# Copyright: Damien Elmes # License: GNU GPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * import os, types, socket, time, traceback import ankiqt import anki from anki.sync import SyncClient, HttpSyncServerProxy, copyLocalMedia from anki.sync import SYNC_HOST, SYNC_PORT from anki.errors import * from anki import DeckStorage from anki.db import sqlite import ankiqt.forms from anki.hooks import addHook, removeHook # Synchronising a deck with a public server ########################################################################## class Sync(QThread): def __init__(self, parent, user, pwd, interactive, onlyMerge): QThread.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.interactive = interactive self.user = user self.pwd = pwd self.ok = True self.onlyMerge = onlyMerge self.proxy = None addHook('fullSyncStarted', self.fullSyncStarted) addHook('fullSyncFinished', self.fullSyncFinished) addHook('fullSyncProgress', self.fullSyncProgress) def setStatus(self, msg, timeout=5000): self.emit(SIGNAL("setStatus"), msg, timeout) def run(self): if self.parent.syncName: self.syncDeck() else: self.syncAllDecks() removeHook('fullSyncStarted', self.fullSyncStarted) removeHook('fullSyncFinished', self.fullSyncFinished) removeHook('fullSyncProgress', self.fullSyncProgress) def fullSyncStarted(self, max): self.emit(SIGNAL("fullSyncStarted"), max) def fullSyncFinished(self): self.emit(SIGNAL("fullSyncFinished")) def fullSyncProgress(self, type, val): self.emit(SIGNAL("fullSyncProgress"), type, val) def error(self, error): if getattr(error, 'data', None) is None: error.data = {} if error.data.get('type') == 'clockOff': pass else: error = self.getErrorMessage(error) self.emit(SIGNAL("showWarning"), error) if self.onlyMerge: # new file needs cleaning up self.emit(SIGNAL("cleanNewDeck")) else: self.emit(SIGNAL("syncFinished")) def getErrorMessage(self, error): if error.data.get('status') == "invalidUserPass": msg=_("Please double-check your username/password.") self.emit(SIGNAL("badUserPass")) elif error.data.get('status') == "oldVersion": msg=_("The sync protocol has changed. Please upgrade.") elif "busy" in error.data.get('status', ''): msg=_("""\ AnkiWeb is under heavy load at the moment. Please try again in a little while.""") elif error.data.get('type') == 'noResponse': msg=_("""\ The server didn't reply. Please try again shortly, and if the problem \ persists, please report it on the forums.""") elif error.data.get('type') == 'connectionError': msg=_("""\ There was a connection error. If it persists, please try disabling your firewall software temporarily, or try again from a different network. Debugging info: %s""") % error.data.get("exc", "") else: tb = traceback.format_exc() if "missingFacts" in tb: msg=_("""Facts were missing after sync, so the \ sync was aborted. Please report this error.""") else: msg=_("Unknown error: %s") % tb return msg def connect(self, *args): # connect, check auth if not self.proxy: self.setStatus(_("Connecting..."), 0) proxy = HttpSyncServerProxy(self.user, self.pwd) proxy.connect("ankiqt-" + ankiqt.appVersion) self.proxy = proxy # check clock if proxy.timediff > 300: self.emit(SIGNAL("syncClockOff"), proxy.timediff) raise SyncError(type="clockOff") return self.proxy def syncAllDecks(self): decks = self.parent.syncDecks for d in decks: ret = self.syncDeck(deck=d) if not ret: # failed but not cleaned up break elif ret == -1: # failed and already cleaned up return elif ret == -2: # current deck set not to sync continue self.setStatus(_("Sync Finished."), 0) time.sleep(1) self.emit(SIGNAL("syncFinished")) def syncDeck(self, deck=None): try: if deck: # multi-mode setup sqlpath = deck.encode("utf-8") c = sqlite.connect(sqlpath) (syncName, localMod, localSync) = c.execute( "select syncName, modified, lastSync from decks").fetchone() c.close() if not syncName: return -2 syncName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(deck))[0] path = deck else: syncName = self.parent.syncName path = self.parent.deckPath sqlpath = path.encode("utf-8") c = sqlite.connect(sqlpath) (localMod, localSync) = c.execute( "select modified, lastSync from decks").fetchone() c.close() except Exception, e: # we don't know which db library we're using, so do string match if "locked" in unicode(e): return # unknown error self.error(e) return -1 # ensure deck mods cached try: proxy = self.connect() except SyncError, e: self.error(e) return -1 # exists on server? deckCreated = False if not proxy.hasDeck(syncName): if self.onlyMerge: keys = [k for (k,v) in proxy.decks.items() if v[1] != -1] self.emit(SIGNAL("noMatchingDeck"), keys) self.setStatus("") return try: proxy.createDeck(syncName) deckCreated = True except SyncError, e: self.error(e) return -1 # check conflicts proxy.deckName = syncName remoteMod = proxy.modified() remoteSync = proxy._lastSync() minSync = min(localSync, remoteSync) self.conflictResolution = None if (localMod != remoteMod and minSync > 0 and localMod > minSync and remoteMod > minSync): self.emit(SIGNAL("syncConflicts"), syncName) while not self.conflictResolution: time.sleep(0.2) if self.conflictResolution == "cancel": # alert we're finished early self.emit(SIGNAL("syncFinished")) return -1 # reopen self.setStatus(_("Syncing %s...") % syncName, 0) self.deck = None try: self.deck = DeckStorage.Deck(path) disable = False if deck and not self.deck.syncName: # multi-mode sync and syncing has been disabled by upgrade disable = True client = SyncClient(self.deck) client.setServer(proxy) # need to do anything? start = time.time() if client.prepareSync(proxy.timediff) and not disable: if self.deck.lastSync <= 0: if client.remoteTime > client.localTime: self.conflictResolution = "keepRemote" else: self.conflictResolution = "keepLocal" changes = True # summary if not self.conflictResolution and not self.onlyMerge: self.setStatus(_("Fetching summary from server..."), 0) sums = client.summaries() if (self.conflictResolution or self.onlyMerge or client.needFullSync(sums)): self.setStatus(_("Preparing full sync..."), 0) if self.conflictResolution == "keepLocal": client.remoteTime = 0 elif self.conflictResolution == "keepRemote" or self.onlyMerge: client.localTime = 0 lastSync = self.deck.lastSync ret = client.prepareFullSync() if ret[0] == "fromLocal": if not self.conflictResolution: if lastSync <= 0 and not deckCreated: self.clobberChoice = None self.emit(SIGNAL("syncClobber"), syncName) while not self.clobberChoice: time.sleep(0.2) if self.clobberChoice == "cancel": # disable syncing on this deck c = sqlite.connect(sqlpath) c.execute( "update decks set syncName = null, " "lastSync = 0") c.commit() c.close() if not deck: # alert we're finished early self.emit(SIGNAL("syncFinished")) return True self.setStatus(_("Uploading..."), 0) client.fullSyncFromLocal(ret[1], ret[2]) else: self.setStatus(_("Downloading..."), 0) client.fullSyncFromServer(ret[1], ret[2]) self.setStatus(_("Sync complete."), 0) else: # diff self.setStatus(_("Determining differences..."), 0) payload = client.genPayload(sums) # send payload if not deck: pr = client.payloadChangeReport(payload) self.setStatus("
" + pr + "
", 0) self.setStatus(_("Transferring payload..."), 0) res = client.server.applyPayload(payload) # apply reply self.setStatus(_("Applying reply..."), 0) client.applyPayloadReply(res) # now that both sides have successfully applied, tell # server to save, then save local client.server.finish() self.deck.lastLoaded = self.deck.modified self.deck.s.commit() self.setStatus(_("Sync complete.")) else: changes = False if disable: self.setStatus(_("Disabled by upgrade.")) elif not deck: self.setStatus(_("No changes found.")) # close and send signal to main thread self.deck.close() if not deck: taken = time.time() - start if changes and taken < 2.5: time.sleep(2.5 - taken) else: time.sleep(0.25) self.emit(SIGNAL("syncFinished")) return True except Exception, e: self.ok = False if self.deck: self.deck.close() self.error(e) return -1 # Downloading personal decks ########################################################################## class DeckChooser(QDialog): def __init__(self, parent, decks): QDialog.__init__(self, parent, Qt.Window) self.parent = parent self.decks = decks self.dialog = ankiqt.forms.syncdeck.Ui_DeckChooser() self.dialog.setupUi(self) self.dialog.topLabel.setText(_("

Download Personal Deck

")) self.decks.sort() for name in decks: name = os.path.splitext(name)[0] msg = name item = QListWidgetItem(msg) self.dialog.decks.addItem(item) self.dialog.decks.setCurrentRow(0) # the list widget will swallow the enter key s = QShortcut(QKeySequence("Return"), self) self.connect(s, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.accept) self.name = None def getName(self): self.exec_() return self.name def accept(self): idx = self.dialog.decks.currentRow() self.name = self.decks[self.dialog.decks.currentRow()] self.close()