/* im.c Input method handling Copyright (c)2007 by Mark K. Kim and others This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA (See COPYING.txt) $Id: im.c,v 1.12 2008/06/27 02:35:26 dolphin6k Exp $ */ /* * See the LANGUAGE-SPECIFIC IM FUNCTIONS section for instructions on adding * support for new languages. * * This file is called IM (Input Method), but it's actually an Input Translator. * This implementation was sort of necessary in order to work without having to * modify SDL. * * Basically, to read in text in foreign language, read Keysym off of SDL and * pass to im_read. im_read will translate the text and pass the unicode string * back to you. But before all this is done, be sure to create the IM_DATA * structure and initialize it with the proper language translator you want to use. */ #include #include #include #include #include "im.h" /* *************************************************************************** * I18N GETTEXT */ #ifndef gettext_noop #define gettext_noop(s) (s) #endif enum { IM_TIP_NONE, IM_TIP_ENGLISH, IM_TIP_HIRAGANA, IM_TIP_KATAKANA, IM_TIP_HANGUL, IM_TIP_THAI, IM_TIP_ZH_TW, NUM_IM_TIPS }; static const char* const im_tip_text[NUM_IM_TIPS] = { NULL, // Input Method: English mode gettext_noop("English"), // Input Method: Japanese Romanized Hiragana mode gettext_noop("Hiragana"), // Input Method: Japanese Romanized Katakana mode gettext_noop("Katakana"), // Input Method: Korean Hangul 2-Bul mode gettext_noop("Hangul"), // Input Method: Thai mode gettext_noop("Thai"), // Input Method: Traditional Chinese mode gettext_noop("ZH_TW") }; /* *************************************************************************** * CONSTANTS */ /* #define IM_DEBUG 1 */ #define MAX_SECTIONS 8 /* Maximum numbers of sections in *.im file */ #define MAX_UNICODE_SEQ 16 /* Output of state machine, including NUL */ #define INITIAL_SMSIZE 8 /* Initial num of transitions in STATE_MACHINE */ #ifndef LANG_DEFAULT #define LANG_DEFAULT (LANG_EN) #endif /** * Event types that im_event_*() functions need to handle. */ enum { IM_REQ_TRANSLATE, /* The ever-more important IM translation request */ IM_REQ_INIT, /* Initialization request */ IM_REQ_RESET_SOFT, /* Soft reset request */ IM_REQ_RESET_FULL, /* Full reset request */ IM_REQ_FREE, /* Free resources */ NUM_IM_REQUESTS }; /** * Match statuses. */ enum { MATCH_STAT_NONE = 0x00, MATCH_STAT_NOMOSTATES = 0x01, MATCH_STAT_NOMOBUF = 0x02, }; /* *************************************************************************** * TYPES */ /** * All im_event_*() functions have this type. */ typedef int (*IM_EVENT_FN)(IM_DATA*, SDL_keysym); /* IM_EVENT_FN type */ /** * State Machine key-value pair for transition control. When the "key" * is pressed, transition is made to "state". * * @see STATE_MACHINE */ typedef struct SM_WITH_KEY { char key; struct STATE_MACHINE* state; } SM_WITH_KEY; /** * A State Machine is used to map key strokes to the unicode output. * A single State Machine has a possible output (the unicode) and pointers * to next states. The "next state" is determined by the key stroke * pressed by the user - this key is looked up in SM_WITH_KEY and * its next state determined by the STATE_MACHINE pointer in SM_WITH_KEY. * * The number of possible transitions to the next state is dynamically * adjustable using the parameter next_maxsize. The actual storage in * use can be determined via next_size. * * @see SM_WITH_KEY */ typedef struct STATE_MACHINE { wchar_t output[MAX_UNICODE_SEQ]; char flag; SM_WITH_KEY* next; /* Possible transitions */ size_t next_maxsize; /* Potential size of the next pointer */ size_t next_size; /* Used size of the next pointer */ } STATE_MACHINE; /** * A Character Map loads the *.im file, which may have several "sections". * Each section has its own state machine, and the C code determines which * section is used in determining which STATE_MACHINE to use for the * key mapping. */ typedef struct { STATE_MACHINE sections[MAX_SECTIONS]; int section; /* These variables get populated when a search is performed */ int match_count; /* How many char seq was used for output */ int match_is_final; /* T/F - tells if match is final */ int match_stats; /* Statistics gathering */ STATE_MACHINE* match_state; STATE_MACHINE* match_state_prev; } CHARMAP; /* *************************************************************************** * STATIC GLOBALS */ /** * Global initialization flag. */ static int im_initialized = 0; /** * Language-specific IM event-handler function pointers. This lookup table * is initialized in im_init(). Every support language should have a pointer * mapped here. * * @see im_init() * @see im_read() */ static IM_EVENT_FN im_event_fns[NUM_LANGS]; /* *************************************************************************** * UTILITY FUNCTIONS */ #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<=(b) ? (a) : (b)) #define IN_RANGE(a,v,b) ( (a)<=(v) && (v)<(b) ) #define ARRAYLEN(a) ( sizeof(a)/sizeof(*(a)) ) static void wcs_lshift(wchar_t* s, size_t count) { wchar_t* dest = s; wchar_t* src = s+count; size_t len = wcslen(src)+1; /* Copy over all src string + NUL */ memmove(dest, src, len * sizeof(wchar_t)); } /** * Pull out "count" characters from the back. */ static void wcs_pull(wchar_t* s, size_t count) { int peg = (int)wcslen(s) - (int)count; if(peg < 0) peg = 0; s[peg] = L'\0'; } /* *************************************************************************** * STATE_MACHINE FUNCTIONS */ /** * Compare two SM_WITH_KEY, return appropriate result. */ static int swk_compare(const void* swk1, const void* swk2) { SM_WITH_KEY* sk1 = (SM_WITH_KEY*)swk1; SM_WITH_KEY* sk2 = (SM_WITH_KEY*)swk2; return (sk1->key) - (sk2->key); } /** * Initialize the State Machine. */ static int sm_init(STATE_MACHINE* sm) { memset(sm, 0, sizeof(STATE_MACHINE)); sm->next = calloc(INITIAL_SMSIZE, sizeof(SM_WITH_KEY)); if(!sm->next) { perror("sm_init"); return 1; } sm->next_maxsize = INITIAL_SMSIZE; return 0; } /** * Free the State Machine resources. */ static void sm_free(STATE_MACHINE* sm) { if(sm->next) { int i = 0; for(i = 0; i < (int)sm->next_maxsize; i++) { STATE_MACHINE* next_state = sm->next[i].state; if(next_state) sm_free(next_state); sm->next[i].state = NULL; } free(sm->next); sm->next = NULL; } memset(sm, 0, sizeof(STATE_MACHINE)); } /** * Double the storage space of the possible transition states. */ static int sm_dblspace(STATE_MACHINE* sm) { size_t newsize = sm->next_maxsize * 2; SM_WITH_KEY* next = realloc(sm->next, sizeof(SM_WITH_KEY) * newsize); if(next == NULL) { perror("sm_dblspace"); return 1; } sm->next = next; sm->next_maxsize = newsize; return 0; } /** * Search the state machine's transition keys, return pointer to the next state. * Return NULL if none is found. The search is done only at 1 level, and does * not recurse deep. */ static STATE_MACHINE* sm_search_shallow(STATE_MACHINE* sm, char key) { SM_WITH_KEY smk = { key, NULL }; SM_WITH_KEY* smk_found; smk_found = bsearch( &smk, sm->next, sm->next_size, sizeof(SM_WITH_KEY), swk_compare); if(!smk_found) return NULL; return smk_found->state; } /** * Search the state machine's transition keys, return the unicode output of the * last state found. The search is done deep, recursing until no more match * can be found. * * @param start Starting point of the state transition. Constant. * @param key The key string to look for. Constant. * @param matched The number of character strings matched. Return on output. * @param end The last state found. Return on output. * @param penult The penultimate state found. * * @return Found unicode character sequence output of the last state. */ static const wchar_t* sm_search(STATE_MACHINE* start, wchar_t* key, int* matched, STATE_MACHINE** penult, STATE_MACHINE** end) { STATE_MACHINE* sm = sm_search_shallow(start, (char)*key); const wchar_t* unicode; /* No match - stop recursion */ if(!sm) { *matched = 0; *end = start; return start->output; } /* Match - recurse */ *penult = start; unicode = sm_search(sm, key+1, matched, penult, end); (*matched)++; return unicode; } /** * Sort the state machine's transition keys so it can be binary-searched. * The sort is done only at 1 level, and does not recurse deep. */ static void sm_sort_shallow(STATE_MACHINE* sm) { qsort(sm->next, sm->next_size, sizeof(SM_WITH_KEY), swk_compare); } /** * Add a single sequence-to-unicode path to the state machine. */ static int sm_add(STATE_MACHINE* sm, char* seq, const wchar_t* unicode, char flag) { STATE_MACHINE* sm_found = sm_search_shallow(sm, seq[0]); /* Empty sequence */ if(seq[0] == '\0') { if(wcslen(sm->output)) { size_t i; fprintf(stderr, "Unicode sequence "); for(i = 0; i < wcslen(sm->output); i++) fprintf(stderr, "%04X ", (int)sm->output[i]); fprintf(stderr, " already defined, overriding with "); for(i = 0; i < wcslen(unicode); i++) fprintf(stderr, "%04X ", (int)unicode[i]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } wcscpy(sm->output, unicode); sm->flag = flag; return 0; } /* The key doesn't exist yet */ if(!sm_found) { int index = (int)sm->next_size; SM_WITH_KEY* next = &sm->next[index]; /* Add the key */ next->key = seq[0]; next->state = malloc(sizeof(STATE_MACHINE)); if(!next->state) { perror("sm_add"); return 1; } sm_init(next->state); /* Increase store for next time, if necessary */ if(++(sm->next_size) >= sm->next_maxsize) { if(sm_dblspace(sm)) { fprintf(stderr, "Memory expansion failure\n"); return 1; } } sm_found = next->state; } /* Recurse */ sm_add(sm_found, seq+1, unicode, flag); /* Sort the states */ sm_sort_shallow(sm); return 0; } /* *************************************************************************** * CHARMAP FUNCTIONS */ /** * Initialize the character map table. */ static int charmap_init(CHARMAP* cm) { int error_code = 0; int i = 0; memset(cm, 0, sizeof(CHARMAP)); for(i = 0; i < MAX_SECTIONS; i++) { error_code += sm_init(&cm->sections[i]); } return error_code; } /** * Add a character-sequence-to-unicode mapping to the character map. * * @param cm Character map to which to add the mapping. * @param section The section of the character map to add the mapping. * @param seq The character sequence to which to add the mapping. * @param unicode The unicode of the character sequence. * @param flag The flag associated with this state, if any. * * @return 0 if no error, 1 if error. */ static int charmap_add(CHARMAP* cm, int section, char* seq, const wchar_t* unicode, char* flag) { if(section >= MAX_SECTIONS) { fprintf(stderr, "Section count exceeded\n"); return 1; } /* For now, we only utilize one-character flags */ if(strlen(flag) > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%04X: Multi-character flag, truncated.\n", (int)unicode); } return sm_add(&cm->sections[section], seq, unicode, flag[0]); } /** * Load the character map table from a file. * * @param cm Character Map to load the table into. * @param path The path of the file to load. * @return Zero if the file is loaded fine, nonzero otherwise. */ static int charmap_load(CHARMAP* cm, const char* path) { FILE* is = NULL; int section = 0; int error_code = 0; /* Open */ is = fopen(path, "rt"); if(!is) { perror("path"); return 1; } /* Load */ while(!feof(is)) { wchar_t unicode[MAX_UNICODE_SEQ]; int ulen = 0; char buf[256]; char flag[256]; int scanned = 0; /* Scan a single token first */ scanned = fscanf(is, "%255s", buf); if(scanned < 0) break; if(scanned == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Character map syntax error\n", path); return 1; } /* Handle the first argument */ if(strcmp(buf, "section") == 0) { /* Section division */ section++; continue; } else if(buf[0] == '#') { /* Comment */ fscanf(is, "%*[^\n]"); continue; } else { char* bp = buf; int u; do { if(sscanf(bp, "%x", &u) == 1) { /* Unicode */ unicode[ulen++] = u; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Syntax error at '%s'\n", path, buf); return 1; } bp = strchr(bp, ':'); if(bp) bp++; } while(bp && ulen < MAX_UNICODE_SEQ-1); unicode[ulen] = L'\0'; } /* Scan some more */ scanned = fscanf(is, "%255s\t%255s", buf, flag); if(scanned < 0) break; /* Input count checking */ switch(scanned) { case 0: case 1: fprintf(stderr, "%s: Character map syntax error\n", path); return 1; default: if(charmap_add(cm, section, buf, unicode, flag)) { size_t i = 0; #ifndef __BEOS__ #if defined __GLIBC__ && __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ >=2 || __GLIBC__ > 2 || __APPLE__ fwprintf(stderr, L"Unable to add sequence '%ls', unicode ", buf); for(i = 0; i < wcslen(unicode); i++) fwprintf(stderr, L"%04X ", (int)unicode[i]); fwprintf(stderr, L"in section %d\n", section); #endif #endif error_code = 1; } } } /* Close */ fclose(is); return error_code; } /** * Free the resources used by a character map. */ static void charmap_free(CHARMAP* cm) { int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SECTIONS; i++) { sm_free(&cm->sections[i]); } memset(cm, 0, sizeof(CHARMAP)); } /** * Search for a matching character string in the character map. */ static const wchar_t* charmap_search(CHARMAP* cm, wchar_t* s) { STATE_MACHINE* start; const wchar_t* unicode; int section; /* Determine the starting state based on the charmap's active section */ section = cm->section; if(!IN_RANGE(0, section, (int)ARRAYLEN(cm->sections))) section = 0; start = &cm->sections[section]; cm->match_state = NULL; cm->match_state_prev = NULL; unicode = sm_search(start, s, &cm->match_count, &cm->match_state_prev, &cm->match_state); /** * Determine whether the match is final. A match is considered to be final * in two cases: (1)if the last state mached has no exit paths, or (2)if we * did not consume all of the search string. (1) is obvious - if there are * no more states to transition to, then the unicode we find is the final * code. (2) means we reached the final state that can be the only * interpretation of the input string, so it must be the final state. * If neither of these is true, that means further input from the user * may allow us to get to a different state, so we have not reached the * final state we possibly can. */ cm->match_is_final = 0; if(cm->match_count < (int)wcslen(s)) { cm->match_is_final = 1; } /* Statistics */ cm->match_stats = MATCH_STAT_NONE; if(cm->match_state->next_size == 0) { cm->match_is_final = 1; cm->match_stats |= MATCH_STAT_NOMOSTATES; } if(cm->match_count == (int)wcslen(s)) { cm->match_stats |= MATCH_STAT_NOMOBUF; } return unicode; } /* *************************************************************************** * LANGUAGE-SPECIFIC IM FUNCTIONS * * If you want to add a new language support, add the main code to this * section. More specifically, do the following: * * 1) Add im_event_() function to this section. Use the existing * im_event_* functions as models, and feel free to use the state-machine * character map engine (CHARMAP struct) but do not feel obligated to * do so. The CHARMAP engine exists for the programmer's benefit, to * make it easier to support complex languages. * * 2) Update the im_init() functions so that it initializes im_event_fns[] * with a pointer to your im_event_() function. * * 3) Create .im in the "im" directory, if you use the CHARMAP engine. * Your code is what loads this file so you should already know to do this * step if you have already written a working im_event_() function * that uses CHARMAP, but I explicitly write out this instruction for * those trying to figure out the relationship of .im to this IM * framework. * * 4) Increase MAX_SECTION if your language needs more sections in .im * * 5) Increase INITIAL_SMSIZE if your .im is huginormous and takes too * long to load. I can't think of any reason why this would happen unless * you're writing a Chinese IM with a significant characters of the * language represented, but the code as-is is somewhat lacking when it * comes to writing a Chinese IM (need some way to show a dropdown box * from the main app - same problem with Korean Hanja and Japanese Kanji * inputs, but this isn't meant to be a complex IM framework so I think * we're safe for Hanja and Kanji.) Do this with caution because * changing INITIAL_SMSIZE will affect the memory consumption of all IM * functions. */ /** * Default C IM event handler. * * @see im_read */ static int im_event_c(IM_DATA* im, SDL_keysym ks) { /* Handle event requests */ im->s[0] = L'\0'; if(im->request != IM_REQ_TRANSLATE) return 0; /* Handle key stroke */ switch(ks.sym) { case SDLK_BACKSPACE: im->s[0] = L'\b'; break; case SDLK_TAB: im->s[0] = L'\t'; break; case SDLK_RETURN: im->s[0] = L'\r'; break; default: im->s[0] = ks.unicode; } im->s[1] = L'\0'; im->buf[0] = L'\0'; return 0; } /** * Chinese Traditional IM. * * @see im_read */ static int im_event_zh_tw(IM_DATA* im, SDL_keysym ks) { static const char* lang_file = IMDIR "zh_tw.im"; enum { SEC_ENGLISH, SEC_ZH_TW, SEC_TOTAL }; static CHARMAP cm; /* Handle event requests */ switch(im->request) { case 0: break; case IM_REQ_FREE: /* Free allocated resources */ charmap_free(&cm); /* go onto full reset */ case IM_REQ_RESET_FULL: /* Full reset */ cm.section = SEC_ENGLISH; im->tip_text = im_tip_text[IM_TIP_ENGLISH]; /* go onto soft reset */ case IM_REQ_RESET_SOFT: /* Soft reset */ im->s[0] = L'\0'; im->buf[0] = L'\0'; im->redraw = 0; cm.match_count = 0; cm.match_is_final = 0; cm.match_state = &cm.sections[cm.section]; cm.match_state_prev = &cm.sections[cm.section]; break; case IM_REQ_INIT: /* Initialization */ charmap_init(&cm); if(charmap_load(&cm, lang_file)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load %s, defaulting to im_event_c\n", lang_file); im->lang = LANG_DEFAULT; return im_event_c(im, ks); } im_fullreset(im); #ifdef DEBUG printf("IM: Loaded '%s'\n", lang_file); #endif break; } if(im->request != IM_REQ_TRANSLATE) return 0; /* Discard redraw characters, so they can be redrawn */ if((int)wcslen(im->s) < im->redraw) im->redraw = wcslen(im->s); wcs_lshift(im->s, (wcslen(im->s) - im->redraw) ); /* Handle keys */ switch(ks.sym) { /* Keys to ignore */ case SDLK_NUMLOCK: case SDLK_CAPSLOCK: case SDLK_SCROLLOCK: case SDLK_LSHIFT: case SDLK_RSHIFT: case SDLK_LCTRL: case SDLK_RCTRL: case SDLK_LMETA: case SDLK_RMETA: case SDLK_LSUPER: case SDLK_RSUPER: case SDLK_MODE: case SDLK_COMPOSE: break; /* Left-Alt & Right-Alt mapped to mode-switch */ case SDLK_RALT: case SDLK_LALT: cm.section = (++cm.section % SEC_TOTAL); /* Change section */ im_softreset(im); /* Soft reset */ /* Set tip text */ switch(cm.section) { case SEC_ENGLISH: im->tip_text = im_tip_text[IM_TIP_ENGLISH]; break; case SEC_ZH_TW: im->tip_text = im_tip_text[IM_TIP_ZH_TW]; break; } break; /* Enter finalizes previous redraw */ case SDLK_RETURN: if(im->redraw <= 0) { im->s[0] = L'\r'; im->s[1] = L'\0'; } im->buf[0] = L'\0'; im->redraw = 0; break; /* Actual character processing */ default: /* English mode */ if(cm.section == SEC_ENGLISH) { im->s[0] = ks.unicode; im->s[1] = L'\0'; im->buf[0] = L'\0'; } /* Thai mode */ else { wchar_t u = ks.unicode; im->s[0] = L'\0'; /* Zero-out output string */ wcsncat(im->buf, &u, 1); /* Copy new character */ /* Translate the characters */ im->redraw = 0; while(1) { const wchar_t* us = charmap_search(&cm, im->buf); #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" [%8ls] [%8ls] %2d %2d\n", im->s, im->buf, wcslen(im->s), wcslen(im->buf)); #endif /* Match was found? */ if(us && wcslen(us)) { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 1\n"); #endif wcscat(im->s, us); /* Final match */ if(cm.match_is_final) { wcs_lshift(im->buf, cm.match_count); cm.match_count = 0; cm.match_is_final = 0; } /* May need to be overwritten next time */ else { im->redraw += wcslen(us); break; } } /* No match, but more data is in the buffer */ else if(wcslen(im->buf) > 0) { /* If the input character has no state, it's its own state */ if(cm.match_count == 0) { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 2a\n"); #endif wcsncat(im->s, im->buf, 1); wcs_lshift(im->buf, 1); cm.match_is_final = 0; } /* If the matched characters didn't consume all, it's own state */ else if((size_t)cm.match_count != wcslen(im->buf)) { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 2b (%2d)\n", cm.match_count); #endif wcsncat(im->s, im->buf, 1); wcs_lshift(im->buf, 1); cm.match_is_final = 0; } /* Otherwise it's just a part of a future input */ else { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 2c (%2d)\n", cm.match_count); #endif wcscat(im->s, im->buf); cm.match_is_final = 0; im->redraw += wcslen(im->buf); break; } } /* No match and no more data in the buffer */ else { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 3\n"); #endif break; } /* Is this the end? */ if(cm.match_is_final) break; } } } return im->redraw; } /** * Thai IM. * * @see im_read */ static int im_event_th(IM_DATA* im, SDL_keysym ks) { static const char* lang_file = IMDIR "th.im"; enum { SEC_ENGLISH, SEC_THAI, SEC_TOTAL }; static CHARMAP cm; /* Handle event requests */ switch(im->request) { case 0: break; case IM_REQ_FREE: /* Free allocated resources */ charmap_free(&cm); /* go onto full reset */ case IM_REQ_RESET_FULL: /* Full reset */ cm.section = SEC_ENGLISH; im->tip_text = im_tip_text[IM_TIP_ENGLISH]; /* go onto soft reset */ case IM_REQ_RESET_SOFT: /* Soft reset */ im->s[0] = L'\0'; im->buf[0] = L'\0'; im->redraw = 0; cm.match_count = 0; cm.match_is_final = 0; cm.match_state = &cm.sections[cm.section]; cm.match_state_prev = &cm.sections[cm.section]; break; case IM_REQ_INIT: /* Initialization */ charmap_init(&cm); if(charmap_load(&cm, lang_file)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load %s, defaulting to im_event_c\n", lang_file); im->lang = LANG_DEFAULT; return im_event_c(im, ks); } im_fullreset(im); #ifdef DEBUG printf("IM: Loaded '%s'\n", lang_file); #endif break; } if(im->request != IM_REQ_TRANSLATE) return 0; /* Discard redraw characters, so they can be redrawn */ if((int)wcslen(im->s) < im->redraw) im->redraw = wcslen(im->s); wcs_lshift(im->s, (wcslen(im->s) - im->redraw) ); /* Handle keys */ switch(ks.sym) { /* Keys to ignore */ case SDLK_NUMLOCK: case SDLK_CAPSLOCK: case SDLK_SCROLLOCK: case SDLK_LSHIFT: case SDLK_RSHIFT: case SDLK_LCTRL: case SDLK_RCTRL: case SDLK_LALT: case SDLK_LMETA: case SDLK_RMETA: case SDLK_LSUPER: case SDLK_RSUPER: case SDLK_MODE: case SDLK_COMPOSE: break; /* Right-Alt mapped to mode-switch */ case SDLK_RALT: cm.section = (++cm.section % SEC_TOTAL); /* Change section */ im_softreset(im); /* Soft reset */ /* Set tip text */ switch(cm.section) { case SEC_ENGLISH: im->tip_text = im_tip_text[IM_TIP_ENGLISH]; break; case SEC_THAI: im->tip_text = im_tip_text[IM_TIP_THAI]; break; } break; /* Enter finalizes previous redraw */ case SDLK_RETURN: if(im->redraw <= 0) { im->s[0] = L'\r'; im->s[1] = L'\0'; } im->buf[0] = L'\0'; im->redraw = 0; break; /* Actual character processing */ default: /* English mode */ if(cm.section == SEC_ENGLISH) { im->s[0] = ks.unicode; im->s[1] = L'\0'; im->buf[0] = L'\0'; } /* Thai mode */ else { wchar_t u = ks.unicode; im->s[0] = L'\0'; /* Zero-out output string */ wcsncat(im->buf, &u, 1); /* Copy new character */ /* Translate the characters */ im->redraw = 0; while(1) { const wchar_t* us = charmap_search(&cm, im->buf); #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" [%8ls] [%8ls] %2d %2d\n", im->s, im->buf, wcslen(im->s), wcslen(im->buf)); #endif /* Match was found? */ if(us && wcslen(us)) { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 1\n"); #endif wcscat(im->s, us); /* Final match */ if(cm.match_is_final) { wcs_lshift(im->buf, cm.match_count); cm.match_count = 0; cm.match_is_final = 0; } /* May need to be overwritten next time */ else { im->redraw += wcslen(us); break; } } /* No match, but more data is in the buffer */ else if(wcslen(im->buf) > 0) { /* If the input character has no state, it's its own state */ if(cm.match_count == 0) { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 2a\n"); #endif wcsncat(im->s, im->buf, 1); wcs_lshift(im->buf, 1); cm.match_is_final = 0; } /* If the matched characters didn't consume all, it's own state */ else if((size_t)cm.match_count != wcslen(im->buf)) { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 2b (%2d)\n", cm.match_count); #endif wcsncat(im->s, im->buf, 1); wcs_lshift(im->buf, 1); cm.match_is_final = 0; } /* Otherwise it's just a part of a future input */ else { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 2c (%2d)\n", cm.match_count); #endif wcscat(im->s, im->buf); cm.match_is_final = 0; im->redraw += wcslen(im->buf); break; } } /* No match and no more data in the buffer */ else { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 3\n"); #endif break; } /* Is this the end? */ if(cm.match_is_final) break; } } } return im->redraw; } /** * Japanese IM. * * @see im_read */ static int im_event_ja(IM_DATA* im, SDL_keysym ks) { static const char* lang_file = IMDIR "ja.im"; enum { SEC_ENGLISH, SEC_HIRAGANA, SEC_KATAKANA, SEC_TOTAL }; static CHARMAP cm; /* Handle event requests */ switch(im->request) { case 0: break; case IM_REQ_FREE: /* Free allocated resources */ charmap_free(&cm); /* go onto full reset */ case IM_REQ_RESET_FULL: /* Full reset */ cm.section = SEC_ENGLISH; im->tip_text = im_tip_text[IM_TIP_ENGLISH]; /* go onto soft reset */ case IM_REQ_RESET_SOFT: /* Soft reset */ im->s[0] = L'\0'; im->buf[0] = L'\0'; im->redraw = 0; cm.match_count = 0; cm.match_is_final = 0; cm.match_state = &cm.sections[cm.section]; cm.match_state_prev = &cm.sections[cm.section]; break; case IM_REQ_INIT: /* Initialization */ charmap_init(&cm); if(charmap_load(&cm, lang_file)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load %s, defaulting to im_event_c\n", lang_file); im->lang = LANG_DEFAULT; return im_event_c(im, ks); } im_fullreset(im); #ifdef DEBUG printf("IM: Loaded '%s'\n", lang_file); #endif break; } if(im->request != IM_REQ_TRANSLATE) return 0; /* Discard redraw characters, so they can be redrawn */ if((int)wcslen(im->s) < im->redraw) im->redraw = wcslen(im->s); wcs_lshift(im->s, (wcslen(im->s) - im->redraw) ); /* Handle keys */ switch(ks.sym) { /* Keys to ignore */ case SDLK_NUMLOCK: case SDLK_CAPSLOCK: case SDLK_SCROLLOCK: case SDLK_LSHIFT: case SDLK_RSHIFT: case SDLK_LCTRL: case SDLK_RCTRL: case SDLK_LALT: case SDLK_LMETA: case SDLK_RMETA: case SDLK_LSUPER: case SDLK_RSUPER: case SDLK_MODE: case SDLK_COMPOSE: break; /* Right-Alt mapped to mode-switch */ case SDLK_RALT: cm.section = (++cm.section % SEC_TOTAL); /* Change section */ im_softreset(im); /* Soft reset */ /* Set tip text */ switch(cm.section) { case SEC_ENGLISH: im->tip_text = im_tip_text[IM_TIP_ENGLISH]; break; case SEC_HIRAGANA: im->tip_text = im_tip_text[IM_TIP_HIRAGANA]; break; case SEC_KATAKANA: im->tip_text = im_tip_text[IM_TIP_KATAKANA]; break; } break; /* Enter finalizes previous redraw */ case SDLK_RETURN: if(im->redraw <= 0) { im->s[0] = L'\r'; im->s[1] = L'\0'; } im->buf[0] = L'\0'; im->redraw = 0; break; /* Actual character processing */ default: /* English mode */ if(cm.section == SEC_ENGLISH) { im->s[0] = ks.unicode; im->s[1] = L'\0'; im->buf[0] = L'\0'; } /* Hiragana and Katakana modes */ else { wchar_t u = ks.unicode; im->s[0] = L'\0'; /* Zero-out output string */ wcsncat(im->buf, &u, 1); /* Copy new character */ /* Translate the characters */ im->redraw = 0; while(1) { const wchar_t* us = charmap_search(&cm, im->buf); #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" [%8ls] [%8ls] %2d %2d\n", im->s, im->buf, wcslen(im->s), wcslen(im->buf)); #endif /* Match was found? */ if(us && wcslen(us)) { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 1\n"); #endif wcscat(im->s, us); /* Final match */ if(cm.match_is_final) { wcs_lshift(im->buf, cm.match_count); cm.match_count = 0; cm.match_is_final = 0; } /* May need to be overwritten next time */ else { im->redraw += wcslen(us); break; } } /* No match, but more data is in the buffer */ else if(wcslen(im->buf) > 0) { /* If the input character has no state, it's its own state */ if(cm.match_count == 0) { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 2a\n"); #endif wcsncat(im->s, im->buf, 1); wcs_lshift(im->buf, 1); cm.match_is_final = 0; } /* If the matched characters didn't consume all, it's own state */ else if((size_t)cm.match_count != wcslen(im->buf)) { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 2b (%2d)\n", cm.match_count); #endif wcsncat(im->s, im->buf, 1); wcs_lshift(im->buf, 1); cm.match_is_final = 0; } /* Otherwise it's just a part of a future input */ else { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 2c (%2d)\n", cm.match_count); #endif wcscat(im->s, im->buf); cm.match_is_final = 0; im->redraw += wcslen(im->buf); break; } } /* No match and no more data in the buffer */ else { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 3\n"); #endif break; } /* Is this the end? */ if(cm.match_is_final) break; } } } return im->redraw; } /** * Korean IM helper function to tell whether a character typed will produce * a vowel. * * @see im_event_ko */ static int im_event_ko_isvowel(CHARMAP* cm, wchar_t c) { STATE_MACHINE *start, *next; const wchar_t* unicode; int section; /* Determine the starting state based on the charmap's active section */ section = cm->section; if(!IN_RANGE(0, section, (int)ARRAYLEN(cm->sections))) section = 0; start = &cm->sections[section]; next = sm_search_shallow(start, (char)c); unicode = next ? next->output : NULL; return (unicode && wcslen(unicode) == 1 && 0x314F <= unicode[0] && unicode[0] <= 0x3163); } /** * Korean IM. * * @see im_read */ static int im_event_ko(IM_DATA* im, SDL_keysym ks) { static const char* lang_file = IMDIR "ko.im"; enum { SEC_ENGLISH, SEC_HANGUL, SEC_TOTAL }; static CHARMAP cm; /* Handle event requests */ switch(im->request) { case 0: break; case IM_REQ_FREE: /* Free allocated resources */ charmap_free(&cm); /* go onto full reset */ case IM_REQ_RESET_FULL: /* Full reset */ cm.section = SEC_ENGLISH; im->tip_text = im_tip_text[IM_TIP_ENGLISH]; /* go onto soft reset */ case IM_REQ_RESET_SOFT: /* Soft reset */ im->s[0] = L'\0'; im->buf[0] = L'\0'; im->redraw = 0; cm.match_count = 0; cm.match_is_final = 0; cm.match_state = &cm.sections[cm.section]; cm.match_state_prev = &cm.sections[cm.section]; break; case IM_REQ_INIT: /* Initialization */ charmap_init(&cm); if(charmap_load(&cm, lang_file)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load %s, defaulting to im_event_c\n", lang_file); im->lang = LANG_DEFAULT; return im_event_c(im, ks); } im_fullreset(im); #ifdef DEBUG printf("IM: Loaded '%s'\n", lang_file); #endif break; } if(im->request != IM_REQ_TRANSLATE) return 0; /* Discard redraw characters, so they can be redrawn */ if((int)wcslen(im->s) < im->redraw) im->redraw = wcslen(im->s); wcs_lshift(im->s, (wcslen(im->s) - im->redraw) ); /* Handle keys */ switch(ks.sym) { /* Keys to ignore */ case SDLK_NUMLOCK: case SDLK_CAPSLOCK: case SDLK_SCROLLOCK: case SDLK_LSHIFT: case SDLK_RSHIFT: case SDLK_LCTRL: case SDLK_RCTRL: case SDLK_LMETA: case SDLK_RMETA: case SDLK_LSUPER: case SDLK_RSUPER: case SDLK_MODE: case SDLK_COMPOSE: break; /* Right-Alt mapped to mode-switch */ case SDLK_LALT: case SDLK_RALT: cm.section = (++cm.section % SEC_TOTAL); /* Change section */ im_softreset(im); /* Soft reset */ /* Set tip text */ switch(cm.section) { case SEC_ENGLISH: im->tip_text = im_tip_text[IM_TIP_ENGLISH]; break; case SEC_HANGUL: im->tip_text = im_tip_text[IM_TIP_HANGUL]; break; } break; /* Backspace removes only a single buffered character */ case SDLK_BACKSPACE: /* Delete one buffered character */ if(wcslen(im->buf) > 0) { wcs_pull(im->buf, 1); if(im->redraw > 0) im->redraw--; ks.unicode = L'\0'; } /* continue processing: */ /* Actual character processing */ default: /* English mode */ if(cm.section == SEC_ENGLISH) { im->s[0] = ks.unicode; im->s[1] = L'\0'; im->buf[0] = L'\0'; } /* Hangul mode */ else { wchar_t u = ks.unicode; wchar_t* bp = im->buf; im->s[0] = L'\0'; /* Zero-out output string */ wcsncat(bp, &u, 1); /* Copy new character */ /* Translate the characters */ im->redraw = 0; while(1) { const wchar_t* us = charmap_search(&cm, bp); #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" [%8ls] [%8ls] %2d %2d\n", im->s, im->buf, wcslen(im->s), wcslen(im->buf)); #endif /* Match was found? */ if(us && wcslen(us)) { /* Final match */ if(cm.match_is_final) { /* Batchim may carry over to the next character */ if(cm.match_state->flag == 'b') { wchar_t next_char = bp[cm.match_count]; /* If there is no more buffer, output it */ if(cm.match_stats & MATCH_STAT_NOMOBUF) { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 1a\n"); #endif wcscat(im->s, us); /* Output */ im->redraw += wcslen(us); /* May need to re-eval next time */ bp += cm.match_count; /* Keep buffer data for re-eval*/ cm.match_count = 0; cm.match_is_final = 0; } /* If there is buffer data but it's not vowel, finalize it */ else if(!im_event_ko_isvowel(&cm, next_char)) { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 1b\n"); #endif wcscat(im->s, us); /* Output */ wcs_lshift(bp, cm.match_count); cm.match_count = 0; cm.match_is_final = 0; } /* If there is buffer and it's vowel, re-eval */ else { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 1c\n"); #endif us = cm.match_state_prev->output; wcscat(im->s, us); /* Output */ cm.match_count--; /* Matched all but one */ cm.match_is_final = 0; wcs_lshift(bp, cm.match_count); } } /* No batchim - this is final */ else { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 1d\n"); #endif wcscat(im->s, us); wcs_lshift(bp, cm.match_count); cm.match_count = 0; cm.match_is_final = 0; } } /* May need to be overwritten next time */ else { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 1e\n"); #endif wcscat(im->s, us); im->redraw += wcslen(us); break; } } /* No match, but more data is in the buffer */ else if(wcslen(bp) > 0) { /* If the input character has no state, it's its own state */ if(cm.match_count == 0) { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 2a\n"); #endif wcsncat(im->s, bp, 1); wcs_lshift(bp, 1); cm.match_is_final = 0; } /* If the matched characters didn't consume all, it's own state */ else if((size_t)cm.match_count != wcslen(bp)) { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 2b (%2d)\n", cm.match_count); #endif wcsncat(im->s, bp, 1); wcs_lshift(bp, 1); cm.match_is_final = 0; } /* Otherwise it's just a part of a future input */ else { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 2c (%2d)\n", cm.match_count); #endif wcscat(im->s, bp); cm.match_is_final = 0; im->redraw += wcslen(bp); break; } } /* No match and no more data in the buffer */ else { #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L" 3\n"); #endif break; } /* Is this the end? */ if(cm.match_is_final) break; } } } return im->redraw; } /* *************************************************************************** * OTHER STATIC IM FUNCTIONS */ /** * Generic event handler that calls the appropriate language handler. * im->request should have the event ID. */ static void im_event(IM_DATA* im) { SDL_keysym ks; ks.sym = 0; ks.unicode = 0; im_read(im, ks); } /** * Make an event request and call the event handler. */ static void im_request(IM_DATA* im, int request) { im->request = request; im_event(im); im->request = IM_REQ_TRANSLATE; } /* *************************************************************************** * PUBLIC IM FUNCTIONS */ /** * Initialize the IM_DATA structure. * * @param im IM_DATA structure to initialize. * @param lang LANG_* defined constant to initialize the structure with. */ void im_init(IM_DATA* im, int lang) { /* Free already allocated resources if initialized before */ if(im_initialized) { im_free(im); } /* Initialize */ memset(im, 0, sizeof(IM_DATA)); im->lang = lang; /* Setup static globals */ if(!im_initialized) { /* ADD NEW LANGUAGE SUPPORT HERE */ im_event_fns[LANG_JA] = &im_event_ja; im_event_fns[LANG_KO] = &im_event_ko; im_event_fns[LANG_TH] = &im_event_th; im_event_fns[LANG_ZH_TW] = &im_event_zh_tw; im_initialized = 1; } #ifdef DEBUG assert(0 <= im->lang && im->lang < NUM_LANGS); if(im_event_fp) printf("Initializing IM for %s...\n", lang_prefixes[im->lang]); #endif /* Initialize the individual IM */ im_request(im, IM_REQ_INIT); } void im_softreset(IM_DATA* im) { im->s[0] = L'\0'; im->buf[0] = L'\0'; im_request(im, IM_REQ_RESET_SOFT); } void im_fullreset(IM_DATA* im) { im->s[0] = L'\0'; im->buf[0] = L'\0'; im_request(im, IM_REQ_RESET_FULL); } /** * Free any allocated resources. */ void im_free(IM_DATA* im) { im_request(im, IM_REQ_FREE); } /** * IM-process a character. This function simply looks up the language from * IM and calls the appropriate im_event_() language-specific IM event * handler. im_event_c() is called by default if no language-specific * function is specified for the specified language. * * @param im IM-processed data to return to the caller function. * @param ks SDL_keysym typed on the keyboard. * * @return The number of characters in im->s that should not be committed. * In other words, the returned number of characters at the end of * im->s should be overwritten the next time im_read is called. * * @see im_event_c() * @see im_event_fns */ int im_read(IM_DATA* im, SDL_keysym ks) { IM_EVENT_FN im_event_fp = NULL; int redraw = 0; /* Sanity check */ if(im->lang < 0 || im->lang >= NUM_LANGS) { fprintf(stderr, "im->lang out of range (%d), using default\n", im->lang); im->lang = LANG_DEFAULT; } /* Function pointer to the language-specific im_event_* function */ im_event_fp = im_event_fns[im->lang]; /* Run the language-specific IM or run the default C IM */ if(im_event_fp) redraw = (*im_event_fp)(im, ks); else redraw = im_event_c(im, ks); #ifdef IM_DEBUG wprintf(L"* [%8ls] [%8ls] %2d %2d (%2d)\n", im->s, im->buf, wcslen(im->s), wcslen(im->buf), im->redraw); #endif return redraw; } /* vim:ts=2:et */