@echo off rem Uncomment this to use the live screencast on icecast rem To start the live stream successfully you must configure rem the configuration file ezstream_stdin_vorbis.xml rem as you desire to point to the right running icecast server rem The configuration file is setted to work properly rem if it is used a localhost icecast server with the default rem configuration rem Client side you must have the ezstream installed set ICECAST=FALSE rem set ICECAST=TRUE rem You must configure the right password; I put the default one set ICECAST_PASSWORD=hackme set ICECAST_ADDRESS= set ICECAST_PORT=8000 set ICECAST_MOUNTPOINT=ardesia.ogg set VLC_FOLDER=%PROGRAMFILES%\VideoLAN\VLC\ if not exist %VLC_FOLDER% set VLC_FOLDER=%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\VideoLAN\VLC\ if not exist %VLC_FOLDER% set VLC_FOLDER="" echo Detected vlc in folder "%VLC_FOLDER%" set PATH=%VLC_FOLDER%;%PATH% set RECORDER_PROGRAM=vlc.exe set RECORDER_PROGRAM_OPTIONS=-vvv -I dummy --dummy-quiet screen:// --screen-fps=12 :input-slave=dshow:// :dshow-vdev="none" :dshow-adev --sout "#transcode{venc=theora,vcodec=theo,vb=512,scale=0.7,acodec=vorb,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100,audio-sync}:standard{access=file,mux=ogg,dst=%2}" set RECORDER_AND_FORWARD_PROGRAM_OPTIONS=-vvv -I dummy --dummy-quiet screen:// --screen-fps=12 :input-slave=dshow:// :dshow-vdev="none" :dshow-adev --sout "#transcode{venc=theora,vcodec=theo,vb=512,scale=0.7,acodec=vorb,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100,audio-sync}:duplicate{dst=std{access=shout,mux=ogg,dst=source:%ICECAST_PASSWORD%@%ICECAST_ADDRESS%:%ICECAST_PORT%/%ICECAST_MOUNTPOINT%},dst=std{access=file,mux=ogg,dst=%2}}" if ""%1"" == ""start"" goto start if ""%1"" == ""stop"" goto stop if ""%1"" == ""pause"" goto pause if ""%1"" == ""resume"" goto resume :resume goto start :pause goto stop :start rem This start the recording on file if "%ICECAST%" == "TRUE" goto icecast_start rem if not icecast then only record the screencast echo Start the screencast running %RECORDER_PROGRAM% echo With arguments %RECORDER_PROGRAM_OPTIONS% rem exec recorder start %RECORDER_PROGRAM% %RECORDER_PROGRAM_OPTIONS% goto end :icecast_start echo Start the screencast running %RECORDER_PROGRAM% echo With arguments %RECORDER_AND_FORWARD_PROGRAM_OPTIONS% rem exec recorder start %RECORDER_PROGRAM% %RECORDER_AND_FORWARD_PROGRAM_OPTIONS% goto end :stop set RECORDER_PID=cat %RECORDER_PID_FILE% echo Stop the screencast killing %RECORDER_PROGRAM% TASKKILL /F /IM %RECORDER_PROGRAM% goto end :end