/********************************************************************** Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor AudacityApp.cpp Dominic Mazzoni ******************************************************************//** \class AudacityApp \brief AudacityApp is the 'main' class for Audacity It handles initialization and termination by subclassing wxApp. *//*******************************************************************/ #if 0 // This may be used to debug memory leaks. // See: Visual Leak Dectector @ http://dmoulding.googlepages.com/vld #include #endif #include "Audacity.h" // This should always be included first #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __WXGTK__ #include #endif // chmod, lstat, geteuid #ifdef __UNIX__ #include #include #endif #include "AudacityApp.h" #include "AboutDialog.h" #include "AColor.h" #include "AudioIO.h" #include "Benchmark.h" #include "DirManager.h" #include "commands/CommandHandler.h" #include "commands/AppCommandEvent.h" #include "effects/LoadEffects.h" #include "effects/Contrast.h" #include "effects/VST/VSTEffect.h" #include "FFmpeg.h" #include "GStreamerLoader.h" #include "Internat.h" #include "LangChoice.h" #include "Languages.h" #include "Prefs.h" #include "Project.h" #include "Screenshot.h" #include "Sequence.h" #include "WaveTrack.h" #include "Internat.h" #include "prefs/PrefsDialog.h" #include "Theme.h" #include "PlatformCompatibility.h" #include "FileNames.h" #include "AutoRecovery.h" #include "SplashDialog.h" #include "FFT.h" #include "BlockFile.h" #include "ondemand/ODManager.h" #include "commands/Keyboard.h" //temporarilly commented out till it is added to all projects //#include "Profiler.h" #include "LoadModules.h" #include "import/Import.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #ifdef _MSC_VER #undef THIS_FILE static char*THIS_FILE= __FILE__; #define new new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, THIS_FILE, __LINE__) #endif #endif // Windows specific linker control...only needed once so // this is a good place (unless we want to add another file). #if defined(__WXMSW__) // These lines ensure that Audacity gets WindowsXP themes. // Without them we get the old-style Windows98/2000 look under XP. # if !defined(__WXWINCE__) # pragma comment(linker, "\"/manifestdependency:type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='X86' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df'\"") # endif // These lines allows conditional inclusion of the various libraries // that Audacity can use. # if defined(USE_LIBFLAC) # pragma comment(lib, "libflac++") # pragma comment(lib, "libflac") # endif # if defined(USE_LIBID3TAG) # pragma comment(lib, "libid3tag") # endif # if defined(USE_LIBLRDF) # pragma comment(lib, "liblrdf") # pragma comment(lib, "raptor") # endif # if defined(USE_LIBMAD) # pragma comment(lib, "libmad") # endif # if defined(USE_LIBRESAMPLE) # pragma comment(lib, "libresample") # endif # if defined(USE_LIBSAMPLERATE) # pragma comment(lib, "libsamplerate") # endif # if defined(USE_LIBTWOLAME) # pragma comment(lib, "twolame") # endif # if defined(USE_LIBVORBIS) # pragma comment(lib, "libogg") # pragma comment(lib, "libvorbis") # endif # if defined(USE_MIDI) # pragma comment(lib, "portsmf") # endif # if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_MIDI_OUT) # pragma comment(lib, "portmidi") # endif # if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_SCOREALIGN) # pragma comment(lib, "libscorealign") # endif # if defined(USE_NYQUIST) # pragma comment(lib, "libnyquist") # endif # if defined(USE_PORTMIXER) # pragma comment(lib, "portmixer") # endif # if defined(USE_SLV2) # pragma comment(lib, "slv2") # pragma comment(lib, "librdf") # pragma comment(lib, "raptor") # pragma comment(lib, "rasqal") # endif # if defined(USE_SBSMS) # pragma comment(lib, "sbsms") # endif # if defined(USE_SOUNDTOUCH) # pragma comment(lib, "soundtouch") # endif # if defined(USE_VAMP) # pragma comment(lib, "libvamp") # endif #endif //(__WXMSW__) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Custom events //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(EVT_OPEN_AUDIO_FILE); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(EVT_CAPTURE_KEYBOARD); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(EVT_RELEASE_KEYBOARD); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(EVT_CAPTURE_KEY); #ifdef __WXGTK__ void wxOnAssert(const wxChar *fileName, int lineNumber, const wxChar *msg) { if (msg) printf("ASSERTION FAILED: %s\n%s: %d\n", (const char *)wxString(msg).mb_str(), (const char *)wxString(fileName).mb_str(), lineNumber); else printf("ASSERTION FAILED!\n%s: %d\n", (const char *)wxString(fileName).mb_str(), lineNumber); // Force core dump int *i = 0; if (*i) exit(1); exit(0); } #endif static wxFrame *gParentFrame = NULL; bool gInited = false; bool gIsQuitting = false; void QuitAudacity(bool bForce) { if (gIsQuitting) return; gIsQuitting = true; // Try to close each open window. If the user hits Cancel // in a Save Changes dialog, don't continue. // BG: unless force is true // BG: Are there any projects open? //- if (!gAudacityProjects.IsEmpty()) /*start+*/ if (gAudacityProjects.IsEmpty()) { #ifdef __WXMAC__ AudacityProject::DeleteClipboard(); #endif } else /*end+*/ { SaveWindowSize(); while (gAudacityProjects.Count()) { if (bForce) { gAudacityProjects[0]->Close(true); } else { if (!gAudacityProjects[0]->Close()) { gIsQuitting = false; return; } } } } ModuleManager::Dispatch(AppQuiting); wxLogWindow *lw = wxGetApp().mLogger; if (lw) { lw->EnableLogging(false); lw->SetActiveTarget(NULL); delete lw; wxGetApp().mLogger = NULL; } if (gParentFrame) gParentFrame->Destroy(); gParentFrame = NULL; CloseContrastDialog(); CloseScreenshotTools(); //release ODManager Threads ODManager::Quit(); //print out profile if we have one by deleting it //temporarilly commented out till it is added to all projects //delete Profiler::Instance(); //delete the static lock for audacity projects AudacityProject::DeleteAllProjectsDeleteLock(); if (bForce) { wxExit(); } } void QuitAudacity() { QuitAudacity(false); } void SaveWindowSize() { if (wxGetApp().GetWindowRectAlreadySaved()) { return; } bool validWindowForSaveWindowSize = FALSE; AudacityProject * validProject = NULL; bool foundIconizedProject = FALSE; size_t numProjects = gAudacityProjects.Count(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numProjects; i++) { if (!gAudacityProjects[i]->IsIconized()) { validWindowForSaveWindowSize = TRUE; validProject = gAudacityProjects[i]; i = numProjects; } else foundIconizedProject = TRUE; } if (validWindowForSaveWindowSize) { wxRect windowRect = validProject->GetRect(); wxRect normalRect = validProject->GetNormalizedWindowState(); bool wndMaximized = validProject->IsMaximized(); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/X"), windowRect.GetX()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Y"), windowRect.GetY()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Width"), windowRect.GetWidth()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Height"), windowRect.GetHeight()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Maximized"), wndMaximized); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_X"), normalRect.GetX()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Y"), normalRect.GetY()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Width"), normalRect.GetWidth()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Height"), normalRect.GetHeight()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Iconized"), FALSE); } else { if (foundIconizedProject) { validProject = gAudacityProjects[0]; bool wndMaximized = validProject->IsMaximized(); wxRect normalRect = validProject->GetNormalizedWindowState(); // store only the normal rectangle because the itemized rectangle // makes no sense for an opening project window gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/X"), normalRect.GetX()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Y"), normalRect.GetY()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Width"), normalRect.GetWidth()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Height"), normalRect.GetHeight()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Maximized"), wndMaximized); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_X"), normalRect.GetX()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Y"), normalRect.GetY()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Width"), normalRect.GetWidth()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Height"), normalRect.GetHeight()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Iconized"), TRUE); } else { // this would be a very strange case that might possibly occur on the Mac // Audacity would have to be running with no projects open // in this case we are going to write only the default values wxRect defWndRect; GetDefaultWindowRect(&defWndRect); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/X"), defWndRect.GetX()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Y"), defWndRect.GetY()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Width"), defWndRect.GetWidth()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Height"), defWndRect.GetHeight()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Maximized"), FALSE); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_X"), defWndRect.GetX()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Y"), defWndRect.GetY()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Width"), defWndRect.GetWidth()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Normal_Height"), defWndRect.GetHeight()); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Window/Iconized"), FALSE); } } wxGetApp().SetWindowRectAlreadySaved(TRUE); } #if defined(__WXGTK__) && defined(HAVE_GTK) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Provide the ability to receive notification from the session manager // when the user is logging out or shutting down. // // Most of this was taken from nsNativeAppSupportUnix.cpp from Mozilla. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include /* There is a conflict between the type names used in Glib >= 2.21 and those in * wxGTK (http://trac.wxwidgets.org/ticket/10883) * Happily we can avoid the hack, as we only need some of the headers, not * the full GTK headers */ #include #include typedef struct _GnomeProgram GnomeProgram; typedef struct _GnomeModuleInfo GnomeModuleInfo; typedef struct _GnomeClient GnomeClient; typedef enum { GNOME_SAVE_GLOBAL, GNOME_SAVE_LOCAL, GNOME_SAVE_BOTH } GnomeSaveStyle; typedef enum { GNOME_INTERACT_NONE, GNOME_INTERACT_ERRORS, GNOME_INTERACT_ANY } GnomeInteractStyle; typedef enum { GNOME_DIALOG_ERROR, GNOME_DIALOG_NORMAL } GnomeDialogType; typedef GnomeProgram * (*_gnome_program_init_fn)(const char *, const char *, const GnomeModuleInfo *, int, char **, const char *, ...); typedef const GnomeModuleInfo * (*_libgnomeui_module_info_get_fn)(); typedef GnomeClient * (*_gnome_master_client_fn)(void); typedef void (*GnomeInteractFunction)(GnomeClient *, gint, GnomeDialogType, gpointer); typedef void (*_gnome_client_request_interaction_fn)(GnomeClient *, GnomeDialogType, GnomeInteractFunction, gpointer); typedef void (*_gnome_interaction_key_return_fn)(gint, gboolean); static _gnome_client_request_interaction_fn gnome_client_request_interaction; static _gnome_interaction_key_return_fn gnome_interaction_key_return; void interact_cb(GnomeClient *client, gint key, GnomeDialogType type, gpointer data) { wxCloseEvent e(wxEVT_QUERY_END_SESSION, wxID_ANY); e.SetEventObject(&wxGetApp()); e.SetCanVeto(true); wxGetApp().ProcessEvent(e); gnome_interaction_key_return(key, e.GetVeto()); } gboolean save_yourself_cb(GnomeClient *client, gint phase, GnomeSaveStyle style, gboolean shutdown, GnomeInteractStyle interact, gboolean fast, gpointer user_data) { if (!shutdown || interact != GNOME_INTERACT_ANY) { return TRUE; } if (gAudacityProjects.IsEmpty()) { return TRUE; } gnome_client_request_interaction(client, GNOME_DIALOG_NORMAL, interact_cb, NULL); return TRUE; } class GnomeShutdown { public: GnomeShutdown() { mArgv[0] = strdup("Audacity"); mGnomeui = dlopen("libgnomeui-2.so.0", RTLD_NOW); if (!mGnomeui) { return; } mGnome = dlopen("libgnome-2.so.0", RTLD_NOW); if (!mGnome) { return; } _gnome_program_init_fn gnome_program_init = (_gnome_program_init_fn) dlsym(mGnome, "gnome_program_init"); _libgnomeui_module_info_get_fn libgnomeui_module_info_get = (_libgnomeui_module_info_get_fn) dlsym(mGnomeui, "libgnomeui_module_info_get"); _gnome_master_client_fn gnome_master_client = (_gnome_master_client_fn) dlsym(mGnomeui, "gnome_master_client"); gnome_client_request_interaction = (_gnome_client_request_interaction_fn) dlsym(mGnomeui, "gnome_client_request_interaction"); gnome_interaction_key_return = (_gnome_interaction_key_return_fn) dlsym(mGnomeui, "gnome_interaction_key_return"); if (!gnome_program_init || !libgnomeui_module_info_get) { return; } gnome_program_init(mArgv[0], "1.0", libgnomeui_module_info_get(), 1, mArgv, NULL); mClient = gnome_master_client(); if (mClient == NULL) { return; } g_signal_connect(mClient, "save-yourself", G_CALLBACK(save_yourself_cb), NULL); } virtual ~GnomeShutdown() { // Do not dlclose() the libraries here lest you want segfaults... free(mArgv[0]); } private: char *mArgv[1]; void *mGnomeui; void *mGnome; GnomeClient *mClient; }; GnomeShutdown GnomeShutdownInstance; #endif #if defined(__WXMSW__) // // DDE support for opening multiple files with one instance // of Audacity. // #define IPC_APPL wxT("audacity") #define IPC_TOPIC wxT("System") class IPCConn : public wxConnection { public: IPCConn() : wxConnection() { }; ~IPCConn() { }; bool OnExecute(const wxString & topic, wxChar *data, int size, wxIPCFormat format) { if (!gInited) { return false; } AudacityProject *project = CreateNewAudacityProject(); wxString cmd(data); // We queue a command event to the project responsible for // opening the file since it can be a long process and we // only have 5 seconds to return the Execute message to the // client. if (!cmd.IsEmpty()) { wxCommandEvent e(EVT_OPEN_AUDIO_FILE); e.SetString(data); project->AddPendingEvent(e); } return true; }; }; class IPCServ : public wxServer { public: IPCServ() : wxServer() { Create(wxT("audacity")); }; ~IPCServ() { }; wxConnectionBase *OnAcceptConnection(const wxString & topic) { if (topic != IPC_TOPIC) { return NULL; } return new IPCConn(); }; }; #endif //__WXMSW__ IMPLEMENT_APP(AudacityApp) /* make the application class known to wxWidgets for dynamic construction */ #ifdef __WXMAC__ #include // in response of an open-document apple event void AudacityApp::MacOpenFile(const wxString &fileName) { if (!gInited) { return; } wxCommandEvent e(EVT_OPEN_AUDIO_FILE); e.SetString(fileName); AddPendingEvent(e); } // in response of a print-document apple event void AudacityApp::MacPrintFile(const wxString &fileName) { if (!gInited) { return; } wxCommandEvent e(EVT_OPEN_AUDIO_FILE); e.SetString(fileName); AddPendingEvent(e); } // in response of a open-application apple event void AudacityApp::MacNewFile() { if (!gInited) return; // This method should only be used on the Mac platform // when no project windows are open. if (gAudacityProjects.GetCount() == 0) { CreateNewAudacityProject(); } } // in response of a reopen-application apple event void AudacityApp::MacReopenApp() { // Not sure what to do here...bring it to the foreground??? } void AudacityApp::OnMacOpenFile(wxCommandEvent & event) { // Add name to queue static wxArrayString ofqueue; ofqueue.Add(event.GetString()); // Do not attempt to load more than one file at a time static wxRecursionGuardFlag guardflag; wxRecursionGuard guard(guardflag); if (guard.IsInside()) { return; } // Load each file on the queue while (ofqueue.GetCount()) { wxString name(ofqueue[0]); ofqueue.RemoveAt(0); MRUOpen(name); } } #endif //__WXMAC__ typedef int (AudacityApp::*SPECIALKEYEVENT)(wxKeyEvent&); BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(AudacityApp, wxApp) EVT_QUERY_END_SESSION(AudacityApp::OnEndSession) EVT_KEY_DOWN(AudacityApp::OnKeyDown) EVT_CHAR(AudacityApp::OnChar) EVT_KEY_UP(AudacityApp::OnKeyUp) #ifdef __WXMAC__ EVT_MENU(wxID_NEW, AudacityApp::OnMenuNew) EVT_MENU(wxID_OPEN, AudacityApp::OnMenuOpen) EVT_MENU(wxID_ABOUT, AudacityApp::OnMenuAbout) EVT_MENU(wxID_PREFERENCES, AudacityApp::OnMenuPreferences) EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, AudacityApp::OnMenuExit) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, EVT_OPEN_AUDIO_FILE, AudacityApp::OnMacOpenFile) #endif // Recent file event handlers. EVT_MENU(wxID_FILE, AudacityApp::OnMRUClear) EVT_MENU_RANGE(wxID_FILE1, wxID_FILE9, AudacityApp::OnMRUFile) // EVT_MENU_RANGE(6050, 6060, AudacityApp::OnMRUProject) // Handle AppCommandEvents (usually from a script) EVT_APP_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, AudacityApp::OnReceiveCommand) END_EVENT_TABLE() // Backend for OnMRUFile and OnMRUProject bool AudacityApp::MRUOpen(wxString fileName) { // Most of the checks below are copied from AudacityProject::ShowFileDialog // - some rationalisation might be possible. AudacityProject *proj = GetActiveProject(); if(!fileName.IsEmpty()) { // verify that the file exists if(wxFile::Exists(fileName)) { wxFileName newFileName(fileName); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/DefaultOpenPath"), wxPathOnly(fileName)); // Make sure it isn't already open size_t numProjects = gAudacityProjects.Count(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numProjects; i++) { if (newFileName.SameAs(gAudacityProjects[i]->GetFileName())) { wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("%s is already open in another window."), newFileName.GetName().c_str()), _("Error opening project"), wxOK | wxCENTRE); return(true); } } // DMM: If the project is dirty, that means it's been touched at // all, and it's not safe to open a new project directly in its // place. Only if the project is brand-new clean and the user // hasn't done any action at all is it safe for Open to take place // inside the current project. // // If you try to Open a new project inside the current window when // there are no tracks, but there's an Undo history, etc, then // bad things can happen, including data files moving to the new // project directory, etc. if (!proj || proj->GetDirty() || !proj->GetIsEmpty()) { proj = CreateNewAudacityProject(); } // This project is clean; it's never been touched. Therefore // all relevant member variables are in their initial state, // and it's okay to open a new project inside this window. proj->OpenFile(fileName); } else { // File doesn't exist - remove file from history wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("%s could not be found.\n\nIt has been removed from the list of recent files."), fileName.c_str())); return(false); } } return(true); } void AudacityApp::OnMRUClear(wxCommandEvent& event) { mRecentFiles->Clear(); } void AudacityApp::OnMRUFile(wxCommandEvent& event) { int n = event.GetId() - wxID_FILE1; wxString fileName = mRecentFiles->GetHistoryFile(n); bool opened = MRUOpen(fileName); if(!opened) { mRecentFiles->RemoveFileFromHistory(n); } } #if 0 //FIX-ME: Was this OnMRUProject lost in an edit?? Should we have it back? void AudacityApp::OnMRUProject(wxCommandEvent& event) { AudacityProject *proj = GetActiveProject(); int n = event.GetId() - 6050;//FIX-ME: Use correct ID name. wxString fileName = proj->GetRecentProjects()->GetHistoryFile(n); bool opened = MRUOpen(fileName); if(!opened) { proj->GetRecentProjects()->RemoveFileFromHistory(n); gPrefs->SetPath("/RecentProjects"); proj->GetRecentProjects()->Save(*gPrefs); gPrefs->SetPath(".."); } } #endif void AudacityApp::InitLang( const wxString & lang ) { if( mLocale ) delete mLocale; if (lang != wxT("en")) { wxLogNull nolog; // LL: I do not know why loading translations fail on the Mac if LANG is not // set, but for some reason it does. So wrap the creation of wxLocale // with the default translation. #if defined(__WXMAC__) wxString oldval; bool existed; existed = wxGetEnv(wxT("LANG"), &oldval); wxSetEnv(wxT("LANG"), wxT("en_US")); #endif mLocale = new wxLocale(wxT(""), lang, wxT(""), true, true); #if defined(__WXMAC__) if (existed) { wxSetEnv(wxT("LANG"), oldval); } else { wxUnsetEnv(wxT("LANG")); } #endif for(unsigned int i=0; iAddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(audacityPathList[i]); #ifdef AUDACITY_NAME mLocale->AddCatalog(wxT(AUDACITY_NAME)); #else mLocale->AddCatalog(wxT("audacity")); #endif } else mLocale = NULL; // Initialize internationalisation (number formats etc.) // // This must go _after_ creating the wxLocale instance because // creating the wxLocale instance sets the application-wide locale. Internat::Init(); } // Only used when checking plugins void AudacityApp::OnFatalException() { exit(-1); } // The `main program' equivalent, creating the windows and returning the // main frame bool AudacityApp::OnInit() { #if defined(__WXMAC__) // Disable window animation wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, 1 ); #endif //MERGE: //Everything now uses Audacity name for preferences. //(Audacity and CleanSpeech the same program and use //the same preferences file). // // LL: Moved here from InitPreferences() to ensure VST effect // discovery writes configuration to the correct directory // on OSX with case-sensitive file systems. #ifdef AUDACITY_NAME wxString appName = wxT(AUDACITY_NAME); wxString vendorName = wxT(AUDACITY_NAME); #else wxString vendorName = wxT("Audacity"); wxString appName = wxT("Audacity"); #endif wxTheApp->SetVendorName(vendorName); wxTheApp->SetAppName(appName); #ifdef USE_VST // if no VST support, answer is always no // Have we been started to check a plugin? if (argc == 3 && wxStrcmp(argv[1], VSTCMDKEY) == 0) { wxHandleFatalExceptions(); VSTEffect::Check(argv[2]); return false; } #endif mLogger = NULL; // Unused strings that we want to be translated, even though // we're not using them yet... wxString future1 = _("Master Gain Control"); wxString future2 = _("Input Meter"); wxString future3 = _("Output Meter"); ::wxInitAllImageHandlers(); wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxZipFSHandler); InitPreferences(); #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) this->AssociateFileTypes(); #endif // TODO - read the number of files to store in history from preferences mRecentFiles = new FileHistory(/* number of files */); mRecentFiles->Load(*gPrefs, wxT("RecentFiles")); // // Paths: set search path and temp dir path // wxString home = wxGetHomeDir(); mAppHomeDir = home; theTheme.EnsureInitialised(); // AColor depends on theTheme. AColor::Init(); /* On Unix systems, the default temp dir is in /tmp. */ /* Search path (for plug-ins, translations etc) is (in this order): * The AUDACITY_PATH environment variable * The current directory * The user's .audacity-files directory in their home directory * The "share" and "share/doc" directories in their install path */ #ifdef __WXGTK__ defaultTempDir.Printf(wxT("/tmp/audacity-%s"), wxGetUserId().c_str()); wxString pathVar = wxGetenv(wxT("AUDACITY_PATH")); if (pathVar != wxT("")) AddMultiPathsToPathList(pathVar, audacityPathList); AddUniquePathToPathList(::wxGetCwd(), audacityPathList); AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/.audacity-files"), home.c_str()), audacityPathList); #ifdef AUDACITY_NAME AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/share/%s"), wxT(INSTALL_PREFIX), wxT(AUDACITY_NAME)), audacityPathList); AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/share/doc/%s"), wxT(INSTALL_PREFIX), wxT(AUDACITY_NAME)), audacityPathList); #else //AUDACITY_NAME AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/share/audacity"), wxT(INSTALL_PREFIX)), audacityPathList); AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/share/doc/audacity"), wxT(INSTALL_PREFIX)), audacityPathList); #endif //AUDACITY_NAME AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString::Format(wxT("%s/share/locale"), wxT(INSTALL_PREFIX)), audacityPathList); #endif //__WXGTK__ wxFileName tmpFile; tmpFile.AssignTempFileName(wxT("nn")); wxString tmpDirLoc = tmpFile.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME); ::wxRemoveFile(tmpFile.GetFullPath()); // On Mac and Windows systems, use the directory which contains Audacity. #ifdef __WXMSW__ // On Windows, the path to the Audacity program is in argv[0] wxString progPath = wxPathOnly(argv[0]); AddUniquePathToPathList(progPath, audacityPathList); AddUniquePathToPathList(progPath+wxT("\\Languages"), audacityPathList); defaultTempDir.Printf(wxT("%s\\audacity_temp"), tmpDirLoc.c_str()); #endif //__WXWSW__ #ifdef __WXMAC__ // On Mac OS X, the path to the Audacity program is in argv[0] wxString progPath = wxPathOnly(argv[0]); AddUniquePathToPathList(progPath, audacityPathList); // If Audacity is a "bundle" package, then the root directory is // the great-great-grandparent of the directory containing the executable. AddUniquePathToPathList(progPath+wxT("/../../../"), audacityPathList); AddUniquePathToPathList(progPath+wxT("/Languages"), audacityPathList); AddUniquePathToPathList(progPath+wxT("/../../../Languages"), audacityPathList); defaultTempDir.Printf(wxT("%s/audacity-%s"), tmpDirLoc.c_str(), wxGetUserId().c_str()); #endif //__WXMAC__ // BG: Create a temporary window to set as the top window wxFrame *temporarywindow = new wxFrame(NULL, -1, wxT("temporarytopwindow")); SetTopWindow(temporarywindow); // Initialize the ModuleManager ModuleManager::Initialize(); // Initialize the CommandHandler InitCommandHandler(); // load audacity plug-in modules LoadModules(*mCmdHandler); // Locale // wxWidgets 2.3 has a much nicer wxLocale API. We can make this code much // better once we move to wx 2.3/2.4. wxString lang = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Locale/Language"), wxT("")); if (lang == wxT("")) lang = GetSystemLanguageCode(); #ifdef NOT_RQD //TIDY-ME: (CleanSpeech) Language prompt?? // The prompt for language only happens ONCE on a system. // I don't think we should disable it JKC wxString lang = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Locale/Language"), "en"); //lda // Pop up a dialog the first time the program is run //lda if (lang == "") //lda lang = ChooseLanguage(NULL); #endif mLocale = NULL; InitLang( lang ); // Init DirManager, which initializes the temp directory // If this fails, we must exit the program. if (!InitTempDir()) { FinishPreferences(); return false; } // More initialization InitCleanSpeech(); InitDitherers(); InitAudioIO(); LoadEffects(); #ifdef __WXMAC__ // On the Mac, users don't expect a program to quit when you close the last window. // Create a menubar that will show when all project windows are closed. wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu(); wxMenu *recentMenu = new wxMenu(); fileMenu->Append(wxID_NEW, wxString(_("&New")) + wxT("\tCtrl+N")); fileMenu->Append(wxID_OPEN, wxString(_("&Open...")) + wxT("\tCtrl+O")); fileMenu->AppendSubMenu(recentMenu, _("Open &Recent...")); fileMenu->Append(wxID_ABOUT, _("&About Audacity...")); fileMenu->Append(wxID_PREFERENCES, wxString(_("&Preferences...")) + wxT("\tCtrl+,")); wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar(); menuBar->Append(fileMenu, wxT("&File")); wxMenuBar::MacSetCommonMenuBar(menuBar); mRecentFiles->UseMenu(recentMenu); mRecentFiles->AddFilesToMenu(recentMenu); // This invisibale frame will be the "root" of all other frames and will // become the active frame when no projects are open. gParentFrame = new wxFrame(NULL, -1, wxEmptyString, wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(0, 0), 0); #endif //__WXMAC__ SetExitOnFrameDelete(true); AudacityProject *project = CreateNewAudacityProject(); mCmdHandler->SetProject(project); wxWindow * pWnd = MakeHijackPanel() ; if( pWnd ) { project->Show( false ); SetTopWindow(pWnd); pWnd->Show( true ); } delete temporarywindow; if( project->mShowSplashScreen ) project->OnHelpWelcome(); // JKC 10-Sep-2007: Enable monitoring from the start. // (recommended by lprod.org). // Monitoring stops again after any // PLAY or RECORD completes. // So we also call StartMonitoring when STOP is called. project->MayStartMonitoring(); mLogger = new wxLogWindow(NULL,wxT("Debug Log"),false,false); mLogger->SetActiveTarget(mLogger); mLogger->EnableLogging(true); mLogger->SetLogLevel(wxLOG_Max); #ifdef USE_FFMPEG FFmpegStartup(); #endif #ifdef USE_GSTREAMER GStreamerStartup(); #endif mImporter = new Importer; // // Auto-recovery // bool didRecoverAnything = false; if (!ShowAutoRecoveryDialogIfNeeded(&project, &didRecoverAnything)) { // Important: Prevent deleting any temporary files! DirManager::SetDontDeleteTempFiles(); QuitAudacity(true); } // // Command-line parsing, but only if we didn't recover // #if !defined(__CYGWIN__) // Parse command-line arguments if (argc > 1 && !didRecoverAnything) { for (int option = 1; option < argc; option++) { if (!argv[option]) continue; bool handled = false; if (!wxString(wxT("-help")).CmpNoCase(argv[option])) { PrintCommandLineHelp(); // print the help message out exit(0); } if (option < argc - 1 && argv[option + 1] && !wxString(wxT("-blocksize")).CmpNoCase(argv[option])) { long theBlockSize; if (wxString(argv[option + 1]).ToLong(&theBlockSize)) { if (theBlockSize >= 256 && theBlockSize < 100000000) { wxFprintf(stderr, _("Using block size of %ld\n"), theBlockSize); Sequence::SetMaxDiskBlockSize(theBlockSize); } } option++; handled = true; } if (!handled && !wxString(wxT("-test")).CmpNoCase(argv[option])) { RunBenchmark(NULL); exit(0); } if (!handled && !wxString(wxT("-version")).CmpNoCase(argv[option])) { wxPrintf(wxT("Audacity v%s (%s)\n"), AUDACITY_VERSION_STRING, (wxUSE_UNICODE ? wxT("Unicode") : wxT("ANSI"))); exit(0); } if (argv[option][0] == wxT('-') && !handled) { wxPrintf(_("Unknown command line option: %s\n"), argv[option]); exit(0); } if (!handled) { if (!project) { // Create new window for project project = CreateNewAudacityProject(); } // Always open files with an absolute path wxFileName fn(argv[option]); fn.MakeAbsolute(); project->OpenFile(fn.GetFullPath()); project = NULL; // don't reuse this project for other file } } // for option... } // if (argc>1) #else //__CYGWIN__ // Cygwin command line parser (by Dave Fancella) if (argc > 1 && !didRecoverAnything) { int optionstart = 1; bool startAtOffset = false; // Scan command line arguments looking for trouble for (int option = 1; option < argc; option++) { if (!argv[option]) continue; // Check to see if argv[0] is copied across other arguments. // This is the reason Cygwin gets its own command line parser. if (wxString(argv[option]).Lower().Contains(wxString(wxT("audacity.exe")))) { startAtOffset = true; optionstart = option + 1; } } for (int option = optionstart; option < argc; option++) { if (!argv[option]) continue; bool handled = false; bool openThisFile = false; wxString fileToOpen; if (!wxString(wxT("-help")).CmpNoCase(argv[option])) { PrintCommandLineHelp(); // print the help message out exit(0); } if (option < argc - 1 && argv[option + 1] && !wxString(wxT("-blocksize")).CmpNoCase(argv[option])) { long theBlockSize; if (wxString(argv[option + 1]).ToLong(&theBlockSize)) { if (theBlockSize >= 256 && theBlockSize < 100000000) { wxFprintf(stderr, _("Using block size of %ld\n"), theBlockSize); Sequence::SetMaxDiskBlockSize(theBlockSize); } } option++; handled = true; } if (!handled && !wxString(wxT("-test")).CmpNoCase(argv[option])) { RunBenchmark(NULL); exit(0); } if (argv[option][0] == wxT('-') && !handled) { wxPrintf(_("Unknown command line option: %s\n"), argv[option]); exit(0); } if(handled) fileToOpen.Clear(); if (!handled) fileToOpen = fileToOpen + wxT(" ") + argv[option]; if(wxString(argv[option]).Lower().Contains(wxT(".aup"))) openThisFile = true; if(openThisFile) { openThisFile = false; if (!project) { // Create new window for project project = CreateNewAudacityProject(); } project->OpenFile(fileToOpen); project = NULL; // don't reuse this project for other file } } // for option... } // if (argc>1) #endif // __CYGWIN__ (Cygwin command-line parser) gInited = true; ModuleManager::Dispatch(AppInitialized); mWindowRectAlreadySaved = FALSE; return TRUE; } void AudacityApp::InitCommandHandler() { mCmdHandler = new CommandHandler(*this); //SetNextHandler(mCmdHandler); } void AudacityApp::DeInitCommandHandler() { wxASSERT(NULL != mCmdHandler); delete mCmdHandler; mCmdHandler = NULL; } // AppCommandEvent callback - just pass the event on to the CommandHandler void AudacityApp::OnReceiveCommand(AppCommandEvent &event) { wxASSERT(NULL != mCmdHandler); mCmdHandler->OnReceiveCommand(event); } bool AudacityApp::InitCleanSpeech() { wxString userdatadir = FileNames::DataDir(); wxString presetsFromPrefs = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Directories/PresetsDir"), wxT("")); wxString presets = wxT(""); #ifdef __WXGTK__ if (presetsFromPrefs.Length() > 0 && presetsFromPrefs[0] != wxT('/')) presetsFromPrefs = wxT(""); #endif //__WXGTK__ wxString presetsDefaultLoc = wxFileName(userdatadir, wxT("presets")).GetFullPath(); // Stop wxWidgets from printing its own error messages (not used ... does this really do anything?) wxLogNull logNo; // Try temp dir that was stored in prefs first if (presetsFromPrefs != wxT("")) { if (wxDirExists(presetsFromPrefs)) presets = presetsFromPrefs; else if (wxMkdir(presetsFromPrefs)) presets = presetsFromPrefs; } // If that didn't work, try the default location if ((presets == wxT("")) && (presetsDefaultLoc != wxT(""))) { if (wxDirExists(presetsDefaultLoc)) presets = presetsDefaultLoc; else if (wxMkdir(presetsDefaultLoc)) presets = presetsDefaultLoc; } if (presets == wxT("")) { // Failed wxMessageBox(wxT("Audacity could not find a place to store\n.csp CleanSpeech preset files\nAudacity is now going to exit. \nInstallation may be corrupt.")); return false; } // The permissions don't always seem to be set on // some platforms. Hopefully this fixes it... #ifdef __UNIX__ chmod(OSFILENAME(presets), 0755); #endif gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Directories/PresetsDir"), presets); return true; } bool AudacityApp::InitTempDir() { // We need to find a temp directory location. wxString tempFromPrefs = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/Directories/TempDir"), wxT("")); wxString tempDefaultLoc = wxGetApp().defaultTempDir; wxString temp = wxT(""); #ifdef __WXGTK__ if (tempFromPrefs.Length() > 0 && tempFromPrefs[0] != wxT('/')) tempFromPrefs = wxT(""); #endif // Stop wxWidgets from printing its own error messages wxLogNull logNo; // Try temp dir that was stored in prefs first if (tempFromPrefs != wxT("")) { if (wxDirExists(tempFromPrefs)) temp = tempFromPrefs; else if (wxMkdir(tempFromPrefs, 0755)) temp = tempFromPrefs; } // If that didn't work, try the default location if (temp==wxT("") && tempDefaultLoc != wxT("")) { if (wxDirExists(tempDefaultLoc)) temp = tempDefaultLoc; else if (wxMkdir(tempDefaultLoc, 0755)) temp = tempDefaultLoc; } // Check temp directory ownership on *nix systems only #ifdef __UNIX__ struct stat tempStatBuf; if ( lstat(temp.mb_str(), &tempStatBuf) != 0 ) { temp.clear(); } else { if ( geteuid() != tempStatBuf.st_uid ) { temp.clear(); } } #endif if (temp == wxT("")) { // Failed wxMessageBox(_("Audacity could not find a place to store temporary files.\nPlease enter an appropriate directory in the preferences dialog.")); PrefsDialog dialog(NULL); dialog.ShowTempDirPage(); dialog.ShowModal(); wxMessageBox(_("Audacity is now going to exit. Please launch Audacity again to use the new temporary directory.")); return false; } // The permissions don't always seem to be set on // some platforms. Hopefully this fixes it... #ifdef __UNIX__ chmod(OSFILENAME(temp), 0755); #endif gPrefs->Write(wxT("/Directories/TempDir"), temp); DirManager::SetTempDir(temp); // Make sure the temp dir isn't locked by another process. if (!CreateSingleInstanceChecker(temp)) return false; return true; } // Return true if there are no other instances of Audacity running, // false otherwise. // // Use "dir" for creating lockfiles (on OS X and Unix). bool AudacityApp::CreateSingleInstanceChecker(wxString dir) { wxLogNull dontLog; wxString name = wxString::Format(wxT("audacity-lock-%s"), wxGetUserId().c_str()); mChecker = new wxSingleInstanceChecker(); wxString runningTwoCopiesStr = _("Running two copies of Audacity simultaneously may cause\ndata loss or cause your system to crash.\n\n"); if (!mChecker->Create(name, dir)) { // Error initializing the wxSingleInstanceChecker. We don't know // whether there is another instance running or not. wxString prompt = _("Audacity was not able to lock the temporary files directory.\nThis folder may be in use by another copy of Audacity.\n") + runningTwoCopiesStr + _("Do you still want to start Audacity?"); int action = wxMessageBox(prompt, _("Error locking temporary folder"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, NULL); if (action == wxNO) { delete mChecker; return false; } } else if ( mChecker->IsAnotherRunning() ) { #if defined(__WXMSW__) // // On Windows (and possibly Linux?), we attempt to make // a DDE connection to an already active Audacity. If // successful, we send the first command line argument // (the audio file name) to that Audacity for processing. wxClient client; wxConnectionBase *conn; // We try up to 10 times since there's a small window // where the DDE server may not have been fully initialized // yet. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { conn = client.MakeConnection(wxEmptyString, IPC_APPL, IPC_TOPIC); if (conn) { if (conn->Execute(argv[1])) { // Command was successfully queued so exit quietly delete mChecker; return false; } } wxMilliSleep(100); } #endif // There is another copy of Audacity running. Force quit. wxString prompt = _("The system has detected that another copy of Audacity is running.\n") + runningTwoCopiesStr + _("Use the New or Open commands in the currently running Audacity\nprocess to open multiple projects simultaneously.\n"); wxMessageBox(prompt, _("Audacity is already running"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); delete mChecker; return false; } #if defined(__WXMSW__) // Create the DDE server mIPCServ = new IPCServ(); #endif return true; } void AudacityApp::PrintCommandLineHelp(void) { wxPrintf(wxT("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n%s\n"), _("Command-line options supported:"), /*i18n-hint: '-help' is the option and needs to stay in * English. This displays a list of available options */ _("\t-help (this message)"), /*i18n-hint '-version' needs to stay in English. */ _("\t-version (display Audacity version)"), /*i18n-hint '-test' is the option and needs to stay in * English. This runs a set of automatic tests on audacity * itself */ _("\t-test (run self diagnostics)"), /*i18n-hint '-blocksize' is the option and needs to stay in * English. 'nnn' is any integer number. This controls the * size pieces that audacity uses when writing files to the * disk */ _("\t-blocksize nnn (set max disk block size in bytes)"), _("In addition, specify the name of an audio file or Audacity project to open it.")); } // static void AudacityApp::AddUniquePathToPathList(wxString path, wxArrayString &pathList) { wxFileName pathNorm = path; pathNorm.Normalize(); path = pathNorm.GetFullPath(); for(unsigned int i=0; iClose(true); } else if (!gAudacityProjects[0]->Close()) { gIsQuitting = false; event.Veto(); break; } } } } void AudacityApp::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent & event) { // Not handled event.Skip(true); // Make sure this event is destined for a project window AudacityProject *prj = GetActiveProject(); // TODO: I don't know how it can happen, but it did on 2006-07-06. // I was switching between apps fairly quickly so maybe that has something // to do with it. if (!prj) return; if (prj != wxGetTopLevelParent(wxWindow::FindFocus())) return; if (prj->HandleKeyDown(event)) event.Skip(false); } void AudacityApp::OnChar(wxKeyEvent & event) { // Not handled event.Skip(true); // Make sure this event is destined for a project window AudacityProject *prj = GetActiveProject(); // TODO: I don't know how it can happen, but it did on 2006-07-06. // I was switching between apps fairly quickly so maybe that has something // to do with it. if (!prj) return; if (prj != wxGetTopLevelParent(wxWindow::FindFocus())) return; if (prj->HandleChar(event)) event.Skip(false); } void AudacityApp::OnKeyUp(wxKeyEvent & event) { // Not handled event.Skip(true); // Make sure this event is destined for a project window AudacityProject *prj = GetActiveProject(); // TODO: I don't know how it can happen, but it did on 2006-07-06. // I was switching between apps fairly quickly so maybe that has something // to do with it. if (!prj) return; if (prj != wxGetTopLevelParent(wxWindow::FindFocus())) return; if (prj->HandleKeyUp(event)) event.Skip(false); } void AudacityApp::AddFileToHistory(const wxString & name) { mRecentFiles->AddFileToHistory(name); } int AudacityApp::OnExit() { gIsQuitting = true; while(Pending()) { Dispatch(); } #if defined(__WXMSW__) delete mIPCServ; #endif if (mImporter) delete mImporter; if(gPrefs) { bool bFalse = false; //Should we change the commands.cfg location next startup? if(gPrefs->Read(wxT("/QDeleteCmdCfgLocation"), &bFalse)) { gPrefs->DeleteEntry(wxT("/QDeleteCmdCfgLocation")); gPrefs->Write(wxT("/DeleteCmdCfgLocation"), true); } } DeInitCommandHandler(); mRecentFiles->Save(*gPrefs, wxT("RecentFiles")); delete mRecentFiles; FinishPreferences(); #ifdef USE_FFMPEG DropFFmpegLibs(); #endif UnloadEffects(); DeinitFFT(); BlockFile::Deinit(); DeinitAudioIO(); if (mLocale) delete mLocale; delete mChecker; return 0; } // The following five methods are currently only used on Mac OS, // where it's possible to have a menu bar but no windows open. // It doesn't hurt any other platforms, though. // ...That is, as long as you check to see if no windows are open // before executing the stuff. // To fix this, check to see how many project windows are open, // and skip the event unless none are open (which should only happen // on the Mac, at least currently.) void AudacityApp::OnMenuAbout(wxCommandEvent & event) { // This function shadows a similar function // in Menus.cpp, but should only be used on the Mac platform // when no project windows are open. This check assures that // this happens, and enable the same code to be present on // all platforms. if(gAudacityProjects.GetCount() == 0) { AboutDialog dlog(NULL); dlog.ShowModal(); } else event.Skip(); } void AudacityApp::OnMenuNew(wxCommandEvent & event) { // This function shadows a similar function // in Menus.cpp, but should only be used on the Mac platform // when no project windows are open. This check assures that // this happens, and enable the same code to be present on // all platforms. if(gAudacityProjects.GetCount() == 0) CreateNewAudacityProject(); else event.Skip(); } void AudacityApp::OnMenuOpen(wxCommandEvent & event) { // This function shadows a similar function // in Menus.cpp, but should only be used on the Mac platform // when no project windows are open. This check assures that // this happens, and enable the same code to be present on // all platforms. if(gAudacityProjects.GetCount() == 0) AudacityProject::OpenFiles(NULL); else event.Skip(); } void AudacityApp::OnMenuPreferences(wxCommandEvent & event) { // This function shadows a similar function // in Menus.cpp, but should only be used on the Mac platform // when no project windows are open. This check assures that // this happens, and enable the same code to be present on // all platforms. if(gAudacityProjects.GetCount() == 0) { PrefsDialog dialog(NULL /* parent */ ); dialog.ShowModal(); } else event.Skip(); } void AudacityApp::OnMenuExit(wxCommandEvent & event) { // This function shadows a similar function // in Menus.cpp, but should only be used on the Mac platform // when no project windows are open. This check assures that // this happens, and enable the same code to be present on // all platforms. // LL: Removed "if" to allow closing based on final project count. // if(gAudacityProjects.GetCount() == 0) QuitAudacity(); // LL: Veto quit if projects are still open. This can happen // if the user selected Cancel in a Save dialog. event.Skip(gAudacityProjects.GetCount() == 0); } //BG: On Windows, associate the aup file type with Audacity /* We do this in the Windows installer now, to avoid issues where user doesn't have admin privileges, but in case that didn't work, allow the user to decide at startup. //v Should encapsulate this & allow access from Prefs, too, // if people want to manually change associations. */ #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) void AudacityApp::AssociateFileTypes() { wxRegKey associateFileTypes; associateFileTypes.SetName(wxT("HKCR\\.AUP")); bool bKeyExists = associateFileTypes.Exists(); if (!bKeyExists) { // Not at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. Try HKEY_CURRENT_USER. associateFileTypes.SetName(wxT("HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\.AUP")); bKeyExists = associateFileTypes.Exists(); } if (!bKeyExists) { // File types are not currently associated. // Check pref in case user has already decided against it. bool bWantAssociateFiles = true; if (!gPrefs->Read(wxT("/WantAssociateFiles"), &bWantAssociateFiles) || bWantAssociateFiles) { // Either there's no pref or user does want associations // and they got stepped on, so ask. int wantAssoc = wxMessageBox( _("Audacity project (.AUP) files are not currently \nassociated with Audacity. \n\nAssociate them, so they open on double-click?"), _("Audacity Project Files"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION); if (wantAssoc == wxYES) { gPrefs->Write(wxT("/WantAssociateFiles"), true); wxString root_key; root_key = wxT("HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\"); associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT(".AUP")); // Start again with HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. if (!associateFileTypes.Create(true)) { // Not at HKEY_CLASSES_USER. Try HKEY_CURRENT_ROOT. root_key = wxT("HKCR\\"); associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT(".AUP")); if (!associateFileTypes.Create(true)) { // Actually, can't create keys. Empty root_key to flag failure. root_key.Empty(); } } if (root_key.IsEmpty()) { //v Warn that we can't set keys. Ask whether to set pref for no retry? } else { associateFileTypes = wxT("Audacity.Project"); // Finally set value for .AUP key associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT("Audacity.Project")); if(!associateFileTypes.Exists()) { associateFileTypes.Create(true); associateFileTypes = wxT("Audacity Project File"); } associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT("Audacity.Project\\shell")); if(!associateFileTypes.Exists()) { associateFileTypes.Create(true); associateFileTypes = wxT(""); } associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT("Audacity.Project\\shell\\open")); if(!associateFileTypes.Exists()) { associateFileTypes.Create(true); } associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT("Audacity.Project\\shell\\open\\command")); wxString tmpRegAudPath; if(associateFileTypes.Exists()) { tmpRegAudPath = wxString(associateFileTypes).Lower(); } if (!associateFileTypes.Exists() || (tmpRegAudPath.Find(wxT("audacity.exe")) >= 0)) { associateFileTypes.Create(true); associateFileTypes = (wxString)argv[0] + (wxString)wxT(" \"%1\""); } #if 0 // These can be use later to support more startup messages // like maybe "Import into existing project" or some such. // Leaving here for an example... associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT("Audacity.Project\\shell\\open\\ddeexec")); if(!associateFileTypes.Exists()) { associateFileTypes.Create(true); associateFileTypes = wxT("%1"); } associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT("Audacity.Project\\shell\\open\\ddeexec\\Application")); if(!associateFileTypes.Exists()) { associateFileTypes.Create(true); associateFileTypes = IPC_APPL; } associateFileTypes.SetName(root_key + wxT("Audacity.Project\\shell\\open\\ddeexec\\Topic")); if(!associateFileTypes.Exists()) { associateFileTypes.Create(true); associateFileTypes = IPC_TOPIC; } #endif } } else { // User said no. Set a pref so we don't keep asking. gPrefs->Write(wxT("/WantAssociateFiles"), false); } } } } #endif // Indentation settings for Vim and Emacs and unique identifier for Arch, a // version control system. Please do not modify past this point. // // Local Variables: // c-basic-offset: 3 // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: // // vim: et sts=3 sw=3 // arch-tag: 49c2c7b5-6e93-4f33-83ab-ddac56ea598d