/* fonts.h Copyright (c) 2009 http://www.tuxpaint.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA (See COPYING.txt) $Id: fonts.h,v 1.13 2009/06/03 20:46:07 wkendrick Exp $ */ #ifndef FONTS_H #define FONTS_H // plan to rip this out as soon as it is considered stable //#define THREADED_FONTS #define FORKED_FONTS #if defined(WIN32) || defined(__BEOS__) #undef FORKED_FONTS #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #undef FORKED_FONTS #endif #include "SDL.h" #include "SDL_ttf.h" #ifndef NO_SDLPANGO #include "SDL_Pango.h" #endif #define PANGO_DEFAULT_FONT "BitStream Vera" #include "compiler.h" /* Disable threaded font loading on Windows */ #if !defined(FORKED_FONTS) && !defined(WIN32) #include "SDL_thread.h" #include "SDL_mutex.h" #else /* This shouldn't really be here :-) * Move into 'fonts.c' and the code in 'tuxpaint.c' * that uses this lot should be put into 'fonts.c' as well. */ #define SDL_CreateThread(fn,vp) (void*)(long)(fn(vp)) #define SDL_WaitThread(tid,rcp) do{(void)tid;(void)rcp;}while(0) #define SDL_Thread int #define SDL_mutex int #define SDL_CreateMutex() 0 // creates in released state #define SDL_DestroyMutex(lock) #define SDL_mutexP(lock) // take lock #define SDL_mutexV(lock) // release lock #endif extern SDL_Thread *font_thread; extern volatile long font_thread_done, font_thread_aborted; extern volatile long waiting_for_fonts; extern int font_scanner_pid; extern int font_socket_fd; extern int no_system_fonts; extern int all_locale_fonts; extern int was_bad_font; /* FIXME: SDL_ttf is up to 2.0.8, so we can probably fully remove this; -bjk 2007.06.05 */ /* TTF_Font *BUGFIX_TTF_OpenFont206(const char *const file, int ptsize); #define TTF_OpenFont BUGFIX_TTF_OpenFont206 */ /* Stuff that wraps either SDL_Pango or SDL_TTF for font rendering: */ enum { #ifndef NO_SDLPANGO FONT_TYPE_PANGO, #endif FONT_TYPE_TTF }; typedef struct TuxPaint_Font_s { #ifndef NO_SDLPANGO SDLPango_Context * pango_context; #endif int typ; TTF_Font * ttf_font; int height; } TuxPaint_Font; int TuxPaint_Font_FontHeight(TuxPaint_Font * tpf); TuxPaint_Font *try_alternate_font(int size); TuxPaint_Font *load_locale_font(TuxPaint_Font * fallback, int size); int load_user_fonts(SDL_Surface * screen, void *vp, char * locale); #ifdef FORKED_FONTS void reliable_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count); void reliable_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count); void run_font_scanner(SDL_Surface * screen, char * locale); void receive_some_font_info(SDL_Surface * screen); #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // font stuff // example from a Debian box with MS fonts: // start with 232 files // remove "Cursor", "Webdings", "Dingbats", "Standard Symbols L" // split "Condensed" faces out into own family // group by family // end up with 34 user choices extern int text_state; extern unsigned text_size; // nice progression (alternating 33% and 25%) 9 12 18 24 36 48 72 96 144 192 // commonly hinted sizes seem to be: 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20 (less so), 24 // reasonable: 9,12,18... and 10,14,18... static int text_sizes[] = { #ifndef OLPC_XO 9, #endif 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 56, 64, 96, 112, 128, 160 }; // point sizes #define MIN_TEXT_SIZE 0u #define MAX_TEXT_SIZE (sizeof text_sizes / sizeof text_sizes[0] - 1) // for sorting through the font files at startup typedef struct style_info { char *filename; char *directory; char *family; // name like "FooCorp Thunderstruck" char *style; // junk like "Oblique Demi-Bold" int italic; int boldness; int score; int truetype; // Is it? (TrueType gets priority) } style_info; // user's notion of a font typedef struct family_info { char *directory; char *family; char *filename[4]; TuxPaint_Font *handle; int score; } family_info; extern TuxPaint_Font *medium_font, *small_font, *large_font, *locale_font; extern family_info **user_font_families; extern int num_font_families; extern int num_font_families_max; extern style_info **user_font_styles; extern int num_font_styles; extern int num_font_styles_max; int compar_fontgroup(const void *v1, const void *v2); int compar_fontkiller(const void *v1, const void *v2); int compar_fontscore(const void *v1, const void *v2); void parse_font_style(style_info * si); void groupfonts_range(style_info ** base, int count); void dupe_markdown_range(family_info ** base, int count); void groupfonts(void); TuxPaint_Font *getfonthandle(int desire); void loadfonts(SDL_Surface * screen, const char *const dir); int do_surfcmp(const SDL_Surface * const *const v1, const SDL_Surface * const *const v2); int surfcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2); int charset_works(TuxPaint_Font * font, const char *s); TuxPaint_Font * TuxPaint_Font_OpenFont(const char * pangodesc, const char * ttffilename, int size); void TuxPaint_Font_CloseFont(TuxPaint_Font * tpf); const char * TuxPaint_Font_FontFaceFamilyName(TuxPaint_Font * tpf); const char * TuxPaint_Font_FontFaceStyleName(TuxPaint_Font * tpf); #ifndef NO_SDLPANGO void sdl_color_to_pango_color(SDL_Color sdl_color, SDLPango_Matrix * pango_color); #endif #endif