/* * XMLIOManager.java * * Created on October 16, 2001, 8:03 AM */ package org.freehep.xml.io; import java.util.*; import org.jdom.*; /** * The XMLIOManager is in charge of saving and restoring any object * configuration through XML. It internally assigns objects and unique * identification string used for cross-reference among xml nodes. * * @author turri * @version 1.0 * */ public class XMLIOManager { private Hashtable objIdHash = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable idHash = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable nodeHash = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable classHash = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable refTable = new Hashtable(); private XMLIORegistry xmlioRegistry; private XMLIOStreamManager xmlioStreamManager; private boolean useId = true; /** * The basic constructor. * @param xmlioRegistry The XMLIORegistry from which the XMLIOManager * gets the XMLIOFactories and the XMLIOProxies to * save and restore objects. * @param xmlioStreamManager The xmlioStreamManager that deals with the input/output file. * */ /* MD: never used private XMLIOManager() { this( new DefaultXMLIORegistry(), new XMLIOFileManager("defaultXMLIOFile.xml"), true); } */ public XMLIOManager(String fileName) { this( new DefaultXMLIORegistry(), new XMLIOFileManager(fileName), true); } /* MD: never used private XMLIOManager( boolean useId ) { this( new DefaultXMLIORegistry(), new XMLIOFileManager("defaultXMLIOFile.xml"), useId); } */ /* MD: never used private XMLIOManager( XMLIORegistry xmlioRegistry, XMLIOStreamManager xmlioFileManager ) { this( xmlioRegistry, xmlioFileManager, true); } */ private XMLIOManager( XMLIORegistry xmlioRegistry, XMLIOStreamManager xmlioFileManager, boolean useId ) { setXMLIORegistry( xmlioRegistry ); setXMLIOStreamManager( xmlioFileManager ); this.useId = useId; } protected void setXMLIORegistry( XMLIORegistry xmlioRegistry ) { this.xmlioRegistry = xmlioRegistry; } /** * Get the XMLIORegistry. * @return the XMLIORegistry * */ public XMLIORegistry getXMLIORegistry() { return xmlioRegistry; } public void setXMLIOStreamManager( XMLIOStreamManager xmlioStreamManager ) { this.xmlioStreamManager = xmlioStreamManager; } public XMLIOStreamManager getXMLIOStreamManager() { return xmlioStreamManager; } /** * Restore an object from an xml node. * @param nodeEl The node containing the object's information. * This method should be used by the user to restore * nested objects within the restore method of an object * implementing the XMLIO interface. * @return The restored object. The object is first created by * invoking the create method on the corresponding XMLIOFactory. * Once created the restore method is invoked either on the object * itself (if it implements the XMLIO interface) or on the appropriate * XMLIOProxy. * */ public Object restore( Object obj, Element nodeEl ) { String objIdRef = (String) nodeEl.getAttributeValue( "objIdRef" ); if ( objIdRef != null ) if ( useId ) if ( isObjIdRegistered( objIdRef ) ) return getObj( objIdRef ); else return restore(obj, (Element) refTable.get(objIdRef) ); String objId = (String) nodeEl.getAttributeValue( "objId" ); if ( useId && isObjIdRegistered( objId ) ) return getObj( objId ); Class objClass; if ( classHash.containsKey( nodeEl.getName() ) ) objClass = (Class) classHash.get( nodeEl.getName() ); else objClass = xmlioRegistry.getIdClass(nodeEl.getName()); if ( obj == null ) obj = getXMLIOFactory( objClass ).createObject( objClass ); if ( useId ) registerObj( obj, objId ); if ( obj instanceof XMLIO ) ((XMLIO)obj).restore( this, nodeEl ); else getXMLIOProxy( objClass ).restore( obj, this, nodeEl); return obj; } public Object restore( Element nodeEl ) { return restore(null, nodeEl); } /** * Save an object to an XML node. * @param obj The object to be saved. * @return The jdom Element containing the object's unique * identification string (in the attribute "objId") and * whose name is the object's identifier. The user will have * to append to this node all the attributes and other * jdom elemets required to save the object's configuration. * */ public Element saveAs( Object obj, Class clazz ) { String nodeName; if ( nodeHash.containsKey( clazz ) ) nodeName = (String) nodeHash.get(clazz); else nodeName = (String) xmlioRegistry.getClassId( clazz ); Element el = new Element( nodeName ); if ( isObjRegistered( obj ) ) el.setAttribute( "objIdRef", getObjId( obj ) ); else { if ( useId ) el.setAttribute( "objId", registerObj( obj ) ); if ( obj instanceof XMLIO ) ((XMLIO)obj).save( this, el ); else getXMLIOProxy( clazz ).save( obj, this, el ); } return el; } public Element save( Object obj ) { return saveAs( obj, obj.getClass() ); } /** * The main method to save an array of objects to XML. * @param objs The array of objects to be saved. * */ public void saveToXML( Object[] objs, Element nodeEl ) { resetObjId(); for ( int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++ ) { nodeEl.addContent( save( objs[i] ) ); } try { xmlioStreamManager.saveRootElement( nodeEl ); } catch ( java.io.IOException ioe ) { System.out.println(" Problem with file "+ioe.getMessage()); } } /** * The main method to restore from xml. * @return The array of the restored objects. * */ public Object[] restoreFromXML() { resetObjId(); Object[] objs = null; try { Element restoreElement = xmlioStreamManager.getRootElement(); //Create the list of references here. List children = restoreElement.getChildren(); for (Iterator it = children.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) loadRefTable( (Element) it.next() ); objs = new Object[ children.size() ]; int child = 0; for (Iterator it = children.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) objs[ child++ ] = restore( (Element) it.next() ); } catch ( JDOMException je ) { System.out.println(" Problem with restoring "+je.getMessage()); } catch ( java.io.IOException ioe ) { System.out.println(" Problem with file "+ioe.getMessage()); } return objs; } /** * Assign to a Class a string identifier. * @param clName The Class. * @param id The new identifier for the class. * */ public void setClassId(Class clName, String id) { nodeHash.put(clName, id); classHash.put(id, clName); } protected void loadRefTable(Element el) { String objId = el.getAttributeValue("objId"); if ( objId != null ) refTable.put( objId, el ); List children = el.getChildren(); for (Iterator it = children.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) loadRefTable( (Element) it.next() ); } /** * Down here are only private and protected methods. * */ /** * Create the object's unique Id for cross-reference among xml nodes * @param obj the object. * @return the object's unique Id. */ private String makeObjId( Object obj ) { String clName = obj.getClass().getName(); String pkgName = obj.getClass().getPackage().getName(); String idName = clName.substring( pkgName.length()+1, clName.length() ).trim(); while ( idName.indexOf('$') != -1 ) idName = idName.substring( idName.indexOf('$')+1, idName.length() ).trim(); int i = 1; if ( idHash.containsKey( idName ) ) i = ( (Integer)( idHash.get( idName ) ) ).intValue() + 1; idHash.put( idName, new Integer( i ) ); String objId = idName+i; return objId; } /** * Register object assigning an unique Id for cross-reference among xml nodes * @param obj the object to be registered. * @return the object's unique Id. */ private String registerObj( Object obj ) { if ( objIdHash.contains( obj ) ) return getObjId( obj ); String objId = makeObjId( obj ); objIdHash.put( objId, obj ); return objId; } /** * Register object with a pre-assigned Id for cross-reference among xml nodes * @param obj the object to be registered * @param objId the object's Id */ private void registerObj( Object obj, String objId ) { if ( objIdHash.containsKey( objId ) ) return; objIdHash.put( objId, obj); } /** * Get the object's unique Id for cross-reference among xml nodes * @param obj the object whose unique id we are looking for * @return the unique String Id of object obj * if no string is found the object itself is returned */ private String getObjId( Object obj ) { for ( Enumeration keys = objIdHash.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements(); ) { String key = (String) ( keys.nextElement() ); if ( objIdHash.get( key ).equals( obj ) ) return key; } return (String)obj; } /** * Get the object corresponding to unique Id for cross-reference among xml nodes * @param objId the object's unique String Id * @return the object corrisponding to unique Id objId * if the object is registered or the string objId * if the object is not registered * */ private Object getObj( String objId ) { if ( objIdHash.containsKey( objId ) ) return objIdHash.get( objId ); return objId; } /** * Check if an object is registered * @param obj the object to be checked * @return true if the object is registered * false otherwise * */ private boolean isObjRegistered( Object obj ) { if ( objIdHash.contains( obj ) ) return true; return false; } /** * Check if an unique Id is registered * @param objId the unique Id to be checked * @return true if the unique Id is registered * false otherwise * */ private boolean isObjIdRegistered( String objId ) { if ( objIdHash.containsKey( objId ) ) return true; return false; } /** * Reset the stored ids */ public void resetObjId() { objIdHash.clear(); idHash.clear(); refTable.clear(); } /** * Get the XMLIOFactory to restore the xml node * param nodeEl the node to be restored * @return the XMLIOFactory * */ protected XMLIOFactory getXMLIOFactory( Class objClass ) { return xmlioRegistry.getXMLIOFactory( objClass ); } protected XMLIOProxy getXMLIOProxy( Class objClass ) { return xmlioRegistry.getXMLIOProxy( objClass ); } }