/* * DefaultXMLIORegistry.java */ package org.freehep.xml.io; import java.util.Hashtable; /** * Default XMLIORegistry. * @see XMLIORegistry * @author turri * @version 1.0 */ public class DefaultXMLIORegistry implements XMLIORegistry { private Hashtable factoryHash = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable proxyHash = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable classIds = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable idClasses = new Hashtable(); /** * Register an XMLIOFactory or an XMLIOProxy. * param xmlioFactory the XMLIOFactory being registered * param factoryId the identification String. * */ public void register( Object obj ) { if ( !(obj instanceof XMLIOFactory) && !(obj instanceof XMLIOProxy) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot register object "+obj+"."+ "Only XMLIOFactories and XMLIOProxies can be registered!"); if ( obj instanceof XMLIOFactory ) { XMLIOFactory xmlioFactory = (XMLIOFactory)obj; Class[] classes = xmlioFactory.XMLIOFactoryClasses(); for ( int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++ ) { if ( factoryHash.containsKey( classes[i] ) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Identifier "+classes[i]+" has already been registered!!"); factoryHash.put( classes[i], xmlioFactory ); addClassId( classes[i] ); } } if ( obj instanceof XMLIOProxy ) { XMLIOProxy xmlioProxy = (XMLIOProxy)obj; Class[] classes = xmlioProxy.XMLIOProxyClasses(); for ( int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++ ) { if ( proxyHash.containsKey( classes[i] ) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class "+classes[i]+" has already been registered!!"); proxyHash.put( classes[i], xmlioProxy ); } } } private void addClassId( Class clazz ) { String objClassString = clazz.toString(); String classId = objClassString.substring( objClassString.lastIndexOf(".")+1 ); classId = classId.replace('$','-'); if ( classIds.containsValue(classId) ) throw new RuntimeException("Already registered ClassId in the registry!!! "+classId); classIds.put(clazz,classId); idClasses.put(classId,clazz); } /** * Get the XMLIOFactory corresponding to the identification * string factoryId<\code> * param factoryId the identification String * @return the XMLIOFactory corresponding to factoryId<\code> * */ public XMLIOFactory getXMLIOFactory(Class objClass) { return (XMLIOFactory) factoryHash.get( objClass ); } public XMLIOProxy getXMLIOProxy(Class objClass) { return (XMLIOProxy) proxyHash.get( objClass ); } public String getClassId( Class clName ) { if ( ! classIds.containsKey(clName ) ) addClassId(clName); return (String) classIds.get( clName ); } public Class getIdClass(String objName) { return (Class) idClasses.get(objName); } }