/* For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place. */ #include "scpageoutput.h" #include #include #include #include #include "cmsettings.h" #include "commonstrings.h" #include "page.h" #include "pageitem.h" #include "pageitem_imageframe.h" #include "pageitem_line.h" #include "pageitem_pathtext.h" #include "pageitem_polygon.h" #include "pageitem_polyline.h" #include "pageitem_textframe.h" #include "prefsmanager.h" #include "scfonts.h" #include "scimage.h" #include "scpattern.h" #include "scribus.h" #include "scribusdoc.h" #include "util.h" #include "util_formats.h" #include "util_math.h" MarksOptions::MarksOptions(void) { markOffset = 0.0; BleedTop = 0.0; BleedLeft = 0.0; BleedRight = 0.0; BleedBottom = 0.0; cropMarks = false; bleedMarks = false; registrationMarks = false; colorMarks = false; docInfoMarks = false; } MarksOptions::MarksOptions(struct PrintOptions& opt) { markOffset = opt.markOffset; BleedTop = opt.bleeds.Top; BleedLeft = opt.bleeds.Left; BleedRight = opt.bleeds.Right; BleedBottom = opt.bleeds.Bottom; cropMarks = opt.cropMarks; bleedMarks = opt.bleedMarks; registrationMarks = opt.registrationMarks; colorMarks = opt.colorMarks; docInfoMarks = true; } ScPageOutput::ScPageOutput(ScribusDoc* doc, bool reloadImages, int resolution, bool useProfiles) : m_marksOptions() { m_doc = doc; m_reloadImages = reloadImages; m_imageRes = resolution; m_useProfiles = useProfiles; } ScImage::RequestType ScPageOutput::translateImageModeToRequest( ScPainterExBase::ImageMode mode ) { ScImage::RequestType value = ScImage::RGBData; if ( mode == ScPainterExBase::cmykImages ) value = ScImage::CMYKData; else if ( mode == ScPainterExBase::rgbImages ) value = ScImage::RGBData; else if ( mode == ScPainterExBase::rgbProofImages ) value = ScImage::RGBProof; else if ( mode == ScPainterExBase::rawImages ) value = ScImage::RawData; return value; } void ScPageOutput::drawPage( Page* page, ScPainterExBase* painter) { int clipx = static_cast(page->xOffset()); int clipy = static_cast(page->yOffset()); int clipw = qRound(page->width()); int cliph = qRound(page->height()); drawMasterItems(painter, page, QRect(clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph)); drawPageItems(painter, page, QRect(clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph)); drawMarks(page, painter, m_marksOptions); } void ScPageOutput::drawMasterItems(ScPainterExBase *painter, Page *page, const QRect& clip) { QStack groupStack; QStack groupClips; if (!page->MPageNam.isEmpty()) { Page* Mp = m_doc->MasterPages.at(m_doc->MasterNames[page->MPageNam]); if (page->FromMaster.count() != 0) { int Lnr; ScLayer ll; PageItem *currItem; ll.isViewable = false; ll.LNr = 0; Lnr = 0; uint layerCount = m_doc->layerCount(); for (uint la = 0; la < layerCount; ++la) { m_doc->Layers.levelToLayer(ll, Lnr); bool pr = true; if ( !ll.isPrintable ) pr = false; if ((ll.isViewable) && (pr)) { uint pageFromMasterCount=page->FromMaster.count(); for (uint a = 0; a < pageFromMasterCount; ++a) { currItem = page->FromMaster.at(a); if (currItem->LayerNr != ll.LNr) continue; if ((currItem->OwnPage != -1) && (currItem->OwnPage != static_cast(Mp->pageNr()))) continue; if (!currItem->printEnabled()) continue; if (currItem->isGroupControl) { painter->save(); groupClips.push(currItem); groupStack.push(currItem->groupsLastItem); continue; } int savedOwnPage = currItem->OwnPage; double OldX = currItem->xPos(); double OldY = currItem->yPos(); double OldBX = currItem->BoundingX; double OldBY = currItem->BoundingY; currItem->OwnPage = page->pageNr(); if (!currItem->ChangedMasterItem) { currItem->moveBy(-Mp->xOffset() + page->xOffset(), -Mp->yOffset() + page->yOffset(), true); currItem->BoundingX = OldBX - Mp->xOffset() + page->xOffset(); currItem->BoundingY = OldBY - Mp->yOffset() + page->yOffset(); } /*if (evSpon) currItem->Dirty = true;*/ QRect oldR(currItem->getRedrawBounding(1.0)); if (clip.intersects(oldR)) { // relayout necessary to get page number ok currItem->invalidateLayout(); currItem->layout(); drawItem(currItem, painter, clip); } currItem->OwnPage = savedOwnPage; if (!currItem->ChangedMasterItem) { currItem->setXYPos(OldX, OldY, true); currItem->BoundingX = OldBX; currItem->BoundingY = OldBY; } if (groupStack.count() != 0) { while (currItem == groupStack.top()) { QMatrix mm; PageItem *tmpItem = groupClips.pop(); FPointArray cl = tmpItem->PoLine.copy(); mm.translate(tmpItem->xPos(), tmpItem->yPos()); mm.rotate(tmpItem->rotation()); cl.map( mm ); painter->setupPolygon(&cl); painter->setClipPath(); painter->restore(); groupStack.pop(); if (groupStack.count() == 0) break; } } } for (uint a = 0; a < pageFromMasterCount; ++a) { currItem = page->FromMaster.at(a); if (currItem->LayerNr != ll.LNr) continue; if (!currItem->isTableItem) continue; if ((currItem->OwnPage != -1) && (currItem->OwnPage != static_cast(Mp->pageNr()))) continue; double OldX = currItem->xPos(); double OldY = currItem->yPos(); double OldBX = currItem->BoundingX; double OldBY = currItem->BoundingY; if (!currItem->ChangedMasterItem) { currItem->setXPos(OldX - Mp->xOffset() + page->xOffset(), true); currItem->setYPos(OldY - Mp->yOffset() + page->yOffset(), true); currItem->BoundingX = OldBX - Mp->xOffset() + page->xOffset(); currItem->BoundingY = OldBY - Mp->yOffset() + page->yOffset(); } QRect oldR(currItem->getRedrawBounding(1.0)); if (clip.intersects(oldR)) { painter->save(); painter->translate(currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos()); painter->rotate(currItem->rotation()); if (currItem->lineColor() != CommonStrings::None) { ScColorShade tmp( m_doc->PageColors[currItem->lineColor()], (int) currItem->lineShade()); if ((currItem->TopLine) || (currItem->RightLine) || (currItem->BottomLine) || (currItem->LeftLine)) { painter->setPen(tmp, currItem->lineWidth(), currItem->PLineArt, Qt::SquareCap, currItem->PLineJoin); if (currItem->TopLine) painter->drawLine(FPoint(0.0, 0.0), FPoint(currItem->width(), 0.0)); if (currItem->RightLine) painter->drawLine(FPoint(currItem->width(), 0.0), FPoint(currItem->width(), currItem->height())); if (currItem->BottomLine) painter->drawLine(FPoint(currItem->width(), currItem->height()), FPoint(0.0, currItem->height())); if (currItem->LeftLine) painter->drawLine(FPoint(0.0, currItem->height()), FPoint(0.0, 0.0)); } } painter->restore(); } if (!currItem->ChangedMasterItem) { currItem->setXPos(OldX, true); currItem->setYPos(OldY, true); currItem->BoundingX = OldBX; currItem->BoundingY = OldBY; } } } Lnr++; } } } } void ScPageOutput::drawPageItems(ScPainterExBase *painter, Page *page, const QRect& clip) { //linkedFramesToShow.clear(); QStack groupStack; QStack groupClips; if (m_doc->Items->count() != 0) { int Lnr=0; ScLayer ll; PageItem *currItem; ll.isViewable = false; ll.LNr = 0; uint layerCount = m_doc->layerCount(); //int docCurrPageNo=static_cast(m_doc->currentPageNumber()); int docCurrPageNo=static_cast(page->pageNr()); for (uint la2 = 0; la2 < layerCount; ++la2) { m_doc->Layers.levelToLayer(ll, Lnr); bool pr = true; if (!ll.isPrintable) pr = false; if ((ll.isViewable) && (pr)) { for (int it = 0; it < m_doc->Items->count(); ++it) { currItem = m_doc->Items->at(it); if (currItem->LayerNr != ll.LNr) continue; if (!currItem->printEnabled()) continue; if ((m_doc->masterPageMode()) && ((currItem->OwnPage != -1) && (currItem->OwnPage != docCurrPageNo))) continue; if (!m_doc->masterPageMode() && !currItem->OnMasterPage.isEmpty()) { if (currItem->OnMasterPage != page->pageName()) continue; } if (currItem->isGroupControl) { painter->save(); groupClips.push(currItem); groupStack.push(currItem->groupsLastItem); continue; } QRect oldR(currItem->getRedrawBounding(1.0)); if (clip.intersects(oldR)) { drawItem( currItem, painter, clip ); if ((currItem->asTextFrame()) && ((currItem->nextInChain() != 0) || (currItem->prevInChain() != 0))) { PageItem *nextItem = currItem; while (nextItem != 0) { if (nextItem->prevInChain() != 0) nextItem = nextItem->prevInChain(); else break; } } } if (groupStack.count() != 0) { while (currItem == groupStack.top()) { QMatrix mm; PageItem *tmpItem = groupClips.pop(); FPointArray cl = tmpItem->PoLine.copy(); mm.translate(tmpItem->xPos(), tmpItem->yPos()); mm.rotate(tmpItem->rotation()); cl.map( mm ); painter->setupPolygon(&cl); painter->setClipPath(); painter->restore(); groupStack.pop(); if (groupStack.count() == 0) break; } } } for (int it = 0; it < m_doc->Items->count(); ++it) { currItem = m_doc->Items->at(it); if (currItem->LayerNr != ll.LNr) continue; if (!currItem->isTableItem) continue; QRect oldR(currItem->getRedrawBounding(1.0)); if (clip.intersects(oldR)) { painter->save(); painter->translate(currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos()); painter->rotate(currItem->rotation()); if (currItem->lineColor() != CommonStrings::None) { ScColorShade tmp( m_doc->PageColors[currItem->lineColor()], (int) currItem->lineShade() ); if ((currItem->TopLine) || (currItem->RightLine) || (currItem->BottomLine) || (currItem->LeftLine)) { painter->setPen(tmp, currItem->lineWidth(), currItem->PLineArt, Qt::SquareCap, currItem->PLineJoin); if (currItem->TopLine) painter->drawLine(FPoint(0.0, 0.0), FPoint(currItem->width(), 0.0)); if (currItem->RightLine) painter->drawLine(FPoint(currItem->width(), 0.0), FPoint(currItem->width(), currItem->height())); if (currItem->BottomLine) painter->drawLine(FPoint(currItem->width(), currItem->height()), FPoint(0.0, currItem->height())); if (currItem->LeftLine) painter->drawLine(FPoint(0.0, currItem->height()), FPoint(0.0, 0.0)); } } painter->restore(); } } } Lnr++; } } } void ScPageOutput::drawItem( PageItem* item, ScPainterExBase* painter, const QRect& clip ) { drawItem_Pre(item, painter); PageItem::ItemType itemType = item->itemType(); if( itemType == PageItem::ImageFrame ) drawItem_ImageFrame( (PageItem_ImageFrame*) item, painter, clip); else if( itemType == PageItem::Line ) drawItem_Line( (PageItem_Line*) item, painter, clip); else if( itemType == PageItem::PathText ) drawItem_PathText( (PageItem_PathText*) item, painter, clip); else if( itemType == PageItem::Polygon ) drawItem_Polygon( (PageItem_Polygon*) item, painter, clip); else if( itemType == PageItem::PolyLine ) drawItem_PolyLine( (PageItem_PolyLine*) item, painter, clip); else if( itemType == PageItem::TextFrame ) drawItem_TextFrame( (PageItem_TextFrame*) item, painter, clip); drawItem_Post(item, painter); } void ScPageOutput::drawItem_Pre( PageItem* item, ScPainterExBase* painter) { painter->save(); if (!item->isEmbedded) { painter->translate( item->xPos(), item->yPos()); // painter->rotate(item->rotation()); } painter->rotate(item->rotation()); painter->setLineWidth(item->lineWidth()); if (item->GrType == 8) { QString pat = item->pattern(); if ((pat.isEmpty()) || (!m_doc->docPatterns.contains(pat))) { painter->m_fillGradient = VGradientEx(VGradientEx::linear); if (item->fillColor() != CommonStrings::None) { painter->setBrush(ScColorShade(m_doc->PageColors[item->fillColor()], (int) item->fillShade())); painter->setFillMode(ScPainterExBase::Solid); } else painter->setFillMode(ScPainterExBase::None); } else { QMatrix patternTransform; ScPattern& pattern = m_doc->docPatterns[item->pattern()]; double patternScaleX, patternScaleY, patternOffsetX, patternOffsetY, patternRotation; item->patternTransform(patternScaleX, patternScaleY, patternOffsetX, patternOffsetY, patternRotation); patternTransform.translate(patternOffsetX, patternOffsetY); patternTransform.rotate(patternRotation); patternTransform.scale(pattern.scaleX, pattern.scaleY); patternTransform.scale(patternScaleX / 100.0 , patternScaleY / 100.0); painter->setPattern(&pattern, patternTransform); painter->setFillMode(ScPainterExBase::Pattern); } } else if (item->GrType != 0) { painter->setFillMode(ScPainterExBase::Gradient); painter->m_fillGradient = VGradientEx(item->fill_gradient, *m_doc); QMatrix grm; grm.rotate(item->rotation()); FPointArray gra; switch (item->GrType) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 6: gra.setPoints(2, item->GrStartX, item->GrStartY, item->GrEndX, item->GrEndY); gra.map(grm); painter->setGradient(VGradientEx::linear, gra.point(0), gra.point(1)); break; case 5: case 7: gra.setPoints(2, item->GrStartX, item->GrStartY, item->GrEndX, item->GrEndY); painter->setGradient(VGradientEx::radial, gra.point(0), gra.point(1), gra.point(0)); break; } } else { painter->m_fillGradient = VGradientEx(VGradientEx::linear); if (item->fillColor() != CommonStrings::None) { painter->setBrush( ScColorShade(m_doc->PageColors[item->fillColor()], (int) item->fillShade()) ); painter->setFillMode(ScPainterExBase::Solid); } else painter->setFillMode(ScPainterExBase::None); } if (item->lineColor() != CommonStrings::None) { if ((item->lineWidth() == 0) && !item->asLine()) painter->setLineWidth(0); else { ScColorShade tmp(m_doc->PageColors[item->lineColor()], (int) item->lineShade()); painter->setPen( tmp , item->lineWidth(), item->PLineArt, item->PLineEnd, item->PLineJoin); if (item->DashValues.count() != 0) painter->setDash(item->DashValues, item->DashOffset); } } else painter->setLineWidth(0); painter->setBrushOpacity(1.0 - item->fillTransparency()); painter->setPenOpacity(1.0 - item->lineTransparency()); painter->setFillRule(item->fillRule); } void ScPageOutput::drawItem_Post( PageItem* item, ScPainterExBase* painter ) { bool doStroke=true; if ( item->itemType() == PageItem::PathText || item->itemType() == PageItem::PolyLine || item->itemType() == PageItem::Line ) doStroke=false; if ((doStroke)) { if (item->lineColor() != CommonStrings::None) { ScColorShade tmp(m_doc->PageColors[item->lineColor()], (int) item->lineShade()); painter->setPen(tmp, item->lineWidth(), item->PLineArt, item->PLineEnd, item->PLineJoin); if (item->DashValues.count() != 0) painter->setDash(item->DashValues, item->DashOffset); } else painter->setLineWidth(0); if (!item->isTableItem) { painter->setupPolygon(&item->PoLine); if (item->NamedLStyle.isEmpty()) painter->strokePath(); else { multiLine ml = m_doc->MLineStyles[item->NamedLStyle]; for (int it = ml.size()-1; it > -1; it--) { const SingleLine& sl = ml[it]; if ((sl.Color != CommonStrings::None) && (sl.Width != 0)) { ScColorShade tmp(m_doc->PageColors[sl.Color], sl.Shade); painter->setPen(tmp, sl.Width, static_cast(sl.Dash), static_cast(sl.LineEnd), static_cast(sl.LineJoin)); painter->strokePath(); } } } } } // item->Tinput = false; painter->restore(); } void ScPageOutput::drawGlyphs(PageItem* item, ScPainterExBase *painter, const CharStyle& style, GlyphLayout& glyphs, const QRect& clip) { uint glyph = glyphs.glyph; if (glyph == (ScFace::CONTROL_GLYPHS + SpecialChars::NBSPACE.unicode())) // NBSPACE glyph = style.font().char2CMap(QChar(' ')); else if (glyph == (ScFace::CONTROL_GLYPHS + SpecialChars::NBHYPHEN.unicode())) // NBHYPHEN glyph = style.font().char2CMap(QChar('-')); if (glyph >= ScFace::CONTROL_GLYPHS) { if (glyphs.more) { painter->translate(glyphs.xadvance, 0); drawGlyphs(item, painter, style, *glyphs.more, clip); } return; } //if (style.font().canRender(QChar(glyph))) { QMatrix chma, chma2, chma3, chma4, chma5, chma6; chma.scale(glyphs.scaleH * style.fontSize() / 100.00, glyphs.scaleV * style.fontSize() / 100.0); FPointArray gly = style.font().glyphOutline(glyph); // Do underlining first so you can get typographically correct // underlines when drawing a white outline if ((style.effects() & ScStyle_Underline) || ((style.effects() & ScStyle_UnderlineWords) && (glyph != style.font().char2CMap(QChar(' '))))) { double st, lw; if ((style.underlineOffset() != -1) || (style.underlineWidth() != -1)) { if (style.underlineOffset() != -1) st = (style.underlineOffset() / 1000.0) * (style.font().descent(style.fontSize() / 10.0)); else st = style.font().underlinePos(style.fontSize() / 10.0); if (style.underlineWidth() != -1) lw = (style.underlineWidth() / 1000.0) * (style.fontSize() / 10.0); else lw = qMax(style.font().strokeWidth(style.fontSize() / 10.0), qreal(1.0)); } else { st = style.font().underlinePos(style.fontSize() / 10.0); lw = qMax(style.font().strokeWidth(style.fontSize() / 10.0), qreal(1.0)); } if (style.baselineOffset() != 0) st += (style.fontSize() / 10.0) * glyphs.scaleV * (style.baselineOffset() / 1000.0); ScColorShade tmpPen = painter->pen(); painter->setPen(painter->brush()); painter->setLineWidth(lw); if (style.effects() & ScStyle_Subscript) painter->drawLine(FPoint(glyphs.xoffset, glyphs.yoffset - st), FPoint(glyphs.xoffset + glyphs.xadvance, glyphs.yoffset - st)); else painter->drawLine(FPoint(glyphs.xoffset, -st), FPoint(glyphs.xoffset + glyphs.xadvance, -st)); painter->setPen(tmpPen); } if (gly.size() > 3) { painter->save(); painter->translate(glyphs.xoffset, glyphs.yoffset - ((style.fontSize() / 10.0) * glyphs.scaleV)); if (item->reversed()) { painter->scale(-1, 1); painter->translate(-glyphs.xadvance, 0); } if (style.baselineOffset() != 0) painter->translate(0, -(style.fontSize() / 10.0) * (style.baselineOffset() / 1000.0)); double glxSc = glyphs.scaleH * style.fontSize() / 100.00; double glySc = glyphs.scaleV * style.fontSize() / 100.0; painter->scale(glxSc, glySc); painter->setFillMode(ScPainterExBase::Solid); bool fr = painter->fillRule(); painter->setFillRule(false); painter->setupPolygon(&gly, true); if (glyph == 0) { ScColorShade tmp(PrefsManager::instance()->appPrefs.DControlCharColor, 100); painter->setPen(tmp, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); painter->setLineWidth(style.fontSize() * glyphs.scaleV * style.outlineWidth() * 2 / 10000.0); painter->strokePath(); } else if ((style.font().isStroked()) && ((style.fontSize() * glyphs.scaleV * style.outlineWidth() / 10000.0) != 0)) { ScColorShade tmp = painter->brush(); painter->setPen(tmp, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); painter->setLineWidth(style.fontSize() * glyphs.scaleV * style.outlineWidth() / 10000.0); painter->strokePath(); } else { if ((style.effects() & ScStyle_Shadowed) && (style.strokeColor() != CommonStrings::None)) { painter->save(); painter->translate((style.fontSize() * glyphs.scaleH * style.shadowXOffset() / 10000.0) / glxSc, -(style.fontSize() * glyphs.scaleV * style.shadowYOffset() / 10000.0) / glySc); ScColorShade tmp = painter->brush(); painter->setBrush(painter->pen()); painter->setupPolygon(&gly, true); fillPath(item, painter, clip); painter->setBrush(tmp); painter->restore(); painter->setupPolygon(&gly, true); } if (style.fillColor() != CommonStrings::None) fillPath(item, painter, clip); if ((style.effects() & ScStyle_Outline) && (style.strokeColor() != CommonStrings::None) && ((style.fontSize() * glyphs.scaleV * style.outlineWidth() / 10000.0) != 0)) { painter->setLineWidth((style.fontSize() * glyphs.scaleV * style.outlineWidth() / 10000.0) / glySc); painter->strokePath(); } } painter->setFillRule(fr); painter->restore(); } if (style.effects() & ScStyle_Strikethrough) { double st, lw; if ((style.strikethruOffset() != -1) || (style.strikethruWidth() != -1)) { if (style.strikethruOffset() != -1) st = (style.strikethruOffset() / 1000.0) * (style.font().ascent(style.fontSize() / 10.0)); else st = style.font().strikeoutPos(style.fontSize() / 10.0); if (style.strikethruWidth() != -1) lw = (style.strikethruWidth() / 1000.0) * (style.fontSize() / 10.0); else lw = qMax(style.font().strokeWidth(style.fontSize() / 10.0), qreal(1.0)); } else { st = style.font().strikeoutPos(style.fontSize() / 10.0); lw = qMax(style.font().strokeWidth(style.fontSize() / 10.0), qreal(1.0)); } if (style.baselineOffset() != 0) st += (style.fontSize() / 10.0) * glyphs.scaleV * (style.baselineOffset() / 1000.0); painter->setPen(painter->brush()); painter->setLineWidth(lw); painter->drawLine(FPoint(glyphs.xoffset, glyphs.yoffset - st), FPoint(glyphs.xoffset + glyphs.xadvance, glyphs.yoffset - st)); } } /*else { painter->setLineWidth(1); painter->setPen(ScColorShade(Qt::red, 100)); painter->setBrush(ScColorShade(Qt::red, 100)); painter->setFillMode(1); painter->drawRect(glyphs.xoffset, glyphs.yoffset - (style.fontSize() / 10.0) * glyphs.scaleV , (style.fontSize() / 10.0) * glyphs.scaleH, (style.fontSize() / 10.0) * glyphs.scaleV); }*/ if (glyphs.more) { painter->translate(glyphs.xadvance, 0); drawGlyphs(item, painter, style, *glyphs.more, clip); } } void ScPageOutput::drawItem_Embedded( PageItem* item, ScPainterExBase *p, const QRect& clip, const CharStyle& style, PageItem* cembedded) { if (!cembedded) return; QList emG; QStack groupStack; emG.append(cembedded); if (cembedded->Groups.count() != 0) { for (int ga=0; ga < m_doc->FrameItems.count(); ++ga) { if (m_doc->FrameItems.at(ga)->Groups.count() != 0) { if (m_doc->FrameItems.at(ga)->Groups.top() == cembedded->Groups.top()) { if (m_doc->FrameItems.at(ga)->ItemNr != cembedded->ItemNr) { if (!emG.contains(m_doc->FrameItems.at(ga))) emG.append(m_doc->FrameItems.at(ga)); } } } } } for (int em = 0; em < emG.count(); ++em) { PageItem* embedded = emG.at(em); if (embedded->isGroupControl) { p->save(); FPointArray cl = embedded->PoLine.copy(); QMatrix mm; mm.translate((embedded->gXpos * (style.scaleH() / 1000.0)), ( - (embedded->gHeight * (style.scaleV() / 1000.0)) + embedded->gYpos * (style.scaleV() / 1000.0))); if (style.baselineOffset() != 0) mm.translate(0, -embedded->gHeight * (style.baselineOffset() / 1000.0)); mm.scale(style.scaleH() / 1000.0, style.scaleV() / 1000.0); cl.map( mm ); groupStack.push(embedded->groupsLastItem); continue; } p->save(); double x = embedded->xPos(); double y = embedded->yPos(); embedded->setXPos( embedded->gXpos, true ); embedded->setYPos((embedded->gHeight * (style.scaleV() / 1000.0)) + embedded->gYpos, true ); p->translate((embedded->gXpos * (style.scaleH() / 1000.0)), ( - (embedded->gHeight * (style.scaleV() / 1000.0)) + embedded->gYpos * (style.scaleV() / 1000.0))); if (style.baselineOffset() != 0) { p->translate(0, -embedded->gHeight * (style.baselineOffset() / 1000.0)); embedded->setYPos( embedded->yPos() - embedded->gHeight * (style.baselineOffset() / 1000.0) ); } p->scale(style.scaleH() / 1000.0, style.scaleV() / 1000.0); double pws = embedded->m_lineWidth; drawItem_Pre(embedded, p); switch(embedded->itemType()) { case PageItem::ImageFrame: case PageItem::LatexFrame: case PageItem::TextFrame: case PageItem::Polygon: case PageItem::PathText: drawItem(embedded, p, clip); break; case PageItem::Line: case PageItem::PolyLine: embedded->m_lineWidth = pws * qMin(style.scaleH() / 1000.0, style.scaleV() / 1000.0); drawItem(embedded, p, clip); break; default: break; } embedded->m_lineWidth = pws * qMin(style.scaleH() / 1000.0, style.scaleV() / 1000.0); drawItem_Post(embedded, p); embedded->setXPos(x, true); embedded->setYPos(y, true); p->restore(); if (groupStack.count() != 0) { while (embedded == groupStack.top()) { p->restore(); groupStack.pop(); if (groupStack.count() == 0) break; } } embedded->m_lineWidth = pws; } for (int em = 0; em < emG.count(); ++em) { PageItem* embedded = emG.at(em); if (!embedded->isTableItem) continue; p->save(); double x = embedded->xPos(); double y = embedded->yPos(); embedded->setXPos(embedded->gXpos, true); embedded->setYPos ((embedded->gHeight * (style.scaleV() / 1000.0)) + embedded->gYpos, true); p->translate((embedded->gXpos * (style.scaleH() / 1000.0)), ( - (embedded->gHeight * (style.scaleV() / 1000.0)) + embedded->gYpos * (style.scaleV() / 1000.0))); if (style.baselineOffset() != 0) { p->translate(0, -embedded->gHeight * (style.baselineOffset() / 1000.0)); embedded->setYPos(embedded->yPos() - embedded->gHeight * (style.baselineOffset() / 1000.0)); } p->scale(style.scaleH() / 1000.0, style.scaleV() / 1000.0); p->rotate(embedded->rotation()); double pws = embedded->m_lineWidth; embedded->m_lineWidth = pws * qMin(style.scaleH() / 1000.0, style.scaleV() / 1000.0); if ((embedded->lineColor() != CommonStrings::None) && (embedded->lineWidth() != 0.0)) { ScColorShade colorShade(m_doc->PageColors[embedded->lineColor()], embedded->lineShade()); if ((embedded->TopLine) || (embedded->RightLine) || (embedded->BottomLine) || (embedded->LeftLine)) { p->setPen(colorShade, embedded->lineWidth(), embedded->PLineArt, Qt::SquareCap, embedded->PLineJoin); if (embedded->TopLine) p->drawLine(FPoint(0.0, 0.0), FPoint(embedded->width(), 0.0)); if (embedded->RightLine) p->drawLine(FPoint(embedded->width(), 0.0), FPoint(embedded->width(), embedded->height())); if (embedded->BottomLine) p->drawLine(FPoint(embedded->width(), embedded->height()), FPoint(0.0, embedded->height())); if (embedded->LeftLine) p->drawLine(FPoint(0.0, embedded->height()), FPoint(0.0, 0.0)); } } embedded->m_lineWidth = pws; embedded->setXPos(x, true); embedded->setYPos(y, true); p->restore(); } } void ScPageOutput::drawPattern( PageItem* item, ScPainterExBase* painter, const QRect& clip) { double x1, x2, y1, y2; ScPattern& pattern = m_doc->docPatterns[item->pattern()]; double patternScaleX, patternScaleY, patternOffsetX, patternOffsetY, patternRotation; item->patternTransform(patternScaleX, patternScaleY, patternOffsetX, patternOffsetY, patternRotation); // Compute pattern tansformation matrix and its inverse for converting pattern coordinates // to pageitem coordinates QMatrix matrix, invMat; matrix.translate(patternOffsetX, patternOffsetY); matrix.rotate(patternRotation); matrix.scale(pattern.scaleX, pattern.scaleY); matrix.scale(patternScaleX / 100.0 , patternScaleY / 100.0); invMat.scale((patternScaleX != 0) ? (100 /patternScaleX) : 1.0, (patternScaleY != 0) ? (100 /patternScaleY) : 1.0); invMat.scale((pattern.scaleX != 0) ? (1 /pattern.scaleX) : 1.0, (pattern.scaleY != 0) ? (1 /pattern.scaleY) : 1.0); invMat.rotate(-patternRotation); invMat.translate(-patternOffsetX, -patternOffsetY); // Compute bounding box in which pattern item will be drawn double width = item->width(); double height = item->height(); double rot = patternRotation - floor(patternRotation / 90) * 90; double ctheta = cos(rot * M_PI / 180); double stheta = sin(rot * M_PI / 180); QRectF itemRect(0.0, 0.0, item->width(), item->height()); QPointF pa( width * stheta * stheta, -width * stheta * ctheta ); QPointF pb( width + height * ctheta * stheta, height * stheta * stheta ); QPointF pc( -height * ctheta * stheta, height * ctheta * ctheta ); QPointF pd( width * ctheta * ctheta, height + width * ctheta * stheta ); QPointF ipa = invMat.map(pa), ipb = invMat.map(pb); QPointF ipc = invMat.map(pc), ipd = invMat.map(pd); painter->save(); if (item->imageClip.size() != 0) { painter->setupPolygon(&item->imageClip); painter->setClipPath(); } painter->setupPolygon(&item->PoLine); painter->setClipPath(); for (int index = 0; index < pattern.items.count(); index++) { QRectF itRect; PageItem* it = pattern.items.at(index); if (it->isGroupControl) continue; painter->save(); painter->translate(patternOffsetX, patternOffsetY); painter->rotate(patternRotation); painter->scale(pattern.scaleX, pattern.scaleY); painter->scale(patternScaleX / 100.0, patternScaleY / 100.0); double patWidth = (pattern.width != 0.0) ? pattern.width : 1.0; double patHeight = (pattern.height != 0.0) ? pattern.height : 1.0; double kxa = (ipa.x() - it->gXpos) / patWidth; double kxb = (ipb.x() - it->gXpos) / patWidth; double kxc = (ipc.x() - it->gXpos) / patWidth; double kxd = (ipd.x() - it->gXpos) / patWidth; double kya = (ipa.y() - it->gYpos) / patHeight; double kyb = (ipb.y() - it->gYpos) / patHeight; double kyc = (ipc.y() - it->gYpos) / patHeight; double kyd = (ipd.y() - it->gYpos) / patHeight; int kxMin = (int) floor( qMin(qMin(kxa, kxb), qMin(kxc, kxd)) ); int kxMax = (int) ceil ( qMax(qMax(kxa, kxb), qMax(kxc, kxd)) ); int kyMin = (int) floor( qMin(qMin(kya, kyb), qMin(kyc, kyd)) ); int kyMax = (int) ceil ( qMax(qMax(kya, kyb), qMax(kyc, kyd)) ); double itx = it->xPos(); double ity = it->yPos(); double itPosX = it->gXpos, itPosY = it->gYpos; for ( int kx = kxMin; kx <= kxMax; kx++ ) { for ( int ky = kyMin; ky <= kyMax; ky++ ) { itPosX = it->gXpos + kx * pattern.width; itPosY = it->gYpos + ky * pattern.height; it->setXYPos(itPosX, itPosY); it->getBoundingRect(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); itRect.setCoords(x1, y1, x2, y2); itRect = matrix.mapRect( itRect ); if ( itRect.intersects(itemRect) ) drawItem(it, painter, clip); } } it->setXYPos(itx, ity); painter->restore(); } painter->restore(); } void ScPageOutput::drawItem_ImageFrame( PageItem_ImageFrame* item, ScPainterExBase* painter, const QRect& clip ) { ScPainterExBase::ImageMode mode = ScPainterExBase::rgbImages; if ((item->fillColor() != CommonStrings::None) || (item->GrType != 0)) { painter->setupPolygon(&item->PoLine); fillPath(item, painter, clip); } if (item->Pfile.isEmpty()) { /*painter->setPen( ScColorShade(Qt::black, 100), 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); painter->drawLine(FPoint(0, 0), FPoint(item->width(), item->height())); painter->drawLine(FPoint(0, item->height()), FPoint(item->width(), 0));*/ } else { if ((!item->imageShown()) || (!item->PictureIsAvailable)) { /*painter->setPen( ScColorShade(Qt::red, 100), 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); painter->drawLine(FPoint(0, 0), FPoint(item->width(), item->height())); painter->drawLine(FPoint(0, item->height()), FPoint(item->width(), 0));*/ } else { ScImage scImg; ScImage* pImage = NULL; double imScaleX = item->imageXScale(); double imScaleY = item->imageYScale(); if( m_reloadImages ) { bool dummy; bool useCmyk = false; ScPainterExBase::ImageMode imageMode = painter->imageMode(); if ( imageMode == ScPainterExBase::cmykImages ) useCmyk = true; QFileInfo fInfo(item->Pfile); QString ext = fInfo.suffix(); CMSettings cmsSettings(item->doc(), item->IProfile, item->IRender); scImg.imgInfo.valid = false; scImg.imgInfo.clipPath = ""; scImg.imgInfo.PDSpathData.clear(); scImg.imgInfo.layerInfo.clear(); scImg.imgInfo.RequestProps = item->pixm.imgInfo.RequestProps; scImg.imgInfo.isRequest = item->pixm.imgInfo.isRequest; scImg.LoadPicture(item->Pfile, item->pixm.imgInfo.actualPageNumber, cmsSettings, item->UseEmbedded, m_useProfiles, translateImageModeToRequest(imageMode), m_imageRes, &dummy); if( extensionIndicatesEPSorPS(ext) || extensionIndicatesPDF(ext) ) { imScaleX *= (72.0 / (double) m_imageRes); imScaleY *= (72.0 / (double) m_imageRes); } scImg.applyEffect(item->effectsInUse, m_doc->PageColors, useCmyk); mode = imageMode; pImage = &scImg; } else pImage = &item->pixm; painter->save(); if (item->imageClip.size() != 0) { painter->setupPolygon(&item->imageClip); painter->setClipPath(); } painter->setupPolygon(&item->PoLine); painter->setClipPath(); if (item->imageFlippedH()) { painter->translate(item->width(), 0); painter->scale(-1, 1); } if (item->imageFlippedV()) { painter->translate(0, item->height()); painter->scale(1, -1); } painter->translate(item->imageXOffset() * item->imageXScale(), item->imageYOffset() * item->imageYScale()); //painter->translate(item->LocalX * imScaleX * scale, item->LocalY * imScaleY * scale); ?? painter->scale( imScaleX, imScaleY ); if (pImage->imgInfo.lowResType != 0) painter->scale(pImage->imgInfo.lowResScale, pImage->imgInfo.lowResScale); painter->drawImage(pImage, mode); painter->restore(); } } } void ScPageOutput::drawItem_Line( PageItem_Line* item, ScPainterExBase* painter, const QRect& clip ) { int startArrowIndex = item->startArrowIndex(); int endArrowIndex = item->endArrowIndex(); if (item->NamedLStyle.isEmpty()) painter->drawLine(FPoint(0, 0), FPoint(item->width(), 0)); else { multiLine ml = m_doc->MLineStyles[item->NamedLStyle]; for (int it = ml.size()-1; it > -1; it--) { const SingleLine& sl = ml[it]; if (sl.Color != CommonStrings::None) { ScColorShade tmp(m_doc->PageColors[sl.Color], sl.Shade); painter->setPen(tmp, sl.Width, static_cast(sl.Dash), static_cast(sl.LineEnd), static_cast(sl.LineJoin)); painter->drawLine(FPoint(0, 0), FPoint(item->width(), 0)); } } } if (startArrowIndex != 0) { QMatrix arrowTrans; arrowTrans.translate(0, 0); arrowTrans.scale(-1,1); drawArrow(painter, item, arrowTrans, startArrowIndex); } if (endArrowIndex != 0) { QMatrix arrowTrans; arrowTrans.translate(item->width(), 0); drawArrow(painter, item, arrowTrans, endArrowIndex); } } void ScPageOutput::drawItem_PathText( PageItem_PathText* item, ScPainterExBase* painter, const QRect& clip ) { QString chstr, chstr2, chstr3; ScText *hl; FPoint point = FPoint(0, 0); FPoint tangent = FPoint(0, 0); uint seg = 0; double chs, dx, segLen = 0; double CurX = item->textToFrameDistLeft(); // item->CurX = item->textToFrameDistLeft() double CurY = 0; QString actFill, actStroke; double actFillShade, actStrokeShade; StoryText& itemText = item->itemText; if (item->pathTextShowFrame()) { painter->setupPolygon(&item->PoLine, false); if (item->NamedLStyle.isEmpty()) { if (item->lineColor() != CommonStrings::None) painter->strokePath(); } else { multiLine ml = m_doc->MLineStyles[item->NamedLStyle]; for (int it = ml.size() - 1; it > -1; it--) { const SingleLine& sl = ml[it]; if ((sl.Color != CommonStrings::None) && (sl.Width != 0)) { ScColorShade tmp(m_doc->PageColors[sl.Color], sl.Shade); painter->setPen(tmp, sl.Width, static_cast(sl.Dash), static_cast(sl.LineEnd), static_cast(sl.LineJoin)); painter->drawLine(FPoint(0, 0), FPoint(item->width(), 0)); } } } } double totalTextLen = 0.0; double totalCurveLen = 0.0; double extraOffset = 0.0; if (itemText.length() != 0) { CurX += itemText.item(0)->fontSize() * itemText.charStyle(0).tracking() / 10000.0; totalTextLen += itemText.charStyle(0).fontSize() * itemText.charStyle(0).tracking() / 10000.0; } segLen = item->PoLine.lenPathSeg(seg); for (int a = 0; a < itemText.length(); ++a) { hl = itemText.item(a); chstr = hl->ch; if (chstr[0] == SpecialChars::PAGENUMBER || chstr[0] == SpecialChars::PARSEP || chstr[0] == SpecialChars::PAGECOUNT || chstr[0] == SpecialChars::TAB || chstr == SpecialChars::LINEBREAK) continue; if (a < itemText.length()-1) chstr += itemText.text(a+1, 1); hl->glyph.yadvance = 0; item->layoutGlyphs(itemText.charStyle(a), chstr, hl->glyph); hl->glyph.shrink(); if (hl->ch == SpecialChars::OBJECT) totalTextLen += (hl->embedded.getItem()->gWidth + hl->embedded.getItem()->lineWidth()) * hl->glyph.scaleH; else totalTextLen += hl->glyph.wide()+hl->fontSize() * hl->tracking() / 10000.0; } for (uint segs = 0; segs < item->PoLine.size()-3; segs += 4) { totalCurveLen += item->PoLine.lenPathSeg(segs); } if ((itemText.defaultStyle().alignment() != 0) && (totalCurveLen >= totalTextLen + item->textToFrameDistLeft())) { if (itemText.defaultStyle().alignment() == 2) { CurX = totalCurveLen - totalTextLen; CurX -= item->textToFrameDistLeft(); } if (itemText.defaultStyle().alignment() == 1) CurX = (totalCurveLen - totalTextLen) / 2.0; if ((itemText.defaultStyle().alignment() == 3) || (itemText.defaultStyle().alignment() == 4)) extraOffset = (totalCurveLen - item->textToFrameDistLeft() - totalTextLen) / static_cast(itemText.length()); } QPainterPath guidePath = item->PoLine.toQPainterPath(false); QList pathList = decomposePath(guidePath); QPainterPath currPath = pathList[0]; int currPathIndex = 0; for (int a = item->firstInFrame(); a < itemText.length(); ++a) { CurY = 0; hl = itemText.item(a); chstr = hl->ch; if (chstr[0] == SpecialChars::PAGENUMBER || chstr[0] == SpecialChars::PARSEP || chstr[0] == SpecialChars::PAGECOUNT || chstr[0] == SpecialChars::TAB || chstr[0] == SpecialChars::LINEBREAK) continue; chs = hl->fontSize(); if (a < itemText.length()-1) chstr += itemText.text(a+1, 1); hl->glyph.yadvance = 0; item->layoutGlyphs(itemText.charStyle(a), chstr, hl->glyph); hl->glyph.shrink(); // HACK if (hl->ch == SpecialChars::OBJECT) dx = (hl->embedded.getItem()->gWidth + hl->embedded.getItem()->lineWidth()) * hl->glyph.scaleH / 2.0; else dx = hl->glyph.wide() / 2.0; CurX += dx; double currPerc = currPath.percentAtLength(CurX); if (currPerc >= 0.9999999) { currPathIndex++; if (currPathIndex == pathList.count()) break; currPath = pathList[currPathIndex]; CurX = dx; currPerc = currPath.percentAtLength(CurX); } double currAngle = currPath.angleAtPercent(currPerc); if (currAngle <= 180.0) currAngle *= -1.0; else currAngle = 360.0 - currAngle; QPointF currPoint = currPath.pointAtPercent(currPerc); tangent = FPoint(cos(currAngle * M_PI / 180.0), sin(currAngle * M_PI / 180.0)); point = FPoint(currPoint.x(), currPoint.y()); hl->glyph.xoffset = 0; hl->PtransX = point.x(); hl->PtransY = point.y(); hl->PRot = currAngle * M_PI / 180.0; hl->PDx = dx; QMatrix trafo = QMatrix( 1, 0, 0, -1, -dx, 0 ); if (item->textPathFlipped) trafo *= QMatrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0); if (item->textPathType == 0) trafo *= QMatrix( tangent.x(), tangent.y(), tangent.y(), -tangent.x(), point.x(), point.y() ); // ID's Rainbow mode else if (item->textPathType == 1) trafo *= QMatrix( 1, 0, 0, -1, point.x(), point.y() ); // ID's Stair Step mode else if (item->textPathType == 2) { double a = 1; if (tangent.x() < 0) a = -1; if (fabs(tangent.x()) > 0.1) trafo *= QMatrix( a, (tangent.y() / tangent.x()) * a, 0, -1, point.x(), point.y() ); // ID's Skew mode else trafo *= QMatrix( a, 4 * a, 0, -1, point.x(), point.y() ); } QMatrix sca = painter->worldMatrix(); trafo *= sca; painter->save(); QMatrix savWM = painter->worldMatrix(); painter->setWorldMatrix(trafo); actFill = itemText.charStyle(a).fillColor(); actFillShade = itemText.charStyle(a).fillShade(); if (actFill != CommonStrings::None) { ScColorShade tmp(m_doc->PageColors[actFill], qRound(actFillShade)); painter->setBrush(tmp); } actStroke = itemText.charStyle(a).strokeColor(); actStrokeShade = itemText.charStyle(a).strokeShade(); if (actStroke != CommonStrings::None) { ScColorShade tmp(m_doc->PageColors[actStroke], qRound(actStrokeShade)); painter->setPen(tmp, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); } painter->translate(0.0, item->pathTextBaseOffset()); if (hl->ch == SpecialChars::OBJECT) drawItem_Embedded(hl->embedded.getItem(), painter, clip, itemText.charStyle(a), hl->embedded.getItem()); else drawGlyphs(item, painter, itemText.charStyle(a), hl->glyph, clip); painter->setWorldMatrix(savWM); painter->restore(); CurX -= dx; if (hl->ch == SpecialChars::OBJECT) CurX += (hl->embedded.getItem()->gWidth + hl->embedded.getItem()->lineWidth()) * hl->glyph.scaleH; else CurX += hl->glyph.wide()+hl->fontSize() * hl->tracking() / 10000.0 + extraOffset; } } void ScPageOutput::drawItem_Polygon ( PageItem_Polygon* item , ScPainterExBase* painter, const QRect& clip ) { painter->setupPolygon(&item->PoLine); fillPath(item, painter, clip); } void ScPageOutput::drawItem_PolyLine( PageItem_PolyLine* item, ScPainterExBase* painter, const QRect& clip ) { int startArrowIndex = item->startArrowIndex(); int endArrowIndex = item->endArrowIndex(); if (item->PoLine.size()>=4) { if ((item->fillColor() != CommonStrings::None) || (item->GrType != 0)) { FPointArray cli; FPoint Start; bool firstp = true; for (uint n = 0; n < item->PoLine.size()-3; n += 4) { if (firstp) { Start = item->PoLine.point(n); firstp = false; } if (item->PoLine.point(n).x() > 900000) { cli.addPoint(item->PoLine.point(n-2)); cli.addPoint(item->PoLine.point(n-2)); cli.addPoint(Start); cli.addPoint(Start); cli.setMarker(); firstp = true; continue; } cli.addPoint(item->PoLine.point(n)); cli.addPoint(item->PoLine.point(n+1)); cli.addPoint(item->PoLine.point(n+2)); cli.addPoint(item->PoLine.point(n+3)); } if (cli.size() > 2) { FPoint l1 = cli.point(cli.size()-2); cli.addPoint(l1); cli.addPoint(l1); cli.addPoint(Start); cli.addPoint(Start); } painter->setupPolygon(&cli); fillPath(item, painter, clip); } painter->setupPolygon(&item->PoLine, false); if (item->NamedLStyle.isEmpty()) { if (item->lineColor() != CommonStrings::None) painter->strokePath(); } else { multiLine ml = m_doc->MLineStyles[item->NamedLStyle]; for (int it = ml.size()-1; it > -1; it--) { const SingleLine& sl = ml[it]; if (sl.Color != CommonStrings::None) { ScColorShade tmp(m_doc->PageColors[sl.Color], sl.Shade); painter->setPen(tmp, sl.Width, static_cast(sl.Dash), static_cast(sl.LineEnd), static_cast(sl.LineJoin)); painter->strokePath(); } } } if (startArrowIndex != 0) { FPoint Start = item->PoLine.point(0); for (uint xx = 1; xx < item->PoLine.size(); xx += 2) { FPoint Vector = item->PoLine.point(xx); if ((Start.x() != Vector.x()) || (Start.y() != Vector.y())) { double r = atan2(Start.y()-Vector.y(),Start.x()-Vector.x())*(180.0/M_PI); QMatrix arrowTrans; arrowTrans.translate(Start.x(), Start.y()); arrowTrans.rotate(r); drawArrow(painter, item, arrowTrans, startArrowIndex); break; } } } if (endArrowIndex != 0) { FPoint End = item->PoLine.point(item->PoLine.size()-2); for (uint xx = item->PoLine.size()-1; xx > 0; xx -= 2) { FPoint Vector = item->PoLine.point(xx); if ((End.x() != Vector.x()) || (End.y() != Vector.y())) { double r = atan2(End.y()-Vector.y(),End.x()-Vector.x())*(180.0/M_PI); QMatrix arrowTrans; arrowTrans.translate(End.x(), End.y()); arrowTrans.rotate(r); drawArrow(painter, item, arrowTrans, endArrowIndex); break; } } } } } void ScPageOutput::drawItem_TextFrame( PageItem_TextFrame* item, ScPainterExBase* painter, const QRect& clip ) { QMatrix wm; QPoint pt1, pt2; FPoint ColBound; QRegion cm; int a; double lineCorr; QString chstr, chstr2, chstr3; ScText *hl; double desc, asce, tabDist; QRect e2; painter->save(); if (item->isEmbedded) e2 = clip; else { e2 = QRect(qRound(clip.x() + m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x()), qRound(clip.y() + m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y()), qRound(clip.width()), qRound(clip.height())); wm.translate(item->xPos(), item->yPos()); } wm.rotate(item->rotation()); if ((item->fillColor() != CommonStrings::None) || (item->GrType != 0)) { painter->setupPolygon(&item->PoLine); fillPath(item, painter, clip); } if (item->lineColor() != CommonStrings::None) lineCorr = item->lineWidth() / 2.0; else lineCorr = 0; if ((item->isAnnotation()) && (item->annotation().Type() == 2) && (!item->Pfile.isEmpty()) && (item->PictureIsAvailable) && (item->imageShown()) && (item->annotation().UseIcons())) { painter->save(); painter->setupPolygon(&item->PoLine); painter->setClipPath(); painter->scale(item->imageXScale(), item->imageYScale()); painter->translate(static_cast(item->imageXOffset() * item->imageXScale()), static_cast(item->imageYOffset() * item->imageYScale())); if (!item->pixm.qImage().isNull()) painter->drawImage(&item->pixm, ScPainterExBase::rgbImages); painter->restore(); } if ((item->itemText.length() != 0)) { if (item->imageFlippedH()) { painter->translate(item->width(), 0); painter->scale(-1, 1); } if (item->imageFlippedV()) { painter->translate(0, item->height()); painter->scale(1, -1); } uint tabCc = 0; for (uint ll=0; ll < item->itemText.lines(); ++ll) { LineSpec ls = item->itemText.line(ll); tabDist = ls.x; double CurX = ls.x; for (a = ls.firstItem; a <= ls.lastItem; ++a) { hl = item->itemText.item(a); const CharStyle& charStyle = item->itemText.charStyle(a); double chs = charStyle.fontSize() * hl->glyph.scaleV; if (charStyle.effects() & ScStyle_StartOfLine) tabCc = 0; chstr = hl->ch; if (charStyle.fillColor() != CommonStrings::None) { ScColorShade tmp(m_doc->PageColors[charStyle.fillColor()], (int) hl->fillShade()); painter->setBrush(tmp); } if (charStyle.strokeColor() != CommonStrings::None) { ScColorShade tmp(m_doc->PageColors[charStyle.strokeColor()], (int) hl->strokeShade()); painter->setPen(tmp, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); } if (charStyle.effects() & ScStyle_DropCap) { const ParagraphStyle& style(item->itemText.paragraphStyle(a)); if (style.lineSpacingMode() == ParagraphStyle::BaselineGridLineSpacing) chs = qRound(10 * ((m_doc->typographicSettings.valueBaseGrid * (style.dropCapLines()-1) + (charStyle.font().ascent(style.charStyle().fontSize() / 10.0))) / charStyle.font().realCharHeight(chstr[0], 10))); else { if (style.lineSpacingMode() == ParagraphStyle::FixedLineSpacing) chs = qRound(10 * ((style.lineSpacing() * (style.dropCapLines()-1)+(charStyle.font().ascent(style.charStyle().fontSize() / 10.0))) / charStyle.font().realCharHeight(chstr[0], 10))); else { double currasce = charStyle.font().height(style.charStyle().fontSize() / 10.0); chs = qRound(10 * ((currasce * (style.dropCapLines()-1)+(charStyle.font().ascent(style.charStyle().fontSize() / 10.0))) / charStyle.font().realCharHeight(chstr[0], 10))); } } } if (chstr[0] == SpecialChars::TAB) tabCc++; //if (!m_doc->RePos) { //double xcoZli = CurX + hl->glyph.xoffset; desc = - charStyle.font().descent(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0); asce = charStyle.font().ascent(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0); if (charStyle.strokeColor() != CommonStrings::None) { ScColorShade tmp(m_doc->PageColors[charStyle.strokeColor()], (int) charStyle.strokeShade()); painter->setPen(tmp, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); } if (e2.intersects(wm.mapRect(QRect(qRound(CurX + hl->glyph.xoffset),qRound(ls.y + hl->glyph.yoffset-asce), qRound(hl->glyph.xadvance+1), qRound(asce+desc))))) { painter->save(); painter->translate(CurX, ls.y); if (hl->ch == SpecialChars::OBJECT) drawItem_Embedded(item, painter, clip, charStyle, hl->embedded.getItem()); else drawGlyphs(item, painter, charStyle, hl->glyph, clip); painter->restore(); } if (hl->ch == SpecialChars::OBJECT) CurX += (hl->embedded.getItem()->gWidth + hl->embedded.getItem()->lineWidth()); else CurX += hl->glyph.wide(); } tabDist = CurX; } } } painter->restore(); } void ScPageOutput::drawArrow(ScPainterExBase* painter, PageItem* item, QMatrix &arrowTrans, int arrowIndex) { FPointArray arrow = m_doc->arrowStyles.at(arrowIndex-1).points.copy(); if (item->NamedLStyle.isEmpty()) { if (item->lineWidth() != 0.0) arrowTrans.scale(item->lineWidth(), item->lineWidth()); } else { multiLine ml = m_doc->MLineStyles[item->NamedLStyle]; if (ml[ml.size()-1].Width != 0.0) arrowTrans.scale(ml[ml.size()-1].Width, ml[ml.size()-1].Width); } arrow.map(arrowTrans); painter->setupPolygon(&arrow); if (item->NamedLStyle.isEmpty()) { if (item->lineColor() != CommonStrings::None) { ScColorShade tmp(m_doc->PageColors[item->lineColor()], item->lineShade()); painter->setBrush(tmp); painter->setBrushOpacity(1.0 - item->lineTransparency()); painter->setLineWidth(0); painter->setFillMode(ScPainterExBase::Solid); painter->fillPath(); } } else { multiLine ml = m_doc->MLineStyles[item->NamedLStyle]; QColor tmp; if (ml[0].Color != CommonStrings::None) { ScColorShade tmp(m_doc->PageColors[ml[0].Color], ml[0].Shade); painter->setBrush(tmp); painter->setLineWidth(0); painter->setFillMode(ScPainterExBase::Solid); painter->fillPath(); } for (int it = ml.size()-1; it > 0; it--) { if (ml[it].Color != CommonStrings::None) { ScColorShade tmp(m_doc->PageColors[ml[it].Color], ml[it].Shade); painter->setPen(tmp, ml[it].Width, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin); painter->strokePath(); } } } } void ScPageOutput::drawMarks( Page* page, ScPainterExBase* painter, const MarksOptions& options ) { double markOffs = options.markOffset; double bleedLeft = 0.0, bleedRight = 0.0; double bleedBottom = options.BleedBottom; double bleedTop = options.BleedTop; if (!options.cropMarks && !options.bleedMarks && !options.registrationMarks && !options.colorMarks) return; if (m_doc->locationOfPage(page->pageNr()) == LeftPage) { bleedRight = options.BleedRight; bleedLeft = options.BleedLeft; } else if (m_doc->locationOfPage(page->pageNr()) == RightPage) { bleedRight = options.BleedLeft; bleedLeft = options.BleedRight; } else { bleedRight = options.BleedLeft; bleedLeft = options.BleedLeft; } double width = page->width(); double height = page->height(); double offsetX = page->xOffset(); double offsetY = page->yOffset(); QPointF bleedTopLeft(offsetX - bleedLeft, offsetY - bleedTop); QPointF bleedBottomRight(offsetX + width + bleedRight, offsetY + height + bleedBottom); QRectF bleedBox(bleedTopLeft, bleedBottomRight); painter->save(); painter->setLineWidth(0.5); painter->setPen(ScColorShade(Qt::black, 100), 0.5, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin ); if (options.cropMarks) { FPoint start, end; double left = offsetX, right = offsetX + width; double bottom = offsetY + height, top = offsetY; drawBoxMarks( painter, QRectF(QPointF(left, top), QPointF(right, bottom)), bleedBox, markOffs ); } if (options.bleedMarks) { FPoint start, end; double left = offsetX - bleedLeft, right = offsetX + width + bleedRight; double bottom = offsetY + height + bleedBottom, top = offsetY - bleedTop;; drawBoxMarks( painter, QRectF(QPointF(left, top), QPointF(right, bottom)), bleedBox, markOffs ); } if (options.registrationMarks) { double posX = (2* offsetX + width) / 2.0 - 7.0; double posY = (offsetY + height + bleedBottom + markOffs + 3.0); painter->save(); painter->translate(posX, posY); drawRegistrationCross( painter ); painter->restore(); posX = (2 * offsetX + width) / 2.0 - 7.0; posY = (offsetY - bleedTop - markOffs - 17); painter->save(); painter->translate(posX, posY); drawRegistrationCross( painter ); painter->restore(); posX = (offsetX - bleedLeft - markOffs - 17); posY = (2 * offsetY + height) / 2.0 - 7.0; painter->save(); painter->translate(posX, posY); drawRegistrationCross( painter ); painter->restore(); posX = (offsetX + width + bleedRight + markOffs + 3.0); posY = (2 * offsetY + height) / 2.0 - 7.0; painter->save(); painter->translate(posX, posY); drawRegistrationCross( painter ); painter->restore(); } if (options.colorMarks) { int shade = 100; double startX = offsetX + 6.0; double startY = offsetY - bleedTop - markOffs - 16.0; ScColorShade strokecolor( ScColor(0, 0, 0, 255), 100 ); painter->setPen( strokecolor, 0.5, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin ); painter->setFillMode( ScPainterExBase::Solid ); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++ ) { ScColorShade fillcolor( ScColor(0, 0, 0, 255), shade ); painter->setBrush( fillcolor ); painter->drawRect( startX + i * 14, startY, 14, 14 ); shade -= 10; } startX = offsetX + width - 20.0; painter->setBrush( ScColorShade(ScColor(0, 0, 0, 255), 50) ); painter->drawRect( startX, startY, 14, 14 ); startX -= 14; painter->setBrush( ScColorShade(ScColor(0, 0, 255, 0), 50) ); painter->drawRect( startX, startY, 14, 14 ); startX -= 14; painter->setBrush( ScColorShade(ScColor(0, 255, 0, 0), 50) ); painter->drawRect( startX, startY, 14, 14 ); startX -= 14; painter->setBrush( ScColorShade(ScColor(255, 0, 0, 0), 50) ); painter->drawRect( startX, startY, 14, 14 ); startX -= 14; painter->setBrush( ScColorShade(ScColor(255, 255, 0, 0), 100) ); painter->drawRect( startX, startY, 14, 14 ); startX -= 14; painter->setBrush( ScColorShade(ScColor(255, 0, 255, 0), 100) ); painter->drawRect( startX, startY, 14, 14 ); startX -= 14; painter->setBrush( ScColorShade(ScColor(0, 255, 255, 0), 100) ); painter->drawRect( startX, startY, 14, 14 ); startX -= 14; painter->setBrush( ScColorShade(ScColor(0, 0, 0, 255), 100) ); painter->drawRect( startX, startY, 14, 14 ); startX -= 14; painter->setBrush( ScColorShade(ScColor(0, 0, 255, 0), 100) ); painter->drawRect( startX, startY, 14, 14 ); startX -= 14; painter->setBrush( ScColorShade(ScColor(0, 255, 0, 0), 100) ); painter->drawRect( startX, startY, 14, 14 ); startX -= 14; painter->setBrush( ScColorShade(ScColor(255, 0, 0, 0), 100) ); painter->drawRect( startX, startY, 14, 14 ); } painter->restore(); } void ScPageOutput::drawBoxMarks( ScPainterExBase* painter, const QRectF& box, const QRectF& bleedBox, double offset ) { FPoint start, end; double left = box.left(), right = box.right(); double bottom = box.bottom(), top = box.top(); double bleedLeft = bleedBox.left(), bleedRight = bleedBox.right(); double bleedBottom = bleedBox.bottom(), bleedTop = bleedBox.top(); // Top Left start.setXY( bleedLeft - offset, top ); end.setXY ( bleedLeft - offset - 20, top ); painter->drawLine(start, end); start.setXY( left, bleedTop - offset ); end.setXY ( left, bleedTop - offset - 20); painter->drawLine(start, end); // Top Right start.setXY( bleedRight + offset, top ); end.setXY ( bleedRight + offset + 20, top ); painter->drawLine(start, end); start.setXY( right, bleedTop - offset ); end.setXY ( right, bleedTop - offset - 20); painter->drawLine(start, end); // Bottom Left start.setXY( bleedLeft - offset, bottom ); end.setXY ( bleedLeft - offset - 20, bottom ); painter->drawLine(start, end); start.setXY( left, bleedBottom + offset ); end.setXY ( left, bleedBottom + offset + 20); painter->drawLine(start, end); // Bottom Right start.setXY( bleedRight + offset, bottom ); end.setXY ( bleedRight + offset + 20, bottom ); painter->drawLine(start, end); start.setXY( right, bleedBottom + offset ); end.setXY ( right, bleedBottom + offset + 20); painter->drawLine(start, end); } void ScPageOutput::drawRegistrationCross( ScPainterExBase* painter ) { painter->save(); painter->newPath(); painter->moveTo(0.0, 7.0); painter->lineTo(14.0, 7.0); painter->strokePath(); painter->newPath(); painter->moveTo(7.0, 0.0); painter->lineTo(7.0, 14.0); painter->strokePath(); painter->newPath(); painter->moveTo(13.0, 7.0); painter->curveTo( FPoint(13.0, 10.31383), FPoint(10.31383, 13.0), FPoint(7.0, 13.0) ); painter->curveTo( FPoint(3.68629, 13.0) , FPoint(1.0, 10.31383) , FPoint(1.0, 7.0) ); painter->curveTo( FPoint(1.0, 3.68629) , FPoint(3.68629, 1.0) , FPoint(7.0, 1.0) ); painter->curveTo( FPoint(10.31383, 1.0) , FPoint(13.0, 3.68629) , FPoint(13.0, 7.0) ); painter->strokePath(); painter->newPath(); painter->moveTo(10.5, 7.0); painter->curveTo( FPoint(10.5, 8.93307), FPoint(8.93307, 10.5), FPoint(7.0, 10.5) ); painter->curveTo( FPoint(5.067, 10.5) , FPoint(3.5, 8.93307) , FPoint(3.5, 7.0) ); painter->curveTo( FPoint(3.5, 5.067) , FPoint(5.067, 3.5) , FPoint(7.0, 3.5) ); painter->curveTo( FPoint(8.93307, 3.5) , FPoint(10.5, 5.067) , FPoint(10.5, 7.0) ); painter->strokePath(); painter->restore(); } void ScPageOutput::fillPath( PageItem* item, ScPainterExBase* painter, const QRect& clip ) { if( painter->fillMode() == ScPainterExBase::Pattern && !painter->hasCapability(ScPainterExBase::patterns) ) drawPattern( item, painter, clip ); else painter->fillPath(); } void ScPageOutput::strokePath( PageItem* item, ScPainterExBase* painter, const QRect& clip ) { painter->strokePath(); }