(FMFB-ALG (NAME "fmfb") (ARGUMENTS ("time_type" "t0")("double" "hz") ("rate_type" "sr")("double" "index") ("time_type" "d")) (TERMINATE (AFTER "d")) (STATE ("double" "yy" "0.0") ("double" "sin_y" "0.0") ("double" "xx" "0.0") ("double" "x_incr" "hz * SINE_TABLE_LEN / sr") ("double" "index" "index * SINE_TABLE_LEN / PI2")) (INNER-LOOP "xx += x_incr; if (xx > SINE_TABLE_LEN) xx -= SINE_TABLE_LEN; /* xx incremented and index scaled to table index, and sin_y is a signal (-1 to +1) */ yy = xx + index * sin_y; /* so yy is a table index */ while (yy > SINE_TABLE_LEN) yy -= SINE_TABLE_LEN; while (yy < 0) yy += SINE_TABLE_LEN; sin_y = sine_table[(int) yy]; /* truncation gets valid index */ /* sin_y is now a signal not ready for table lookup */ output = sin_y;") (CONSTANT "x_incr") (SAMPLE-RATE "sr") (SUPPORT-HEADER "#include \"sine.h\" /* sine_table and SINE_TABLE_LEN */ ") )