/* For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place. */ /*************************************************************************** begin : May 2005 copyright : (C) 2005 by Craig Bradney email : cbradney@zip.com.au copyright : (C) 2001 by Franz Schmid email : Franz.Schmid@altmuehlnet.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * ScMW program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "scribusapp.h" #include "scribuscore.h" #include "scpaths.h" #include "prefsfile.h" #include "langmgr.h" #include "prefsmanager.h" #include "commonstrings.h" #include "upgradechecker.h" #if defined(_WIN32) #include #endif #define ARG_VERSION "--version" #define ARG_HELP "--help" #define ARG_LANG "--lang" #define ARG_AVAILLANG "--langs-available" #define ARG_NOSPLASH "--no-splash" #define ARG_NEVERSPLASH "--never-splash" #define ARG_NOGUI "--no-gui" #define ARG_DISPLAY "--display" #define ARG_FONTINFO "--font-info" #define ARG_PROFILEINFO "--profile-info" #define ARG_SWAPDIABUTTONS "--swap-buttons" #define ARG_PREFS "--prefs" #define ARG_UPGRADECHECK "--upgradecheck" #define ARG_VERSION_SHORT "-v" #define ARG_HELP_SHORT "-h" #define ARG_LANG_SHORT "-l" #define ARG_AVAILLANG_SHORT "-la" #define ARG_NOSPLASH_SHORT "-ns" #define ARG_NEVERSPLASH_SHORT "-nns" #define ARG_NOGUI_SHORT "-g" #define ARG_DISPLAY_SHORT "-d" #define ARG_FONTINFO_SHORT "-fi" #define ARG_PROFILEINFO_SHORT "-pi" #define ARG_SWAPDIABUTTONS_SHORT "-sb" #define ARG_PREFS_SHORT "-pr" #define ARG_UPGRADECHECK_SHORT "-u" // Qt wants -display not --display or -d #define ARG_DISPLAY_QT "-display" // Windows specific options, allows to display a console windows extern const char ARG_CONSOLE[] = "--console"; extern const char ARG_CONSOLE_SHORT[] = "-cl"; extern ScribusQApp* ScQApp; extern ScribusCore* ScCore; bool ScribusQApp::useGUI=false; ScribusQApp::ScribusQApp( int & argc, char ** argv ) : QApplication(argc, argv), lang(""), GUILang("") { ScQApp=this; ScCore=NULL; } ScribusQApp::~ScribusQApp() { PrefsManager::deleteInstance(); } void ScribusQApp::initLang() { QStringList langs = getLang(QString(lang)); if (!langs.isEmpty()) installTranslators(langs); } void ScribusQApp::parseCommandLine() { showSplash=!neverSplashExists(); QString arg(""); bool usage=false; bool header=false; bool availlangs=false; bool version=false; bool runUpgradeCheck=false; showFontInfo=false; showProfileInfo=false; swapDialogButtonOrder=false; //Parse for command line information options, and lang for(int i = 1; i < argc(); i++) { arg = argv()[i]; if ((arg == ARG_LANG || arg == ARG_LANG_SHORT) && (++i < argc())) { lang = argv()[i]; } else if (arg == ARG_VERSION || arg == ARG_VERSION_SHORT) { header=true; version=true; } else if (arg == ARG_HELP || arg == ARG_HELP_SHORT) { header=true; usage=true; } else if (arg == ARG_AVAILLANG || arg == ARG_AVAILLANG_SHORT) { header=true; availlangs=true; } else if (arg == ARG_UPGRADECHECK || arg == ARG_UPGRADECHECK_SHORT) { header=true; runUpgradeCheck=true; } } //Init translations initLang(); //Show command line help if (header) showHeader(); if (version) showVersion(); if (availlangs) showAvailLangs(); if (usage) showUsage(); if (runUpgradeCheck) { UpgradeChecker uc; uc.fetch(); } //Dont run the GUI init process called from main.cpp, and return if (!header) useGUI=true; else return; //We are going to run something other than command line help for(int i = 1; i < argc(); i++) { arg = argv()[i]; if ((arg == ARG_LANG || arg == ARG_LANG_SHORT) && (++i < argc())) { continue; } else if ( arg == ARG_CONSOLE || arg == ARG_CONSOLE_SHORT ) { continue; } else if (arg == ARG_NOSPLASH || arg == ARG_NOSPLASH_SHORT) { showSplash = false; } else if (arg == ARG_NEVERSPLASH || arg == ARG_NEVERSPLASH_SHORT) { showSplash = false; neverSplash(true); } else if (arg == ARG_NOGUI || arg == ARG_NOGUI_SHORT) { useGUI=false; } else if (arg == ARG_FONTINFO || arg == ARG_FONTINFO_SHORT) { showFontInfo=true; } else if (arg == ARG_PROFILEINFO || arg == ARG_PROFILEINFO_SHORT) { showProfileInfo=true; } else if (arg == ARG_SWAPDIABUTTONS || arg == ARG_SWAPDIABUTTONS_SHORT) { swapDialogButtonOrder=true; } else if ((arg == ARG_DISPLAY || arg==ARG_DISPLAY_SHORT || arg==ARG_DISPLAY_QT) && ++i < argc()) { // allow setting of display, QT expect the option -display so we discard the // last argument. FIXME: Qt only understands -display not --display and -d , we need to work // around this. } else if (arg == ARG_PREFS || arg == ARG_PREFS_SHORT) { prefsUserFile = QFile::decodeName(argv()[i + 1]); if (!QFileInfo(prefsUserFile).exists()) { showHeader(); if (fileName.left(1) == "-" || fileName.left(2) == "--") { std::cout << tr("Invalid argument: ").toLocal8Bit().data() << fileName.toLocal8Bit().data() << std::endl; } else { std::cout << tr("File %1 does not exist, aborting.").arg(fileName).toLocal8Bit().data() << std::endl; } showUsage(); useGUI=false; return; } else { ++i; } } else if (strncmp(arg.toLocal8Bit().data(),"-psn_",4) == 0) { // Andreas Vox: Qt/Mac has -psn_blah flags that must be accepted. } else { fileName = QFile::decodeName(argv()[i]); if (!QFileInfo(fileName).exists()) { showHeader(); if (fileName.left(1) == "-" || fileName.left(2) == "--") { std::cout << tr("Invalid argument: %1").arg(fileName).toLocal8Bit().data() << std::endl; } else { std::cout << tr("File %1 does not exist, aborting.").arg(fileName).toLocal8Bit().data() << std::endl; } showUsage(); useGUI=false; return; } else { filesToLoad.append(fileName); } } } } int ScribusQApp::init() { m_ScCore=new ScribusCore(); Q_CHECK_PTR(m_ScCore); if (!m_ScCore) return EXIT_FAILURE; ScCore=m_ScCore; processEvents(); ScCore->init(useGUI, swapDialogButtonOrder, filesToLoad); int retVal=EXIT_SUCCESS; if (useGUI) retVal=ScCore->startGUI(showSplash, showFontInfo, showProfileInfo, lang, prefsUserFile); return retVal; } QStringList ScribusQApp::getLang(QString lang) { QStringList langs; // read the locales if (!lang.isEmpty()) langs.push_back(lang); //add in user preferences lang, only overridden by lang command line option QString Pff = QDir::convertSeparators(ScPaths::getApplicationDataDir()); QFileInfo Pffi = QFileInfo(Pff); if (Pffi.exists()) { QString PrefsPfad; if (Pffi.isDir()) PrefsPfad = Pff; else PrefsPfad = QDir::homePath(); QString prefsXMLFile=QDir::convertSeparators(PrefsPfad + "/prefs140.xml"); QFileInfo infoPrefsFile(prefsXMLFile); if (infoPrefsFile.exists()) { PrefsFile* prefsFile = new PrefsFile(prefsXMLFile); if (prefsFile) { PrefsContext* userprefsContext = prefsFile->getContext("user_preferences"); if (userprefsContext) { QString prefslang = userprefsContext->get("gui_language",""); if (!prefslang.isEmpty()) langs.push_back(prefslang); } } delete prefsFile; } } if (!(lang = ::getenv("LC_ALL")).isEmpty()) langs.push_back(lang); if (!(lang = ::getenv("LC_MESSAGES")).isEmpty()) langs.push_back(lang); if (!(lang = ::getenv("LANG")).isEmpty()) langs.push_back(lang); #if defined(_WIN32) wchar_t out[256]; QString language, sublanguage; LCID lcIdo = GetUserDefaultLCID(); WORD sortId = SORTIDFROMLCID(lcIdo); LANGID langId = GetUserDefaultUILanguage(); LCID lcIdn = MAKELCID(langId, sortId); if ( GetLocaleInfoW(lcIdn, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME , out, 255) ) { language = QString::fromUtf16( (ushort*)out ); if ( GetLocaleInfoW(lcIdn, LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME, out, 255) ) { sublanguage = QString::fromUtf16( (ushort*)out ).toLower(); lang = language; if ( sublanguage != language && !sublanguage.isEmpty() ) lang += "_" + sublanguage.toUpper(); langs.push_back(lang); } } #endif langs.push_back(QString(QLocale::system().name())); // remove duplicate entries... QStringList::Iterator it = langs.end(); while (it != langs.begin()) { --it; if (langs.count(*it) > 1) it = langs.erase(it); } return langs; } void ScribusQApp::installTranslators(const QStringList & langs) { static QTranslator *trans = 0; if ( trans ) { removeTranslator( trans ); delete trans; } trans = new QTranslator(0); QString path(ScPaths::instance().translationDir()); path += "scribus"; bool loaded = false; QString lang; for (QStringList::const_iterator it = langs.constBegin(); it != langs.constEnd() && !loaded; ++it) { lang=(*it); if (lang == "en") { GUILang=lang; break; } else if (trans->load(QString(path + '.' + lang), ".")) loaded = true; } if (loaded) { installTranslator(trans); GUILang=lang; } else if (lang == "en") GUILang=lang; /* CB TODO, currently disabled, because its broken broken broken path = ScPaths::instance().pluginDir(); QDir dir(path , "*.*", QDir::Name, QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks); if (dir.exists() && (dir.count() != 0)) { for (uint i = 0; i < dir.count(); ++i) { QFileInfo file(path + dir[i]); if ((file.extension(false).toLower() == "qm") && (file.extension(true).toLower().left(5) == lang)) { trans = new QTranslator(0); trans->load(QString(path + dir[i]), "."); installTranslator(trans); } } }*/ } void ScribusQApp::changeGUILanguage(const QString & newGUILang) { QStringList newLangs; if (newGUILang.isEmpty()) { newLangs = getLang(QString()); newLangs.append("en"); } else newLangs.append(newGUILang); if (newLangs[0] != GUILang) installTranslators(newLangs); } /*! \brief Format an arguments line for printing Helper procedure */ static void printArgLine(QTextStream & ts, const char * smallArg, const char* fullArg, const QString desc) { const char* lineformat = " %1, %2 %3"; const int saw = 4; // Short argument width const int aw = -18; // Argument width (negative is left aligned) QString line = QString(lineformat) .arg(smallArg, saw) .arg(fullArg, aw) .arg(desc); ts << line; endl(ts); } void ScribusQApp::showUsage() { QFile f; f.open(stderr, QIODevice::WriteOnly); QTextStream ts(&f); ts << tr("Usage: scribus [option ... ] [file]") ; endl(ts); ts << tr("Options:") ; endl(ts); printArgLine(ts, ARG_FONTINFO_SHORT, ARG_FONTINFO, tr("Show information on the console when fonts are being loaded") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_HELP_SHORT, ARG_HELP, tr("Print help (this message) and exit") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_LANG_SHORT, ARG_LANG, tr("Uses xx as shortcut for a language, eg `en' or `de'") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_AVAILLANG_SHORT, ARG_AVAILLANG, tr("List the currently installed interface languages") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_NOSPLASH_SHORT, ARG_NOSPLASH, tr("Do not show the splashscreen on startup") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_NEVERSPLASH_SHORT, ARG_NEVERSPLASH, tr("Stop the showing of the splashscreen on startup. Writes an empty file called .neversplash in ~/.scribus.") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_PREFS_SHORT, QString(QString(ARG_PREFS) + QString(" ") + tr("filename")).toLocal8Bit().constData(), tr("Use filename as path for user given preferences") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_PROFILEINFO_SHORT, ARG_PROFILEINFO, tr("Show location ICC profile information on console while starting") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_SWAPDIABUTTONS_SHORT, ARG_SWAPDIABUTTONS, tr("Use right to left dialog button ordering (eg. Cancel/No/Yes instead of Yes/No/Cancel)") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_UPGRADECHECK_SHORT, ARG_UPGRADECHECK, tr("Download a file from the Scribus website and show the latest available version.") ); printArgLine(ts, ARG_VERSION_SHORT, ARG_VERSION, tr("Output version information and exit") ); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_CONSOLE) printArgLine(ts, ARG_CONSOLE_SHORT, ARG_CONSOLE, tr("Display a console window") ); #endif /* Delete me? std::cout << "-file|-- name Open file 'name'" ; endl(ts); std::cout << "name Open file 'name', the file name must not begin with '-'" ; endl(ts); std::cout << "QT specific options as -display ..." ; endl(ts); */ endl(ts); } void ScribusQApp::showAvailLangs() { QFile f; f.open(stderr, QIODevice::WriteOnly); QTextStream ts(&f); ts << tr("Installed interface languages for Scribus are as follows:"); endl(ts); endl(ts); // LanguageManager langMgr; // langMgr.init(); LanguageManager::instance()->printInstalledList(); endl(ts); ts << tr("To override the default language choice:"); endl(ts); ts << tr("scribus -l xx or scribus --lang xx, where xx is the language of choice."); endl(ts); } void ScribusQApp::showVersion() { std::cout << tr("Scribus Version").toLocal8Bit().data() << " " << VERSION << std::endl; } void ScribusQApp::showHeader() { QFile f; f.open(stderr, QIODevice::WriteOnly); QTextStream ts(&f); endl(ts); QString heading( tr("Scribus, Open Source Desktop Publishing") ); // Build a separator of ----s the same width as the heading QString separator = QString("").rightJustified(heading.length(),'-'); // Then output the heading, separator, and docs/www/etc info in an aligned table const int urlwidth = 23; const int descwidth = -(heading.length() - urlwidth - 1); ts << heading; endl(ts); ts << separator; endl(ts); ts << QString("%1 %2").arg( tr("Homepage")+":", descwidth).arg("http://www.scribus.net" ); endl(ts); ts << QString("%1 %2").arg( tr("Documentation")+":", descwidth).arg("http://docs.scribus.net"); endl(ts); ts << QString("%1 %2").arg( tr("Wiki")+":", descwidth).arg("http://wiki.scribus.net"); endl(ts); ts << QString("%1 %2").arg( tr("Issues")+":", descwidth).arg("http://bugs.scribus.net"); endl(ts); endl(ts); } void ScribusQApp::neverSplash(bool splashOff) { QString prefsDir = ScPaths::getApplicationDataDir(); QFile ns(prefsDir + ".neversplash"); if (splashOff) { if (QFileInfo(QDir::homePath()).exists()) { QDir prefsDirectory(prefsDir); if (!QFileInfo(prefsDir).exists()) prefsDirectory.mkdir(prefsDir); if (!ns.exists() && ns.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) ns.close(); } } else { if (neverSplashExists()) ns.remove(); } } bool ScribusQApp::neverSplashExists() { return QFileInfo(ScPaths::getApplicationDataDir() + ".neversplash").exists(); }