/***************************************************/ /*! \class Sitar \brief STK sitar string model class. This class implements a sitar plucked string physical model based on the Karplus-Strong algorithm. This is a digital waveguide model, making its use possibly subject to patents held by Stanford University, Yamaha, and others. There exist at least two patents, assigned to Stanford, bearing the names of Karplus and/or Strong. by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995 - 2005. */ /***************************************************/ #include "Sitar.h" #include using namespace Nyq; Sitar :: Sitar(StkFloat lowestFrequency) { unsigned long length = (unsigned long) (Stk::sampleRate() / lowestFrequency + 1); delayLine_.setMaximumDelay( length ); delay_ = 0.5 * length; delayLine_.setDelay( delay_ ); targetDelay_ = delay_; loopFilter_.setZero(0.01); loopGain_ = 0.999; envelope_.setAllTimes(0.001, 0.04, 0.0, 0.5); this->clear(); } Sitar :: ~Sitar() { } void Sitar :: clear() { delayLine_.clear(); loopFilter_.clear(); } void Sitar :: setFrequency(StkFloat frequency) { StkFloat freakency = frequency; if ( frequency <= 0.0 ) { errorString_ << "Sitar::setFrequency: parameter is less than or equal to zero!"; handleError( StkError::WARNING ); freakency = 220.0; } targetDelay_ = (Stk::sampleRate() / freakency); delay_ = targetDelay_ * (1.0 + (0.05 * noise_.tick())); delayLine_.setDelay( delay_ ); loopGain_ = 0.995 + (freakency * 0.0000005); if ( loopGain_ > 0.9995 ) loopGain_ = 0.9995; } void Sitar :: pluck(StkFloat amplitude) { envelope_.keyOn(); } void Sitar :: noteOn(StkFloat frequency, StkFloat amplitude) { this->setFrequency( frequency ); this->pluck( amplitude ); amGain_ = 0.1 * amplitude; #if defined(_STK_DEBUG_) errorString_ << "Sitar::NoteOn: frequency = " << frequency << ", amplitude = " << amplitude << "."; handleError( StkError::DEBUG_WARNING ); #endif } void Sitar :: noteOff(StkFloat amplitude) { loopGain_ = (StkFloat) 1.0 - amplitude; if ( loopGain_ < 0.0 ) { errorString_ << "Sitar::noteOff: amplitude is greater than 1.0 ... setting to 1.0!"; handleError( StkError::WARNING ); loopGain_ = 0.0; } else if ( loopGain_ > 1.0 ) { errorString_ << "Sitar::noteOff: amplitude is < 0.0 ... setting to 0.0!"; handleError( StkError::WARNING ); loopGain_ = 0.99999; } #if defined(_STK_DEBUG_) errorString_ << "Sitar::NoteOff: amplitude = " << amplitude << "."; handleError( StkError::DEBUG_WARNING ); #endif } StkFloat Sitar :: computeSample() { if ( fabs(targetDelay_ - delay_) > 0.001 ) { if ( targetDelay_ < delay_ ) delay_ *= 0.99999; else delay_ *= 1.00001; delayLine_.setDelay( delay_ ); } lastOutput_ = delayLine_.tick( loopFilter_.tick( delayLine_.lastOut() * loopGain_ ) + (amGain_ * envelope_.tick() * noise_.tick())); return lastOutput_; }