# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: Damien Elmes # License: GNU GPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * import anki, anki.utils from anki.sound import playFromText from anki.utils import stripHTML from anki.hooks import runHook, runFilter from anki.media import stripMedia, escapeImages import types, time, re, os, urllib, sys, difflib import unicodedata as ucd from ankiqt import ui from ankiqt.ui.utils import mungeQA, getBase from anki.utils import fmtTimeSpan from PyQt4.QtWebKit import QWebPage, QWebView failedCharColour = "#FF0000" passedCharColour = "#00FF00" futureWarningColour = "#FF0000" # Views - define the way a user is prompted for questions, etc ########################################################################## class View(object): "Handle the main window update as we transition through various states." def __init__(self, parent, body, frame=None): self.main = parent self.body = body self.frame = frame self.main.connect(self.body, SIGNAL("loadFinished(bool)"), self.onLoadFinished) # State control ########################################################################## def setState(self, state): "Change to STATE, and update the display." self.oldState = getattr(self, 'state', None) self.state = state if self.state == "initial": return elif self.state == "noDeck": self.clearWindow() self.drawWelcomeMessage() self.flush() return self.redisplay() def redisplay(self): "Idempotently display the current state (prompt for question, etc)" if self.state == "noDeck" or self.state == "studyScreen": return self.buffer = "" self.haveTop = self.needFutureWarning() self.drawRule = (self.main.config['qaDivider'] and self.main.currentCard and not self.main.currentCard.cardModel.questionInAnswer) if not self.main.deck.isEmpty(): if self.haveTop: self.drawTopSection() if self.state == "showQuestion": self.setBackground() self.drawQuestion() if self.drawRule: self.write("
") elif self.state == "showAnswer": self.setBackground() if not self.main.currentCard.cardModel.questionInAnswer: self.drawQuestion(nosound=True) if self.drawRule: self.write("
") self.drawAnswer() elif self.state == "deckEmpty": self.drawWelcomeMessage() elif self.state == "deckFinished": self.drawDeckFinishedMessage() self.flush() def addStyles(self): # card styles s = "" return s def clearWindow(self): self.body.setHtml("") self.buffer = "" def setBackground(self): col = self.main.currentCard.cardModel.lastFontColour self.write("" % col) # Font properties & output ########################################################################## def flush(self): "Write the current HTML buffer to the screen." self.buffer = self.addStyles() + self.buffer # hook for user css runHook("preFlushHook") self.buffer = '''%s%s''' % ( getBase(self.main.deck, self.main.currentCard), self.buffer) #print self.buffer.encode("utf-8") b = self.buffer # Feeding webkit unicode can result in it not finding images, so on # linux/osx we percent escape the image paths as utf8. On Windows the # problem is more complicated - if we percent-escape as utf8 it fixes # some images but breaks others. When filenames are normalized by # dropbox they become unreadable if we escape them. if not sys.platform.startswith("win32"): # and self.main.config['mediaLocation'] == "dropbox"): b = escapeImages(b) self.body.setHtml(b) def write(self, text): if type(text) != types.UnicodeType: text = unicode(text, "utf-8") self.buffer += text # Question and answer ########################################################################## def center(self, str, height=40): if not self.main.config['splitQA']: return "
" + str + "
" return '''\
''' % (height, str) def drawQuestion(self, nosound=False): "Show the question." if not self.main.config['splitQA']: self.write("
") q = self.main.currentCard.htmlQuestion() if self.haveTop: height = 35 elif self.main.currentCard.cardModel.questionInAnswer: height = 40 else: height = 45 q = runFilter("drawQuestion", q, self.main.currentCard) self.write(self.center(self.mungeQA(self.main.deck, q), height)) if (self.state != self.oldState and not nosound and self.main.config['autoplaySounds']): playFromText(q) if self.main.currentCard.cardModel.typeAnswer: self.adjustInputFont() def getFont(self): sz = 20 fn = u"Arial" for fm in self.main.currentCard.fact.model.fieldModels: if fm.name == self.main.currentCard.cardModel.typeAnswer: sz = fm.quizFontSize or sz fn = fm.quizFontFamily or fn break return (fn, sz) def adjustInputFont(self): (fn, sz) = self.getFont() f = QFont() f.setFamily(fn) f.setPixelSize(sz) self.main.typeAnswerField.setFont(f) # add some extra space as layout is wrong on osx self.main.typeAnswerField.setFixedHeight( self.main.typeAnswerField.sizeHint().height() + 10) def calculateOkBadStyle(self): "Precalculates styles for correct and incorrect part of answer" (fn, sz) = self.getFont() st = "background: %s; color: #000; font-size: %dpx; font-family: %s;" self.styleOk = st % (passedCharColour, sz, fn) self.styleBad = st % (failedCharColour, sz, fn) def ok(self, a): "returns given sring in style correct (green)" if len(a) == 0: return "" return "%s" % (self.styleOk, a) def bad(self, a): "returns given sring in style incorrect (red)" if len(a) == 0: return "" return "%s" % (self.styleBad, a) def head(self, a): return a[:len(a) - 1] def tail(self, a): return a[len(a) - 1:] def applyStyle(self, testChar, correct, wrong): "Calculates answer fragment depending on testChar's unicode category" ZERO_SIZE = 'Mn' if ucd.category(testChar) == ZERO_SIZE: return self.ok(self.head(correct)) + self.bad(self.tail(correct) + wrong) return self.ok(correct) + self.bad(wrong) def correct(self, a, b): "Diff-corrects the typed-in answer." if b == "": return ""; self.calculateOkBadStyle() ret = "" lastEqual = "" s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, b, a) for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in s.get_opcodes(): if tag == "equal": lastEqual = b[i1:i2] elif tag == "replace": ret += self.applyStyle(b[i1], lastEqual, b[i1:i2] + ("-" * ((j2 - j1) - (i2 - i1)))) lastEqual = "" elif tag == "delete": ret += self.applyStyle(b[i1], lastEqual, b[i1:i2]) lastEqual = "" elif tag == "insert": dashNum = (j2 - j1) if ucd.category(a[j1]) != 'Mn' else ((j2 - j1) - 1) ret += self.applyStyle(a[j1], lastEqual, "-" * dashNum) lastEqual = "" return ret + self.ok(lastEqual) def drawAnswer(self): "Show the answer." a = self.main.currentCard.htmlAnswer() a = runFilter("drawAnswer", a, self.main.currentCard) if self.main.currentCard.cardModel.typeAnswer: try: cor = stripMedia(stripHTML(self.main.currentCard.fact[ self.main.currentCard.cardModel.typeAnswer])) except KeyError: self.main.currentCard.cardModel.typeAnswer = "" cor = "" if cor: given = unicode(self.main.typeAnswerField.text()) res = self.correct(cor, given) a = res + "
" + a self.write(self.center('' + self.mungeQA(self.main.deck, a))) if self.state != self.oldState and self.main.config['autoplaySounds']: playFromText(a) def mungeQA(self, deck, txt): txt = mungeQA(deck, txt) # hack to fix thai presentation issues if self.main.config['addZeroSpace']: txt = txt.replace("", "​") return txt def onLoadFinished(self, bool): if self.state == "showAnswer": if self.main.config['scrollToAnswer']: mf = self.body.page().mainFrame() mf.evaluateJavaScript("location.hash = 'answer'") # Top section ########################################################################## def drawTopSection(self): "Show previous card, next scheduled time, and stats." self.buffer += "
" self.drawFutureWarning() self.buffer += "
" def needFutureWarning(self): if not self.main.currentCard: return if self.main.currentCard.due <= self.main.deck.dueCutoff: return if self.main.currentCard.due - time.time() <= self.main.deck.delay0: return if self.main.deck.scheduler == "cram": return return True def drawFutureWarning(self): if not self.needFutureWarning(): return self.write("" % futureWarningColour + _("This card was due in %s.") % fmtTimeSpan( self.main.currentCard.due - time.time(), after=True) + "") # Welcome/empty/finished deck messages ########################################################################## def drawWelcomeMessage(self): self.main.mainWin.welcomeText.setText("""\





""" % \ {"welcome":_("Welcome to Anki!"), "add":_("Add Material"), "start":_("Start adding your own material."), "back":_("Back to Deck Browser"), }) def drawDeckFinishedMessage(self): "Tell the user the deck is finished." self.main.mainWin.congratsLabel.setText( self.main.deck.deckFinishedMsg()) class AnkiWebView(QWebView): def __init__(self, *args): QWebView.__init__(self, *args) self.setObjectName("mainText") def keyPressEvent(self, evt): if evt.matches(QKeySequence.Copy): self.triggerPageAction(QWebPage.Copy) evt.accept() QWebView.keyPressEvent(self, evt) def contextMenuEvent(self, evt): QWebView.contextMenuEvent(self, evt) def dropEvent(self, evt): pass