/* For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place. */ #include "stencilreader.h" #include #include #include "commonstrings.h" #include "pageitem.h" #include "prefsmanager.h" #include "scclocale.h" #include "sccolor.h" #include "scpainter.h" #include "scribus.h" #include "scribusdoc.h" #include "splash.h" #include "units.h" #include "util_math.h" StencilReader::StencilReader() { } QString StencilReader::createShape(QString datain) { QString tmp = ""; double GrW = 50.0; double GrH = 50.0; double Dx = 0.0; double Dy = 0.0; QDomDocument docu("scridoc"); docu.setContent(datain); QDomElement elem=docu.documentElement(); if (elem.tagName() != "shape") return tmp; QDomNodeList list = elem.elementsByTagName("name"); if (list.count() == 0) return tmp; QString name = list.item(0).toElement().text(); QDomDocument data("scribus"); QString st=""; data.setContent(st); QDomElement group = data.documentElement(); QDomNodeList list2 = elem.elementsByTagName("svg:svg"); if (list2.count() == 0) return tmp; QDomElement svg = list2.item(0).toElement(); Conversion = 1.0; group.setAttribute("XP", 0.0); group.setAttribute("YP", 0.0); group.setAttribute("Version", QString(VERSION)); PageColors.insert("Black", ScColor(0, 0, 0, 255)); QDomElement co = data.createElement("COLOR"); co.setAttribute("NAME","Black"); co.setAttribute("CMYK", "#000000FF"); co.setAttribute("Spot","0"); co.setAttribute("Register","0"); group.appendChild(co); PageColors.insert("White", ScColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); QDomElement co2 = data.createElement("COLOR"); co2.setAttribute("NAME","White"); co2.setAttribute("CMYK", "#00000000"); co2.setAttribute("Spot","0"); co2.setAttribute("Register","0"); group.appendChild(co2); QDomNode DOC = svg.firstChild(); double minXCoor = 0.0; double minYCoor = 0.0; double maxXCoor = 0.0; double maxYCoor = 0.0; int groupElemCounter = 0; Conversion = 1.0; bool firstCheck = true; parseGroupProperties(data, group, DOC, groupElemCounter, minXCoor, minYCoor, maxXCoor, maxYCoor, firstCheck); GrW = maxXCoor - minXCoor; GrH = maxYCoor - minYCoor; Conversion = 100.0 / qMax(GrW, GrH); GrW *= Conversion; GrH *= Conversion; Dx = minXCoor * Conversion; Dy = minYCoor* Conversion; QDomElement obGroup; if (groupElemCounter != 1) { group.setAttribute("COUNT", groupElemCounter+1); obGroup = data.createElement("ITEM"); writeDefaults(obGroup); obGroup.setAttribute("PWIDTH", 0); obGroup.setAttribute("PCOLOR", "None"); obGroup.setAttribute("PCOLOR2", "None"); obGroup.setAttribute("PLINEART", Qt::SolidLine); obGroup.setAttribute("PLINEEND", Qt::FlatCap); obGroup.setAttribute("PLINEJOIN", Qt::MiterJoin); obGroup.setAttribute("ANNAME", name.simplified().replace( QRegExp("[\\s\\/\\{\\[\\]\\}\\<\\>\\(\\)\\%]"), "_" )); obGroup.setAttribute("GROUPS", 1); obGroup.setAttribute("NUMGROUP", 1); obGroup.setAttribute("isGroupControl", 1); obGroup.setAttribute("PTYPE", PageItem::Polygon); group.appendChild(obGroup); } else group.setAttribute("COUNT", groupElemCounter); int groupElemCounter2 = 0; DOC = svg.firstChild(); parseGroup(data, group, DOC, groupElemCounter, groupElemCounter2, Dx, Dy); if (groupElemCounter > 1) { obGroup.setAttribute("groupsLastItem", groupElemCounter2); static double rect[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; FPointArray PoLine; PoLine.resize(0); for (int a = 0; a < 29; a += 4) { double xa = GrW * rect[a]; double ya = GrH * rect[a+1]; double xb = GrW * rect[a+2]; double yb = GrH * rect[a+3]; PoLine.addPoint(0+xa, 0+ya); PoLine.addPoint(0+xb, 0+yb); } obGroup.setAttribute("XPOS", 0); obGroup.setAttribute("YPOS",0); obGroup.setAttribute("WIDTH",GrW); obGroup.setAttribute("HEIGHT",GrH); obGroup.setAttribute("NUMPO", PoLine.size()); QString polp = ""; double xf, yf; QString tmpSt, tmpSt2; for (uint nxx=0; nxx= '0' && *ptr <= '9') integer = (integer * 10) + *(ptr++) - '0'; if(*ptr == '.') // read the decimals { ptr++; while(*ptr != '\0' && *ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9') decimal += (*(ptr++) - '0') * (frac *= 0.1); } if(*ptr == 'e' || *ptr == 'E') // read the exponent part { ptr++; // read the sign of the exponent if(*ptr == '+') ptr++; else if(*ptr == '-') { ptr++; expsign = -1; } exponent = 0; while(*ptr != '\0' && *ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9') { exponent *= 10; exponent += *ptr - '0'; ptr++; } } number = integer + decimal; number *= sign * pow( static_cast(10), static_cast( expsign * exponent ) ); // skip the following space if(*ptr == ' ') ptr++; return ptr; } bool StencilReader::parseSVG( const QString &s, FPointArray *ite ) { QString d = s; d = d.replace( QRegExp( "," ), " "); bool ret = false; if( !d.isEmpty() ) { d = d.simplified(); QByteArray pathData = d.toLatin1(); const char *ptr = pathData.constData(); const char *end = pathData.constData() + pathData.length() + 1; double contrlx, contrly, curx, cury, subpathx, subpathy, tox, toy, x1, y1, x2, y2, xc, yc; double px1, py1, px2, py2, px3, py3; bool relative; FirstM = true; char command = *(ptr++), lastCommand = ' '; subpathx = subpathy = curx = cury = contrlx = contrly = 0.0; while( ptr < end ) { if( *ptr == ' ' ) ptr++; relative = false; switch( command ) { case 'm': relative = true; case 'M': { ptr = getCoord( ptr, tox ); ptr = getCoord( ptr, toy ); tox *= Conversion; toy *= Conversion; WasM = true; subpathx = curx = relative ? curx + tox : tox; subpathy = cury = relative ? cury + toy : toy; svgMoveTo(curx, cury ); break; } case 'l': relative = true; case 'L': { ptr = getCoord( ptr, tox ); ptr = getCoord( ptr, toy ); tox *= Conversion; toy *= Conversion; curx = relative ? curx + tox : tox; cury = relative ? cury + toy : toy; svgLineTo(ite, curx, cury ); break; } case 'h': { ptr = getCoord( ptr, tox ); tox *= Conversion; curx = curx + tox; svgLineTo(ite, curx, cury ); break; } case 'H': { ptr = getCoord( ptr, tox ); tox *= Conversion; curx = tox; svgLineTo(ite, curx, cury ); break; } case 'v': { ptr = getCoord( ptr, toy ); toy *= Conversion; cury = cury + toy; svgLineTo(ite, curx, cury ); break; } case 'V': { ptr = getCoord( ptr, toy ); toy *= Conversion; cury = toy; svgLineTo(ite, curx, cury ); break; } case 'z': case 'Z': { curx = subpathx; cury = subpathy; svgClosePath(ite); break; } case 'c': relative = true; case 'C': { ptr = getCoord( ptr, x1 ); ptr = getCoord( ptr, y1 ); ptr = getCoord( ptr, x2 ); ptr = getCoord( ptr, y2 ); ptr = getCoord( ptr, tox ); ptr = getCoord( ptr, toy ); tox *= Conversion; toy *= Conversion; x1 *= Conversion; y1 *= Conversion; x2 *= Conversion; y2 *= Conversion; px1 = relative ? curx + x1 : x1; py1 = relative ? cury + y1 : y1; px2 = relative ? curx + x2 : x2; py2 = relative ? cury + y2 : y2; px3 = relative ? curx + tox : tox; py3 = relative ? cury + toy : toy; svgCurveToCubic(ite, px1, py1, px2, py2, px3, py3 ); contrlx = relative ? curx + x2 : x2; contrly = relative ? cury + y2 : y2; curx = relative ? curx + tox : tox; cury = relative ? cury + toy : toy; break; } case 's': relative = true; case 'S': { ptr = getCoord( ptr, x2 ); ptr = getCoord( ptr, y2 ); ptr = getCoord( ptr, tox ); ptr = getCoord( ptr, toy ); tox *= Conversion; toy *= Conversion; x2 *= Conversion; y2 *= Conversion; px1 = 2 * curx - contrlx; py1 = 2 * cury - contrly; px2 = relative ? curx + x2 : x2; py2 = relative ? cury + y2 : y2; px3 = relative ? curx + tox : tox; py3 = relative ? cury + toy : toy; svgCurveToCubic(ite, px1, py1, px2, py2, px3, py3 ); contrlx = relative ? curx + x2 : x2; contrly = relative ? cury + y2 : y2; curx = relative ? curx + tox : tox; cury = relative ? cury + toy : toy; break; } case 'q': relative = true; case 'Q': { ptr = getCoord( ptr, x1 ); ptr = getCoord( ptr, y1 ); ptr = getCoord( ptr, tox ); ptr = getCoord( ptr, toy ); tox *= Conversion; toy *= Conversion; x1 *= Conversion; y1 *= Conversion; px1 = relative ? (curx + 2 * (x1 + curx)) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (curx + 2 * x1) * (1.0 / 3.0); py1 = relative ? (cury + 2 * (y1 + cury)) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (cury + 2 * y1) * (1.0 / 3.0); px2 = relative ? ((curx + tox) + 2 * (x1 + curx)) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (tox + 2 * x1) * (1.0 / 3.0); py2 = relative ? ((cury + toy) + 2 * (y1 + cury)) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (toy + 2 * y1) * (1.0 / 3.0); px3 = relative ? curx + tox : tox; py3 = relative ? cury + toy : toy; svgCurveToCubic(ite, px1, py1, px2, py2, px3, py3 ); contrlx = relative ? curx + x1 : (tox + 2 * x1) * (1.0 / 3.0); contrly = relative ? cury + y1 : (toy + 2 * y1) * (1.0 / 3.0); curx = relative ? curx + tox : tox; cury = relative ? cury + toy : toy; break; } case 't': relative = true; case 'T': { ptr = getCoord(ptr, tox); ptr = getCoord(ptr, toy); tox *= Conversion; toy *= Conversion; xc = 2 * curx - contrlx; yc = 2 * cury - contrly; px1 = relative ? (curx + 2 * xc) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (curx + 2 * xc) * (1.0 / 3.0); py1 = relative ? (cury + 2 * yc) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (cury + 2 * yc) * (1.0 / 3.0); px2 = relative ? ((curx + tox) + 2 * xc) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (tox + 2 * xc) * (1.0 / 3.0); py2 = relative ? ((cury + toy) + 2 * yc) * (1.0 / 3.0) : (toy + 2 * yc) * (1.0 / 3.0); px3 = relative ? curx + tox : tox; py3 = relative ? cury + toy : toy; svgCurveToCubic(ite, px1, py1, px2, py2, px3, py3 ); contrlx = xc; contrly = yc; curx = relative ? curx + tox : tox; cury = relative ? cury + toy : toy; break; } } lastCommand = command; if(*ptr == '+' || *ptr == '-' || (*ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9')) { // there are still coords in this command if(command == 'M') command = 'L'; else if(command == 'm') command = 'l'; } else command = *(ptr++); if( lastCommand != 'C' && lastCommand != 'c' && lastCommand != 'S' && lastCommand != 's' && lastCommand != 'Q' && lastCommand != 'q' && lastCommand != 'T' && lastCommand != 't') { contrlx = curx; contrly = cury; } } if ((lastCommand != 'z') && (lastCommand != 'Z')) ret = true; if (ite->size() > 2) { if ((ite->point(0).x() == ite->point(ite->size()-2).x()) && (ite->point(0).y() == ite->point(ite->size()-2).y())) ret = false; } } return ret; } void StencilReader::svgMoveTo(double x1, double y1) { CurrX = x1; CurrY = y1; StartX = x1; StartY = y1; PathLen = 0; } void StencilReader::svgLineTo(FPointArray *i, double x1, double y1) { if ((!FirstM) && (WasM)) { i->setMarker(); PathLen += 4; } FirstM = false; WasM = false; if (i->size() > 3) { FPoint b1 = i->point(i->size()-4); FPoint b2 = i->point(i->size()-3); FPoint b3 = i->point(i->size()-2); FPoint b4 = i->point(i->size()-1); FPoint n1 = FPoint(CurrX, CurrY); FPoint n2 = FPoint(x1, y1); if ((b1 == n1) && (b2 == n1) && (b3 == n2) && (b4 == n2)) return; } i->addPoint(FPoint(CurrX, CurrY)); i->addPoint(FPoint(CurrX, CurrY)); i->addPoint(FPoint(x1, y1)); i->addPoint(FPoint(x1, y1)); CurrX = x1; CurrY = y1; PathLen += 4; } void StencilReader::svgCurveToCubic(FPointArray *i, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) { if ((!FirstM) && (WasM)) { i->setMarker(); PathLen += 4; } FirstM = false; WasM = false; if (PathLen > 3) { FPoint b1 = i->point(i->size()-4); FPoint b2 = i->point(i->size()-3); FPoint b3 = i->point(i->size()-2); FPoint b4 = i->point(i->size()-1); FPoint n1 = FPoint(CurrX, CurrY); FPoint n2 = FPoint(x1, y1); FPoint n3 = FPoint(x3, y3); FPoint n4 = FPoint(x2, y2); if ((b1 == n1) && (b2 == n2) && (b3 == n3) && (b4 == n4)) return; } i->addPoint(FPoint(CurrX, CurrY)); i->addPoint(FPoint(x1, y1)); i->addPoint(FPoint(x3, y3)); i->addPoint(FPoint(x2, y2)); CurrX = x3; CurrY = y3; PathLen += 4; } void StencilReader::svgClosePath(FPointArray *i) { if (PathLen > 2) { if ((PathLen == 4) || (i->point(i->size()-2).x() != StartX) || (i->point(i->size()-2).y() != StartY)) { i->addPoint(i->point(i->size()-2)); i->addPoint(i->point(i->size()-3)); i->addPoint(FPoint(StartX, StartY)); i->addPoint(FPoint(StartX, StartY)); } } } QPixmap StencilReader::createPreview(QString data) { double pmmax; double GrW = 50.0; double GrH = 50.0; QImage tmp = QImage(0, 0); QColor stroke = Qt::black; QColor fill = Qt::white; Qt::PenStyle Dash = Qt::SolidLine; Qt::PenCapStyle LineEnd = Qt::FlatCap; Qt::PenJoinStyle LineJoin = Qt::MiterJoin; int fillStyle = 1; ScPainter *pS = NULL; double strokewidth = 1.0; QDomDocument docu("scridoc"); docu.setContent(data); QDomElement elem=docu.documentElement(); if (elem.tagName() != "KivioShapeStencil") return QPixmap(); QDomNodeList list = elem.elementsByTagName("Dimensions"); if (list.count() == 0) return QPixmap(); QDomElement dims = list.item(0).toElement(); GrW = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(dims.attribute("w"), 50.0) + 10; GrH = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(dims.attribute("h"), 50.0) + 10; pmmax = 60 / qMax(GrW, GrH); tmp = QImage(static_cast(GrW), static_cast(GrH), QImage::Format_ARGB32); pS = new ScPainter(&tmp, tmp.width(), tmp.height()); pS->clear(); pS->translate(5, 5); QDomNode DOC=elem.firstChild(); while(!DOC.isNull()) { QDomElement pg=DOC.toElement(); if(pg.tagName()=="KivioShape") { stroke = Qt::black; fill = Qt::white; fillStyle = 1; strokewidth = 1.0; Dash = Qt::SolidLine; LineEnd = Qt::FlatCap; LineJoin = Qt::MiterJoin; FPointArray PoLine; PoLine.resize(0); double x = 0.0; double y = 0.0; double x1 = 0.0; double y1 = 0.0; double currx = 0.0; double curry = 0.0; double startx = 0.0; double starty = 0.0; QString typ = pg.attribute("type"); QDomNode point = DOC.firstChild(); bool first = true; int count = 0; while(!point.isNull()) { QDomElement pt = point.toElement(); if(pt.tagName()=="KivioFillStyle") { QString colnam = pt.attribute("color","#000000"); fill.setNamedColor("#"+colnam.right(6)); fillStyle = pt.attribute("colorStyle","1").toInt(); } if(pt.tagName()=="KivioLineStyle") { QString colnam = pt.attribute("color","#FFFFFF"); stroke.setNamedColor("#"+colnam.right(6)); strokewidth = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pt.attribute("width"), 1.0); LineJoin = Qt::PenJoinStyle(pt.attribute("joinStyle", "0").toInt()); Dash = Qt::PenStyle(pt.attribute("pattern", "1").toInt()); LineEnd = Qt::PenCapStyle(pt.attribute("capStyle", "0").toInt()); } if(pt.tagName()=="KivioPoint") { x = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pt.attribute("x")); y = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pt.attribute("y")); if (first) { currx = x; curry = y; startx = x; starty = y; first = false; if (pt.attribute("type") == "bezier") count = 0; else count = -1; } else { if (pt.attribute("type") != "bezier") { PoLine.addPoint(currx, curry); PoLine.addPoint(currx, curry); PoLine.addPoint(x, y); PoLine.addPoint(x, y); currx = x; curry = y; } else { if (count == -1) { if (FPoint(currx, curry) != FPoint(x, y)) { PoLine.addPoint(currx, curry); PoLine.addPoint(currx, curry); PoLine.addPoint(x, y); PoLine.addPoint(x, y); } currx = x; curry = y; count++; } else if (count == 0) { PoLine.addPoint(currx, curry); PoLine.addPoint(x, y); count++; } else if (count == 1) { currx = x; curry = y; count++; } else if (count == 2) { PoLine.addPoint(x, y); PoLine.addPoint(currx, curry); currx = x; curry = y; count = -1; } } } } if(pt.tagName()=="Line") { if (!first) PoLine.setMarker(); x = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pt.attribute("x1")); y = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pt.attribute("y1")); x1 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pt.attribute("x2")); y1 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pt.attribute("y2")); PoLine.addPoint(x, y); PoLine.addPoint(x, y); PoLine.addPoint(x1, y1); PoLine.addPoint(x1, y1); first = false; } point = point.nextSibling(); } if ((typ == "Polygon") || (typ == "ClosedPath")) { pS->setBrush(fill); pS->setFillMode(fillStyle); pS->setLineWidth(strokewidth); pS->setPen(stroke); pS->setupPolygon(&PoLine); pS->drawPolygon(); pS->drawPolyLine(); } else if ((typ == "Bezier") || (typ == "OpenPath") || (typ == "LineArray") || (typ == "Polyline")) { pS->setPen(stroke, strokewidth, Dash, LineEnd, LineJoin); pS->setupPolygon(&PoLine, false); pS->drawPolyLine(); } if (typ == "Rectangle") { pS->setBrush(fill); pS->setFillMode(fillStyle); pS->setPen(stroke, strokewidth, Dash, LineEnd, LineJoin); x = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("x")); y = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("y")); x1 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("w")); y1 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("h")); static double rect[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; PoLine.resize(0); for (int a = 0; a < 29; a += 4) { double xa = x1 * rect[a]; double ya = y1 * rect[a+1]; double xb = x1 * rect[a+2]; double yb = y1 * rect[a+3]; PoLine.addPoint(x+xa, y+ya); PoLine.addPoint(x+xb, y+yb); } pS->setupPolygon(&PoLine); pS->drawPolygon(); pS->drawPolyLine(); } if (typ == "Ellipse") { pS->setBrush(fill); pS->setFillMode(fillStyle); pS->setPen(stroke, strokewidth, Dash, LineEnd, LineJoin); x = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("x")); y = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("y")); x1 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("w")); y1 = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(pg.attribute("h")); static double rect[] = {1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.77615235,0.5, 1.0, 0.77615235, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.22385765, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.77615235, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.22385765, 0.5, 0.0, 0.22385765, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.77615235, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.22385765}; PoLine.resize(0); for (int a = 0; a < 29; a += 4) { double xa = x1 * rect[a]; double ya = y1 * rect[a+1]; double xb = x1 * rect[a+2]; double yb = y1 * rect[a+3]; PoLine.addPoint(x+xa, y+ya); PoLine.addPoint(x+xb, y+yb); } pS->setupPolygon(&PoLine); pS->drawPolygon(); pS->drawPolyLine(); } } DOC = DOC.nextSibling(); } if (pS) { pS->end(); delete pS; } QImage tmpi = tmp.scaled(static_cast(tmp.width()*pmmax), static_cast(tmp.height()*pmmax), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); QPixmap tmpil; tmpil=QPixmap::fromImage(tmpi); return tmpil; } void StencilReader::writeDefaults(QDomElement &ob) { PrefsManager* prefsManager = PrefsManager::instance(); ob.setAttribute("OwnPage", 0); ob.setAttribute("RADRECT", 0); ob.setAttribute("FRTYPE", 3); ob.setAttribute("CLIPEDIT", 1); ob.setAttribute("TXTFILL", prefsManager->appPrefs.toolSettings.dPenText); ob.setAttribute("TXTSTROKE", prefsManager->appPrefs.toolSettings.dStrokeText); ob.setAttribute("TXTSTRSH", 100); ob.setAttribute("TXTFILLSH", 100); ob.setAttribute("TXTSCALE", 100); ob.setAttribute("TXTSCALEV", 100); ob.setAttribute("TXTBASE", 0); ob.setAttribute("TXTSHX", 0); ob.setAttribute("TXTSHY", 0); ob.setAttribute("TXTOUT", 0); ob.setAttribute("TXTULP", 0); ob.setAttribute("TXTULW", 0); ob.setAttribute("TXTSTP", 0); ob.setAttribute("TXTSTW", 0); ob.setAttribute("TXTSTYLE", 0); ob.setAttribute("COLUMNS", 1); ob.setAttribute("COLGAP", 0); ob.setAttribute("NAMEDLST", ""); ob.setAttribute("SHADE", 100); ob.setAttribute("SHADE2", 100); ob.setAttribute("GRTYP", 0); ob.setAttribute("ROT", 0); ob.setAttribute("LINESP", 12); ob.setAttribute("LINESPMode", 0); ob.setAttribute("TXTKERN", 0); ob.setAttribute("LOCALSCX", 100); ob.setAttribute("LOCALSCY", 100); ob.setAttribute("LOCALX", 0); ob.setAttribute("LOCALY", 0); ob.setAttribute("PICART", 1); ob.setAttribute("PLTSHOW", 0); ob.setAttribute("BASEOF", 0); ob.setAttribute("FLIPPEDH", 0); ob.setAttribute("FLIPPEDV", 0); ob.setAttribute("IFONT", prefsManager->appPrefs.toolSettings.defFont); ob.setAttribute("ISIZE", prefsManager->appPrefs.toolSettings.defSize / 10.0); ob.setAttribute("SCALETYPE", 1); ob.setAttribute("RATIO", 0); ob.setAttribute("PRINTABLE", 1); ob.setAttribute("ALIGN", "0"); ob.setAttribute("BOOKMARK", "0"); ob.setAttribute("fillRule", "1"); ob.setAttribute("TEXTFLOW", 0); ob.setAttribute("TEXTFLOW2", 0); ob.setAttribute("TEXTFLOW3", 0); ob.setAttribute("AUTOTEXT", 0); ob.setAttribute("EXTRA", 1); ob.setAttribute("TEXTRA", 1); ob.setAttribute("BEXTRA", 1); ob.setAttribute("REXTRA", 1); ob.setAttribute("PFILE",""); ob.setAttribute("PFILE2",""); ob.setAttribute("PFILE3",""); ob.setAttribute("PRFILE", ""); ob.setAttribute("EPROF", ""); ob.setAttribute("IRENDER", 1); ob.setAttribute("EMBEDDED", 1); ob.setAttribute("LOCK", 0); ob.setAttribute("LOCKR", 0); ob.setAttribute("REVERS", 0); ob.setAttribute("TransValue", 0); ob.setAttribute("TransValueS", 0); ob.setAttribute("isTableItem", 0); ob.setAttribute("TopLine", 0); ob.setAttribute("LeftLine", 0); ob.setAttribute("RightLine", 0); ob.setAttribute("BottomLine", 0); ob.setAttribute("LANGUAGE", prefsManager->appPrefs.Language); ob.setAttribute("startArrowIndex", 0); ob.setAttribute("endArrowIndex", 0); ob.setAttribute("NUMDASH", 0); ob.setAttribute("DASHS", ""); ob.setAttribute("DASHOFF", 0); ob.setAttribute("NUMTEXT", 0); ob.setAttribute("TEXTCOOR", ""); ob.setAttribute("BACKITEM", -1); ob.setAttribute("BACKPAGE", -1); ob.setAttribute("NEXTITEM", -1); ob.setAttribute("NEXTPAGE", -1); ob.setAttribute("NUMCO", 0); ob.setAttribute("COCOOR", ""); } QString StencilReader::createObjects(QString datain) { double GrW = 50.0; double GrH = 50.0; QString tmp = ""; QColor stroke = Qt::black; QColor fill = Qt::white; Qt::PenStyle Dash = Qt::SolidLine; Qt::PenCapStyle LineEnd = Qt::FlatCap; Qt::PenJoinStyle LineJoin = Qt::MiterJoin; int fillStyle = 1; double strokewidth = 1.0; QString FillCol = "White"; QString StrokeCol = "Black"; QDomDocument docu("scridoc"); docu.setContent(datain); QDomElement elem=docu.documentElement(); if (elem.tagName() != "KivioShapeStencil") return ""; QDomNodeList list = elem.elementsByTagName("Dimensions"); if (list.count() == 0) return tmp; QString name = "KivioGroup"; 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FPointArray PoLine; PoLine.resize(0); for (int a = 0; a < 29; a += 4) { double xa = GrW * rect[a]; double ya = GrH * rect[a+1]; double xb = GrW * rect[a+2]; double yb = GrH * rect[a+3]; PoLine.addPoint(0+xa, 0+ya); PoLine.addPoint(0+xb, 0+yb); } obGroup.setAttribute("XPOS", 0); obGroup.setAttribute("YPOS",0); obGroup.setAttribute("WIDTH",GrW); obGroup.setAttribute("HEIGHT",GrH); obGroup.setAttribute("NUMPO", PoLine.size()); QString polp = ""; double xf, yf; QString tmpSt, tmpSt2; for (uint nxx=0; nxx