package jasymca; /* Jasymca - - Symbolic Calculator for Mobile Devices This version is written for J2ME, CLDC 1.1, MIDP 2, JSR 75 or J2SE Copyright (C) 2006 - Helmut Dersch This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Rational arbitrary precision constant import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Vector; public class Exakt extends Zahl{ BigInteger real[], imag[]=null; public Exakt(BigInteger[] real){ this(real, null); } public Exakt(BigInteger r){ real = new BigInteger[2]; real[0] = r; real[1] = BigInteger.ONE; } public Exakt(BigInteger[] real, BigInteger[] imag){ this.real = reducev(real); if(imag!=null && !imag[0].equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) this.imag = reducev(imag); } public Exakt(double x){ this(x,0.); } public Exakt(double x, double y){ real = reducev(double2rat(x)); if(y!=0.){ imag = reducev(double2rat(y)); } } // Convert Integer to BigInteger BigInteger double2big(double x){ int exp = 0; while(x>1e15){ x/=10.;exp++; } BigInteger y = BigInteger.valueOf(Math.round(x)); if(exp>0){ BigInteger ten = BigInteger.valueOf(10L); y = y.multiply(ten.pow(exp)); } return y; } private BigInteger[] double2rat(double x){ BigInteger[] br; if(x==0){ br = new BigInteger[2]; br[0] = BigInteger.ZERO; br[1] = BigInteger.ONE ; return br; } if(x<0.){ br = double2rat(-x); br[0] = br[0].negate(); return br; } double eps = 1.e-8; Zahl a = Lambda.env.getnum("ratepsilon"); if(a !=null){ double epstry = a.unexakt().real; if(epstry>0) eps = epstry; } if(x<1/eps ){ // Use cfs double[] y = cfs(x, eps); br = new BigInteger[2]; // Todo: br[0] = double2big(y[0]); br[1] = double2big(y[1]); return br; } br = new BigInteger[2]; br[0] = double2big(x); br[1] = BigInteger.ONE; return br; } // Create continous fraction expansion of double x private double[] cfs( double x, double tol ){ Vector a = new Vector(); double error, y[] = new double[2]; tol = Math.abs(x*tol); double aa = Math.floor(x); a.addElement(new Double(aa)); double ra = x; cfsd(a,y); while((error=Math.abs(x-y[0]/y[1])) > tol){ ra = 1./(ra-aa); aa = Math.floor(ra); a.addElement(new Double(aa)); cfsd(a,y); } return y; } private void cfsd(Vector a, double[] y){ int i=a.size()-1; double N=((Double)a.elementAt(i)).doubleValue(), Z=1., N1; i--; while(i>=0){ N1 = ((Double)a.elementAt(i)).doubleValue()*N+Z; Z = N; N = N1; i--; } y[0] = N; y[1] = Z; } Exakt cfs( double tol1 ) throws JasymcaException{ Vector a=new Vector(); Exakt error,y,ra,tol; BigInteger aa; tol = (Exakt)mult(new Exakt(tol1)); aa = real[0].divide(real[1]); a.addElement( aa ); y = new Exakt(cfs(a)); error = (Exakt)((Exakt)(sub(y))).abs(); ra=this; while(tol.smaller(error)){ ra = (Exakt)Zahl.ONE.div(ra.sub(new Exakt(aa))); aa = ra.real[0].divide(ra.real[1]); a.addElement(aa); y = new Exakt(cfs(a)); error=(Exakt)((Exakt)sub(y)).abs(); } return y; } private BigInteger[] cfs(Vector a) throws JasymcaException{ int i=a.size()-1; BigInteger N=(BigInteger)a.elementAt(i), Z=BigInteger.ONE, N1; i--; while(i>=0){ N1 = ((BigInteger)a.elementAt(i)).multiply(N).add(Z); Z = N; N = N1; i--; } BigInteger[] r = {N,Z}; return r; } // Copy and simplify private BigInteger[] reducev(BigInteger[] y){ BigInteger[] x = new BigInteger[2]; x[0] = y[0]; x[1] = y[1]; BigInteger gcd = x[0].gcd(x[1]); if(!gcd.equals(BigInteger.ONE)){ x[0] = x[0].divide(gcd); x[1] = x[1].divide(gcd); } if(x[1].compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0){ x[0]=x[0].negate(); x[1]=x[1].negate(); } return x; } public Algebraic realpart() throws JasymcaException{ return new Exakt(real); } public Algebraic imagpart() throws JasymcaException{ if(imag!=null) return new Exakt(imag); return new Exakt(BigInteger.ZERO); } private double floatValue(BigInteger[] x){ BigInteger[] q = x[0].divideAndRemainder(x[1]); return q[0].doubleValue() + q[1].doubleValue()/x[1].doubleValue(); } public Unexakt tofloat(){ if(imag == null) return new Unexakt(floatValue(real)); else return new Unexakt(floatValue(real), floatValue(imag)); } private BigInteger[] add(BigInteger[] x, BigInteger[] y){ if(x == null) return y; if(y == null) return x; BigInteger[] r = new BigInteger[2]; r[0] = x[0].multiply(y[1]).add(y[0].multiply(x[1])); r[1] = x[1].multiply(y[1]); return r; } private BigInteger[] sub(BigInteger[] x, BigInteger[] y){ if(y == null) return x; BigInteger[] r = new BigInteger[2]; r[0] = y[0].negate(); r[1] = y[1]; return add(x,r); } private BigInteger[] mult(BigInteger[] x, BigInteger[] y){ if(x==null || y==null) return null; BigInteger[] r = new BigInteger[2]; r[0] = x[0].multiply(y[0]); r[1] = x[1].multiply(y[1]); return r; } private BigInteger[] div(BigInteger[] x, BigInteger[] y) throws JasymcaException{ if(x==null) return null; if(y==null) throw new JasymcaException("Division by Zero."); BigInteger[] r = new BigInteger[2]; r[0] = x[0].multiply(y[1]); r[1] = x[1].multiply(y[0]); return r; } private boolean equals(BigInteger[] x, BigInteger[] y){ if(x==null && y==null) return true; if(x==null || y==null) return false; return x[0].equals(y[0]) && x[1].equals(y[1]); } public Algebraic add(Algebraic x) throws JasymcaException{ if(!(x instanceof Zahl)) return x.add( this ); Exakt X = ((Zahl)x).exakt(); return new Exakt( add(real, X.real ), add(imag, X.imag )); } public Algebraic mult(Algebraic x) throws JasymcaException{ if(!(x instanceof Zahl) ) return x.mult( this ); Exakt X = ((Zahl)x).exakt(); return new Exakt( sub(mult(real,X.real), mult(imag,X.imag)), add(mult(imag,X.real), mult(real,X.imag)) ); } public Algebraic div(Algebraic x) throws JasymcaException{ if(!(x instanceof Zahl) ) return super.div(x); Exakt X = ((Zahl)x).exakt(); BigInteger[] N = add(mult(X.real,X.real),mult(X.imag,X.imag)); if(N==null || N[0].equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) throw new JasymcaException("Division by Zero."); return new Exakt( div( add(mult(real,X.real), mult(imag,X.imag)), N), div( sub(mult(imag,X.real), mult(real,X.imag)), N )); } private BigInteger lsm(BigInteger x, BigInteger y){ return x.multiply(y).divide(x.gcd(y)); } public Algebraic[] div( Algebraic q1, Algebraic[] result) throws JasymcaException{ if(result==null) result=new Algebraic[2]; if(!(q1 instanceof Zahl)){ result[0] = Zahl.ZERO; result[1] = this; return result; } Exakt q = ((Zahl)q1).exakt(); if(!komplexq() && q.komplexq()){ result[0] = Zahl.ZERO; result[1] = this; return result; } if(komplexq() && !q.komplexq()){ result[0] = div(q); result[1] = Zahl.ZERO; return result; } if(komplexq() && q.komplexq()){ result[0] = imagpart().div(q.imagpart()); result[1] = sub(result[0].mult(q)); return result; } // Both real if( integerq() && q.integerq() ){ BigInteger d[] = real[0].divideAndRemainder(q.real[0]); result[0] = new Exakt(d[0]); result[1] = new Exakt(d[1]); return result; } result[0] = div(q); result[1] = Zahl.ZERO; return result; } private String b2string(BigInteger[] x){ if(x[1].equals(BigInteger.ONE)) return x[0].toString(); return x[0].toString()+"/"+x[1].toString(); } public String toString(){ if(imag==null || imag[0].equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) return ""+b2string(real); if(real[0].equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) return b2string(imag)+"*i"; return "("+b2string(real)+(imag[0].compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO)>0?"+":"")+b2string(imag)+"*i)"; } public boolean integerq(){ return real[1].equals(BigInteger.ONE) && imag==null; } public boolean smaller( Zahl x) throws JasymcaException{ return unexakt().smaller(x); } public boolean komplexq(){ return imag!=null && !imag[0].equals(BigInteger.ZERO); } public boolean equals(Object x){ if(x instanceof Exakt) return equals(real,((Exakt)x).real) && equals(imag,((Exakt)x).imag); return tofloat().equals(x); } public double norm(){ return tofloat().norm(); } public Algebraic rat(){ return this; } public Zahl abs(){ if(komplexq()) return tofloat().abs(); BigInteger[] r = new BigInteger[2]; r[0] = real[0].compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO)<0?real[0].negate():real[0]; r[1] = real[1]; return new Exakt(r); } public Exakt gcd(Exakt x) throws JasymcaException{ if(equals(Zahl.ZERO)) return x; else if(x.equals(Zahl.ZERO)) return this; if(komplexq() && x.komplexq()){ Exakt r = ((Exakt)realpart()).gcd((Exakt)x.realpart()); Exakt i = ((Exakt)imagpart()).gcd((Exakt)x.imagpart()); if(r.equals(Zahl.ZERO)) return (Exakt)i.mult(Zahl.IONE); if(realpart().div(r).equals(imagpart().div(i))) return (Exakt)r.add(i.mult(Zahl.IONE)); else return Zahl.ONE.exakt(); }else if(komplexq() || x.komplexq()) return Zahl.ONE.exakt(); else{ // Neither complex return (Exakt)new Exakt(real[0].multiply(x.real[1]).gcd(real[1].multiply(x.real[0]))).div (new Exakt(real[1].multiply(x.real[1]))); } } public int intval() { return real[0].intValue();} }