EMF, Enhanced Meta File, Input and Output Format.
EMF is meant as interchange format for MS Office tools. This driver generates EMF for Office 2000 and up.
Earlier versions of Office may have problems.
The following Limitations exist:
- EMFInputStream was never very well tested. Just used to make a EMFDump utility to see what we were writing.
- EMF files opened on Windows 95 or Windows 98 seem not to work and
interfere with the OS and the Desktop.
- TestPaint and TestText2D are still wrong
- TestImages not transparent.
- TestImage2D not transparent.
- TestTaggedString does not work.
- TestShapes zapfdingbats not displayed correctly
- TestFonts dingbats not shown.
- TestFonts some unicode missing
- TestAll no gradients in banner 2x.
- TestAll no taggedText
- TestAll wrong font in ORAETLABORA
- TestAll no sky.
- TestAll no impact font or text.
@status Stable.