##################################################################### # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # # # # Frets on Fire # # Copyright (C) 2006 Sami Kyöstilä # # 2008 rchiav # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # # MA 02110-1301, USA. # ##################################################################### import pygame from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLU import * import math import colorsys from View import Layer from Input import KeyListener from Song import loadSong, createSong, Note, difficulties, DEFAULT_LIBRARY from Guitar import Guitar, PLAYER1KEYS, PLAYER2KEYS from Camera import Camera from Menu import Menu, Choice from Language import _ import MainMenu import Dialogs import Player import Theme import Log import shutil, os, struct, wave, tempfile from struct import unpack KEYS = PLAYER1KEYS class Editor(Layer, KeyListener): """Song editor layer.""" def __init_str(self, engine, songName = None, libraryName = DEFAULT_LIBRARY): self.engine = engine self.time = 0.0 self.guitar = Guitar(self.engine, editorMode = True) self.controls = Player.Controls() self.camera = Camera() self.pos = 0.0 self.snapPos = 0.0 self.scrollPos = 0.0 self.scrollSpeed = 0.0 self.newNotes = None self.newNotePos = 0.0 self.song = None self.engine.loadSvgDrawing(self, "background", "editor.svg") self.modified = False self.songName = songName self.libraryName = libraryName self.heldFrets = set() self.spinnyDisabled = self.engine.config.get("game", "disable_spinny") mainMenu = [ (str("Save Song"), self.save), (str("Set Song Name"), self.setSongName), (str("Set Artist Name"), self.setArtistName), (str("Set Beats per Minute"), self.setBpm), (str("Estimate Beats per Minute"), self.estimateBpm), (str("Set A/V delay"), self.setAVDelay), (str("Set Cassette Color"), self.setCassetteColor), (str("Set Cassette Label"), self.setCassetteLabel), (str("Editing Help"), self.help), (str("Quit to Main Menu"), self.quit), ] self.menu = Menu(self.engine, mainMenu) def save(self): if not self.modified: Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, str("There are no changes to save.")) return def save(): self.song.save() self.modified = False self.engine.resource.load(function = save) Dialogs.showLoadingScreen(self.engine, lambda: not self.modified, text = str("Saving...")) Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, str("'%s' saved.") % self.song.info.name) def help(self): Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, str("Editing keys: ") + str("Arrows - Move cursor, ") + str("Space - Play/pause song, ") + str("Enter - Make note (hold and move for long notes), ") + str("Delete - Delete note, ") + str("Page Up/Down - Change difficulty")) def setSongName(self): name = Dialogs.getText(self.engine, str("Enter Song Name"), self.song.info.name) if name: self.song.info.name = name self.modified = True def setArtistName(self): name = Dialogs.getText(self.engine, str("Enter Artist Name"), self.song.info.artist) if name: self.song.info.artist = name self.modified = True def setAVDelay(self): delay = Dialogs.getText(self.engine, str("Enter A/V delay in milliseconds"), unicode(self.song.info.delay)) if delay: try: self.song.info.delay = int(delay) self.modified = True except ValueError: Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, str("That isn't a number.")) def setBpm(self): bpm = Dialogs.getText(self.engine, str("Enter Beats per Minute Value"), unicode(self.song.bpm)) if bpm: try: self.song.setBpm(float(bpm)) self.modified = True except ValueError: Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, str("That isn't a number.")) def estimateBpm(self): bpm = Dialogs.estimateBpm(self.engine, self.song, str("Tap the Space bar to the beat of the song. Press Enter when done or Escape to cancel.")) if bpm is not None: self.song.setBpm(bpm) self.modified = True def setCassetteColor(self): if self.song.info.cassetteColor: color = Theme.colorToHex(self.song.info.cassetteColor) else: color = "" color = Dialogs.getText(self.engine, str("Enter cassette color in HTML (#RRGGBB) format."), color) if color: try: self.song.info.setCassetteColor(Theme.hexToColor(color)) self.modified = True except ValueError: Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, str("That isn't a color.")) def setCassetteLabel(self): label = Dialogs.chooseFile(self.engine, masks = ["*.png"], prompt = str("Choose a 256x128 PNG format label image.")) if label: songPath = self.engine.resource.fileName("songs", self.songName, writable = True) shutil.copyfile(label, os.path.join(songPath, "label.png")) self.modified = True def shown(self): self.engine.input.addKeyListener(self) if not self.songName: self.libraryName, self.songName = Dialogs.chooseSong(self.engine) if not self.songName: self.engine.view.popLayer(self) return self.engine.resource.load(self, "song", lambda: loadSong(self.engine, self.songName, seekable = True, library = self.libraryName)) Dialogs.showLoadingScreen(self.engine, lambda: self.song, text = str("Loading song...")) def hidden(self): if self.song: self.song.stop() self.engine.input.removeKeyListener(self) #self.engine.view.pushLayer(MainMenu.MainMenu(self.engine)) self.engine.view.pushLayer(self.engine.mainMenu) #rchiav: use already-existing MainMenu instance def controlPressed(self, control): if not self.song: return if control in Player.UPS: self.guitar.selectPreviousString() elif control in Player.DOWNS: self.guitar.selectNextString() elif control in Player.LEFTS: self.pos = self.snapPos - self.song.period / 4 elif control in Player.RIGHTS: self.pos = self.snapPos + self.song.period / 4 elif control in KEYS: self.heldFrets.add(KEYS.index(control)) elif control in Player.ACTION1S + Player.ACTION2S: self.newNotePos = self.snapPos # Add notes for the frets that are held down or for the selected string. if self.heldFrets: self.newNotes = [Note(f, self.song.period / 4) for f in self.heldFrets] else: self.newNotes = [Note(self.guitar.selectedString, self.song.period / 4)] self.modified = True def controlReleased(self, control): if not self.song: return if control in Player.ACTION1S + Player.ACTION2S and self.newNotes and not self.heldFrets: self.newNotes = [] elif control in KEYS: self.heldFrets.remove(KEYS.index(control)) if not self.heldFrets and self.newNotes: self.newNotes = [] def quit(self): self.engine.view.popLayer(self) self.engine.view.popLayer(self.menu) def keyPressed(self, key, unicode): c = self.engine.input.controls.getMapping(key) if c in Player.CANCELS: self.engine.view.pushLayer(self.menu) elif key == pygame.K_PAGEDOWN and self.song: d = self.song.difficulty[0] v = difficulties.values() self.song.difficulty[0] = v[(v.index(d) + 1) % len(v)] elif key == pygame.K_PAGEUP and self.song: d = self.song.difficulty[0] v = difficulties.values() self.song.difficulty[0] = v[(v.index(d) - 1) % len(v)] elif key == pygame.K_DELETE and self.song: # gather up all events that intersect the cursor and delete the ones on the selected string t1 = self.snapPos t2 = self.snapPos + self.song.period / 4 e = [(time, event) for time, event in self.song.track[0].getEvents(t1, t2) if isinstance(event, Note)] for time, event in e: if event.number == self.guitar.selectedString: self.song.track[0].removeEvent(time, event) self.modified = True elif key == pygame.K_SPACE and self.song: if self.song.isPlaying(): self.song.stop() else: self.song.play(start = self.pos) c = self.controls.keyPressed(key) if c: self.controlPressed(c) return True def keyReleased(self, key): c = self.controls.keyReleased(key) if c: self.controlReleased(c) return True def run(self, ticks): self.time += ticks / 50.0 if not self.song: return self.guitar.run(ticks, self.scrollPos, self.controls) if not self.song.isPlaying(): if (self.controls.getState(Player.RIGHT) or self.controls.getState(Player.PLAYER_2_RIGHT)) and not (self.controls.getState(Player.LEFT) or self.controls.getState(Player.PLAYER_2_LEFT)): self.pos += self.song.period * self.scrollSpeed self.scrollSpeed += ticks / 4096.0 elif (self.controls.getState(Player.LEFT) or self.controls.getState(Player.PLAYER_2_LEFT)) and not (self.controls.getState(Player.RIGHT) or self.controls.getState(Player.PLAYER_2_RIGHT)): self.pos -= self.song.period * self.scrollSpeed self.scrollSpeed += ticks / 4096.0 else: self.scrollSpeed = 0 else: self.pos = self.song.getPosition() self.pos = max(0, self.pos) quarterBeat = int(self.pos / (self.song.period / 4) + .5) self.snapPos = quarterBeat * (self.song.period / 4) # note adding if self.newNotes: if self.snapPos < self.newNotePos: self.newNotes = [] for note in self.newNotes: self.song.track[0].removeEvent(self.newNotePos, note) note.length = max(self.song.period / 4, self.snapPos - self.newNotePos) # remove all notes under the this new note oldNotes = [(time, event) for time, event in self.song.track[0].getEvents(self.newNotePos, self.newNotePos + note.length) if isinstance(event, Note)] for time, event in oldNotes: if event.number == note.number: self.song.track[0].removeEvent(time, event) if time < self.newNotePos: event.length = self.newNotePos - time self.song.track[0].addEvent(time, event) self.song.track[0].addEvent(self.newNotePos, note) if self.song.isPlaying(): self.scrollPos = self.pos else: self.scrollPos = (self.scrollPos + self.snapPos) / 2.0 def render(self, visibility, topMost): if not self.song: return v = 1.0 - ((1 - visibility) ** 2) # render the background t = self.time / 100 + 34 w, h, = self.engine.view.geometry[2:4] r = .5 if self.spinnyDisabled != True and Theme.spinnyEditorDisabled: self.background.transform.reset() self.background.transform.translate(w / 2 + math.sin(t / 2) * w / 2 * r, h / 2 + math.cos(t) * h / 2 * r) self.background.transform.rotate(-t) self.background.transform.scale(math.sin(t / 8) + 2, math.sin(t / 8) + 2) self.background.draw() self.camera.target = ( 2, 0, 5.5) self.camera.origin = (-2, 9, 5.5) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() gluPerspective(60, 4.0 / 3.0, 0.1, 1000) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() self.camera.apply() self.guitar.render(v, self.song, self.scrollPos, self.controls) self.engine.view.setOrthogonalProjection(normalize = True) font = self.engine.data.font try: Theme.setSelectedColor() w, h = font.getStringSize(" ") if self.song.isPlaying(): status = str("Playing") else: status = str("Stopped") t = "%d.%02d'%03d" % (self.pos / 60000, (self.pos % 60000) / 1000, self.pos % 1000) font.render(t, (.05, .05 - h / 2)) font.render(status, (.05, .05 + h / 2)) font.render(unicode(self.song.difficulty[0]), (.05, .05 + 3 * h / 2)) Theme.setBaseColor() text = self.song.info.name + (self.modified and "*" or "") Dialogs.wrapText(font, (.5, .05 - h / 2), text) finally: self.engine.view.resetProjection() class Importer(Layer): """ Song importer. This importer needs two OGG tracks for the new song; one is the background track and the other is the guitar track. The importer will create a blank note and info files and copy the tracks under the data directory. """ def __init_str(self, engine): self.engine = engine self.wizardStarted = False self.song = None self.songName = None def hidden(self): if self.songName: self.engine.view.pushLayer(Editor(self.engine, self.songName)) else: self.engine.view.pushLayer(MainMenu.MainMenu(self.engine)) def run(self, ticks): if self.wizardStarted: return self.wizardStarted = True name = "" while 1: masks = ["*.ogg"] name = Dialogs.getText(self.engine, prompt = str("Enter a name for the song."), text = name) if not name: self.engine.view.popLayer(self) return path = os.path.abspath(self.engine.resource.fileName("songs", name)) if os.path.isdir(path): Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, str("That song already exists.")) else: break guitarTrack = Dialogs.chooseFile(self.engine, masks = masks, prompt = str("Choose the Instrument Track (OGG format).")) if not guitarTrack: self.engine.view.popLayer(self) return backgroundTrack = Dialogs.chooseFile(self.engine, masks = masks, prompt = str("Choose the Background Track (OGG format) or press Escape to skip.")) # Create the song loader = self.engine.resource.load(self, "song", lambda: createSong(self.engine, name, guitarTrack, backgroundTrack)) Dialogs.showLoadingScreen(self.engine, lambda: self.song or loader.exception, text = str("Importing...")) if not loader.exception: self.songName = name self.engine.view.popLayer(self) class ArkFile(object): """ An interface to the ARK file format of Guitar Hero. The format of the archive and the index file was studied from Game Extractor by WATTO Studios. """ def __init_str(self, indexFileName, dataFileName): self.dataFileName = dataFileName # Read the available files from the index f = open(indexFileName, "rb") magic, version1, version2, arkSize, length = unpack("IIIII", f.read(5 * 4)) Log.debug("Reading HDR file v%d.%d. Main archive is %d bytes." % (version1, version2, arkSize)) # Read the name array fileNameData = f.read(length) fileNameCount, = unpack("I", f.read(4)) fileNameOffsets = [unpack("I", f.read(4))[0] for i in range(fileNameCount)] # Read the pointers to the names names = [] for i, offset in enumerate(fileNameOffsets): length = fileNameData[offset:].find("\x00") fileName = fileNameData[offset:offset + length] names.append(fileName) # Read the file names themselves fileCount, = unpack("I", f.read(4)) self.files = {} for i in range(fileCount): offset, fileIndex, dirIndex, length, null = unpack("IIIII", f.read(5 * 4)) fullName = "%s/%s" % (names[dirIndex], names[fileIndex]) self.files[fullName] = offset, length Log.debug("File: %s at offset %d, length %d bytes." % (fullName, offset, length)) Log.debug("Archive contains %d files." % len(self.files)) f.close() def openFile(self, name, mode = "rb"): offset, length = self.files[name] f = open(self.dataFileName, mode) f.seek(offset) return f def fileLength(self, name): offset, length = self.files[name] return length def extractFile(self, name, outputFile): f = self.openFile(name) length = self.fileLength(name) if type(outputFile) == str: out = open(outputFile, "wb") else: out = outputFile while length > 0: data = f.read(4096) data = data[:min(length, len(data))] length -= len(data) out.write(data) f.close() if type(outputFile) == str: out.close() class GHImporter(Layer): """ Guitar Hero(tm) song importer. This importer takes the original Guitar Hero PS2 DVD and extracts the songs from it. Thanks to Sami Vaarala for the initial implementation! """ def __init_str(self, engine): self.engine = engine self.wizardStarted = False self.done = False self.songs = None self.statusText = "" self.stageInfoText = "" self.stageProgress = 0.0 def hidden(self): self.engine.view.pushLayer(MainMenu.MainMenu(self.engine)) def decodeVgsStreams(self, vgsFile, length): Log.notice("Decompressing %d byte VGS file." % (length)) # This decompressor is based on VAG-Depack by bITmASTER f = vgsFile c = [[ 0.0, 0.0 ], [ 60.0 / 64.0, 0.0 ], [ 115.0 / 64.0, -52.0 / 64.0 ], [ 98.0 / 64.0, -55.0 / 64.0 ], [ 122.0 / 64.0, -60.0 / 64.0 ], [ 0.0, 0.0 ], [ 0.0, 0.0 ], [ 0.0, 0.0 ]] class StreamDecoder: """XA ADPCM decoder""" def __init_str(self): self.s_1 = 0.0 self.s_2 = 0.0 self.samples = [0.0] * 28 def decode(self, block, predict_nr, shift_factor): for i in range(0, 28, 2): d = block[i >> 1] s = (d & 0xf) << 12 if s & 0x8000: s = (s & 0xffff) - 0x10000 self.samples[i] = float(s >> shift_factor) s = (d & 0xf0) << 8 if s & 0x8000: s = (s & 0xffff) - 0x10000 self.samples[i + 1] = float(s >> shift_factor) for i in range(28): self.samples[i] += self.s_1 * c[predict_nr][0] + self.s_2 * c[predict_nr][1] self.s_2 = self.s_1 self.s_1 = self.samples[i] return self.samples maxStreams = 8 streams = [StreamDecoder() for i in range(maxStreams)] def byte(d): if len(d): return struct.unpack("b", d)[0] return 0 startPos = f.tell() while 1: self.stageProgress = float(f.tell() - startPos) / length d = f.read(1) if not d: break predict_nr = byte(d) shift_factor = predict_nr & 0xf predict_nr >>= 4 flags = byte(f.read(1)) if flags == 7 or flags < 0: break streamId = flags % maxStreams block = [byte(f.read(1)) for i in range(14)] samples = streams[streamId].decode(block, predict_nr, shift_factor) yield (streamId, struct.pack("28h", *[max(min(int(d + .5), 32767), -32768) for d in samples])) f.close() def joinPcmFiles(self, pcmLeft, pcmRight, waveOut, sampleRate = 44100): pcmLeft = open(pcmLeft, "rb") pcmRight = open(pcmRight, "rb") w = wave.open(waveOut, "w") w.setnchannels(2) w.setsampwidth(2) w.setframerate(sampleRate) pcmLeft.seek(0, 2) length = pcmLeft.tell() pcmLeft.seek(0) while length: self.stageProgress = float(pcmLeft.tell()) / length l = pcmLeft.read(2) r = pcmRight.read(2) if not l or not r: break w.writeframesraw(l + r) w.close() pcmLeft.close() pcmRight.close() def decodeVgsFile(self, vgsFile, length, outputSongOggFile, outputGuitarOggFile, outputRhythmOggFile, workPath): # Split the file into different tracks self.stageInfoText = str("Stage 1/8: Splitting VGS file") f = vgsFile blockSize = 16 header = f.read(0x80) magic, version = unpack("4si", header[:4 + 4]) assert magic == "VgS!" header = header[4 + 4:] Log.debug("VGS version %d" % (version)) streams = [] for channels in range(16): rate, blocks = unpack("ii", header[:4 + 4]) header = header[4 + 4:] if not rate or not blocks: break Log.debug("Stream %d: %d blocks at %d Hz" % (len(streams), blocks, rate)) streams.append((rate, blocks)) out = [open(os.path.join(workPath, "chan%d.pcm") % c, "wb") for c in range(channels)] for channel, data in self.decodeVgsStreams(vgsFile, length): if channel >= 0 and channel < len(out): out[channel].write(data) [o.close() for o in out] # Join the left and right tracks to stereo wave files Log.notice("Joining song and guitar tracks") songWaveFile = os.path.join(workPath, "song.wav") guitarWaveFile = os.path.join(workPath, "guitar.wav") rhythmWaveFile = os.path.join(workPath, "rhythm.wav") self.stageInfoText = str("Stage 6/8: Joining song stereo tracks") self.joinPcmFiles(os.path.join(workPath, "chan0.pcm"), os.path.join(workPath, "chan1.pcm"), songWaveFile, sampleRate = streams[0][0]) self.stageInfoText = str("Stage 7/8: Joining guitar stereo tracks") self.joinPcmFiles(os.path.join(workPath, "chan2.pcm"), os.path.join(workPath, "chan3.pcm"), guitarWaveFile, sampleRate = streams[2][0]) if channels == 5: self.joinPcmFiles(os.path.join(workPath, "chan4.pcm"), os.path.join(workPath, "chan4.pcm"), rhythmWaveFile, sampleRate = streams[4][0]) elif channels == 6: self.joinPcmFiles(os.path.join(workPath, "chan4.pcm"), os.path.join(workPath, "chan5.pcm"), rhythmWaveFile, sampleRate = streams[4][0]) # Compress wave files self.stageInfoText = str("Stage 8/8: Compressing tracks") self.stageProgress = 0.0 / channels Log.notice("Compressing song and guitar tracks") self.compressWaveFileToOgg(songWaveFile, outputSongOggFile) self.stageProgress = 2.0 / channels self.compressWaveFileToOgg(guitarWaveFile, outputGuitarOggFile) self.stageProgress = 4.0 / channels if channels in [5, 6]: self.compressWaveFileToOgg(rhythmWaveFile, outputRhythmOggFile) self.stageProgress = 6.0 / channels # Cleanup for chan in range(channels): os.unlink(os.path.join(workPath, "chan%d.pcm" % chan)) os.unlink(songWaveFile) os.unlink(guitarWaveFile) if channels in [5, 6]: os.unlink(rhythmWaveFile) def compressWaveFileToOgg(self, waveFile, oggFile): os.system('oggenc "%s" --resample 44100 -q 6 -o "%s"' % (waveFile, oggFile)) def isOggEncoderPresent(self): if os.name == "nt": return os.system("oggenc -h > NUL:") == 0 return os.system("oggenc > /dev/null 2>&1") == 256 def importSongs(self, headerPath, archivePath, workPath): try: try: os.mkdir(workPath) except: pass # Read the song map self.statusText = str("Reading the song list.") songMap = {} vgsMap = {} for line in open(self.engine.resource.fileName("ghmidimap.txt")): songName, fullName, artist = map(lambda s: s.strip(), line.strip().split(";")) songMap[songName] = (fullName, artist) self.statusText = str("Reading the archive index.") archive = ArkFile(headerPath, archivePath) songPath = self.engine.resource.fileName("songs", writable = True) songs = [] # Filter out the songs that aren't in this archive for songName, data in songMap.items(): vgsMap[songName] = "songs/%s/%s.vgs" % (songName, songName) if not vgsMap[songName] in archive.files: vgsMap[songName] = "songs/%s/%s_sp.vgs" % (songName, songName) if not vgsMap[songName] in archive.files: Log.warn("VGS file for song '%s' not found in this archive." % songName) del songMap[songName] continue if os.path.exists(os.path.join(songPath, songName)): Log.warn("Song '%s' already exists." % songName) del songMap[songName] continue for songName, data in songMap.items(): fullName, artist = data Log.notice("Extracting song '%s'" % songName) self.statusText = str("Extracting %s by %s. %d of %d songs imported. Yeah, this is going to take forever.") % (fullName, artist, len(songs), len(songMap)) archiveMidiFile = "songs/%s/%s.mid" % (songName, songName) archiveVgsFile = vgsMap[songName] # Check that the required files exist if not archiveMidiFile in archive.files: Log.warn("MIDI file for song '%s' not found." % songName) continue if not archiveVgsFile in archive.files: Log.warn("VGS file for song '%s' not found." % songName) continue # Debug dump #vgsFile = archive.openFile(archiveVgsFile) #open("/tmp/test.vgs", "wb").write(vgsFile.read(archive.fileLength(archiveVgsFile))) # Grab the VGS file vgsFile = archive.openFile(archiveVgsFile) vgsFileLength = archive.fileLength(archiveVgsFile) guitarOggFile = os.path.join(workPath, "guitar.ogg") songOggFile = os.path.join(workPath, "song.ogg") rhythmOggFile = os.path.join(workPath, "rhythm.ogg") self.decodeVgsFile(vgsFile, vgsFileLength, songOggFile, guitarOggFile, rhythmOggFile, workPath) vgsFile.close() # Create the song if not os.path.isfile(rhythmOggFile): rhythmOggFile = None song = createSong(self.engine, songName, guitarOggFile, songOggFile, rhythmOggFile) song.info.name = fullName.strip() song.info.artist = artist.strip() song.save() # Grab the MIDI file archive.extractFile(archiveMidiFile, os.path.join(songPath, songName, "notes.mid")) # Done with this song songs.append(songName) # Clean up shutil.rmtree(workPath) self.stageInfoText = str("Ready") self.stageProgress = 1.0 Log.debug("Songs imported: " + ", ".join(songs)) return songs except: self.done = True raise def run(self, ticks): if self.done == True or self.songs is not None: songs = self.songs self.songs = None self.done = None self.statusText = "" if songs: Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, str("All done! %d songs imported. Have fun!") % (len(songs))) else: Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, str("No songs could be imported, sorry. Check the log files for more information.")) self.engine.view.popLayer(self) if self.wizardStarted: return self.wizardStarted = True # Check for necessary software if not self.isOggEncoderPresent(): if os.name == "nt": Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, str("Ogg Vorbis encoder (oggenc.exe) not found. Please install it to the game directory and try again.")) else: Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, str("Ogg Vorbis encoder (oggenc) not found. Please install it and try again.")) self.engine.view.popLayer(self) return Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, str("Make sure you have at least 500 megabytes of free disk space before using this importer.")) path = "" while 1: path = Dialogs.getText(self.engine, prompt = str("Enter the path to the mounted Guitar Hero (tm) DVD"), text = path) if not path: self.engine.view.popLayer(self) return headerPath = os.path.join(path, "gen", "main.hdr") archivePath = os.path.join(path, "gen", "main_0.ark") if not os.path.isfile(headerPath) or not os.path.isfile(archivePath): Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, str("That's not it. Try again.")) else: break workPath = tempfile.mkdtemp("fretsonfire") self.engine.resource.load(self, "songs", lambda: self.importSongs(headerPath, archivePath, workPath)) def render(self, visibility, topMost): v = (1 - visibility) ** 2 self.engine.view.setOrthogonalProjection(normalize = True) font = self.engine.data.font try: w, h = font.getStringSize(" ") Theme.setSelectedColor() font.render(str("Importing Songs"), (.05, .05 - v)) if self.stageInfoText: font.render("%s (%d%%)" % (self.stageInfoText, 100 * self.stageProgress), (.05, .7 + v), scale = 0.001) Theme.setBaseColor() Dialogs.wrapText(font, (.1, .3 + v), self.statusText) finally: self.engine.view.resetProjection()