[1] year=1809 _story=Born on January 4th in Coupvary near Paris in France. image=louis_braille/louis.png [2] year=1812 _story=Louis Braille injured his right eye with a stitching awl from his father's workshop. image=louis_braille/workshop.jpg [3] year=1812 _story=At the age of three, Louis became blind due to a severe infection that spread to his left eye. image=louis_braille/fireplace.jpg [4] year=1819 _story=At the age of 10, he was sent to Paris to study at the Royal Institute for Blind Youth. image=louis_braille/rnib.jpg [5] year=1820 _story=He impressed his classmates and began to play the piano and the organ. image=louis_braille/piano.svg [6] year=1821 _story=Charles Barbier, a French soldier, visited his school and shared his invention of night writing, a code of 12 raised dots to share information on battlefields. image=louis_braille/night_printing.jpg [7] year=1824 _story=Louis trimmed Barbier's 12 dots into 6 and invented the Braille system. image=louis_braille/braile.jpg [8] year=1828 _story=He became a teacher after graduating and secretly taught his method. image=louis_braille/teach.jpg [9] year=1837 _story=He revised and extended braille to include mathematics, symbols, punctuations and music notations. image=louis_braille/chart.png [10] year=1852 _story=He died of tuberculosis. He is burried in the Pantheon in Paris. A monument is erected to honor him. image=louis_braille/statue.jpg [11] _year=After his Death _story=Braille got accepted as a world wide standard. Louis Braille proved that if you have motivation you can do incredible things. image=louis_braille/braille_ball.jpg