/* For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place. */ #ifdef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #error "This file compiles on win32 platform only!" #endif #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::std; #include "scconfig.h" #ifdef HAVE_ICM #include #endif #include "util.h" #include "util_ghostscript.h" #include "scprintengine_gdi.h" #include "scpainterex_cairo.h" #include "scpageoutput.h" #include "scribusview.h" #include "scribusapp.h" #include "scribuscore.h" #include "scribus.h" #include "page.h" #include "prefsfile.h" #include "prefscontext.h" #include "prefsmanager.h" #include "customfdialog.h" #include "commonstrings.h" #include "multiprogressdialog.h" #include "scpaths.h" #include "pslib.h" #include #include // Calculates fixed point from floating point. #define __FXPTMANTISSA(d, f) ( (DWORD)d << f ) #define __FXPTFRACTION(d, f) ( (DWORD)ldexp((d - (DWORD)d), f) ) #define __FXPT32(d, f) ( __FXPTMANTISSA(d, f) | __FXPTFRACTION(d, f) ) #define __FXPT2DOT30(d) __FXPT32(d, 30) #define __FXPT16DOT16(d) __FXPT32(d, 16) // Convenient structure for performing postscript passthrough typedef struct { WORD numBytes; BYTE data[32768]; } sPSPassthrough; ScPrintEngine_GDI::ScPrintEngine_GDI(void) : ScPrintEngine() { m_abort = false; m_forceGDI = false; } void ScPrintEngine_GDI::setForceGDI(bool force) { m_forceGDI = force; } void ScPrintEngine_GDI::resetData(void) { m_abort = false; //m_forceGDI = false; } bool ScPrintEngine_GDI::print( ScribusDoc& doc, PrintOptions& options ) { bool toFile; bool success; HDC printerDC; QString diaSelection, docDir, prefsDocDir; QString printerName = options.printer; QByteArray devMode = options.devMode; QString fileName; if( options.toFile ) return false; resetData(); toFile = printerUseFilePort( options.printer ); if ( toFile ) { diaSelection = doc.DocName.right( doc.DocName.length() - doc.DocName.lastIndexOf("/") - 1 ); diaSelection = diaSelection.left( diaSelection.indexOf(".") ); diaSelection += ".prn"; PrefsContext* dirs = PrefsManager::instance()->prefsFile->getContext("dirs"); QString prefsDocDir = PrefsManager::instance()->documentDir(); if (!prefsDocDir.isEmpty()) docDir = dirs->get("winprn", prefsDocDir); else docDir = "."; CustomFDialog dia( doc.scMW()->view, docDir, QObject::tr("Save As"), "Spool Files (*.prn *.ps);;All Files (*)", fdNone); dia.setSelection( diaSelection ); if (dia.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QString selectedFile = dia.selectedFile(); if ( overwrite(doc.scMW()->view, selectedFile) ) { dirs->set("winprn", selectedFile.left(selectedFile.lastIndexOf("/"))); fileName = QDir::convertSeparators( selectedFile ); } } else return true; } // Set user options in the DEVmode structure setDeviceParams( &doc, options, (DEVMODEW*) devMode.data() ); // Create the device context printerDC = CreateDCW( NULL, (LPCWSTR) printerName.utf16(), NULL, (DEVMODEW*) devMode.data() ); if( printerDC ) { success = printPages( &doc, options, printerDC, (DEVMODEW*) devMode.data(), fileName); DeleteDC( printerDC ); } else { qWarning("doPrintPages : the device context could not be created"); success = false; } return success; } bool ScPrintEngine_GDI::gdiPrintPreview( ScribusDoc* doc, Page* page, QImage* image, PrintOptions& options, double scale ) { bool success = true; HCOLORSPACE hColorSpace = NULL; int imagew, imageh; double scalex = 1, scaley = 1; bool rotate = false; if ( !doc || !page || !image) return false; resetData(); // Get page position int clipx = static_cast(page->xOffset()); int clipy = static_cast(page->yOffset()); int clipw = qRound(page->width()); int cliph = qRound(page->height()); // Setup image imagew = clipw * scale; imageh = cliph * scale; *image = QImage( imagew, imageh, QImage::Format_ARGB32 ); if (image->width() <= 0 || image->height() <= 0) return false; // Calculate scaling factors and offsets scalex = options.mirrorH ? -1.0 : 1.0; scaley = options.mirrorV ? -1.0 : 1.0; double dx = - clipx * scalex; double dy = - clipy * scaley; if ( options.mirrorH ) dx += clipw; if ( options.mirrorV ) dy += cliph; // Create the GDI painters ScPageOutput pageOutput(doc, false); QRect drawRect( 0, 0, imagew, imageh ); cairo_surface_t* surface = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(image->bits(), CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, imagew, imageh, imagew*4); if (!surface) return false; cairo_t* context = cairo_create(surface); if (!context) { cairo_surface_destroy(surface); return false; } ScPainterEx_Cairo painter( context, drawRect, doc, !options.useColor ); scalex *= scale; scaley *= scale; dx *= scale; dy *= scale; // Set the world transformation matrix QMatrix matrix( scalex, 0.0, 0.0, scaley, dx, dy ); painter.setWorldMatrix( matrix ); image->fill( qRgba(255, 255, 255, 255) ); pageOutput.drawPage(page, &painter); return success; } bool ScPrintEngine_GDI::printPages( ScribusDoc* doc, PrintOptions& options, HDC printerDC, DEVMODEW* devMode, QString& fileName ) { int jobId; auto_ptr progress; PrintPageFunc printPageFunc = NULL; bool success = true; WCHAR docName[512]; DOCINFOW docInfo; Page* docPage; // Test printer for PostScript support and // choose appropriate page printing function bool psPrint = isPostscriptPrinter( printerDC ); bool useGDI = (!psPrint || m_forceGDI || (options.prnEngine == WindowsGDI)); printPageFunc = (useGDI) ? &ScPrintEngine_GDI::printPage_GDI : &ScPrintEngine_GDI::printPage_PS; // Setup document infos structure wcsncpy (docName, (const WCHAR*) doc->DocName.utf16(), 511); ZeroMemory( &docInfo, sizeof(docInfo) ); docInfo.cbSize = sizeof(docInfo); docInfo.lpszDocName = docName; docInfo.lpszOutput = (LPCWSTR) ( fileName.length() > 0 ? fileName.utf16() : NULL ); docInfo.lpszDatatype = NULL; docInfo.fwType = 0; cairo_surface_t* prnSurface = NULL; cairo_t* context = NULL; if (printPageFunc == &ScPrintEngine_GDI::printPage_GDI) { prnSurface = cairo_win32_printing_surface_create( printerDC ); if (!prnSurface) return false; context = cairo_create(prnSurface); if (!context) { cairo_surface_destroy( prnSurface ); return false; } } else if ((printPageFunc == &ScPrintEngine_GDI::printPage_PS) && options.outputSeparations) printPageFunc = &ScPrintEngine_GDI::printPage_PS_Sep; jobId = StartDocW( printerDC, &docInfo ); if ( jobId <= 0 ) { AbortDoc( printerDC ) ; return false; } bool usingGui = ScCore->usingGUI(); if ( usingGui ) { progress.reset( new MultiProgressDialog( QObject::tr("Printing..."), CommonStrings::tr_Cancel, doc->scMW()) ); progress->setOverallTotalSteps( options.pageNumbers.size() ); progress->setOverallProgress(0); connect(progress.get(), SIGNAL(canceled()), this, SLOT(cancelRequested())); progress->show(); } for ( uint index = 0; index < options.pageNumbers.size(); index++ ) { if( usingGui ) progress->setOverallProgress(index); docPage = doc->Pages->at( options.pageNumbers[index] - 1 ); success = (this->*printPageFunc)( doc, docPage, options, printerDC, context ); ScQApp->processEvents(); if (!success || m_abort ) break; if ( usingGui ) progress->setOverallProgress(index + 1); } if ( usingGui ) progress->close(); if( m_abort ) AbortDoc( printerDC ) ; EndDoc( printerDC ); cairo_destroy( context ); cairo_surface_destroy( prnSurface ); return success; } bool ScPrintEngine_GDI::printPage_GDI ( ScribusDoc* doc, Page* page, PrintOptions& options, HDC printerDC, cairo_t* context ) { int logPixelsX; int logPixelsY; int physicalWidth; int physicalHeight; int physicalWidthP; int physicalHeightP; int physicalOffsetX; int physicalOffsetY; bool success = true; QString inputProfile; QString printerProfile; HCOLORSPACE hColorSpace = NULL; double scalex = 1, scaley = 1; bool rotate = false; StartPage( printerDC ); #ifdef HAVE_ICM if ( options.useICC && isPostscriptPrinter(printerDC) ) { success = false; QString mProf = doc->CMSSettings.DefaultSolidColorRGBProfile; QString pProf = doc->CMSSettings.DefaultPrinterProfile; if ( ScCore->MonitorProfiles.contains(mProf) && ScCore->PrinterProfiles.contains(pProf) ) { inputProfile = QDir::convertSeparators(ScCore->InputProfiles[mProf]); printerProfile = QDir::convertSeparators(ScCore->PrinterProfiles[pProf]); // Avoid color transform if input and output profile are the same if ( inputProfile != printerProfile ) { // Setup input color space LOGCOLORSPACEW logColorSpace; logColorSpace.lcsSize = sizeof(logColorSpace); logColorSpace.lcsVersion = 0x400; logColorSpace.lcsSignature = LCS_SIGNATURE; logColorSpace.lcsCSType = LCS_CALIBRATED_RGB; logColorSpace.lcsIntent = LCS_GM_GRAPHICS; wcsncpy(logColorSpace.lcsFilename, (const wchar_t*) inputProfile.utf16(), MAX_PATH); // MSDN recommend to setup reasonable values even if profile is specified // so let's use sRGB colorspace values logColorSpace.lcsEndpoints.ciexyzRed.ciexyzX = __FXPT2DOT30(0.64); logColorSpace.lcsEndpoints.ciexyzRed.ciexyzY = __FXPT2DOT30(0.33); logColorSpace.lcsEndpoints.ciexyzRed.ciexyzZ = __FXPT2DOT30(0.03); logColorSpace.lcsEndpoints.ciexyzGreen.ciexyzX = __FXPT2DOT30(0.3); logColorSpace.lcsEndpoints.ciexyzGreen.ciexyzY = __FXPT2DOT30(0.6); logColorSpace.lcsEndpoints.ciexyzGreen.ciexyzZ = __FXPT2DOT30(0.1); logColorSpace.lcsEndpoints.ciexyzBlue.ciexyzX = __FXPT2DOT30(0.15); logColorSpace.lcsEndpoints.ciexyzBlue.ciexyzY = __FXPT2DOT30(0.06); logColorSpace.lcsEndpoints.ciexyzBlue.ciexyzZ = __FXPT2DOT30(0.79); logColorSpace.lcsGammaRed = __FXPT16DOT16(0.45); logColorSpace.lcsGammaGreen = __FXPT16DOT16(0.45); logColorSpace.lcsGammaBlue = __FXPT16DOT16(0.45); // Create the color space handle hColorSpace = CreateColorSpaceW( &logColorSpace ); if ( hColorSpace ) { // Setup the input and output profiles for the device context if ( SetColorSpace(printerDC, hColorSpace) && SetICMProfileW(printerDC, (LPWSTR) printerProfile.utf16()) ) { int result = SetICMMode( printerDC, ICM_ON ); success = ( result != 0 ); } } } else success = true; } // Return if color managament could not be setup if ( !success ) { EndPage( printerDC ); if ( hColorSpace ) DeleteColorSpace( hColorSpace ); return false; } } #endif // Get page position int clipx = static_cast(page->xOffset()); int clipy = static_cast(page->yOffset()); int clipw = qRound(page->width()); int cliph = qRound(page->height()); // Get horizontal and vertical resolution of printer logPixelsX = GetDeviceCaps( printerDC, LOGPIXELSX ); logPixelsY = GetDeviceCaps( printerDC, LOGPIXELSY ); // Get paper dimensions ( in pixels and points) physicalWidth = GetDeviceCaps( printerDC, PHYSICALWIDTH ); physicalHeight = GetDeviceCaps( printerDC, PHYSICALHEIGHT ); physicalWidthP = physicalWidth / (double) logPixelsX * 72.0; physicalHeightP = physicalHeight / (double) logPixelsY * 72.0; // Get margins dimensions physicalOffsetX = GetDeviceCaps( printerDC, PHYSICALOFFSETX ); physicalOffsetY = GetDeviceCaps( printerDC, PHYSICALOFFSETY ); // Calculate scaling factors and offsets scalex = options.mirrorH ? -1.0 : 1.0; scaley = options.mirrorV ? -1.0 : 1.0; double dx = ( physicalWidthP - clipw ) / 2.0 - clipx * scalex; double dy = ( physicalHeightP - cliph ) / 2.0 - clipy * scaley; if ( options.mirrorH ) dx += clipw; if ( options.mirrorV ) dy += cliph; dx -= ( physicalOffsetX / (double) logPixelsX * 72.0 ); dy -= ( physicalOffsetY / (double) logPixelsY * 72.0 ); // Create the GDI painter MarksOptions marksOptions(options); ScPageOutput pageOutput(doc, true, 300, options.useICC); pageOutput.setMarksOptions(marksOptions); QRect drawRect( 0, 0, physicalWidth, physicalHeight); ScPainterEx_Cairo painter(context, drawRect, doc, !options.useColor ); painter.clear(); scalex *= ( logPixelsX / 72.0 ); scaley *= ( logPixelsY / 72.0 ); dx *= ( logPixelsX / 72.0 ); dy *= ( logPixelsY / 72.0 ); QMatrix matrix( scalex, 0.0, 0.0, scaley, dx, dy ); painter.setWorldMatrix( matrix ); pageOutput.drawPage(page, &painter); cairo_show_page(context); EndPage( printerDC ); if (hColorSpace) DeleteColorSpace( hColorSpace ); return success; } bool ScPrintEngine_GDI::printPage_PS ( ScribusDoc* doc, Page* page, PrintOptions& options, HDC printerDC, cairo_t* /*context*/ ) { bool succeed = false; ColorList usedColors; PrintOptions options2 = options; QMap > usedFonts; QString tempFilePath; int ret = 0; doc->getUsedFonts(usedFonts); doc->getUsedColors(usedColors); options2.pageNumbers.clear(); options2.pageNumbers.push_back(page->pageNr() + 1 ); tempFilePath = PrefsManager::instance()->preferencesLocation() + "/tmp.ps"; PSLib *dd = new PSLib(options2, false, PrefsManager::instance()->appPrefs.AvailFonts, usedFonts, usedColors, false, options2.useSpotColors ); dd->PS_set_file( tempFilePath ); ret = dd->CreatePS( doc, options2); delete dd; if (ret != 0) return false; if ( options.prnEngine == PostScript1 || options.prnEngine == PostScript2 ) { QString tmp; QStringList opts; QString tempFilePath2 = PrefsManager::instance()->preferencesLocation() + "/tmp2.ps"; opts.append( QString("-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=%1").arg(tmp.setNum(doc->pageWidth)) ); opts.append( QString("-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=%1").arg(tmp.setNum(doc->pageHeight)) ); if ( QFile::exists( tempFilePath2 ) ) QFile::remove( tempFilePath2 ); ret = convertPS2PS(tempFilePath, tempFilePath2, opts, options.prnEngine); if ( ret == 0 ) { QFile::remove( tempFilePath ); tempFilePath = tempFilePath2; } else { QFile::remove( tempFilePath2 ); } } if( ret == 0 ) { double bleedH = options.bleeds.Left + options.bleeds.Right; double bleedV = options.bleeds.Top + options.bleeds.Bottom; StartPage( printerDC ); succeed = sendPSFile( tempFilePath, printerDC, page->width() + bleedH, page->height() + bleedV, (page->PageOri == 1)); EndPage( printerDC ); } QFile::remove( tempFilePath ); return succeed; } bool ScPrintEngine_GDI::printPage_PS_Sep( ScribusDoc* doc, Page* page, PrintOptions& options, HDC printerDC, cairo_t* context ) { bool succeed = true; QStringList separations; if (options.separationName != QObject::tr("All")) separations.append( options.separationName ); else separations += options.allSeparations; for (int i = 0; i < separations.count(); ++i) { PrintOptions tempOptions = options; tempOptions.separationName = separations.at(i); succeed &= printPage_PS(doc, page, tempOptions, printerDC, context); if (!succeed) break; } return succeed; } bool ScPrintEngine_GDI::sendPSFile( QString filePath, HDC printerDC, int pageWidth, int pageHeight, bool landscape ) { int escape; int logPixelsX; int logPixelsY; int physicalWidth; int physicalHeight; bool done = true; sPSPassthrough sps; double transx, transy; double scalex, scaley; QFile file( filePath ); int fileSize = 0; int br, bw; if (!printerDC) return false; escape = getPSPassthroughSupport( printerDC ); if (!escape) return false; // Get printer resolution logPixelsX = GetDeviceCaps(printerDC, LOGPIXELSX); logPixelsY = GetDeviceCaps(printerDC, LOGPIXELSY); // Get paper dimensions ( in point units ) physicalWidth = GetDeviceCaps( printerDC, PHYSICALWIDTH ) / (double) logPixelsX * 72.0; physicalHeight = GetDeviceCaps( printerDC, PHYSICALHEIGHT ) / (double) logPixelsY * 72.0; // Calculate and set scaling factor scalex = logPixelsX / 72.0; scaley = -logPixelsY / 72.0; sprintf( (char*) sps.data, "%0.3f %0.3f scale\n", scalex, scaley ); sps.numBytes = strlen( (char*) sps.data ); if( ExtEscape( printerDC, escape, sizeof(sps), (LPCSTR) &sps, 0, NULL) <= 0 ) return false; // Set some necessary stuff for embedding ps into ps QString eBegin = "/b4_Inc_state save def\n"; eBegin += "/dict_count countdictstack def\n"; eBegin += "/op_count count 1 sub def\n"; eBegin += "userdict begin\n"; eBegin += "/showpage { } def\n"; eBegin += "0 setgray 0 setlinecap\n"; eBegin += "1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin\n"; eBegin += "10 setmiterlimit [ ] 0 setdash newpath\n"; eBegin += "/languagelevel where\n"; eBegin += "{pop languagelevel\n"; eBegin += "1 ne\n"; eBegin += "{false setstrokeadjust false setoverprint\n"; eBegin += "} if } if\n"; sprintf( (char*) sps.data, "%s", eBegin.toLatin1().data() ); sps.numBytes = strlen( (char*) sps.data ); if( ExtEscape( printerDC, escape, sizeof(sps), (LPCSTR) &sps, 0, NULL) <= 0 ) return false; // Match Postscript and GDI coordinate system sprintf( (char*) sps.data, "0 %0.3f neg translate\n", (double) physicalHeight ); sps.numBytes = strlen( (char*) sps.data ); if( ExtEscape( printerDC, escape, sizeof(sps), (LPCSTR) &sps, 0, NULL) <= 0 ) return false; // In case of landscape printing, pslib will rotate the page // we must take that into account /*if (landscape) { sprintf( (char*) sps.data, "-90 rotate %0.3f %0.3f translate\n", (double) -pageHeight, 0.0); sps.numBytes = strlen( (char*) sps.data ); if( ExtEscape( printerDC, escape, sizeof(sps), (LPCSTR) &sps, 0, NULL) <= 0 ) return false; transx = ( physicalHeight - pageHeight ) / -2.0; transy = ( physicalWidth - pageWidth ) / 2.0; } else*/ { transx = ( physicalWidth - pageWidth ) / 2.0; transy = ( physicalHeight - pageHeight ) / 2.0; } // Center the printed page in paper zone sprintf( (char*) sps.data, "%0.3f %0.3f translate\n", transx, transy ); sps.numBytes = strlen( (char*) sps.data ); if( ExtEscape( printerDC, escape, sizeof(sps), (LPCSTR) &sps, 0, NULL) <= 0 ) return false; sprintf( (char*) sps.data, "%s: %s\n", "%%BeginDocument", file.fileName().toLocal8Bit().data()); sps.numBytes = strlen( (char*) sps.data ); if( ExtEscape( printerDC, escape, sizeof(sps), (LPCSTR) &sps, 0, NULL) <= 0 ) return false; if ( !file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) return false; fileSize = file.size(); bw = 0; // bytes written br = file.read( (char*) sps.data, sizeof( sps.data ) ); while( br > 0 ) { sps.numBytes = br; if( ExtEscape( printerDC, escape, sizeof(sps), (LPCSTR) &sps, 0, NULL) <= 0 ) break; bw += br; br = file.read( (char*) sps.data, sizeof( sps.data ) ); } file.close(); sprintf( (char*) sps.data, "%s", "\n%%EndDocument\n"); sps.numBytes = strlen( (char*) sps.data ); if( ExtEscape( printerDC, escape, sizeof(sps), (LPCSTR) &sps, 0, NULL) <= 0 ) return false; // Set some necessary stuff for embedding ps into ps QString eEnd = "count op_count sub {pop} repeat\n"; eEnd += "countdictstack dict_count sub {end} repeat\n"; eEnd += "b4_Inc_state restore\n"; sprintf( (char*) sps.data, "%s", eEnd.toLatin1().data() ); sps.numBytes = strlen( (char*) sps.data ); if( ExtEscape( printerDC, escape, sizeof(sps), (LPCSTR) &sps, 0, NULL) <= 0 ) return false; return ( (fileSize == bw) && ( br >= 0 ) ); } void ScPrintEngine_GDI::setDeviceParams( ScribusDoc* doc, PrintOptions& options, DEVMODEW* devMode ) { HANDLE handle; QString printer = options.printer; DWORD devFlags = devMode->dmFields; short nCopies = options.copies; devMode->dmCopies = nCopies; devFlags = devFlags | DM_COPIES; bool greyscale = !options.useColor; if( greyscale ) { devMode->dmDitherType = DMDITHER_GRAYSCALE; devFlags = devFlags | DM_DITHERTYPE; } devMode->dmFields = devFlags; OpenPrinterW( (LPWSTR) printer.utf16(), &handle, NULL ); DocumentPropertiesW( doc->scMW()->winId(), handle, (LPWSTR) printer.utf16(), devMode, devMode, DM_IN_BUFFER | DM_OUT_BUFFER); ClosePrinter( handle ); } QString ScPrintEngine_GDI::getDefaultPrinter( void ) { QString defPrinter; OSVERSIONINFO osvi; DWORD returned, buffSize; WCHAR szPrinter[512] = { 0 }; WCHAR* p; buffSize = 512; osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&osvi); if ( osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT && osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 5 ) // Win2k and later { if ( GetDefaultPrinterW(szPrinter, &buffSize) ) defPrinter = QString::fromUtf16((const ushort*) szPrinter); } else if( osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT && osvi.dwMajorVersion < 5 ) // NT4 or earlier { if ( GetProfileStringW(L"windows",L"device",L"", szPrinter, buffSize) < (buffSize - 1) ) { p = szPrinter; while (*p != 0 && *p != ',') ++p; *p = 0; defPrinter = QString::fromUtf16((const ushort*) szPrinter); } } else { DWORD numPrinters; PRINTER_INFO_2W* printerInfos = NULL; EnumPrintersW ( PRINTER_ENUM_DEFAULT, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, &buffSize, &numPrinters ); printerInfos = (PRINTER_INFO_2W*) malloc(buffSize); if ( EnumPrintersW ( PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL, NULL, 2, (LPBYTE) printerInfos, buffSize, &buffSize, &returned ) ) { if ( returned > 0 ) { defPrinter = QString::fromUtf16((const ushort*) printerInfos->pPrinterName); } } if( printerInfos) free(printerInfos); } return defPrinter; } bool ScPrintEngine_GDI::isPostscriptPrinter( HDC dc ) { int escapeCode; char technology[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if (!dc) return false; // Test printer support for the POSTSCRIPT_PASSTHROUGH escape (available since win2k) escapeCode = POSTSCRIPT_PASSTHROUGH; if ( ExtEscape( dc, QUERYESCSUPPORT, sizeof(int), (LPCSTR)&escapeCode, 0, NULL ) > 0 ) return true; // Test printer support for the POSTSCRIPT_DATA escape (available since win95) escapeCode = POSTSCRIPT_DATA; if ( ExtEscape( dc, QUERYESCSUPPORT, sizeof(int), (LPCSTR)&escapeCode, 0, NULL ) > 0 ) return true; // Test the printer technology escapeCode = GETTECHNOLOGY; if ( ExtEscape( dc, QUERYESCSUPPORT, sizeof(int), (LPCSTR)&escapeCode, 0, NULL ) > 0 ) { // If GETTECHNOLOGY is supported, then ... get technology if ( ExtEscape( dc, GETTECHNOLOGY, 0, NULL, MAX_PATH, (LPSTR) technology ) > 0 ) { // Check technology string for postscript word strupr( technology ); if ( strstr( technology, "POSTSCRIPT" ) ) return true; } } return false; } int ScPrintEngine_GDI::getPSPassthroughSupport( HDC printerDC ) { int escapeCode; char technology[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if (!printerDC) return 0; // Test printer support for the POSTSCRIPT_PASSTHROUGH escape (available since win2k) escapeCode = POSTSCRIPT_PASSTHROUGH; if ( ExtEscape( printerDC, QUERYESCSUPPORT, sizeof(int), (LPCSTR)&escapeCode, 0, NULL ) > 0 ) return POSTSCRIPT_PASSTHROUGH; // Test printer support for the POSTSCRIPT_DATA escape (available since win95) escapeCode = POSTSCRIPT_DATA; if ( ExtEscape( printerDC, QUERYESCSUPPORT, sizeof(int), (LPCSTR)&escapeCode, 0, NULL ) > 0 ) return POSTSCRIPT_DATA; // Test printer support for the PASSTHROUGH escape escapeCode = PASSTHROUGH; if ( ExtEscape( printerDC, QUERYESCSUPPORT, sizeof(int), (LPCSTR)&escapeCode, 0, NULL ) > 0 ) return PASSTHROUGH; return 0; } bool ScPrintEngine_GDI::printerUseFilePort( QString& printerName ) { bool done; bool toFile = false; HANDLE prnHandle; DWORD size = 0; done = OpenPrinterW( (LPWSTR) printerName.utf16(), &prnHandle, NULL ); if ( !done ) return false; // Get buffer size for the PRINTER_INFO_2 structure GetPrinterW( prnHandle, 2, NULL, 0, &size ); if ( size > 0 ) { PRINTER_INFO_2W* pInfos = (PRINTER_INFO_2W*) malloc(size); if( pInfos ) { // Get printer informations done = GetPrinterW( prnHandle, 2, (LPBYTE) pInfos, size, &size ); if( done ) { // Get printer port WCHAR* pPortName = pInfos->pPortName; if( wcsstr(pPortName, L"FILE:") ) toFile = true; } free(pInfos); } } ClosePrinter( prnHandle ); return toFile; }