# Copyright: Damien Elmes # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # License: GNU GPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html import os, sys, re, types, gettext, stat, traceback, inspect, signal import shutil, time, glob, tempfile, datetime, zipfile, locale from operator import itemgetter from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtWebKit import QWebPage from PyQt4 import pyqtconfig QtConfig = pyqtconfig.Configuration() from anki import DeckStorage from anki.errors import * from anki.sound import hasSound, playFromText, clearAudioQueue, stripSounds from anki.utils import addTags, deleteTags, parseTags, canonifyTags, \ stripHTML, checksum from anki.media import rebuildMediaDir, downloadMissing, downloadRemote from anki.db import OperationalError, SessionHelper, sqlite from anki.stdmodels import BasicModel from anki.hooks import runHook, addHook, removeHook, _hooks, wrap from anki.deck import newCardOrderLabels, newCardSchedulingLabels from anki.deck import revCardOrderLabels, failedCardOptionLabels from ankiqt.ui.utils import saveGeom, restoreGeom, saveState, restoreState import anki.lang import anki.deck import ankiqt ui = ankiqt.ui config = ankiqt.config class AnkiQt(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, app, config, args): QMainWindow.__init__(self) try: self.errorOccurred = False self.inDbHandler = False self.reviewingStarted = False if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): qt_mac_set_menubar_icons(False) elif sys.platform.startswith("win32"): # make sure they're picked up on bundle from ctypes import windll, wintypes ankiqt.mw = self self.app = app self.config = config self.deck = None self.state = "initial" self.hideWelcome = False self.views = [] signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.onSigInt) self.setLang() self.setupStyle() self.setupFonts() self.setupBackupDir() self.setupProxy() self.setupMainWindow() self.setupDeckBrowser() self.setupSystemHacks() self.setupSound() self.setupTray() self.setupSync() self.connectMenuActions() ui.splash.update() self.setupViews() self.setupEditor() self.setupStudyScreen() self.setupButtons() self.setupAnchors() self.setupToolbar() self.setupProgressInfo() self.setupBackups() if self.config['mainWindowState']: restoreGeom(self, "mainWindow", 21) restoreState(self, "mainWindow") else: self.resize(500, 500) # load deck ui.splash.update() self.setupErrorHandler() self.setupMisc() # check if we've been updated if "version" not in self.config: # could be new user, or upgrade from older version # which didn't have version variable self.appUpdated = "first" elif self.config['version'] != ankiqt.appVersion: self.appUpdated = self.config['version'] else: self.appUpdated = False if self.appUpdated: self.config['version'] = ankiqt.appVersion # plugins might be looking at this self.state = "noDeck" self.loadPlugins() self.setupAutoUpdate() self.rebuildPluginsMenu() # plugins loaded, now show interface ui.splash.finish(self) self.show() # program open sync if self.config['syncOnProgramOpen']: self.syncDeck(interactive=False) if (args or self.config['loadLastDeck'] or len(self.config['recentDeckPaths']) == 1): # open the last deck self.maybeLoadLastDeck(args) if self.deck: # deck open sync? if self.config['syncOnLoad'] and self.deck.syncName: self.syncDeck(interactive=False) elif not self.config['syncOnProgramOpen'] or not self.browserDecks: # sync disabled or no user/pass, so draw deck browser manually self.moveToState("noDeck") # all setup is done, run after-init hook try: runHook('init') except: ui.utils.showWarning( _("Broken plugin:\n\n%s") % unicode(traceback.format_exc(), "utf-8", "replace")) # activate & raise is useful when run from the command line on osx self.activateWindow() self.raise_() except: ui.utils.showInfo("Error during startup:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(1) def onSigInt(self, signum, frame): self.close() def onReload(self): self.moveToState("auto") def setupMainWindow(self): # main window self.mainWin = ankiqt.forms.main.Ui_MainWindow() self.mainWin.setupUi(self) self.mainWin.mainText = ui.view.AnkiWebView(self.mainWin.mainTextFrame) self.mainWin.mainText.setObjectName("mainText") self.mainWin.mainText.setFocusPolicy(Qt.ClickFocus) self.mainWin.mainStack.addWidget(self.mainWin.mainText) self.help = ui.help.HelpArea(self.mainWin.helpFrame, self.config, self) self.connect(self.mainWin.mainText.pageAction(QWebPage.Reload), SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.onReload) # congrats self.connect(self.mainWin.learnMoreButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onLearnMore) self.connect(self.mainWin.reviewEarlyButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onReviewEarly) self.connect(self.mainWin.finishButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onClose) # notices self.mainWin.noticeFrame.setShown(False) self.connect(self.mainWin.noticeButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda: self.mainWin.noticeFrame.setShown(False)) if sys.platform.startswith("win32"): self.mainWin.noticeButton.setFixedWidth(24) elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): self.mainWin.noticeButton.setFixedWidth(20) self.mainWin.noticeButton.setFixedHeight(20) addHook("cardAnswered", self.onCardAnsweredHook) addHook("undoEnd", self.maybeEnableUndo) addHook("notify", self.onNotify) def onNotify(self, msg): if self.mainThread != QThread.currentThread(): # decks may be opened in a sync thread sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n") else: ui.utils.showInfo(msg) def setNotice(self, str=""): if str: self.mainWin.noticeLabel.setText(str) self.mainWin.noticeFrame.setShown(True) else: self.mainWin.noticeFrame.setShown(False) def setupViews(self): self.bodyView = ui.view.View(self, self.mainWin.mainText, self.mainWin.mainTextFrame) self.addView(self.bodyView) self.statusView = ui.status.StatusView(self) self.addView(self.statusView) def setupTray(self): self.trayIcon = ui.tray.AnkiTrayIcon(self) def setupErrorHandler(self): class ErrorPipe(object): def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.timer = None self.pool = "" self.poolUpdated = 0 def write(self, data): try: print data.encode("utf-8"), except: print data self.pool += data self.poolUpdated = time.time() def haveError(self): if self.pool: if (time.time() - self.poolUpdated) > 1: return True def getError(self): p = self.pool self.pool = "" try: return unicode(p, 'utf8', 'replace') except TypeError: # already unicode return p self.errorPipe = ErrorPipe(self) sys.stderr = self.errorPipe self.errorTimer = QTimer(self) self.errorTimer.start(1000) self.connect(self.errorTimer, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.onErrorTimer) def onErrorTimer(self): if self.errorPipe.haveError(): error = self.errorPipe.getError() if "font_manager.py" in error: # hack for matplotlib errors on osx return if "Audio player not found" in error: ui.utils.showInfo( _("Couldn't play sound. Please install mplayer.")) return if "ERR-0100" in error: ui.utils.showInfo(error) return if "ERR-0101" in error: ui.utils.showInfo(error) return stdText = _("""\ An error occurred. It may have been caused by a harmless bug,
or your deck may have a problem.

To confirm it's not a problem with your deck, please restart
and run Tools > Advanced > Check Database.

If that doesn't fix the problem, please copy the following
into a bug report:
""") pluginText = _("""\ An error occurred in a plugin. Please contact the plugin author.
Please do not file a bug report with Anki.
""") if "plugin" in error: txt = pluginText else: txt = stdText self.errorOccurred = True # show dialog diag = QDialog(self.app.activeWindow()) diag.setWindowTitle("Anki") layout = QVBoxLayout(diag) diag.setLayout(layout) text = QTextEdit() text.setReadOnly(True) text.setHtml(txt + "

" + error + "
") layout.addWidget(text) box = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) layout.addWidget(box) self.connect(box, SIGNAL("rejected()"), diag, SLOT("reject()")) diag.setMinimumHeight(400) diag.setMinimumWidth(500) diag.exec_() self.clearProgress() def closeAllDeckWindows(self): ui.dialogs.closeAll() self.help.hide() # State machine ########################################################################## def addView(self, view): self.views.append(view) def updateViews(self, status): if self.deck is None and status != "noDeck": raise Exception("updateViews() called with no deck. status=%s" % status) for view in self.views: view.setState(status) def pauseViews(self): if getattr(self, 'viewsBackup', None): return self.viewsBackup = self.views self.views = [] def restoreViews(self): self.views = self.viewsBackup self.viewsBackup = None def reset(self, count=True, priorities=False, runHooks=True): if self.deck: self.deck.refreshSession() if priorities: self.deck.updateAllPriorities() self.deck.reset() if runHooks: runHook("guiReset") self.moveToState("initial") def moveToState(self, state): t = time.time() if state == "initial": # reset current card and load again self.currentCard = None self.lastCard = None self.editor.deck = self.deck if self.deck: self.enableDeckMenuItems() self.updateViews(state) if self.state == "studyScreen": return self.moveToState("studyScreen") else: return self.moveToState("getQuestion") else: return self.moveToState("noDeck") elif state == "auto": self.currentCard = None self.lastCard = None if self.deck: if self.state == "studyScreen": return self.moveToState("studyScreen") else: return self.moveToState("getQuestion") else: return self.moveToState("noDeck") # save the new & last state self.lastState = getattr(self, "state", None) self.state = state self.updateTitleBar() if 'state' != 'noDeck' and state != 'editCurrentFact': self.switchToReviewScreen() if state == "noDeck": self.deck = None self.help.hide() self.currentCard = None self.lastCard = None self.disableDeckMenuItems() # hide all deck-associated dialogs self.closeAllDeckWindows() self.showDeckBrowser() elif state == "getQuestion": # stop anything playing clearAudioQueue() if self.deck.isEmpty(): return self.moveToState("deckEmpty") else: # timeboxing only supported using the standard scheduler if not self.deck.finishScheduler: if (self.config['showStudyScreen'] and not self.deck.sessionStartTime): return self.moveToState("studyScreen") if self.deck.sessionLimitReached(): self.showToolTip(_("Session limit reached.")) self.moveToState("studyScreen") # switch to timeboxing screen self.mainWin.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(2) return if not self.currentCard: self.currentCard = self.deck.getCard() if self.currentCard: if self.lastCard: if self.lastCard.id == self.currentCard.id: pass # if self.currentCard.combinedDue > time.time(): # # if the same card is being shown and it's not # # due yet, give up # return self.moveToState("deckFinished") self.enableCardMenuItems() return self.moveToState("showQuestion") else: return self.moveToState("deckFinished") elif state == "deckEmpty": self.switchToWelcomeScreen() self.disableCardMenuItems() elif state == "deckFinished": self.currentCard = None self.deck.s.flush() self.hideButtons() self.disableCardMenuItems() self.switchToCongratsScreen() self.mainWin.learnMoreButton.setEnabled( not not self.deck.newCount) self.startRefreshTimer() self.bodyView.setState(state) # focus finish button self.mainWin.finishButton.setFocus() runHook('deckFinished') elif state == "showQuestion": self.reviewingStarted = True # ensure cwd set to media dir self.deck.mediaDir() self.showAnswerButton() self.updateMarkAction() runHook('showQuestion') elif state == "showAnswer": self.showEaseButtons() self.enableCardMenuItems() elif state == "editCurrentFact": if self.lastState == "editCurrentFact": return self.moveToState("saveEdit") self.mainWin.actionRepeatAudio.setEnabled(False) self.deck.s.flush() self.showEditor() elif state == "saveEdit": self.mainWin.actionRepeatAudio.setEnabled(True) self.editor.saveFieldsNow() self.mainWin.buttonStack.show() return self.reset() elif state == "studyScreen": self.currentCard = None if self.deck.finishScheduler: self.deck.finishScheduler() self.disableCardMenuItems() self.showStudyScreen() self.updateViews(state) def keyPressEvent(self, evt): "Show answer on RET or register answer." if evt.key() in (Qt.Key_Up,Qt.Key_Down,Qt.Key_Left,Qt.Key_Right, Qt.Key_PageUp,Qt.Key_PageDown): mf = self.bodyView.body.page().currentFrame() if evt.key() == Qt.Key_Up: mf.evaluateJavaScript("window.scrollBy(0,-20)") elif evt.key() == Qt.Key_Down: mf.evaluateJavaScript("window.scrollBy(0,20)") elif evt.key() == Qt.Key_Left: mf.evaluateJavaScript("window.scrollBy(-20,0)") elif evt.key() == Qt.Key_Right: mf.evaluateJavaScript("window.scrollBy(20,0)") elif evt.key() == Qt.Key_PageUp: mf.evaluateJavaScript("window.scrollBy(0,-%d)" % int(0.9*self.bodyView.body.size(). height())) elif evt.key() == Qt.Key_PageDown: mf.evaluateJavaScript("window.scrollBy(0,%d)" % int(0.9*self.bodyView.body.size(). height())) evt.accept() return if self.state == "showQuestion": if evt.key() in (Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Return): evt.accept() return self.mainWin.showAnswerButton.click() elif evt.key() == Qt.Key_Space and not ( self.currentCard.cardModel.typeAnswer): evt.accept() return self.mainWin.showAnswerButton.click() elif self.state == "showAnswer": if evt.key() == Qt.Key_Space: key = str(self.defaultEaseButton()) else: key = unicode(evt.text()) if key and key >= "1" and key <= "4": # user entered a quality setting num=int(key) evt.accept() return getattr(self.mainWin, "easeButton%d" % num).animateClick() elif self.state == "studyScreen": if evt.key() in (Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Return): evt.accept() return self.onStartReview() elif self.state == "editCurrentFact": if evt.key() == Qt.Key_Escape: evt.accept() return self.moveToState("saveEdit") evt.ignore() def cardAnswered(self, quality): "Reschedule current card and move back to getQuestion state." if self.state != "showAnswer": return # force refresh of card then remove from session as we update in pure sql self.deck.s.refresh(self.currentCard) self.deck.s.refresh(self.currentCard.fact) self.deck.s.refresh(self.currentCard.cardModel) self.deck.s.expunge(self.currentCard) # answer self.deck.answerCard(self.currentCard, quality) self.lastQuality = quality self.lastCard = self.currentCard self.currentCard = None if self.config['saveAfterAnswer']: num = self.config['saveAfterAnswerNum'] stats = self.deck.getStats() if stats['gTotal'] % num == 0: self.save() self.moveToState("getQuestion") def onCardAnsweredHook(self, cardId, isLeech): if not isLeech: self.setNotice() return txt = (_("""\ %s... is a leech.""") % stripHTML(stripSounds(self.currentCard.question)).\ replace("\n", " ")[0:30]) if isLeech and self.deck.s.scalar( "select 1 from cards where id = :id and priority < 1", id=cardId): txt += _(" It has been suspended.") self.setNotice(txt) def startRefreshTimer(self): "Update the screen once a minute until next card is displayed." if getattr(self, 'refreshTimer', None): return self.refreshTimer = QTimer(self) self.refreshTimer.start(60000) self.connect(self.refreshTimer, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.refreshStatus) # start another time to refresh exactly after we've finished next = self.deck.earliestTime() if next: delay = next - time.time() if delay > 86400: return if delay < 0: c = self.deck.getCard() if c: return self.moveToState("auto") sys.stderr.write("""\ earliest time returned %f please report this error, but it's not serious. closing and opening your deck should fix it. counts are %d %d %d """ % (delay, self.deck.failedSoonCount, self.deck.revCount, self.deck.newCountToday)) return t = QTimer(self) t.setSingleShot(True) self.connect(t, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.refreshStatus) t.start((delay+1)*1000) def refreshStatus(self): "If triggered when the deck is finished, reset state." if self.inDbHandler: return if self.state == "deckFinished": # don't try refresh if the deck is closed during a sync if self.deck: self.moveToState("getQuestion") if self.state != "deckFinished": if self.refreshTimer: self.refreshTimer.stop() self.refreshTimer = None # Main stack ########################################################################## def switchToBlankScreen(self): self.mainWin.mainStack.setCurrentIndex(0) self.hideButtons() def switchToWelcomeScreen(self): self.mainWin.mainStack.setCurrentIndex(1) self.hideButtons() def switchToEditScreen(self): self.mainWin.mainStack.setCurrentIndex(2) def switchToStudyScreen(self): self.mainWin.mainStack.setCurrentIndex(3) def switchToCongratsScreen(self): self.mainWin.mainStack.setCurrentIndex(4) def switchToReviewScreen(self): self.mainWin.mainStack.setCurrentIndex(6) def switchToDecksScreen(self): self.mainWin.mainStack.setCurrentIndex(5) self.hideButtons() # Buttons ########################################################################## def setupButtons(self): # ask self.connect(self.mainWin.showAnswerButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda: self.moveToState("showAnswer")) if sys.platform.startswith("win32"): if self.config['alternativeTheme']: self.mainWin.showAnswerButton.setFixedWidth(370) else: self.mainWin.showAnswerButton.setFixedWidth(358) else: self.mainWin.showAnswerButton.setFixedWidth(351) self.mainWin.showAnswerButton.setFixedHeight(41) # answer for i in range(1, 5): b = getattr(self.mainWin, "easeButton%d" % i) b.setFixedWidth(85) self.connect(b, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda i=i: self.cardAnswered(i)) # type answer outer = QHBoxLayout() outer.setSpacing(0) outer.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) outer.addStretch(0) class QLineEditNoUndo(QLineEdit): def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent QLineEdit.__init__(self, parent) def keyPressEvent(self, evt): if evt.matches(QKeySequence.Undo): evt.accept() if self.parent.mainWin.actionUndo.isEnabled(): self.parent.onUndo() else: return QLineEdit.keyPressEvent(self, evt) self.typeAnswerField = QLineEditNoUndo(self) self.typeAnswerField.setObjectName("typeAnswerField") self.typeAnswerField.setFixedWidth(351) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.setSpacing(0) vbox.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) vbox.addWidget(self.typeAnswerField) self.typeAnswerShowButton = QPushButton(_("Show Answer")) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) hbox.addWidget(self.typeAnswerShowButton) vbox.addLayout(hbox) self.connect(self.typeAnswerShowButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda: self.moveToState("showAnswer")) outer.addLayout(vbox) outer.addStretch(0) self.mainWin.typeAnswerPage.setLayout(outer) def hideButtons(self): self.mainWin.buttonStack.hide() def showAnswerButton(self): if self.currentCard.cardModel.typeAnswer: self.mainWin.buttonStack.setCurrentIndex(2) self.typeAnswerField.setFocus() self.typeAnswerField.setText("") else: self.mainWin.buttonStack.setCurrentIndex(0) self.mainWin.showAnswerButton.setFocus() self.mainWin.buttonStack.show() def showEaseButtons(self): self.updateEaseButtons() self.mainWin.buttonStack.setCurrentIndex(1) self.mainWin.buttonStack.show() self.mainWin.buttonStack.setLayoutDirection(Qt.LeftToRight) if self.learningButtons(): self.mainWin.easeButton2.setText(_("Good")) self.mainWin.easeButton3.setText(_("Easy")) self.mainWin.easeButton4.setText(_("Very Easy")) else: self.mainWin.easeButton2.setText(_("Hard")) self.mainWin.easeButton3.setText(_("Good")) self.mainWin.easeButton4.setText(_("Easy")) getattr(self.mainWin, "easeButton%d" % self.defaultEaseButton()).\ setFocus() def learningButtons(self): return not self.currentCard.successive def defaultEaseButton(self): if not self.currentCard.successive: return 2 else: return 3 def updateEaseButtons(self): nextInts = {} for i in range(1, 5): l = getattr(self.mainWin, "easeLabel%d" % i) if self.config['suppressEstimates']: l.setText("") elif i == 1: txt = _("Soon") if self.config['colourTimes']: txt = '%s' % txt l.setText(txt) else: txt = self.deck.nextIntervalStr( self.currentCard, i) txt = "" + txt + "" if i == self.defaultEaseButton() and self.config['colourTimes']: txt = '' + txt + '' l.setText(txt) # Deck loading & saving: backend ########################################################################## def setupBackupDir(self): anki.deck.backupDir = os.path.join( self.config.configPath, "backups") def loadDeck(self, deckPath, sync=True, interactive=True, uprecent=True): "Load a deck and update the user interface. Maybe sync." self.reviewingStarted = False # return True on success try: self.pauseViews() if not self.saveAndClose(hideWelcome=True): return 0 finally: self.restoreViews() if not os.path.exists(deckPath): self.moveToState("noDeck") return try: self.deck = DeckStorage.Deck(deckPath) except Exception, e: if hasattr(e, 'data') and e.data.get('type') == 'inuse': if interactive: ui.utils.showWarning(_("Deck is already open.")) else: return else: ui.utils.showCritical(_("""\ File is corrupt or not an Anki database. Click help for more info.\n Debug info:\n%s""") % traceback.format_exc(), help="DeckErrors") self.moveToState("noDeck") return 0 if uprecent: self.updateRecentFiles(self.deck.path) if (sync and self.config['syncOnLoad'] and self.deck.syncName): if self.syncDeck(interactive=False): return True self.setupMedia(self.deck) try: self.deck.initUndo() self.moveToState("initial") except: traceback.print_exc() if ui.utils.askUser(_( "An error occurred while trying to build the queue.\n" "Would you like to try check the deck for errors?\n" "This may take some time.")): self.onCheckDB() # try again try: self.reset() except: ui.utils.showWarning( _("Unable to recover. Deck load failed.")) self.deck = None else: self.deck = None return 0 self.moveToState("noDeck") runHook("loadDeck") return True def maybeLoadLastDeck(self, args): "Open the last deck if possible." # try a command line argument if available if args: f = unicode(args[0], sys.getfilesystemencoding()) return self.loadDeck(f, sync=False) # try recent deck paths for path in self.config['recentDeckPaths']: r = self.loadDeck(path, interactive=False, sync=False) if r: return r def getDefaultDir(self, save=False): "Try and get default dir from most recently opened file." defaultDir = "" if self.config['recentDeckPaths']: latest = self.config['recentDeckPaths'][0] defaultDir = os.path.dirname(latest) else: defaultDir = unicode(os.path.expanduser("~/"), sys.getfilesystemencoding()) return defaultDir def updateRecentFiles(self, path): "Add the current deck to the list of recent files." path = os.path.normpath(path) if path in self.config['recentDeckPaths']: self.config['recentDeckPaths'].remove(path) self.config['recentDeckPaths'].insert(0, path) self.config.save() def onSwitchToDeck(self): diag = QDialog(self) diag.setWindowTitle(_("Open Recent Deck")) vbox = QVBoxLayout() combo = QComboBox() self.switchDecks = ( [(os.path.basename(x).replace(".anki", ""), x) for x in self.config['recentDeckPaths'] if not self.deck or self.deck.path != x and os.path.exists(x)]) self.switchDecks.sort() combo.addItems(QStringList([x[0] for x in self.switchDecks])) self.connect(combo, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), self.onSwitchActivated) vbox.addWidget(combo) bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.connect(bbox, SIGNAL("rejected()"), lambda: self.switchDeckDiag.close()) vbox.addWidget(bbox) diag.setLayout(vbox) diag.show() self.app.processEvents() combo.setFocus() combo.showPopup() self.switchDeckDiag = diag diag.exec_() def onSwitchActivated(self, idx): self.switchDeckDiag.close() self.loadDeck(self.switchDecks[idx][1]) # New files, loading & saving ########################################################################## def onClose(self): # allow focusOut to save if self.inMainWindow() or not self.app.activeWindow(): self.saveAndClose() else: self.app.activeWindow().close() def saveAndClose(self, hideWelcome=False, parent=None): "(Auto)save and close. Prompt if necessary. True if okay to proceed." # allow any focusOut()s to run first self.setFocus() if not parent: parent = self self.hideWelcome = hideWelcome self.closeAllDeckWindows() synced = False if self.deck is not None: if self.deck.finishScheduler: self.deck.finishScheduler() self.deck.reset() # update counts for d in self.browserDecks: if d['path'] == self.deck.path: d['due'] = self.deck.failedSoonCount + self.deck.revCount d['new'] = self.deck.newCountToday d['mod'] = self.deck.modified d['time'] = self.deck._dailyStats.reviewTime d['reps'] = self.deck._dailyStats.reps if self.deck.modifiedSinceSave(): if (self.deck.path is None or (not self.config['saveOnClose'] and not self.config['syncOnLoad'])): # backed in memory or autosave/sync off, must confirm while 1: res = ui.unsaved.ask(parent) if res == ui.unsaved.save: if self.save(required=True): break elif res == ui.unsaved.cancel: self.hideWelcome = False return False else: break # auto sync (saving automatically) if self.config['syncOnLoad'] and self.deck.syncName: # force save, the user may not have set passwd/etc self.deck.save() if self.syncDeck(False, reload=False): synced = True while self.deckPath: self.app.processEvents() time.sleep(0.1) self.hideWelcome = False return True # auto save if self.config['saveOnClose'] or self.config['syncOnLoad']: if self.deck: self.save() # close if the deck wasn't already closed by a failed sync if self.deck: self.deck.rollback() self.deck.close() self.deck = None if not hideWelcome and not synced: self.moveToState("noDeck") self.hideWelcome = False return True def inMainWindow(self): if not self.app.activeWindow(): # make sure window is shown self.setWindowState(self.windowState() & ~Qt.WindowMinimized) return True # FIXME: no longer necessary? return self.app.activeWindow() == self def onNew(self, path=None, prompt=None): if not self.inMainWindow() and not path: return if not self.saveAndClose(hideWelcome=True): return register = not path bad = ":/\\" name = _("mydeck") if not path: if not prompt: prompt = _("Please give your deck a name:") while 1: name = ui.utils.getOnlyText( prompt, default=name, title=_("New Deck")) if not name: self.moveToState("noDeck") return found = False for c in bad: if c in name: ui.utils.showInfo( _("Sorry, '%s' can't be used in deck names.") % c) found = True break if found: continue if not name.endswith(".anki"): name += ".anki" break path = os.path.join(self.documentDir, name) if os.path.exists(path): if ui.utils.askUser(_("That deck already exists. Overwrite?"), defaultno=True): os.unlink(path) else: self.moveToState("noDeck") return self.deck = DeckStorage.Deck(path) self.deck.initUndo() self.deck.addModel(BasicModel()) self.deck.save() if register: self.updateRecentFiles(self.deck.path) self.browserLastRefreshed = 0 self.moveToState("initial") def ensureSyncParams(self): if not self.config['syncUsername'] or not self.config['syncPassword']: d = QDialog(self) vbox = QVBoxLayout() l = QLabel(_( '

Online Account

' 'To use your free online account,
' "please enter your details below.

" "You can change your details later with
" "Settings->Preferences->Sync
")) l.setOpenExternalLinks(True) vbox.addWidget(l) g = QGridLayout() l1 = QLabel(_("Username:")) g.addWidget(l1, 0, 0) user = QLineEdit() g.addWidget(user, 0, 1) l2 = QLabel(_("Password:")) g.addWidget(l2, 1, 0) passwd = QLineEdit() passwd.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) g.addWidget(passwd, 1, 1) vbox.addLayout(g) bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.connect(bb, SIGNAL("accepted()"), d.accept) self.connect(bb, SIGNAL("rejected()"), d.reject) vbox.addWidget(bb) d.setLayout(vbox) d.exec_() self.config['syncUsername'] = unicode(user.text()) self.config['syncPassword'] = unicode(passwd.text()) def onOpenOnline(self): if not self.inMainWindow(): return self.ensureSyncParams() if not self.saveAndClose(hideWelcome=True): return # we need a disk-backed file for syncing dir = unicode(tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="anki"), sys.getfilesystemencoding()) path = os.path.join(dir, u"untitled.anki") self.onNew(path=path) # ensure all changes come to us self.deck.modified = 0 self.deck.s.commit() self.deck.syncName = u"something" self.deck.lastLoaded = self.deck.modified if self.config['syncUsername'] and self.config['syncPassword']: if self.syncDeck(onlyMerge=True, reload=2, interactive=False): return self.deck = None self.browserLastRefreshed = 0 self.moveToState("initial") def onGetSharedDeck(self): if not self.inMainWindow(): return ui.getshared.GetShared(self, 0) self.browserLastRefreshed = 0 def onGetSharedPlugin(self): if not self.inMainWindow(): return ui.getshared.GetShared(self, 1) def onOpen(self): if not self.inMainWindow(): return key = _("Deck files (*.anki)") defaultDir = self.getDefaultDir() file = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, _("Open deck"), defaultDir, key) file = unicode(file) if not file: return False ret = self.loadDeck(file, interactive=True) if not ret: if ret is None: ui.utils.showWarning(_("Unable to load file.")) self.deck = None return False else: self.updateRecentFiles(file) self.browserLastRefreshed = 0 return True def showToolTip(self, msg): class CustomLabel(QLabel): def mousePressEvent(self, evt): evt.accept() self.hide() old = getattr(self, 'toolTipFrame', None) if old: old.deleteLater() old = getattr(self, 'toolTipTimer', None) if old: old.stop() old.deleteLater() self.toolTipLabel = CustomLabel("""\
""" % msg) self.toolTipLabel.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Panel) self.toolTipLabel.setLineWidth(2) self.toolTipLabel.setWindowFlags(Qt.ToolTip) p = QPalette() p.setColor(QPalette.Window, QColor("#feffc4")) self.toolTipLabel.setPalette(p) aw = (self.app.instance().activeWindow() or self) self.toolTipLabel.move( aw.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, -100 + aw.height()))) self.toolTipLabel.show() self.toolTipTimer = QTimer(self) self.toolTipTimer.setSingleShot(True) self.toolTipTimer.start(5000) self.connect(self.toolTipTimer, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.closeToolTip) def closeToolTip(self): label = getattr(self, 'toolTipLabel', None) if label: label.deleteLater() self.toolTipLabel = None timer = getattr(self, 'toolTipTimer', None) if timer: timer.stop() timer.deleteLater() self.toolTipTimer = None def save(self, required=False): if not self.deck.modifiedSinceSave() and self.deck.path: return True if not self.deck.path: if required: # backed in memory, make sure it's saved return self.onSaveAs() else: self.showToolTip(_("""\

Unsaved Deck

Careful. You're editing an unsaved deck.
Choose File -> Save to start autosaving
your deck.""")) return self.deck.save() self.updateTitleBar() return True def onSave(self): self.save(required=True) def onSaveAs(self): "Prompt for a file name, then save." title = _("Save Deck As") if self.deck.path: dir = os.path.dirname(self.deck.path) else: dir = self.documentDir file = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, title, dir, _("Deck files (*.anki)"), None, QFileDialog.DontConfirmOverwrite) file = unicode(file) if not file: return if not file.lower().endswith(".anki"): file += ".anki" if self.deck.path: if os.path.abspath(file) == os.path.abspath(self.deck.path): return self.onSave() if os.path.exists(file): # check for existence after extension if not ui.utils.askUser( "This file exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"): return self.closeAllDeckWindows() self.deck = self.deck.saveAs(file) self.deck.initUndo() self.updateTitleBar() self.updateRecentFiles(self.deck.path) self.browserLastRefreshed = 0 self.moveToState("initial") return file # Deck browser ########################################################################## def setupDeckBrowser(self): class PaddedScroll(QScrollArea): def sizeHint(self): hint = QScrollArea.sizeHint(self) if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): m = 500 else: m = 450 return QSize(max(hint.width(), m), hint.height()) self.decksScrollArea = PaddedScroll() self.decksScrollArea.setFrameStyle(QFrame.NoFrame) self.decksScrollArea.setWidgetResizable(True) self.mainWin.verticalLayout_14.insertWidget(2, self.decksScrollArea) self.decksFrame = QFrame() self.connect(self.mainWin.downloadDeckButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onGetSharedDeck) self.connect(self.mainWin.newDeckButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onNew) self.connect(self.mainWin.importDeckButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onImport) self.browserLastRefreshed = 0 self.browserDecks = [] def refreshBrowserDecks(self, forget=False): self.browserDecks = [] if not self.config['recentDeckPaths']: return toRemove = [] self.startProgress(max=len(self.config['recentDeckPaths']), immediate=True) for c, d in enumerate(self.config['recentDeckPaths']): if ui.splash.finished: self.updateProgress(_("Checking deck %(x)d of %(y)d...") % { 'x': c+1, 'y': len(self.config['recentDeckPaths'])}) if not os.path.exists(d): if forget: toRemove.append(d) continue try: mod = os.stat(d)[stat.ST_MTIME] deck = DeckStorage.Deck(d, backup=False) self.browserDecks.append({ 'path': d, 'name': deck.name(), 'due': deck.failedSoonCount + deck.revCount, 'new': deck.newCountToday, 'mod': deck.modified, 'time': deck._dailyStats.reviewTime, 'reps': deck._dailyStats.reps, }) deck.close() try: os.utime(d, (mod, mod)) except: # some misbehaving filesystems may fail here pass except Exception, e: if "File is in use" in unicode(e): continue else: toRemove.append(d) for d in toRemove: self.config['recentDeckPaths'].remove(d) self.config.save() if ui.splash.finished: self.finishProgress() self.browserLastRefreshed = time.time() self.reorderBrowserDecks() def reorderBrowserDecks(self): if self.config['deckBrowserOrder'] == 0: self.browserDecks.sort(key=itemgetter('mod'), reverse=True) else: def custcmp(a, b): x = cmp(not not b['due'], not not a['due']) if x: return x x = cmp(not not b['new'], not not a['new']) if x: return x return cmp(a['mod'], b['mod']) self.browserDecks.sort(cmp=custcmp) def forceBrowserRefresh(self): self.browserLastRefreshed = 0 self.showDeckBrowser() def showDeckBrowser(self): self.switchToBlankScreen() import sip focusButton = None # remove all widgets from layout & layout itself self.moreMenus = [] if self.decksFrame.layout(): while 1: obj = self.decksFrame.layout().takeAt(0) if not obj: break if obj.widget(): obj.widget().deleteLater() self.app.processEvents(QEventLoop.DeferredDeletion) sip.delete(self.decksFrame.layout()) # build new layout layout = QGridLayout() self.decksFrame.setLayout(layout) if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): layout.setSpacing(6) else: layout.setSpacing(2) if (time.time() - self.browserLastRefreshed > self.config['deckBrowserRefreshPeriod']): self.refreshBrowserDecks() else: self.reorderBrowserDecks() if self.browserDecks: layout.addWidget(QLabel(_("Deck")), 0, 0) layout.setColumnStretch(0, 1) l = QLabel(_("Due
")) l.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) layout.addWidget(l, 0, 1) layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(2, 10) l = QLabel(_("New
")) l.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) layout.addWidget(l, 0, 3) layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(4, 10) for c, deck in enumerate(self.browserDecks): # name n = deck['name'] lim = self.config['deckBrowserNameLength'] if len(n) > lim: n = n[:lim] + "..." mod = _("%s ago") % anki.utils.fmtTimeSpan( time.time() - deck['mod']) mod = "%s" % mod l = QLabel("%d. %s
    %s" % (c+1, n, mod)) l.setWordWrap(True) layout.addWidget(l, c+1, 0) # due col = '%s' if deck['due'] > 0: s = col % str(deck['due']) else: s = "" l = QLabel(s) l.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) layout.addWidget(l, c+1, 1) # new if deck['new']: s = str(deck['new']) else: s = "" l = QLabel(s) l.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) layout.addWidget(l, c+1, 3) # open openButton = QPushButton(_("Open")) if c < 9: if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): extra = "" # appears to be broken on osx #extra = _(" (Command+Option+%d)") % (c+1) #openButton.setShortcut(_("Ctrl+Alt+%d" % (c+1))) else: extra = _(" (Alt+%d)") % (c+1) openButton.setShortcut(_("Alt+%d" % (c+1))) else: extra = "" openButton.setToolTip(_("Open this deck%s") % extra) self.connect(openButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda d=deck['path']: self.loadDeck(d)) layout.addWidget(openButton, c+1, 5) if c == 0: focusButton = openButton # more moreButton = QPushButton(_("More")) if sys.platform.startswith("win32") and \ self.config['alternativeTheme']: moreButton.setFixedHeight(24) moreMenu = QMenu() a = moreMenu.addAction(QIcon(":/icons/edit-undo.png"), _("Hide From List")) a.connect(a, SIGNAL("triggered()"), lambda c=c: self.onDeckBrowserForget(c)) a = moreMenu.addAction(QIcon(":/icons/editdelete.png"), _("Delete")) a.connect(a, SIGNAL("triggered()"), lambda c=c: self.onDeckBrowserDelete(c)) moreButton.setMenu(moreMenu) self.moreMenus.append(moreMenu) layout.addWidget(moreButton, c+1, 6) refresh = QPushButton(_("Refresh")) refresh.setToolTip(_("Check due counts again (F5)")) refresh.setShortcut(_("F5")) self.connect(refresh, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.forceBrowserRefresh) layout.addItem(QSpacerItem(1,20, QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Preferred), c+2, 5) layout.addWidget(refresh, c+3, 5) more = QPushButton(_("More")) moreMenu = QMenu() a = moreMenu.addAction(QIcon(":/icons/edit-undo.png"), _("Forget Inaccessible Decks")) a.connect(a, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.onDeckBrowserForgetInaccessible) more.setMenu(moreMenu) layout.addWidget(more, c+3, 6) self.moreMenus.append(moreMenu) # make sure top labels don't expand layout.addItem(QSpacerItem(1,1, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding), c+4, 5) # summarize reps = 0 mins = 0 revC = 0 newC = 0 for d in self.browserDecks: reps += d['reps'] mins += d['time'] revC += d['due'] newC += d['new'] line1 = ngettext( "Studied %(reps)d card in %(time)s today.", "Studied %(reps)d cards in %(time)s today.", reps) % { 'reps': reps, 'time': anki.utils.fmtTimeSpan(mins, point=2), } rev = ngettext( "%d review", "%d reviews", revC) % revC new = ngettext("%d new card", "%d new cards", newC) % newC line2 = _("Due: %(rev)s, %(new)s") % { 'rev': rev, 'new': new} self.mainWin.deckBrowserSummary.setText(line1 + "
" + line2) else: l = QLabel(_("""\
Welcome to Anki! Click 'Download' to get started. You can return here later by using File>Close.
""")) l.setWordWrap(True) layout.addWidget(l, 0, 0) self.decksScrollArea.setWidget(self.decksFrame) if focusButton: focusButton.setFocus() # do this last self.switchToDecksScreen() def onDeckBrowserForget(self, c): if ui.utils.askUser(_("""\ Hide %s from the list? You can File>Open it again later.""") % self.browserDecks[c]['name']): self.config['recentDeckPaths'].remove(self.browserDecks[c]['path']) del self.browserDecks[c] self.doLater(100, self.showDeckBrowser) def onDeckBrowserDelete(self, c): deck = self.browserDecks[c]['path'] if ui.utils.askUser(_("""\ Delete %s? If this deck is synchronized the online version will \ not be touched.""") % self.browserDecks[c]['name']): del self.browserDecks[c] os.unlink(deck) try: shutil.rmtree(re.sub(".anki$", ".media", deck)) except OSError: pass self.config['recentDeckPaths'].remove(deck) self.doLater(100, self.showDeckBrowser) def onDeckBrowserForgetInaccessible(self): self.refreshBrowserDecks(forget=True) def doLater(self, msecs, func): timer = QTimer(self) timer.setSingleShot(True) timer.start(msecs) self.connect(timer, SIGNAL("timeout()"), func) # Opening and closing the app ########################################################################## def prepareForExit(self): "Save config and window geometry." runHook("quit") self.help.hide() self.config['mainWindowGeom'] = self.saveGeometry() self.config['mainWindowState'] = self.saveState() # save config try: self.config.save() except (IOError, OSError), e: ui.utils.showWarning(_("Anki was unable to save your " "configuration file:\n%s" % e)) def closeEvent(self, event): "User hit the X button, etc." if self.state == "editCurrentFact": event.ignore() return self.moveToState("saveEdit") if not self.saveAndClose(hideWelcome=True): event.ignore() else: if self.config['syncOnProgramOpen']: self.hideWelcome = True self.syncDeck(interactive=False) self.prepareForExit() event.accept() self.app.quit() # Anchor clicks ########################################################################## def onWelcomeAnchor(self, str): if str == "back": self.saveAndClose() if str == "addfacts": if self.deck: self.onAddCard() def setupAnchors(self): # welcome self.anchorPrefixes = { 'welcome': self.onWelcomeAnchor, } self.connect(self.mainWin.welcomeText, SIGNAL("anchorClicked(QUrl)"), self.anchorClicked) # main self.mainWin.mainText.page().setLinkDelegationPolicy( QWebPage.DelegateAllLinks) self.connect(self.mainWin.mainText, SIGNAL("linkClicked(QUrl)"), self.linkClicked) def anchorClicked(self, url): # prevent the link being handled self.mainWin.welcomeText.setSource(QUrl("")) addr = unicode(url.toString()) fields = addr.split(":") if len(fields) > 1 and fields[0] in self.anchorPrefixes: self.anchorPrefixes[fields[0]](*fields[1:]) else: # open in browser QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(url)) def linkClicked(self, url): QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(url)) # Edit current fact ########################################################################## def setupEditor(self): self.editor = ui.facteditor.FactEditor( self, self.mainWin.fieldsArea, self.deck) self.editor.clayout.setShortcut("") self.editor.onFactValid = self.onFactValid self.editor.onFactInvalid = self.onFactInvalid self.editor.resetOnEdit = False # editor self.connect(self.mainWin.saveEditorButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda: self.moveToState("saveEdit")) def showEditor(self): self.mainWin.buttonStack.hide() self.switchToEditScreen() self.editor.setFact(self.currentCard.fact) self.editor.card = self.currentCard def onFactValid(self, fact): self.mainWin.saveEditorButton.setEnabled(True) def onFactInvalid(self, fact): self.mainWin.saveEditorButton.setEnabled(False) # Study screen ########################################################################## def setupStudyScreen(self): self.mainWin.buttonStack.hide() self.mainWin.newCardOrder.insertItems( 0, QStringList(newCardOrderLabels().values())) self.mainWin.newCardScheduling.insertItems( 0, QStringList(newCardSchedulingLabels().values())) self.mainWin.revCardOrder.insertItems( 0, QStringList(revCardOrderLabels().values())) self.connect(self.mainWin.optionsHelpButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda: QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl( ankiqt.appWiki + "StudyOptions"))) self.connect(self.mainWin.minuteLimit, SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)"), self.onMinuteLimitChanged) self.connect(self.mainWin.questionLimit, SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)"), self.onQuestionLimitChanged) self.connect(self.mainWin.newPerDay, SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)"), self.onNewLimitChanged) self.connect(self.mainWin.startReviewingButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onStartReview) self.connect(self.mainWin.newCardOrder, SIGNAL("activated(int)"), self.onNewCardOrderChanged) self.connect(self.mainWin.failedCardMax, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onFailedMaxChanged) self.connect(self.mainWin.newCategories, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onNewCategoriesClicked) self.connect(self.mainWin.revCategories, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onRevCategoriesClicked) self.mainWin.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(self.config['studyOptionsScreen']) def onNewCategoriesClicked(self): ui.activetags.show(self, "new") def onRevCategoriesClicked(self): ui.activetags.show(self, "rev") def onFailedMaxChanged(self): try: v = int(self.mainWin.failedCardMax.text()) if v == 1 or v < 0: v = 2 self.deck.failedCardMax = v except ValueError: pass self.mainWin.failedCardMax.setText(str(self.deck.failedCardMax)) self.deck.flushMod() def onMinuteLimitChanged(self, qstr): try: val = float(self.mainWin.minuteLimit.text()) * 60 if self.deck.sessionTimeLimit == val: return self.deck.sessionTimeLimit = val except ValueError: pass self.deck.flushMod() self.updateStudyStats() def onQuestionLimitChanged(self, qstr): try: val = int(self.mainWin.questionLimit.text()) if self.deck.sessionRepLimit == val: return self.deck.sessionRepLimit = val except ValueError: pass self.deck.flushMod() self.updateStudyStats() def onNewLimitChanged(self, qstr): try: val = int(self.mainWin.newPerDay.text()) if self.deck.newCardsPerDay == val: return self.deck.newCardsPerDay = val except ValueError: pass self.deck.flushMod() self.deck.reset() self.statusView.redraw() self.updateStudyStats() def onNewCardOrderChanged(self, ncOrd): def uf(obj, field, value): if getattr(obj, field) != value: setattr(obj, field, value) self.deck.flushMod() if ncOrd != 0: if self.deck.newCardOrder == 0: # need to put back in order self.deck.startProgress() self.deck.updateProgress(_("Ordering...")) self.deck.orderNewCards() self.deck.finishProgress() uf(self.deck, 'newCardOrder', ncOrd) elif ncOrd == 0: # (re-)randomize self.deck.startProgress() self.deck.updateProgress(_("Randomizing...")) self.deck.randomizeNewCards() self.deck.finishProgress() uf(self.deck, 'newCardOrder', ncOrd) def updateActives(self): labels = [ _("Show All Due Cards"), _("Show Chosen Categories") ] if self.deck.getVar("newActive") or self.deck.getVar("newInactive"): new = labels[1] else: new = labels[0] self.mainWin.newCategoryLabel.setText(new) if self.deck.getVar("revActive") or self.deck.getVar("revInactive"): rev = labels[1] else: rev = labels[0] self.mainWin.revCategoryLabel.setText(rev) def updateStudyStats(self): self.mainWin.buttonStack.hide() self.deck.reset() self.updateActives() wasReached = self.deck.sessionLimitReached() sessionColour = '%s' cardColour = '%s' # top label h = {} s = self.deck.getStats() h['ret'] = cardColour % (s['rev']+s['failed']) h['new'] = cardColour % s['new'] h['newof'] = str(self.deck.newCountAll()) dtoday = s['dTotal'] yesterday = self.deck._dailyStats.day - datetime.timedelta(1) res = self.deck.s.first(""" select reps, reviewTime from stats where type = 1 and day = :d""", d=yesterday) if res: (dyest, tyest) = res else: dyest = 0; tyest = 0 h['repsToday'] = sessionColour % dtoday h['repsTodayChg'] = str(dyest) limit = self.deck.sessionTimeLimit start = self.deck.sessionStartTime or time.time() - limit start2 = self.deck.lastSessionStart or start - limit last10 = self.deck.s.scalar( "select count(*) from reviewHistory where time >= :t", t=start) last20 = self.deck.s.scalar( "select count(*) from reviewHistory where " "time >= :t and time < :t2", t=start2, t2=start) h['repsInSes'] = sessionColour % last10 h['repsInSesChg'] = str(last20) ttoday = s['dReviewTime'] h['timeToday'] = sessionColour % ( anki.utils.fmtTimeSpan(ttoday, short=True, point=1)) h['timeTodayChg'] = str(anki.utils.fmtTimeSpan( tyest, short=True, point=1)) h['cs_header'] = "" + _("Cards/session:") + "" h['cd_header'] = "" + _("Cards/day:") + "" h['td_header'] = "" + _("Time/day:") + "" h['rd_header'] = "" + _("Reviews due:") + "" h['ntod_header'] = "" + _("New today:") + "" h['ntot_header'] = "" + _("New total:") + "" stats1 = ("""\
%(cs_header)s%(repsInSesChg)s %(repsInSes)s

%(cd_header)s%(repsTodayChg)s %(repsToday)s
%(td_header)s%(timeTodayChg)s %(timeToday)s
""") % h stats2 = ("""\
""") % h if (not dyest and not dtoday) or not self.config['showStudyStats']: self.haveYesterday = False stats1 = "" else: self.haveYesterday = True stats1 = ( "%s    " % stats1) self.mainWin.optionsLabel.setText("""\


""" % (stats1, stats2)) h['tt_header'] = _("Session Statistics") h['cs_tip'] = _("The number of cards you studied in the current \ session (blue) and previous session (black)") h['cd_tip'] = _("The number of cards you studied today (blue) and \ yesterday (black)") h['td_tip'] = _("The number of minutes you studied today (blue) and \ yesterday (black)") h['rd_tip'] = _("The number of cards that are waiting to be reviewed \ today") h['ntod_tip'] = _("The number of new cards that are waiting to be \ learnt today") h['ntot_tip'] = _("The total number of new cards in the deck") statToolTip = ("""


""") % h self.mainWin.optionsLabel.setToolTip(statToolTip) def showStudyScreen(self): # forget last card self.lastCard = None self.switchToStudyScreen() self.updateStudyStats() self.mainWin.startReviewingButton.setFocus() self.setupStudyOptions() self.mainWin.studyOptionsFrame.setMaximumWidth(500) self.mainWin.studyOptionsFrame.show() def setupStudyOptions(self): self.mainWin.newPerDay.setText(str(self.deck.newCardsPerDay)) lim = self.deck.sessionTimeLimit/60 if int(lim) == lim: lim = int(lim) self.mainWin.minuteLimit.setText(str(lim)) self.mainWin.questionLimit.setText(str(self.deck.sessionRepLimit)) self.mainWin.newCardOrder.setCurrentIndex(self.deck.newCardOrder) self.mainWin.newCardScheduling.setCurrentIndex(self.deck.newCardSpacing) self.mainWin.revCardOrder.setCurrentIndex(self.deck.revCardOrder) self.mainWin.failedCardsOption.clear() if self.deck.getFailedCardPolicy() == 5: labels = failedCardOptionLabels().values() else: labels = failedCardOptionLabels().values()[0:-1] self.mainWin.failedCardsOption.insertItems(0, labels) self.mainWin.failedCardsOption.setCurrentIndex(self.deck.getFailedCardPolicy()) self.mainWin.failedCardMax.setText(unicode(self.deck.failedCardMax)) def onStartReview(self): def uf(obj, field, value): if getattr(obj, field) != value: setattr(obj, field, value) self.deck.flushMod() self.mainWin.studyOptionsFrame.hide() # make sure the size is updated before button stack shown self.app.processEvents() uf(self.deck, 'newCardSpacing', self.mainWin.newCardScheduling.currentIndex()) uf(self.deck, 'revCardOrder', self.mainWin.revCardOrder.currentIndex()) pol = self.deck.getFailedCardPolicy() if (pol != 5 and pol != self.mainWin.failedCardsOption.currentIndex()): self.deck.setFailedCardPolicy( self.mainWin.failedCardsOption.currentIndex()) self.deck.flushMod() self.deck.reset() if not self.deck.finishScheduler: self.deck.startSession() self.config['studyOptionsScreen'] = self.mainWin.tabWidget.currentIndex() self.moveToState("getQuestion") def onStudyOptions(self): if self.state == "studyScreen": pass else: self.moveToState("studyScreen") # Toolbar ########################################################################## def setupToolbar(self): mw = self.mainWin mw.toolBar.addAction(mw.actionAddcards) mw.toolBar.addAction(mw.actionEditCurrent) mw.toolBar.addAction(mw.actionEditLayout) mw.toolBar.addAction(mw.actionEditdeck) mw.toolBar.addAction(mw.actionStudyOptions) mw.toolBar.addAction(mw.actionGraphs) mw.toolBar.addAction(mw.actionMarkCard) mw.toolBar.addAction(mw.actionRepeatAudio) mw.toolBar.addAction(mw.actionClose) mw.toolBar.setIconSize(QSize(self.config['iconSize'], self.config['iconSize'])) toggle = mw.toolBar.toggleViewAction() toggle.setText(_("Toggle Toolbar")) self.connect(toggle, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.onToolbarToggle) if not self.config['showToolbar']: mw.toolBar.hide() def onToolbarToggle(self): tb = self.mainWin.toolBar self.config['showToolbar'] = tb.isVisible() # Tools - statistics ########################################################################## def onDeckStats(self): txt = anki.stats.DeckStats(self.deck).report() self.help.showText(txt) def onCardStats(self): addHook("showQuestion", self.onCardStats) addHook("deckFinished", self.onCardStats) txt = "" if self.currentCard: txt += _("

Current card

") txt += anki.stats.CardStats(self.deck, self.currentCard).report() if self.lastCard and self.lastCard != self.currentCard: txt += _("

Last card

") txt += anki.stats.CardStats(self.deck, self.lastCard).report() if not txt: txt = _("No current card or last card.") self.help.showText(txt, py={'hide': self.removeCardStatsHook}) def removeCardStatsHook(self): "Remove the update hook if the help menu was changed." removeHook("showQuestion", self.onCardStats) removeHook("deckFinished", self.onCardStats) def onShowGraph(self): self.setStatus(_("Loading graphs (may take time)...")) self.app.processEvents() import anki.graphs if anki.graphs.graphsAvailable(): try: ui.dialogs.get("Graphs", self, self.deck) except (ImportError, ValueError): traceback.print_exc() if sys.platform.startswith("win32"): ui.utils.showInfo( _("To display graphs, Anki needs a .dll file which\n" "you don't have. Please install:\n") + "http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?msvcp71") else: ui.utils.showInfo(_( "Your version of Matplotlib is broken.\n" "Please see http://ichi2.net/anki/wiki/MatplotlibBroken")) else: ui.utils.showInfo(_("Please install python-matplotlib to access graphs.")) # Marking, suspending and undoing ########################################################################## def onMark(self, toggled): if self.currentCard.hasTag("Marked"): self.currentCard.fact.tags = canonifyTags(deleteTags( "Marked", self.currentCard.fact.tags)) else: self.currentCard.fact.tags = canonifyTags(addTags( "Marked", self.currentCard.fact.tags)) self.currentCard.fact.setModified(textChanged=True, deck=self.deck) self.deck.updateFactTags([self.currentCard.fact.id]) self.deck.setModified() def onSuspend(self): undo = _("Suspend") self.deck.setUndoStart(undo) self.deck.suspendCards([self.currentCard.id]) self.reset() self.deck.setUndoEnd(undo) def onDelete(self): undo = _("Delete") if self.state == "editCurrent": self.moveToState("saveEdit") self.deck.setUndoStart(undo) self.deck.deleteCard(self.currentCard.id) self.reset() self.deck.setUndoEnd(undo) runHook("currentCardDeleted") def onBuryFact(self): undo = _("Bury") self.deck.setUndoStart(undo) self.deck.buryFact(self.currentCard.fact) self.reset() self.deck.setUndoEnd(undo) def onUndo(self): name = self.deck.undoName() self.deck.undo() self.reset() if name == "Answer Card": self.setStatus(_("Card placed back in queue.")) def onRedo(self): self.deck.redo() self.reset() # Other menu operations ########################################################################## def onAddCard(self): ui.dialogs.get("AddCards", self) def onEditDeck(self): ui.dialogs.get("CardList", self) def onEditCurrent(self): self.moveToState("editCurrentFact") def onCardLayout(self): ui.clayout.CardLayout(self, 0, self.currentCard.fact, card=self.currentCard) def onDeckProperties(self): self.deckProperties = ui.deckproperties.DeckProperties(self, self.deck) def onPrefs(self): ui.preferences.Preferences(self, self.config) def onReportBug(self): QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(ankiqt.appIssueTracker)) def onForum(self): QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(ankiqt.appForum)) def onReleaseNotes(self): QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(ankiqt.appReleaseNotes)) def onAbout(self): ui.about.show(self) def onDonate(self): QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(ankiqt.appDonate)) # Importing & exporting ########################################################################## def onImport(self): if self.deck is None: self.onNew(prompt=_("""\ Importing copies cards to the current deck, so we need to create a new deck first. Please give your deck a name:""")) if not self.deck: return if self.deck.path: ui.importing.ImportDialog(self) def onExport(self): ui.exporting.ExportDialog(self) # Cramming & Sharing ########################################################################## def _copyToTmpDeck(self, name="cram.anki", tags="", ids=[]): ndir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="anki") path = os.path.join(ndir, name) from anki.exporting import AnkiExporter e = AnkiExporter(self.deck) e.includeMedia = False if tags: e.limitTags = parseTags(tags) if ids: e.limitCardIds = ids path = unicode(path, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) e.exportInto(path) return (e, path) def onCram(self, cardIds=[]): te = ui.tagedit.TagEdit(self) te.setDeck(self.deck, "all") diag = ui.utils.GetTextDialog( self, _("Tags to cram:"), help="CramMode", edit=te) l = diag.layout() g = QGroupBox(_("Review Mode")) l.insertWidget(2, g) box = QVBoxLayout() g.setLayout(box) keep = QRadioButton(_("Show oldest modified first")) box.addWidget(keep) keep.setChecked(True) diag.setTabOrder(diag.l, keep) order = QRadioButton(_("Show in order added")) box.addWidget(order) random = QRadioButton(_("Show in random order")) box.addWidget(random) # hide tag list if we have ids if cardIds: diag.l.hide() diag.qlabel.hide() if diag.exec_(): if keep.isChecked(): order = "type, modified" elif order.isChecked(): order = "created" else: order = "random()" if cardIds: active = cardIds else: active = unicode(diag.l.text()) self.deck.setupCramScheduler(active, order) if self.state == "studyScreen": self.onStartReview() else: self.deck.reset() self.deck.getCard() # so scheduler will reset if empty self.moveToState("initial") if not self.deck.finishScheduler: ui.utils.showInfo(_("No cards matched the provided tags.")) def onShare(self, tags): pwd = os.getcwd() # open tmp deck (e, path) = self._copyToTmpDeck(name="shared.anki", tags=tags) if not e.exportedCards: ui.utils.showInfo(_("No cards matched the provided tags.")) return self.deck.startProgress() self.deck.updateProgress() d = DeckStorage.Deck(path, backup=False) # reset scheduling to defaults d.newCardsPerDay = 20 d.delay0 = 600 d.delay1 = 0 d.delay2 = 0 d.hardIntervalMin = 1.0 d.hardIntervalMax = 1.1 d.midIntervalMin = 3.0 d.midIntervalMax = 5.0 d.easyIntervalMin = 7.0 d.easyIntervalMax = 9.0 d.syncName = None d.setVar("newActive", u"") d.setVar("newInactive", u"") d.setVar("revActive", u"") d.setVar("revInactive", u"") self.deck.updateProgress() # unsuspend cards d.unsuspendCards(d.s.column0("select id from cards where type < 0")) self.deck.updateProgress() d.utcOffset = -2 d.flushMod() d.save() self.deck.updateProgress() # media d.s.statement("update deckVars set value = '' where key = 'mediaURL'") self.deck.updateProgress() d.s.statement("vacuum") self.deck.updateProgress() nfacts = d.factCount mdir = self.deck.mediaDir() d.close() dir = os.path.dirname(path) zippath = os.path.join(dir, "shared-%d.zip" % time.time()) # zip it up zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zippath, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) zip.writestr("facts", str(nfacts)) zip.writestr("version", str(2)) readmep = os.path.join(dir, "README.html") readme = open(readmep, "w") readme.write('''\ This is an exported packaged deck created by Anki.

To share this deck with other people, upload it to http://anki.ichi2.net/file/upload, or email it to your friends. ''') readme.close() zip.write(readmep, "README.html") zip.write(path, "shared.anki") if mdir: for f in os.listdir(mdir): zip.write(os.path.join(mdir, f), os.path.join("shared.media/", f)) os.chdir(pwd) os.chdir(pwd) self.deck.updateProgress() zip.close() os.unlink(path) self.deck.finishProgress() self.onOpenPluginFolder(dir) # Reviewing and learning ahead ########################################################################## def onLearnMore(self): self.deck.setupLearnMoreScheduler() self.reset() self.showToolTip(_("""\

Learning More

Click the stopwatch at the top to finish.""")) def onReviewEarly(self): self.deck.setupReviewEarlyScheduler() self.reset() self.showToolTip(_("""\

Reviewing Early

Click the stopwatch at the top to finish.""")) # Language handling ########################################################################## def setLang(self): "Set the user interface language." try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except: pass languageDir="/usr/share/locale" self.languageTrans = gettext.translation('ankiqt', languageDir, languages=[self.config["interfaceLang"]], fallback=True) self.installTranslation() if getattr(self, 'mainWin', None): self.mainWin.retranslateUi(self) anki.lang.setLang(self.config["interfaceLang"], local=False) self.updateTitleBar() if self.config['interfaceLang'] in ("he","ar","fa") and \ not self.config['forceLTR']: self.app.setLayoutDirection(Qt.RightToLeft) else: self.app.setLayoutDirection(Qt.LeftToRight) def getTranslation(self, text): return self.languageTrans.ugettext(text) def getTranslation2(self, text1, text2, n): return self.languageTrans.ungettext(text1, text2, n) def installTranslation(self): import __builtin__ __builtin__.__dict__['_'] = self.getTranslation __builtin__.__dict__['ngettext'] = self.getTranslation2 # Syncing ########################################################################## def setupSync(self): if not self.config['syncDisableWhenMoved']: anki.deck.Deck.checkSyncHash = lambda self: True def syncDeck(self, interactive=True, onlyMerge=False, reload=True): "Synchronise a deck with the server." if not self.inMainWindow() and interactive and interactive!=-1: return self.setNotice() # vet input if interactive: self.ensureSyncParams() u=self.config['syncUsername'] p=self.config['syncPassword'] if not u or not p: return if self.deck: if not self.deck.path: if not self.save(required=True): return if self.deck and not self.deck.syncName: if interactive: if (not self.config['mediaLocation'] and self.deck.s.scalar("select 1 from media limit 1")): ui.utils.showInfo(_("""\ Syncing sounds and images requires a free file synchronization service like \ DropBox. Click help to learn more, and OK to continue syncing."""), help="SyncingMedia") # enable syncing self.deck.enableSyncing() else: return if self.deck is None and getattr(self, 'deckPath', None) is None: # sync all decks self.loadAfterSync = -1 self.syncName = None self.syncDecks = self.decksToSync() if not self.syncDecks: if interactive: ui.utils.showInfo(_("""\ Please open a deck and run File>Sync. After you do this once, the deck \ will sync automatically from then on.""")) return else: # sync one deck # hide all deck-associated dialogs self.closeAllDeckWindows() if self.deck: # save first, so we can rollback on failure self.deck.save() # store data we need before closing the deck self.deckPath = self.deck.path self.syncName = self.deck.name() self.lastSync = self.deck.lastSync self.deck.close() self.deck = None self.loadAfterSync = reload # bug triggered by preferences dialog - underlying c++ widgets are not # garbage collected until the middle of the child thread self.state = "nostate" import gc; gc.collect() self.mainWin.welcomeText.setText(u"") self.syncThread = ui.sync.Sync(self, u, p, interactive, onlyMerge) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("setStatus"), self.setSyncStatus) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("showWarning"), self.showSyncWarning) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("moveToState"), self.moveToState) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("noMatchingDeck"), self.selectSyncDeck) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("syncClockOff"), self.syncClockOff) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("cleanNewDeck"), self.cleanNewDeck) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("syncFinished"), self.onSyncFinished) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("openSyncProgress"), self.openSyncProgress) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("closeSyncProgress"), self.closeSyncProgress) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("updateSyncProgress"), self.updateSyncProgress) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("bulkSyncFailed"), self.bulkSyncFailed) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("fullSyncStarted"), self.fullSyncStarted) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("fullSyncFinished"), self.fullSyncFinished) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("fullSyncProgress"), self.fullSyncProgress) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("badUserPass"), self.badUserPass) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("syncConflicts"), self.onConflict) self.connect(self.syncThread, SIGNAL("syncClobber"), self.onClobber) self.syncThread.start() self.switchToWelcomeScreen() self.setEnabled(False) self.syncFinished = False while not self.syncFinished: self.app.processEvents() self.syncThread.wait(100) self.setEnabled(True) return self.syncThread.ok def decksToSync(self): ok = [] for d in self.config['recentDeckPaths']: if os.path.exists(d): ok.append(d) return ok def onConflict(self, deckName): diag = ui.utils.askUserDialog(_("""\ %s has been changed on both the local and remote side. What do you want to do?""" % deckName), [_("Keep Local"), _("Keep Remote"), _("Cancel")]) diag.setDefault(2) ret = diag.run() if ret == _("Keep Local"): self.syncThread.conflictResolution = "keepLocal" elif ret == _("Keep Remote"): self.syncThread.conflictResolution = "keepRemote" else: self.syncThread.conflictResolution = "cancel" def onClobber(self, deckName): diag = ui.utils.askUserDialog(_("""\ You are about to upload %s to AnkiOnline. This will overwrite the online copy of this deck. Are you sure?""" % deckName), [_("Upload"), _("Cancel")]) diag.setDefault(1) ret = diag.run() if ret == _("Upload"): self.syncThread.clobberChoice = "overwrite" else: self.syncThread.clobberChoice = "cancel" def onSyncFinished(self): "Reopen after sync finished." self.mainWin.buttonStack.show() try: try: if self.hideWelcome: # no deck load & no deck browser, as we're about to quit or do # something manually pass else: if self.loadAfterSync == -1: # after sync all, so refresh browser list self.browserLastRefreshed = 0 self.moveToState("noDeck") elif self.loadAfterSync and self.deckPath: if self.loadAfterSync == 2: name = re.sub("[<>]", "", self.syncName) p = os.path.join(self.documentDir, name + ".anki") shutil.copy2(self.deckPath, p) self.deckPath = p # since we've moved the deck, we have to set sync path # ourselves c = sqlite.connect(p) v = c.execute( "select version from decks").fetchone()[0] if v >= 52: # deck has bene upgraded already, so we can # use a checksum name = checksum(p.encode("utf-8")) else: # FIXME: compat code because deck hasn't been # upgraded yet. can be deleted in the future. # strip off .anki part name = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(p))[0] c.execute("update decks set syncName = ?", (name,)) c.commit() c.close() self.loadDeck(self.deckPath, sync=False) else: self.moveToState("noDeck") except: self.moveToState("noDeck") raise finally: self.deckPath = None self.syncFinished = True def selectSyncDeck(self, decks): name = ui.sync.DeckChooser(self, decks).getName() self.syncName = name if name: # name chosen p = os.path.join(self.documentDir, name + ".anki") if os.path.exists(p): d = ui.utils.askUserDialog(_("""\ This deck already exists on your computer. Overwrite the local copy?"""), ["Overwrite", "Cancel"]) d.setDefault(1) if d.run() == "Overwrite": self.syncDeck(interactive=False, onlyMerge=True) else: self.syncFinished = True self.cleanNewDeck() else: self.syncDeck(interactive=False, onlyMerge=True) return self.syncFinished = True self.cleanNewDeck() def cleanNewDeck(self): "Unload a new deck if an initial sync failed." self.deck = None self.deckPath = None self.moveToState("noDeck") self.syncFinished = True def setSyncStatus(self, text, *args): self.mainWin.welcomeText.append("" + text + "") def syncClockOff(self, diff): ui.utils.showWarning( _("The time or date on your computer is not correct.\n") + ngettext("It is off by %d second.\n\n", "It is off by %d seconds.\n\n", diff) % diff + _("Since this can cause many problems with syncing,\n" "syncing is disabled until you fix the problem.") ) self.onSyncFinished() def showSyncWarning(self, text): ui.utils.showWarning(text, self) self.setStatus("") def badUserPass(self): ui.preferences.Preferences(self, self.config).dialog.tabWidget.\ setCurrentIndex(1) def openSyncProgress(self): self.syncProgressDialog = QProgressDialog(_("Syncing Media..."), "", 0, 0, self) self.syncProgressDialog.setWindowTitle(_("Syncing Media...")) self.syncProgressDialog.setCancelButton(None) self.syncProgressDialog.setAutoClose(False) self.syncProgressDialog.setAutoReset(False) def closeSyncProgress(self): self.syncProgressDialog.cancel() def updateSyncProgress(self, args): (type, x, y, fname) = args self.syncProgressDialog.setMaximum(y) self.syncProgressDialog.setValue(x) self.syncProgressDialog.setMinimumDuration(0) if type == "up": self.syncProgressDialog.setLabelText("Uploading %s..." % fname) else: self.syncProgressDialog.setLabelText("Downloading %s..." % fname) def bulkSyncFailed(self): ui.utils.showWarning(_( "Failed to upload media. Please run 'check media db'."), self) def fullSyncStarted(self, max): self.startProgress(max=max) def fullSyncFinished(self): self.finishProgress() # need to deactivate interface again self.setEnabled(False) def fullSyncProgress(self, type, val): if type == "fromLocal": s = _("Uploaded %dKB to server...") self.updateProgress(label=s % (val / 1024), value=val) else: s = _("Downloaded %dKB from server...") self.updateProgress(label=s % (val / 1024)) # Menu, title bar & status ########################################################################## deckRelatedMenuItems = ( "Save", "SaveAs", "Close", "Addcards", "Editdeck", "DeckProperties", "Undo", "Redo", "Export", "Graphs", "Dstats", "Cstats", "Cram", "StudyOptions", ) deckRelatedMenus = ( "Edit", "Tools", ) def connectMenuActions(self): m = self.mainWin s = SIGNAL("triggered()") self.connect(m.actionNew, s, self.onNew) self.connect(m.actionOpenOnline, s, self.onOpenOnline) self.connect(m.actionDownloadSharedDeck, s, self.onGetSharedDeck) self.connect(m.actionDownloadSharedPlugin, s, self.onGetSharedPlugin) self.connect(m.actionOpenRecent, s, self.onSwitchToDeck) self.connect(m.actionOpen, s, self.onOpen) self.connect(m.actionSave, s, self.onSave) self.connect(m.actionSaveAs, s, self.onSaveAs) self.connect(m.actionClose, s, self.onClose) self.connect(m.actionExit, s, self, SLOT("close()")) self.connect(m.actionSyncdeck, s, self.syncDeck) self.connect(m.actionDeckProperties, s, self.onDeckProperties) self.connect(m.actionAddcards, s, self.onAddCard) self.connect(m.actionEditdeck, s, self.onEditDeck) self.connect(m.actionEditCurrent, s, self.onEditCurrent) self.connect(m.actionPreferences, s, self.onPrefs) self.connect(m.actionDstats, s, self.onDeckStats) self.connect(m.actionCstats, s, self.onCardStats) self.connect(m.actionGraphs, s, self.onShowGraph) self.connect(m.actionEditLayout, s, self.onCardLayout) self.connect(m.actionAbout, s, self.onAbout) self.connect(m.actionReportbug, s, self.onReportBug) self.connect(m.actionForum, s, self.onForum) self.connect(m.actionStarthere, s, self.onStartHere) self.connect(m.actionImport, s, self.onImport) self.connect(m.actionExport, s, self.onExport) self.connect(m.actionMarkCard, SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"), self.onMark) self.connect(m.actionSuspendCard, s, self.onSuspend) self.connect(m.actionDelete, s, self.onDelete) self.connect(m.actionRepeatAudio, s, self.onRepeatAudio) self.connect(m.actionUndo, s, self.onUndo) self.connect(m.actionRedo, s, self.onRedo) self.connect(m.actionFullDatabaseCheck, s, self.onCheckDB) self.connect(m.actionOptimizeDatabase, s, self.onOptimizeDB) self.connect(m.actionCheckMediaDatabase, s, self.onCheckMediaDB) self.connect(m.actionDownloadMissingMedia, s, self.onDownloadMissingMedia) self.connect(m.actionLocalizeMedia, s, self.onLocalizeMedia) self.connect(m.actionCram, s, self.onCram) self.connect(m.actionOpenPluginFolder, s, self.onOpenPluginFolder) self.connect(m.actionEnableAllPlugins, s, self.onEnableAllPlugins) self.connect(m.actionDisableAllPlugins, s, self.onDisableAllPlugins) self.connect(m.actionReleaseNotes, s, self.onReleaseNotes) self.connect(m.actionStudyOptions, s, self.onStudyOptions) self.connect(m.actionDonate, s, self.onDonate) self.connect(m.actionRecordNoiseProfile, s, self.onRecordNoiseProfile) self.connect(m.actionBuryFact, s, self.onBuryFact) def enableDeckMenuItems(self, enabled=True): "setEnabled deck-related items." for item in self.deckRelatedMenus: getattr(self.mainWin, "menu" + item).setEnabled(enabled) for item in self.deckRelatedMenuItems: getattr(self.mainWin, "action" + item).setEnabled(enabled) if not enabled: self.disableCardMenuItems() runHook("enableDeckMenuItems", enabled) def disableDeckMenuItems(self): "Disable deck-related items." self.enableDeckMenuItems(enabled=False) def updateTitleBar(self): "Display the current deck and card count in the titlebar." title=ankiqt.appName if self.deck != None: deckpath = self.deck.name() if self.deck.modifiedSinceSave(): deckpath += "*" if not self.config['showProgress']: title = deckpath + " - " + title else: title = _("%(path)s (%(due)d of %(cards)d due)" " - %(title)s") % { "path": deckpath, "title": title, "cards": self.deck.cardCount, "due": self.deck.failedSoonCount + self.deck.revCount } self.setWindowTitle(title) def setStatus(self, text, timeout=3000): self.mainWin.statusbar.showMessage(text, timeout) def onStartHere(self): QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(ankiqt.appHelpSite)) def updateMarkAction(self): self.mainWin.actionMarkCard.blockSignals(True) if self.currentCard.hasTag("Marked"): self.mainWin.actionMarkCard.setChecked(True) else: self.mainWin.actionMarkCard.setChecked(False) self.mainWin.actionMarkCard.blockSignals(False) def disableCardMenuItems(self): self.maybeEnableUndo() self.mainWin.actionEditCurrent.setEnabled(False) self.mainWin.actionEditLayout.setEnabled(False) self.mainWin.actionMarkCard.setEnabled(False) self.mainWin.actionSuspendCard.setEnabled(False) self.mainWin.actionDelete.setEnabled(False) self.mainWin.actionBuryFact.setEnabled(False) self.mainWin.actionRepeatAudio.setEnabled(False) runHook("disableCardMenuItems") def enableCardMenuItems(self): self.maybeEnableUndo() snd = (hasSound(self.currentCard.question) or (hasSound(self.currentCard.answer) and self.state != "getQuestion")) self.mainWin.actionEditLayout.setEnabled(True) self.mainWin.actionRepeatAudio.setEnabled(snd) self.mainWin.actionMarkCard.setEnabled(True) self.mainWin.actionSuspendCard.setEnabled(True) self.mainWin.actionDelete.setEnabled(True) self.mainWin.actionBuryFact.setEnabled(True) enableEdits = (not self.config['preventEditUntilAnswer'] or self.state != "getQuestion") self.mainWin.actionEditCurrent.setEnabled(enableEdits) self.mainWin.actionEditdeck.setEnabled(enableEdits) runHook("enableCardMenuItems") def maybeEnableUndo(self): if self.deck and self.deck.undoAvailable(): self.mainWin.actionUndo.setText(_("Undo %s") % self.deck.undoName()) self.mainWin.actionUndo.setEnabled(True) else: self.mainWin.actionUndo.setEnabled(False) if self.deck and self.deck.redoAvailable(): self.mainWin.actionRedo.setText(_("Redo %s") % self.deck.redoName()) self.mainWin.actionRedo.setEnabled(True) else: self.mainWin.actionRedo.setEnabled(False) # Auto update ########################################################################## def setupAutoUpdate(self): return # do not lookup latest upstream version in Debian packaged anki self.autoUpdate = ui.update.LatestVersionFinder(self) self.connect(self.autoUpdate, SIGNAL("newVerAvail"), self.newVerAvail) self.connect(self.autoUpdate, SIGNAL("newMsg"), self.newMsg) self.connect(self.autoUpdate, SIGNAL("clockIsOff"), self.clockIsOff) self.autoUpdate.start() def newVerAvail(self, data): if self.config['suppressUpdate'] < data['latestVersion']: ui.update.askAndUpdate(self, data) def newMsg(self, data): ui.update.showMessages(self, data) def clockIsOff(self, diff): if diff < 0: ret = _("late") else: ret = _("early") ui.utils.showWarning( _("The time or date on your computer is not correct.\n") + ngettext("It is %(sec)d second %(type)s.\n", "It is %(sec)d seconds %(type)s.\n", abs(diff)) % {"sec": abs(diff), "type": ret} + _(" Please ensure it is set correctly and then restart Anki.") ) def updateStarted(self): self.updateProgressDialog = QProgressDialog(_( "Updating Anki...\n - you can keep studying" "\n - please don't close this"), "", 0, 0, self) self.updateProgressDialog.setMinimum(0) self.updateProgressDialog.setMaximum(100) self.updateProgressDialog.setCancelButton(None) self.updateProgressDialog.setMinimumDuration(0) def updateDownloading(self, perc): self.updateProgressDialog.setValue(perc) def updateFinished(self): self.updateProgressDialog.cancel() # Plugins ########################################################################## def pluginsFolder(self): dir = self.config.configPath if sys.platform.startswith("win32"): dir = dir.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) return os.path.join(dir, "plugins") def loadPlugins(self): if sys.platform.startswith("win32"): self.clearPluginCache() self.disableObsoletePlugins() plugdir = self.pluginsFolder() sys.path.insert(0, plugdir) plugins = self.enabledPlugins() plugins.sort() self.registeredPlugins = {} for plugin in plugins: try: nopy = plugin.replace(".py", "") __import__(nopy) except: print "Error in %s" % plugin traceback.print_exc() self.checkForUpdatedPlugins() self.disableCardMenuItems() def clearPluginCache(self): "Clear .pyc files which may cause crashes if Python version updated." dir = self.pluginsFolder() for curdir, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for f in files: if not f.endswith(".pyc"): continue os.unlink(os.path.join(curdir, f)) def disableObsoletePlugins(self): dir = self.pluginsFolder() native = _( "The %s plugin has been disabled, as Anki supports "+ "this natively now.") plugins = [ ("Custom Media Directory.py", (native % "custom media folder") + _(""" \ Please visit Settings>Preferences.""")), ("Regenerate Reading Field.py", _("""\ The regenerate reading field plugin has been disabled, as the Japanese \ support plugin supports this now. Please download the latest version.""")), ("Sync LaTeX with iPhone client.py", native % "sync LaTeX"), ("Incremental Reading.py", _("""The incremental reading plugin has been disabled because \ it needs updates.""")), ("Learn Mode.py", _("""\ The learn mode plugin has been disabled because it needs to be rewritten \ to work with this version of Anki.""")) ] for p in plugins: path = os.path.join(dir, p[0]) if os.path.exists(path): new = path.replace(".py", ".disabled") if os.path.exists(new): os.unlink(new) os.rename(path, new) ui.utils.showInfo(p[1]) def rebuildPluginsMenu(self): if getattr(self, "pluginActions", None) is None: self.pluginActions = [] for action in self.pluginActions: self.mainWin.menuStartup.removeAction(action) all = self.allPlugins() all.sort() for fname in all: enabled = fname.endswith(".py") p = re.sub("\.py(\.off)?", "", fname) if p+".py" in self.registeredPlugins: p = self.registeredPlugins[p+".py"]['name'] a = QAction(p, self) a.setCheckable(True) a.setChecked(enabled) self.connect(a, SIGNAL("triggered()"), lambda fname=fname: self.togglePlugin(fname)) self.mainWin.menuStartup.addAction(a) self.pluginActions.append(a) def enabledPlugins(self): return [p for p in os.listdir(self.pluginsFolder()) if p.endswith(".py")] def disabledPlugins(self): return [p for p in os.listdir(self.pluginsFolder()) if p.endswith(".py.off")] def allPlugins(self): return [p for p in os.listdir(self.pluginsFolder()) if p.endswith(".py.off") or p.endswith(".py")] def onOpenPluginFolder(self, path=None): if path is None: path = self.pluginsFolder() if sys.platform == "win32": if isinstance(path, unicode): path = path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) anki.utils.call(["explorer", path], wait=False) else: QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl("file://" + path)) def onGetPlugins(self): QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl("http://ichi2.net/anki/wiki/Plugins")) def enablePlugin(self, p): pd = self.pluginsFolder() old = os.path.join(pd, p) new = os.path.join(pd, p.replace(".off", "")) try: os.unlink(new) except: pass os.rename(old, new) def disablePlugin(self, p): pd = self.pluginsFolder() old = os.path.join(pd, p) new = os.path.join(pd, p.replace(".py", ".py.off")) try: os.unlink(new) except: pass os.rename(old, new) def onEnableAllPlugins(self): for p in self.disabledPlugins(): self.enablePlugin(p) self.rebuildPluginsMenu() def onDisableAllPlugins(self): for p in self.enabledPlugins(): self.disablePlugin(p) self.rebuildPluginsMenu() def togglePlugin(self, plugin): if plugin.endswith(".py"): self.disablePlugin(plugin) else: self.enablePlugin(plugin) self.rebuildPluginsMenu() def registerPlugin(self, name, updateId): src = os.path.basename(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe(1))) self.registeredPlugins[src] = {'name': name, 'id': updateId} def checkForUpdatedPlugins(self): pass # Font localisation ########################################################################## def setupFonts(self): for (s, p) in anki.fonts.substitutions(): QFont.insertSubstitution(s, p) # Custom styles ########################################################################## def setupStyle(self): ui.utils.applyStyles(self) # Sounds ########################################################################## def setupSound(self): anki.sound.noiseProfile = os.path.join( self.config.configPath, "noise.profile").\ encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) anki.sound.checkForNoiseProfile() if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): self.mainWin.actionRecordNoiseProfile.setEnabled(False) def onRepeatAudio(self): clearAudioQueue() if (not self.currentCard.cardModel.questionInAnswer or self.state == "showQuestion") and \ self.config['repeatQuestionAudio']: playFromText(self.currentCard.question) if self.state != "showQuestion": playFromText(self.currentCard.answer) def onRecordNoiseProfile(self): from ankiqt.ui.sound import recordNoiseProfile recordNoiseProfile(self) # Progress info ########################################################################## def setupProgressInfo(self): addHook("startProgress", self.startProgress) addHook("updateProgress", self.updateProgress) addHook("finishProgress", self.finishProgress) addHook("dbProgress", self.onDbProgress) addHook("dbFinished", self.onDbFinished) self.progressParent = None self.progressWins = [] self.busyCursor = False self.updatingBusy = False self.mainThread = QThread.currentThread() self.oldSessionHelperGetter = SessionHelper.__getattr__ SessionHelper.__getattr__ = wrap(SessionHelper.__getattr__, self.checkProgressHandler, pos="before") def checkProgressHandler(self, ses, k): "Catch attempts to access the DB from a progress handler." if self.inDbHandler: raise Exception("Accessed DB while in progress handler") def setProgressParent(self, parent): self.progressParent = parent def startProgress(self, max=0, min=0, title=None, immediate=False): if self.mainThread != QThread.currentThread(): return self.setBusy() if not self.progressWins: parent = self.progressParent or self.app.activeWindow() or self p = ui.utils.ProgressWin(parent, max, min, title, immediate) else: p = None self.progressWins.append(p) def updateProgress(self, label=None, value=None, process=True): if self.mainThread != QThread.currentThread(): return if len(self.progressWins) == 1: self.progressWins[0].update(label, value, process) else: # just redraw if process: self.app.processEvents() def finishProgress(self): if self.mainThread != QThread.currentThread(): return if self.progressWins: p = self.progressWins.pop() if p: p.finish() if not self.progressWins: self.unsetBusy() def clearProgress(self): # recover on error self.progressWins = [] self.finishProgress() def onDbProgress(self): if self.mainThread != QThread.currentThread(): return self.setBusy() self.inDbHandler = True if self.progressWins: self.progressWins[0].maybeShow() self.app.processEvents(QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents) self.inDbHandler = False def onDbFinished(self): if self.mainThread != QThread.currentThread(): return if not self.progressWins: self.unsetBusy() def setBusy(self): if not self.busyCursor and not self.updatingBusy: self.busyCursor = True self.app.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) self.updatingBusy = True self.setEnabled(False) self.updatingBusy = False def unsetBusy(self): if self.busyCursor and not self.updatingBusy: self.app.restoreOverrideCursor() self.busyCursor = None self.updatingBusy = True self.setEnabled(True) self.updatingBusy = False # Media locations ########################################################################## def setupMedia(self, deck): prefix = self.config['mediaLocation'] prev = deck.getVar("mediaLocation") or "" # set the media prefix if not prefix: next = "" elif prefix == "dropbox": p = self.dropboxFolder() next = os.path.join(p, "Public", "Anki") else: next = prefix # check if the media has moved migrateFrom = None if prev != next: # check if they were using plugin if not prev: p = self.dropboxFolder() p = os.path.join(p, "Public") deck.mediaPrefix = p migrateFrom = deck.mediaDir() if not migrateFrom: # find the old location deck.mediaPrefix = prev dir = deck.mediaDir() if dir and os.listdir(dir): # it contains files; we'll need to migrate migrateFrom = dir # setup new folder deck.mediaPrefix = next if migrateFrom: # force creation of new folder dir = deck.mediaDir(create=True) # migrate old files self.migrateMedia(migrateFrom, dir) else: # chdir if dir exists dir = deck.mediaDir() # update location deck.setVar("mediaLocation", next, mod=False) if dir and prefix == "dropbox": self.setupDropbox(deck) def migrateMedia(self, from_, to): if from_ == to: return files = os.listdir(from_) skipped = False for f in files: src = os.path.join(from_, f) dst = os.path.join(to, f) if not os.path.isfile(src): skipped = True continue if not os.path.exists(dst): shutil.copy2(src, dst) if not skipped: # everything copied, we can remove old folder shutil.rmtree(from_, ignore_errors=True) def dropboxFolder(self): try: import ankiqt.ui.dropbox as db p = db.getPath() except: if sys.platform.startswith("win32"): s = QSettings(QSettings.UserScope, "Microsoft", "Windows") s.beginGroup("CurrentVersion/Explorer/Shell Folders") p = os.path.join(unicode(s.value("Personal").toString()), "My Dropbox") else: p = os.path.expanduser("~/Dropbox") return p def setupDropbox(self, deck): if not self.config['dropboxPublicFolder']: # put a file in the folder open(os.path.join( deck.mediaPrefix, "right-click-me.txt"), "w").write("") # tell user what to do ui.utils.showInfo(_("""\ A file called right-click-me.txt has been placed in DropBox's public folder. \ After clicking OK, this folder will appear. Please right click on the file (\ command+click on a Mac), choose DropBox>Copy Public Link, and paste the \ link into Anki.""")) # open folder and text prompt self.onOpenPluginFolder(deck.mediaPrefix) txt = ui.utils.getText(_("Paste path here:"), parent=self) if txt[0]: fail = False if not txt[0].lower().startswith("http"): fail = True if not txt[0].lower().endswith("right-click-me.txt"): fail = True if fail: ui.utils.showInfo(_("""\ That doesn't appear to be a public link. You'll be asked again when the deck \ is next loaded.""")) else: self.config['dropboxPublicFolder'] = os.path.dirname(txt[0]) if self.config['dropboxPublicFolder']: # update media url deck.setVar( "mediaURL", self.config['dropboxPublicFolder'] + "/" + os.path.basename(deck.mediaDir()) + "/") # Advanced features ########################################################################## def onCheckDB(self): "True if no problems" if self.errorOccurred: ui.utils.showWarning(_( "Please restart Anki before checking the DB.")) return if not ui.utils.askUser(_("""\ This operation will find and fix some common problems.

On the next sync, all cards will be sent to the server.
Any changes on the server since your last sync will be lost.

This operation is not undoable.
Proceed?""")): return ret = self.deck.fixIntegrity() if ret == "ok": ret = True ui.utils.showInfo(_("No problems found.")) else: ret = _("Problems found:\n%s") % ret diag = QDialog(self) diag.setWindowTitle("Anki") layout = QVBoxLayout(diag) diag.setLayout(layout) text = QTextEdit() text.setReadOnly(True) text.setPlainText(ret) layout.addWidget(text) box = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) layout.addWidget(box) self.connect(box, SIGNAL("rejected()"), diag, SLOT("reject()")) diag.exec_() ret = False self.reset() return ret def onOptimizeDB(self): size = self.deck.optimize() ui.utils.showInfo(_("Database optimized.\nShrunk by %dKB") % (size/1024.0)) def onCheckMediaDB(self): mb = QMessageBox(self) mb.setWindowTitle(_("Anki")) mb.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) mb.setText(_("""\ This operation looks through the content of your cards for media, and \ registers it so that it can be used with the online and mobile clients. If you choose Scan+Delete, any media in your media folder that is not \ used by cards will be deleted. Please note that media is only \ counted as used if it appears on the question or answer of a card. If \ media is in a field that is not on your cards, the media will \ be deleted, and there is no way to undo this. Please make a backup if in \ doubt.""")) bScan = QPushButton(_("Scan")) mb.addButton(bScan, QMessageBox.RejectRole) bDelete = QPushButton(_("Scan+Delete")) mb.addButton(bDelete, QMessageBox.RejectRole) bCancel = QPushButton(_("Cancel")) mb.addButton(bCancel, QMessageBox.RejectRole) mb.exec_() if mb.clickedButton() == bScan: delete = False elif mb.clickedButton() == bDelete: delete = True else: return (nohave, unused) = rebuildMediaDir(self.deck, delete=delete) # generate report report = "" if nohave: report += _( "Used on cards but missing from media folder:") report += "\n" + "\n".join(nohave) if unused: if report: report += "\n\n" if delete: report += _("Deleted unused:") else: report += _( "In media folder but not used by any cards:") report += "\n" + "\n".join(unused) if not report: report = _("No unused or missing files found.") ui.utils.showText(report, parent=self, type="text") def onDownloadMissingMedia(self): res = downloadMissing(self.deck) if res is None: ui.utils.showInfo(_("No media URL defined for this deck."), help="MediaSupport") return if res[0] == True: # success (grabbed, missing) = res[1:] msg = _("%d successfully retrieved.") % grabbed if missing: msg += "\n" + ngettext("%d missing.", "%d missing.", missing) % missing else: msg = _("Unable to download %s\nDownload aborted.") % res[1] ui.utils.showInfo(msg) def onLocalizeMedia(self): if not ui.utils.askUser(_("""\ This will look for remote images and sounds on your cards, download them to \ your media folder, and convert the links to local ones. \ It can take a long time. Proceed?""")): return res = downloadRemote(self.deck) count = len(res[0]) msg = ngettext("%d successfully downloaded.", "%d successfully downloaded.", count) % count if len(res[1]): msg += "\n\n" + _("Couldn't find:") + "\n" + "\n".join(res[1]) ui.utils.showText(msg, parent=self, type="text") def addHook(self, *args): addHook(*args) # System specific misc ########################################################################## def setupSystemHacks(self): self.setupDocumentDir() self.changeLayoutSpacing() addHook("macLoadEvent", self.onMacLoad) if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): self.setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(True) self.mainWin.actionMarkCard.setShortcut(_("Alt+m")) self.mainWin.verticalLayout_14.setContentsMargins(2,2,2,2) # mac users expect a minimize option self.minimizeShortcut = QShortcut("Ctrl+m", self) self.connect(self.minimizeShortcut, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.onMacMinimize) self.hideAccelerators() self.hideStatusTips() if sys.platform.startswith("win32"): self.mainWin.deckBrowserOuterFrame.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Panel) self.mainWin.frame_2.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Panel) self.mainWin.studyOptionsFrame.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Panel) def hideAccelerators(self): for action in self.findChildren(QAction): txt = unicode(action.text()) m = re.match("^(.+)\(&.+\)(.+)?", txt) if m: action.setText(m.group(1) + (m.group(2) or "")) def hideStatusTips(self): for action in self.findChildren(QAction): action.setStatusTip("") def onMacMinimize(self): self.setWindowState(self.windowState() | Qt.WindowMinimized) def onMacLoad(self, fname): self.loadDeck(fname) def setupDocumentDir(self): if self.config['documentDir']: self.documentDir = self.config['documentDir'] elif sys.platform.startswith("win32"): s = QSettings(QSettings.UserScope, "Microsoft", "Windows") s.beginGroup("CurrentVersion/Explorer/Shell Folders") self.documentDir = unicode(s.value("Personal").toString()) if os.path.exists(self.documentDir): self.documentDir = os.path.join(self.documentDir, "Anki") else: self.documentDir = os.path.expanduser("~/.anki/decks") elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): self.documentDir = os.path.expanduser("~/Documents/Anki") else: self.documentDir = os.path.expanduser("~/.anki/decks") try: os.mkdir(self.documentDir) except (OSError, IOError): pass def changeLayoutSpacing(self): if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): self.mainWin.studyOptionsReviewBar.setContentsMargins(0, 20, 0, 0) # Proxy support ########################################################################## def setupProxy(self): import urllib2 if self.config['proxyHost']: proxy = "http://" if self.config['proxyUser']: proxy += (self.config['proxyUser'] + ":" + self.config['proxyPass'] + "@") proxy += (self.config['proxyHost'] + ":" + str(self.config['proxyPort'])) os.environ["http_proxy"] = proxy proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler() opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) # Misc ########################################################################## def setupMisc(self): # if they've just upgraded, set created time based on deck age if time.time() - self.config['created'] < 60 and self.deck: self.config['created'] = self.deck.created # tweaks for small screens if self.config['optimizeSmall']: p = self.mainWin.deckBrowserOuterFrame.sizePolicy() p.setHorizontalStretch(1) self.mainWin.deckBrowserOuterFrame.setSizePolicy(p) self.mainWin.decksLabel.hide() self.mainWin.decksLine.hide() self.mainWin.studyOptsLabel.hide() def setupBackups(self): # set backups anki.deck.numBackups = self.config['numBackups']