For more information about this package, please see: * If Byobu is not packaged for your Linux or UNIX OS, or if you do not have administrative privileges in order to install Byobu, you may be able to install locally, using the following instructions... 0) If you have pulled the source from the upstream bzr repository (bzr branch lp:byobu) then you first need to run: ./debian/rules autoconf 1) Or download the latest version (>= 3.0) from: 2) Extract: tar zxvf byobu*.tar.gz 3) Configure: cd byobu* ./configure --prefix="$HOME/byobu" 4) Build: make 5) Install: make install 6) Update your PATH and BYOBU_PREFIX environment variables echo "export PATH=$HOME/byobu/bin:$PATH" >> $HOME/.bashrc . $HOME/.bashrc 7) Run: byobu Note that you will need to have a few dependencies installed: * tmux >= 1.5 and screen * python-newt (if you want to use Byobu's configuration utility) * gsed (if your sed implementation doesn't support -i) Dustin Kirkland 2012-01-08