview ); Layout2->addWidget(EnableInkCover); connect(EnableInkCover, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ToggleCMYK_Colour())); Layout7 = new QHBoxLayout; Layout7->setSpacing(3); Layout7->setMargin(0); ThresLabel = new QLabel( tr("Threshold:"), devTitle); Layout7->addWidget(ThresLabel); CoverThresholdValue = new QSpinBox(devTitle); CoverThresholdValue->setSuffix( tr(" %")); CoverThresholdValue->setMaximum(600); CoverThresholdValue->setMinimum(0); CoverThresholdValue->setSingleStep(10); CoverThresholdValue->setSpecialValueText( tr("None")); CoverThresholdValue->setValue(prefsManager->appPrefs.PrPr_InkThreshold); if ((EnableCMYK->isChecked()) && (EnableInkCover->isChecked())) CoverThresholdValue->setEnabled(true); else CoverThresholdValue->setEnabled(false); connect(CoverThresholdValue, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(ToggleCMYK_Colour())); Layout7->addWidget(CoverThresholdValue); Layout2->addLayout(Layout7); connect(Table, SIGNAL(cellDoubleClicked(int, int)), this, SLOT(doSpotTable(int))); connect(header, SIGNAL(sectionClicked(int)), this, SLOT(toggleAllfromHeader())); } else { EnableCMYK_C = new QCheckBox(devTitle); EnableCMYK_C->setText( tr("&C")); EnableCMYK_C->setChecked(postscriptPreview ? prefsManager->appPrefs.PrPr_C : true); EnableCMYK_C->setEnabled(postscriptPreview); Layout2->addWidget(EnableCMYK_C); EnableCMYK_M = new QCheckBox(devTitle); EnableCMYK_M->setText( tr("&M")); EnableCMYK_M->setChecked(postscriptPreview ? prefsManager->appPrefs.PrPr_M : true); EnableCMYK_M->setEnabled(postscriptPreview); Layout2->addWidget(EnableCMYK_M); EnableCMYK_Y = new QCheckBox(devTitle); EnableCMYK_Y->setText( tr("&Y")); EnableCMYK_Y->setChecked(postscriptPreview ? prefsManager->appPrefs.PrPr_Y : true); EnableCMYK_Y->setEnabled(postscriptPreview); Layout2->addWidget(EnableCMYK_Y); EnableCMYK_K = new QCheckBox(devTitle); EnableCMYK_K->setText( tr("&K")); EnableCMYK_K->setChecked(postscriptPreview ? prefsManager->appPrefs.PrPr_K : true); EnableCMYK_K->setEnabled(postscriptPreview); Layout2->addWidget(EnableCMYK_K); } settingsBarLayout->addWidget(devTitle); jobTitle = new QGroupBox( this ); jobTitle->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum); jobTitle->setTitle( tr( "Preview Settings" ) ); Layout1 = new QVBoxLayout( jobTitle ); Layout1->setSpacing( 5 ); Layout1->setMargin( 5 ); Layout1->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); MirrorHor = new QCheckBox( tr( "Mirror Page(s) Horizontal" ), jobTitle ); Layout1->addWidget( MirrorHor ); MirrorVert = new QCheckBox( tr( "Mirror Page(s) Vertical" ), jobTitle ); Layout1->addWidget( MirrorVert ); ClipMarg = new QCheckBox( tr( "Clip to Printer Margins" ), jobTitle ); Layout1->addWidget( ClipMarg ); useGray = new QCheckBox( tr("Print in Grayscale"), jobTitle); Layout1->addWidget(useGray); EnableGCR = new QCheckBox( tr("&Under Color Removal"), jobTitle); Layout1->addWidget(EnableGCR); spotColors = new QCheckBox( tr( "Convert Spot Colors" ), jobTitle ); Layout1->addWidget( spotColors ); UseICC = new QCheckBox( tr( "Apply Color Profiles" ), jobTitle ); Layout1->addWidget( UseICC ); if (!doc->HasCMS) UseICC->setEnabled(false); settingsBarLayout->addWidget(jobTitle); QSpacerItem* spacerC = new QSpacerItem( 5, 5, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); settingsBarLayout->addItem( spacerC ); Layout5->addLayout(settingsBarLayout); PLayout->addLayout(Layout5); Layout6 = new QHBoxLayout; Layout6->setSpacing(0); Layout6->setMargin(6); /* scaling */ scaleLabel = new QLabel( tr("Scaling:"), this); // NOTE: Be careful when you change scaleBox item order. // There is an index order related check in the resizeEvent(). // resizeEvent() will re-create preview when is one of "Fit to ..." // options in use. - 20080204 PV scaleBox = new QComboBox(this); scaleBox->setEditable(false); scaleBox->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); scaleBox->addItem("50%"); scaleBox->addItem("100%"); scaleBox->addItem("150%"); scaleBox->addItem("200%"); scaleBox->addItem( tr("Fit to Width")); scaleBox->addItem( tr("Fit to Height")); scaleBox->addItem( tr("Fit to Page")); scaleBox->setCurrentIndex(1); Layout6->addWidget(scaleLabel); Layout6->addWidget(scaleBox); QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 2, 2, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); Layout6->addItem( spacer ); PGSel = new PageSelector(this, doc->DocPages.count()); PGSel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum); Layout6->addWidget(PGSel); QSpacerItem* spacer2 = new QSpacerItem( 2, 2, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); Layout6->addItem( spacer2 ); closeButton = new QPushButton( tr("Close"), this); closeButton->setAutoDefault(false); Layout6->addWidget( closeButton ); printButton = new QPushButton( tr("Print..."), this ); printButton->setAutoDefault(false); printButton->setEnabled(!printDinUse); Layout6->addWidget( printButton ); PLayout->addLayout(Layout6); setValues(); Anz = new QLabel(this); Anz->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum); // APage = doc->currentPage()->pageNr(); Anz->setPixmap(CreatePreview(doc->currentPage()->pageNr(), 72)); Anz->resize(Anz->pixmap()->size()); Anzeige->setWidget(Anz); int w = Anz->width() + tbWidth + 50; resize(qMin(QApplication::desktop()->width()-30,w), 500); if (!PrefsManager::instance()->appPrefs.PrPr_Mode) { if (HaveTiffSep) Table->setEnabled(false); else { EnableCMYK_C->setEnabled(false); EnableCMYK_M->setEnabled(false); EnableCMYK_Y->setEnabled(false); EnableCMYK_K->setEnabled(false); } } PGSel->GotoPg(doc->currentPage()->pageNr()); // tooltips AntiAlias->setToolTip( "" + tr( "Provides a more pleasant view of Type 1 fonts, TrueType Fonts, OpenType Fonts, EPS, PDF and vector graphics in the preview, at the expense of a slight slowdown in previewing" ) + "" ); AliasTr->setToolTip( "" + tr( "Shows transparency and transparent items in your document. Requires Ghostscript 7.07 or later" ) + ""); EnableCMYK->setToolTip( "" + tr( "Gives a print preview using simulations of generic CMYK inks, instead of RGB colors" ) + ""); EnableGCR->setToolTip( "" + tr( "A way of switching off some of the gray shades which are composed of cyan, yellow and magenta and using black instead. UCR most affects parts of images which are neutral and/or dark tones which are close to the gray. Use of this may improve printing some images and some experimentation and testing is need on a case by case basis. UCR reduces the possibility of over saturation with CMY inks." ) + "" ); scaleBox->setToolTip( "" + tr("Resize the scale of the page.") + ""); spotColors->setToolTip("" + tr( "Enables Spot Colors to be converted to composite colors. Unless you are planning to print spot colors at a commercial printer, this is probably best left enabled." ) + ""); UseICC->setToolTip("" + tr( "Allows you to embed color profiles in the print stream when color management is enabled" ) + ""); //signals and slots connect(AntiAlias, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(redisplay())); connect(AliasTr, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(redisplay())); connect(EnableCMYK, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ToggleCMYK())); connect(EnableGCR, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(redisplay())); connect(MirrorHor, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(redisplay())); connect(MirrorVert, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(redisplay())); connect(ClipMarg, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(redisplay())); connect(spotColors, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(redisplay())); connect(useGray, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(redisplay())); connect(UseICC, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(redisplay())); if (!HaveTiffSep) { connect(EnableCMYK_C, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ToggleCMYK_Colour())); connect(EnableCMYK_M, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ToggleCMYK_Colour())); connect(EnableCMYK_Y, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ToggleCMYK_Colour())); connect(EnableCMYK_K, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ToggleCMYK_Colour())); EnableCMYK_C->setToolTip( tr( "Enable/disable the C (Cyan) ink plate" ) ); EnableCMYK_M->setToolTip( tr( "Enable/disable the M (Magenta) ink plate" ) ); EnableCMYK_Y->setToolTip( tr( "Enable/disable the Y (Yellow) ink plate" ) ); EnableCMYK_K->setToolTip( tr( "Enable/disable the K (Black) ink plate" ) ); } connect(PGSel, SIGNAL(GotoPage(int)), this, SLOT(ToSeite(int))); connect(closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close())); connect(printButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(doPrint())); connect(scaleBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(scaleBox_valueChanged(int))); } void PPreview::setValues() { if ((printDinUse) || (!doc->Print_Options.firstUse)) { EnableGCR->setChecked( postscriptPreview ? doc->Print_Options.doGCR : false); EnableGCR->setEnabled( postscriptPreview ); MirrorHor->setChecked(doc->Print_Options.mirrorH); MirrorVert->setChecked(doc->Print_Options.mirrorV); ClipMarg->setChecked(doc->Print_Options.doClip); spotColors->setChecked(!doc->Print_Options.useSpotColors); useGray->setChecked(!doc->Print_Options.useColor); if (doc->HasCMS) { UseICC->setChecked( postscriptPreview ? doc->Print_Options.useICC : false); UseICC->setEnabled( postscriptPreview ); } } else { PrefsContext* prefs = PrefsManager::instance()->prefsFile->getContext("print_options"); EnableGCR->setChecked( postscriptPreview ? prefs->getBool("DoGCR", false) : false); EnableGCR->setEnabled( postscriptPreview ); MirrorHor->setChecked(prefs->getBool("MirrorH", false)); MirrorVert->setChecked(prefs->getBool("MirrorV", false)); ClipMarg->setChecked(prefs->getBool("Clip", false)); spotColors->setChecked(!prefs->getBool("doSpot", true)); if (prefs->getInt("PrintColor", 0) == 1) useGray->setChecked(true); else useGray->setChecked(false); if (doc->HasCMS) { UseICC->setChecked( postscriptPreview ? prefs->getBool("ICCinUse", false) : false); UseICC->setEnabled( postscriptPreview ); } } } void PPreview::ToSeite(int num) { int n = num-1; if (n == APage) return; Anz->setPixmap(CreatePreview(n, qRound(72 * scaleFactor))); Anz->resize(Anz->pixmap()->size()); } void PPreview::redisplay() { Anz->setPixmap(CreatePreview(APage, qRound(72 * scaleFactor))); Anz->resize(Anz->pixmap()->size()); } void PPreview::ToggleCMYK() { bool c = EnableCMYK->isChecked() ? true : false; if (HaveTiffSep) { Table->setEnabled(c); EnableInkCover->setEnabled(c); CoverThresholdValue->setEnabled(c); } else { EnableCMYK_C->setEnabled(c); EnableCMYK_M->setEnabled(c); EnableCMYK_Y->setEnabled(c); EnableCMYK_K->setEnabled(c); } Anz->setPixmap(CreatePreview(APage, qRound(72 * scaleFactor))); Anz->resize(Anz->pixmap()->size()); } void PPreview::ToggleCMYK_Colour() { if (HaveTiffSep) { if ((EnableCMYK->isChecked()) && (EnableInkCover->isChecked())) CoverThresholdValue->setEnabled(true); else CoverThresholdValue->setEnabled(false); } if (EnableCMYK->isChecked()) Anz->setPixmap(CreatePreview(APage, qRound(72 * scaleFactor))); Anz->resize(Anz->pixmap()->size()); } void PPreview::doSpotTable(int row) { if (HaveTiffSep) { QMap ::Iterator sepit; for (sepit = flagsVisible.begin(); sepit != flagsVisible.end(); ++sepit) { sepit.value()->setChecked(false); } ((QCheckBox*)(Table->cellWidget(row, 0)))->setChecked(true); if (EnableCMYK->isChecked()) Anz->setPixmap(CreatePreview(APage, qRound(72 * scaleFactor))); Anz->resize(Anz->pixmap()->size()); } } void PPreview::toggleAllfromHeader() { if (HaveTiffSep) { QMap ::Iterator sepit; for (sepit = flagsVisible.begin(); sepit != flagsVisible.end(); ++sepit) { sepit.value()->setChecked(true); } if (EnableCMYK->isChecked()) Anz->setPixmap(CreatePreview(APage, qRound(72 * scaleFactor))); Anz->resize(Anz->pixmap()->size()); } } void PPreview::scaleBox_valueChanged(int value) { switch (value) { case 0: scaleFactor = 0.5; break; case 1: scaleFactor = 1.0; break; case 2: scaleFactor = 1.5; break; case 3: scaleFactor = 2.0; break; case 4: scaleFactor = Anzeige->viewport()->width() / doc->Pages->at(APage)->width(); break; case 5: scaleFactor = Anzeige->viewport()->height() / doc->Pages->at(APage)->height(); break; case 6: scaleFactor = qMin(Anzeige->viewport()->height() / doc->Pages->at(APage)->height(), Anzeige->viewport()->width() / doc->Pages->at(APage)->width()); break; default: scaleFactor = 1.0; break; } Anz->setPixmap(CreatePreview(APage, qRound(72 * scaleFactor))); Anz->resize(Anz->pixmap()->size()); } int PPreview::RenderPreview(int Seite, int Res) { int ret = -1; QString cmd1, cmd2, cmd3; QMap > ReallyUsed; #if defined _WIN32 if ( !postscriptPreview ) { QImage image; Page* page; ScPrintEngine_GDI winPrint; PrintOptions options; page = doc->Pages->at( Seite ); options.copies = 1; options.doGCR = false; //options.mirrorH = options.mirrorV = false; options.mirrorH = MirrorHor->isChecked(); options.mirrorV = MirrorVert->isChecked(); options.outputSeparations = false; options.pageNumbers.push_back( Seite ); options.prnEngine = WindowsGDI; options.separationName = "All"; options.toFile = false; options.useColor = !useGray->isChecked(); options.useICC = false; options.useSpotColors = false; bool done = winPrint.gdiPrintPreview(doc, page, &image, options, Res / 72.0); if ( done ) image.save( ScPaths::getTempFileDir() + "/sc.png", "PNG" ); return (done ? 0 : 1); } #endif // Recreate Postscript-File only when the actual Page has changed if ((Seite != APage) || (EnableGCR->isChecked() != GMode) || (useGray->isChecked() != fGray) || (MirrorHor->isChecked() != mHor) || (MirrorVert->isChecked() != mVer) || (ClipMarg->isChecked() != fClip) || (UseICC->isChecked() != fICC) || (spotColors->isChecked() != fSpot)) { ReallyUsed.clear(); doc->getUsedFonts(ReallyUsed); bool useIC = UseICC->isChecked(); if (!doc->HasCMS) useIC = false; PrintOptions options; options.pageNumbers.push_back(Seite+1); options.outputSeparations = false; options.separationName = tr("All"); options.allSeparations = QStringList(); options.useColor = !useGray->isChecked(); options.mirrorH = MirrorHor->isChecked(); options.mirrorV = MirrorVert->isChecked(); options.useICC = useIC; options.doGCR = EnableGCR->isChecked(); options.setDevParam = false; options.doClip = ClipMarg->isChecked(); options.cropMarks = false; options.bleedMarks = false; options.registrationMarks = false; options.colorMarks = false; options.markOffset = 0.0; options.bleeds.Top = 0.0; options.bleeds.Left = 0.0; options.bleeds.Right = 0.0; options.bleeds.Bottom = 0.0; PSLib *dd = new PSLib(options, true, prefsManager->appPrefs.AvailFonts, ReallyUsed, doc->PageColors, false, !spotColors->isChecked()); if (dd != NULL) { dd->PS_set_file( ScPaths::getTempFileDir() + "/tmp.ps"); ret = dd->CreatePS(doc, options); delete dd; if (ret != 0) return 1; } else return ret; } QStringList args; QString tmp, tmp2, tmp3; double b = doc->Pages->at(Seite)->width() * Res / 72.0; double h = doc->Pages->at(Seite)->height() * Res / 72.0; if (doc->Pages->at(Seite)->PageOri == 1) std::swap(b, h); args.append( "-q" ); args.append( "-dNOPAUSE" ); args.append( "-dPARANOIDSAFER" ); args.append( QString("-r%1").arg(tmp.setNum(qRound(Res))) ); args.append( QString("-g%1x%2").arg(tmp2.setNum(qRound(b))).arg(tmp3.setNum(qRound(h))) ); if (EnableCMYK->isChecked()) { if (HaveTiffSep) args.append( "-sDEVICE=tiffsep" ); else { args.append( "-sDEVICE=bitcmyk" ); args.append( "-dGrayValues=256" ); } } else { if ((!AliasTr->isChecked()) || (!HavePngAlpha)) args.append( "-sDEVICE=png16m" ); else args.append( "-sDEVICE=pngalpha" ); } if (AntiAlias->isChecked()) { args.append( "-dTextAlphaBits=4" ); args.append( "-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4" ); } // Add any extra font paths being used by Scribus to gs's font search path PrefsContext *pc = prefsManager->prefsFile->getContext("Fonts"); PrefsTable *extraFonts = pc->getTable("ExtraFontDirs"); const char sep = ScPaths::envPathSeparator; if (extraFonts->getRowCount() >= 1) cmd1 = QString("-sFONTPATH=%1").arg(QDir::convertSeparators(extraFonts->get(0,0))); for (int i = 1; i < extraFonts->getRowCount(); ++i) cmd1 += QString("%1%2").arg(sep).arg(QDir::convertSeparators(extraFonts->get(i,0))); if( !cmd1.isEmpty() ) args.append( cmd1 ); // then add any final args and call gs if ((EnableCMYK->isChecked()) && HaveTiffSep) args.append( QString("-sOutputFile=%1").arg(QDir::convertSeparators(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.tif")) ); else args.append( QString("-sOutputFile=%1").arg(QDir::convertSeparators(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.png")) ); args.append( QDir::convertSeparators(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/tmp.ps") ); args.append( "-c" ); args.append( "showpage" ); args.append( "-c" ); args.append( "quit" ); ret = System(getShortPathName(prefsManager->ghostscriptExecutable()), args); return ret; } int PPreview::RenderPreviewSep(int Seite, int Res) { int ret = -1; QString cmd; QStringList args, args1, args2, args3; QMap > ReallyUsed; // Recreate Postscript-File only when the actual Page has changed if ((Seite != APage) || (EnableGCR->isChecked() != GMode) || (useGray->isChecked() != fGray) || (MirrorHor->isChecked() != mHor) || (MirrorVert->isChecked() != mVer) || (ClipMarg->isChecked() != fClip) || (UseICC->isChecked() != fICC) || (spotColors->isChecked() != fSpot)) { ReallyUsed.clear(); doc->getUsedFonts(ReallyUsed); bool useIC = UseICC->isChecked(); if (!doc->HasCMS) useIC = false; PrintOptions options; options.pageNumbers.push_back(Seite+1); options.outputSeparations = false; options.separationName = tr("All"); options.allSeparations = QStringList(); options.useColor = !useGray->isChecked(); options.mirrorH = MirrorHor->isChecked(); options.mirrorV = MirrorVert->isChecked(); options.useICC = useIC; options.doGCR = EnableGCR->isChecked(); options.setDevParam = false; options.doClip = ClipMarg->isChecked(); options.cropMarks = false; options.bleedMarks = false; options.registrationMarks = false; options.colorMarks = false; options.markOffset = 0.0; options.bleeds.Top = 0.0; options.bleeds.Left = 0.0; options.bleeds.Right = 0.0; options.bleeds.Bottom = 0.0; PSLib *dd = new PSLib(options, true, prefsManager->appPrefs.AvailFonts, ReallyUsed, doc->PageColors, false, !spotColors->isChecked()); if (dd != NULL) { dd->PS_set_file(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/tmp.ps"); ret = dd->CreatePS(doc, options); delete dd; if (ret != 0) return 1; } else return ret; } QString tmp, tmp2, tmp3; double b = doc->Pages->at(Seite)->width() * Res / 72.0; double h = doc->Pages->at(Seite)->height() * Res / 72.0; if (doc->Pages->at(Seite)->PageOri == 1) std::swap(b, h); args1.append( "-q" ); args1.append( "-dNOPAUSE" ); args1.append( "-dPARANOIDSAFER" ); args1.append( QString("-r%1").arg(tmp.setNum(qRound(Res))) ); args1.append( QString("-g%1x%2").arg(tmp2.setNum(qRound(b))).arg(tmp3.setNum(qRound(h))) ); if (AntiAlias->isChecked()) { args1.append("-dTextAlphaBits=4"); args1.append("-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4"); } // Add any extra font paths being used by Scribus to gs's font search path PrefsContext *pc = prefsManager->prefsFile->getContext("Fonts"); PrefsTable *extraFonts = pc->getTable("ExtraFontDirs"); const char sep = ScPaths::envPathSeparator; if (extraFonts->getRowCount() >= 1) cmd = QString("-sFONTPATH=%1").arg(QDir::convertSeparators(extraFonts->get(0,0))); for (int i = 1; i < extraFonts->getRowCount(); ++i) cmd += QString("%1%2").arg(sep).arg(QDir::convertSeparators(extraFonts->get(i,0))); if( !cmd.isEmpty() ) args1.append( cmd ); args1.append( QString("-sOutputFile=%1").arg(QDir::convertSeparators(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.tif")) ); args2.append( QDir::convertSeparators(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/tmp.ps") ); args2.append("-c"); args2.append("quit"); ColorList usedSpots; doc->getUsedColors(usedSpots, true); QStringList spots = usedSpots.keys(); args3.append( "-sDEVICE=tiffsep" ); // args3.append( "-c" ); cmd = "<< /SeparationColorNames "; QString allSeps ="[ /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black "; for (int sp = 0; sp < spots.count(); ++sp) { allSeps += "("+spots[sp]+") "; } allSeps += "]"; cmd += allSeps + " /SeparationOrder [ /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black] >> setpagedevice"; QFile fx(QDir::convertSeparators(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sep.ps")); if (fx.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QTextStream tsx(&fx); tsx << cmd; fx.close(); } args3.append("-f"); args3.append(QDir::convertSeparators(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sep.ps")); // args3.append(cmd); // args3.append("-f"); QString gsExe(getShortPathName(prefsManager->ghostscriptExecutable())); ret = System(gsExe, args1 + args3 + args2, ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.tif.txt" ); QFile sepInfo(QDir::convertSeparators(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.tif.txt")); sepsToFileNum.clear(); if (sepInfo.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QString Sname; QTextStream tsC(&sepInfo); int counter = 0; while (!tsC.atEnd()) { Sname = tsC.readLine(); QString tt = Sname.remove("%%SeparationName:").trimmed(); if (!tt.isEmpty()) { sepsToFileNum.insert(tt, counter); counter++; } } } sepInfo.close(); QString currSeps = ""; uint spc = 0; for (int sp = 0; sp < spots.count(); ++sp) { currSeps += "("+spots[sp]+") "; spc++; if (sp > 6) { args3.clear(); args3.append("-sDEVICE=tiffsep"); QFile fx(QDir::convertSeparators(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sep.ps")); if (fx.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QTextStream tsx(&fx); tsx << QString("<< /SeparationColorNames "+allSeps+" /SeparationOrder [ "+currSeps+" ] >> setpagedevice"); fx.close(); } args3.append("-f"); args3.append(QDir::convertSeparators(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sep.ps")); ret = System(gsExe, args1 + args3 + args2); currSeps = ""; spc = 0; } } if (spc != 0) { args3.clear(); args3.append("-sDEVICE=tiffsep"); QFile fx(QDir::convertSeparators(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sep.ps")); if (fx.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QTextStream tsx(&fx); tsx << QString("<< /SeparationColorNames "+allSeps+" /SeparationOrder [ "+currSeps+" ] >> setpagedevice"); fx.close(); } args3.append("-f"); args3.append(QDir::convertSeparators(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sep.ps")); ret = System(gsExe, args1 + args3 + args2); } return ret; } // this should move to scimage.cpp! void PPreview::blendImages(QImage &target, ScImage &scsource, ScColor col) { QImage source = scsource.qImage(); // FIXME: this will not work once qImage always returns ARGB! //FIXME: if source and target have different sizesomething went wrong. // eg. loadPicture() failed and returned a 1x1 image CMYKColor cmykValues; int h = qMin(target.height(),source.height()); int w = qMin(target.width(),source.width()); int cyan, c, m, yc, k, cc, mm, yy, kk; ScColorEngine::getCMYKValues(col, doc, cmykValues); cmykValues.getValues(c, m, yc, k); for (int y=0; y < h; ++y ) { QRgb *p = (QRgb *)target.scanLine( y ); QRgb *pq = (QRgb *)source.scanLine( y ); for (int x=0; x < w; ++x ) { cyan = 255 - qRed(*pq); if (cyan != 0) { (c == 0) ? cc = qRed(*p) : cc = qMin(c * cyan / 255 + qRed(*p), 255); (m == 0) ? mm = qGreen(*p) : mm = qMin(m * cyan / 255 + qGreen(*p), 255); (yc == 0) ? yy = qBlue(*p) : yy = qMin(yc * cyan / 255 + qBlue(*p), 255); (k == 0) ? kk = qAlpha(*p) : kk = qMin(k * cyan / 255 + qAlpha(*p), 255); *p = qRgba(cc, mm, yy, kk); } p++; pq++; } } } void PPreview::blendImagesSumUp(QImage &target, ScImage &scsource) { QImage source = scsource.qImage(); // FIXME: this will not work once qImage always returns ARGB! //FIXME: if source and target have different sizesomething went wrong. // eg. loadPicture() failed and returned a 1x1 image int h = qMin(target.height(),source.height()); int w = qMin(target.width(),source.width()); int cyan; for (int y=0; y < h; ++y ) { uint *p = (QRgb *)target.scanLine( y ); QRgb *pq = (QRgb *)source.scanLine( y ); for (int x=0; x < w; ++x ) { cyan = 255 - qRed(*pq); if (cyan != 0) { *p += cyan; } p++; pq++; } } } QPixmap PPreview::CreatePreview(int Seite, int Res) { int ret = -1; QPixmap Bild; double b = doc->Pages->at(Seite)->width() * Res / 72.0; double h = doc->Pages->at(Seite)->height() * Res / 72.0; qApp->changeOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); if ((Seite != APage) || (EnableCMYK->isChecked() != CMode) || (SMode != scaleBox->currentIndex()) || (AntiAlias->isChecked() != GsAl) || (((AliasTr->isChecked() != Trans) || (EnableGCR->isChecked() != GMode)) && (!EnableCMYK->isChecked())) || (useGray->isChecked() != fGray) || (MirrorHor->isChecked() != mHor) || (MirrorVert->isChecked() != mVer) || (ClipMarg->isChecked() != fClip) || (UseICC->isChecked() != fICC) || (spotColors->isChecked() != fSpot)) { if (!EnableCMYK->isChecked() || (!HaveTiffSep)) { ret = RenderPreview(Seite, Res); if (ret > 0) { imageLoadError(Bild, Seite); return Bild; } } } QImage image; if (EnableCMYK->isChecked()) { int cyan, magenta, yellow, black, alpha; uint *p; bool loaderror; if (HaveTiffSep) { if ((Seite != APage) || (EnableCMYK->isChecked() != CMode) || (SMode != scaleBox->currentIndex()) || (AntiAlias->isChecked() != GsAl) || (AliasTr->isChecked() != Trans) || (EnableGCR->isChecked() != GMode) || (useGray->isChecked() != fGray) || (MirrorHor->isChecked() != mHor)|| (MirrorVert->isChecked() != mVer) || (ClipMarg->isChecked() != fClip) || (UseICC->isChecked() != fICC) || (spotColors->isChecked() != fSpot)) { ret = RenderPreviewSep(Seite, Res); if (ret > 0) { imageLoadError(Bild, Seite); return Bild; } } ScImage im; bool mode; int w = qRound(b); int h2 = qRound(h); if (doc->Pages->at(Seite)->PageOri == 1) std::swap(w, h2); image = QImage(w, h2, QImage::Format_ARGB32); QRgb clean = qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0); for( int yi=0; yi < h2; ++yi ) { QRgb *q = (QRgb*)(image.scanLine( yi )); for(int xi=0; xi < w; ++xi ) { *q = clean; q++; } } CMSettings cms(doc, "", Intent_Perceptual); if (flagsVisible["Cyan"]->isChecked()) { if ((GsMinor < 54) && (GsMajor < 9)) loaderror = im.LoadPicture(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.tif.Cyan.tif", 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72, &mode); else loaderror = im.LoadPicture(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.Cyan.tif", 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72, &mode); if (!loaderror) { imageLoadError(Bild, Seite); return Bild; } if (EnableInkCover->isChecked()) blendImagesSumUp(image, im); else blendImages(image, im, ScColor(255, 0, 0, 0)); } if (flagsVisible["Magenta"]->isChecked()) { if ((GsMinor < 54) && (GsMajor < 9)) loaderror = im.LoadPicture(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.tif.Magenta.tif", 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72, &mode); else loaderror = im.LoadPicture(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.Magenta.tif", 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72, &mode); if (!loaderror) { imageLoadError(Bild, Seite); return Bild; } if (EnableInkCover->isChecked()) blendImagesSumUp(image, im); else blendImages(image, im, ScColor(0, 255, 0, 0)); } if (flagsVisible["Yellow"]->isChecked()) { if ((GsMinor < 54) && (GsMajor < 9)) loaderror = im.LoadPicture(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.tif.Yellow.tif", 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72, &mode); else loaderror = im.LoadPicture(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.Yellow.tif", 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72, &mode); if (!loaderror) { imageLoadError(Bild, Seite); return Bild; } if (EnableInkCover->isChecked()) blendImagesSumUp(image, im); else blendImages(image, im, ScColor(0, 0, 255, 0)); } if (!sepsToFileNum.isEmpty()) { QMap::Iterator sepit; for (sepit = sepsToFileNum.begin(); sepit != sepsToFileNum.end(); ++sepit) { const QCheckBox* checkBox = flagsVisible.value(sepit.key(), NULL); if (checkBox && checkBox->isChecked()) { QString fnam; if ((GsMinor < 54) && (GsMajor < 9)) fnam = QString(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.tif.s%1.tif").arg(sepit.value()); else fnam = QString(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.s%1.tif").arg(sepit.value()); if (!im.LoadPicture(fnam, 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72, &mode)) { imageLoadError(Bild, Seite); return Bild; } if (EnableInkCover->isChecked()) blendImagesSumUp(image, im); else blendImages(image, im, doc->PageColors[sepit.key()]); } } } if (flagsVisible["Black"]->isChecked()) { CMSettings cms(doc, "", Intent_Perceptual); if ((GsMinor < 54) && (GsMajor < 9)) loaderror = im.LoadPicture(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.tif.Black.tif", 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72, &mode); else loaderror = im.LoadPicture(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.Black.tif", 1, cms, false, false, ScImage::RGBData, 72, &mode); if (!loaderror) { imageLoadError(Bild, Seite); return Bild; } if (EnableInkCover->isChecked()) blendImagesSumUp(image, im); else blendImages(image, im, ScColor(0, 0, 0, 255)); } if (EnableInkCover->isChecked()) { uint limitVal = (CoverThresholdValue->value() * 255) / 100; for( int yi=0; yi < h2; ++yi ) { QRgb *q = (QRgb*)(image.scanLine( yi )); for(int xi=0; xi < w; ++xi ) { uint greyVal = *q; if (greyVal != 0) { if (limitVal == 0) { QColor tmpC; tmpC.setHsv((greyVal * 359) / inkMax, 255, 255); *q = tmpC.rgba(); } else { int col = qMin(255 - static_cast(((greyVal * 128) / inkMax) * 2), 255); if ((*q > 0) && (*q < limitVal)) *q = qRgba(col, col, col, 255); else *q = qRgba(col, 0, 0, 255); } } else { if (!AliasTr->isChecked()) *q = qRgba(255, 255, 255, 255); } q++; } } } else { if (doc->HasCMS) { QRgb alphaFF = qRgba(0,0,0,255); QRgb alphaOO = qRgba(255,255,255,0); ScColorTransform transCMYK = ScColorMgmtEngine::createTransform(doc->DocPrinterProf, Format_YMCK_8, doc->DocOutputProf, Format_BGRA_8, Intent_Relative_Colorimetric, Ctf_LowResPrecalc); for( int yi=0; yi < h2; ++yi ) { uchar* ptr = image.scanLine( yi ); transCMYK.apply(ptr, ptr, image.width()); QRgb *q = (QRgb *) ptr; for (int xi = 0; xi < image.width(); xi++, q++) { if (AliasTr->isChecked()) { cyan = qRed(*q); magenta = qGreen(*q); yellow = qBlue(*q); if ((cyan == 255) && (magenta == 255) && (yellow == 255)) *q = alphaOO; else *q |= alphaFF; } else *q |= alphaFF; } } } else { for( int yi=0; yi < h2; ++yi ) { QRgb *q = (QRgb*)(image.scanLine( yi )); for(int xi=0; xi < w; ++xi ) { cyan = qRed(*q); magenta = qGreen(*q); yellow = qBlue(*q); black = qAlpha(*q); if ((cyan != 0) || (magenta != 0) || (yellow != 0 ) || (black != 0)) *q = qRgba(255-qMin(255, cyan+black), 255-qMin(255,magenta+black), 255-qMin(255,yellow+black), 255); else { if (!AliasTr->isChecked()) *q = qRgba(255, 255, 255, 255); } q++; } } } } } else { int w = qRound(b); int w2 = 4*w; int h2 = qRound(h); image = QImage(w, h2, QImage::Format_ARGB32); QByteArray imgc(w2, ' '); QFile f(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.png"); if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { if (doc->HasCMS) { QRgb alphaFF = qRgba(0,0,0,255); QRgb alphaOO = qRgba(255,255,255,0); ScColorTransform transCMYK = ScColorMgmtEngine::createTransform(doc->DocPrinterProf, Format_YMCK_8, doc->DocOutputProf, Format_BGRA_8, Intent_Relative_Colorimetric, Ctf_LowResPrecalc); for (int y=0; y < h2; ++y ) { uchar* ptr = image.scanLine( y ); f.read(imgc.data(), w2); p = (uint *)image.scanLine( y ); for (int x=0; x < w2; x += 4 ) { cyan = uchar(imgc[x]); magenta = uchar(imgc[x + 1]); yellow = uchar(imgc[x + 2]); black = uchar(imgc[x + 3]); if (!EnableCMYK_C->isChecked()) cyan = 0; if (!EnableCMYK_M->isChecked()) magenta = 0; if (!EnableCMYK_Y->isChecked()) yellow = 0; if (!EnableCMYK_K->isChecked()) black = 0; *p = qRgba(cyan, magenta, yellow, black); p++; } transCMYK.apply(ptr, ptr, image.width()); QRgb *q = (QRgb *) ptr; for (int xi = 0; xi < image.width(); xi++, q++) { if (AliasTr->isChecked()) { cyan = qRed(*q); magenta = qGreen(*q); yellow = qBlue(*q); if ((cyan == 255) && (magenta == 255) && (yellow == 255)) *q = alphaOO; else *q |= alphaFF; } else *q |= alphaFF; } } } else { for (int y=0; y < h2; ++y ) { p = (uint *)image.scanLine( y ); f.read(imgc.data(), w2); for (int x=0; x < w2; x += 4 ) { cyan = uchar(imgc[x]); magenta = uchar(imgc[x + 1]); yellow = uchar(imgc[x + 2]); black = uchar(imgc[x + 3]); if (!EnableCMYK_C->isChecked()) cyan = 0; if (!EnableCMYK_M->isChecked()) magenta = 0; if (!EnableCMYK_Y->isChecked()) yellow = 0; if (!EnableCMYK_K->isChecked()) black = 0; if (AliasTr->isChecked() && ((cyan == 0) && (magenta == 0) && (yellow == 0 ) && (black == 0))) alpha = 0; else alpha = 255; *p = qRgba(255-qMin(255, cyan+black), 255-qMin(255,magenta+black), 255-qMin(255,yellow+black), alpha); p++; } } } f.close(); } else { imageLoadError(Bild, Seite); return Bild; } } } else { if (!image.load(ScPaths::getTempFileDir()+"/sc.png")) { imageLoadError(Bild, Seite); return Bild; } image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32); if ((AliasTr->isChecked()) && (HavePngAlpha)) { int wi = image.width(); int hi = image.height(); for( int yi=0; yi < hi; ++yi ) { QRgb *s = (QRgb*)(image.scanLine( yi )); for(int xi=0; xi < wi; ++xi ) { if((*s) == 0xffffffff) (*s) &= 0x00ffffff; s++; } } } } const Page* page = doc->Pages->at(Seite); if ((page->PageOri == 1) && (image.width() < image.height())) image = image.transformed( QMatrix(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0) ); if (AliasTr->isChecked()) { Bild = QPixmap(image.width(), image.height()); QPainter p; QBrush b(QColor(205,205,205), loadIcon("testfill.png")); p.begin(&Bild); p.fillRect(0, 0, image.width(), image.height(), b); p.drawImage(0, 0, image); p.end(); } else Bild = QPixmap::fromImage(image); qApp->changeOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); getUserSelection(Seite); return Bild; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool PPreview::usePostscriptPreview(QString printerName, PrintEngine engine) { #ifdef _WIN32 if ( printerName == tr("File") ) return true; else if( printerName.isEmpty() ) return PrinterUtil::isPostscriptPrinter( ScPrintEngine_GDI::getDefaultPrinter() ); else if( engine >= PostScript1 && engine <= PostScript3 ) return PrinterUtil::isPostscriptPrinter( printerName ); return false; #else return true; #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PPreview::getUserSelection(int page) { APage = page; CMode = EnableCMYK->isChecked(); GsAl = AntiAlias->isChecked(); Trans = AliasTr->isChecked(); GMode = EnableGCR->isChecked(); SMode = scaleBox->currentIndex(); mHor = MirrorHor->isChecked(); mVer = MirrorVert->isChecked(); fClip = ClipMarg->isChecked(); fSpot = spotColors->isChecked(); fGray = useGray->isChecked(); fICC = UseICC->isChecked(); } void PPreview::imageLoadError(QPixmap &Bild, int page) { Bild = QPixmap(1,1); qApp->changeOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); getUserSelection(page); } void PPreview::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * event) { QDialog::resizeEvent(event); int cx = scaleBox->currentIndex(); // repaint only for "fit to" options in the combo box if (cx > 3) { // HACK: SMode is reset to insane value to force redraw // as the value is checked for change. SMode = -1; scaleBox_valueChanged(cx); } }