package jasymca; /* Jasymca - - Symbolic Calculator for Mobile Devices This version is written for J2ME, CLDC 1.1, MIDP 2, JSR 75 or J2SE Copyright (C) 2006 - Helmut Dersch This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ import geogebra.main.Application; import java.util.Vector; public class Exponential extends Polynomial{ public Variable expvar; public Algebraic exp_b; public Exponential(Algebraic a,Algebraic c, Variable x, Algebraic b){ this.coef = new Algebraic[2]; this.coef[0] = c; this.coef[1] = a; Algebraic[] z = new Algebraic[2]; z[0] = Zahl.ZERO; z[1] = b; Object la = Lambda.env.getValue("exp"); if(!(la instanceof LambdaEXP)) la = new LambdaEXP(); this.var = new FunctionVariable("exp", new Polynomial(x, z),(LambdaAlgebraic)la); this.expvar = x; this.exp_b = b; } // Only for casting public Exponential(Polynomial x){ super(x.var, x.coef); this.expvar = ((Polynomial)((FunctionVariable)this.var).arg).var; this.exp_b = ((Polynomial)((FunctionVariable)this.var).arg).coef[1]; //Application.debug("poly: " + x + " to exponential: " + this); } // return x as exponential if it fits public static Algebraic poly2exp(Algebraic x){ if(x instanceof Exponential) return x; if(x instanceof Polynomial && ((Polynomial)x).degree()==1 && ((Polynomial)x).var instanceof FunctionVariable && ((FunctionVariable)(((Polynomial)x).var)).fname.equals("exp")){ Algebraic arg = ((FunctionVariable)(((Polynomial)x).var)).arg; if(arg instanceof Polynomial && ((Polynomial)arg).degree()==1 && ((Polynomial)arg).coef[0].equals(Zahl.ZERO)){ return new Exponential((Polynomial)x); } } return x; } // public String toString(){ return "$"+super.toString()+"$"; } public Algebraic cc() throws JasymcaException{ return new Exponential( coef[1].cc(), coef[0].cc(), expvar, exp_b.mult(Zahl.MINUS) ); } // True if expression contains exponentials static boolean containsexp(Algebraic x) throws JasymcaException{ if(x instanceof Zahl) return false; if(x instanceof Exponential) return true; if(x instanceof Polynomial){ for(int i=0; i<((Polynomial)x).coef.length; i++) if( containsexp( ((Polynomial)x).coef[i] )) return true; if( ((Polynomial)x).var instanceof FunctionVariable ){ return containsexp( ((FunctionVariable)((Polynomial)x).var).arg ); } return false; } if(x instanceof Rational) return containsexp(((Rational)x).nom) || containsexp(((Rational)x).den); if(x instanceof Vektor){ for(int i=0; i<((Vektor)x).coord.length; i++) if( containsexp( ((Vektor)x).coord[i] )) return true; return false; } throw new JasymcaException("containsexp not suitable for x"); } // Exponentials a*exp(b*x)+c public Algebraic add(Algebraic x) throws JasymcaException{ if(x instanceof Zahl) return new Exponential( coef[1], x.add(coef[0]), expvar, exp_b ); if(x instanceof Exponential){ if(var.smaller(((Exponential)x).var)) return x.add(this); return new Exponential( coef[1], x.add(coef[0]), expvar, exp_b ); } return poly2exp(super.add(x)); } public Algebraic mult(Algebraic x) throws JasymcaException{ if(x.equals(Zahl.ZERO)) return x; if(x instanceof Zahl){ return new Exponential( coef[1].mult(x), coef[0].mult(x), expvar, exp_b ); } if(x instanceof Exponential && expvar.equals(((Exponential)x).expvar) ){ // (a*exp(bx)+c)*(d*exp(ex)+f) --> ad*exp((b+d)x) + cd*exp(ex) + af*exp(bx) +cf Exponential xp = (Exponential)x; Algebraic r = Zahl.ZERO; // ad*exp((b+d)x) Algebraic nex = exp_b.add(xp.exp_b); if(nex.equals(Zahl.ZERO)) r = coef[1].mult(xp.coef[1]); else{ r = new Exponential( coef[1].mult(xp.coef[1]),Zahl.ZERO,expvar, nex); } // c * (d*exp(ex)+f) r = r.add( coef[0].mult(xp) ); // f * (a*exp(bx)+c) r = r.add( mult(xp.coef[0] )); r = r.reduce(); return r; } return poly2exp(super.mult(x)); } public Algebraic reduce() throws JasymcaException{ if( coef[1].reduce().equals(Zahl.ZERO) ) return coef[0].reduce(); if( exp_b.equals(Zahl.ZERO) ){ return coef[0].add(coef[1]).reduce(); } return this; } public Algebraic div(Algebraic x) throws JasymcaException{ if(x instanceof Zahl){ return new Exponential((Polynomial)super.div(x)); } return super.div(x); } // Map f to coefficients and arg public Algebraic map( LambdaAlgebraic f ) throws JasymcaException{ return poly2exp(; } } ////////////////// Hyperbolic Conversions //////////////////////////// // Try to convert to normalized exponentials class NormExp extends LambdaAlgebraic{ Algebraic f_exakt(Algebraic f) throws JasymcaException{ if(f instanceof Rational){ Algebraic nom = f_exakt(((Rational)f).nom); Algebraic den = f_exakt(((Rational)f).den); if( den instanceof Zahl) return f_exakt(nom.div(den)); if(den instanceof Exponential && ((Polynomial)den).coef[0].equals(Zahl.ZERO) && ((Polynomial)den).coef[1] instanceof Zahl ){ // Convert p/(exp(x)) to p*exp(-x) if(nom instanceof Zahl || nom instanceof Exponential){ Exponential denx = (Exponential)den; Exponential den_inv = new Exponential(Zahl.ONE.div(denx.coef[1]),Zahl.ZERO, denx.expvar, denx.exp_b.mult(Zahl.MINUS)); return nom.mult(den_inv); } } return nom.div(den); } if(f instanceof Exponential) return; if(!(f instanceof Polynomial)) return; Polynomial fp = (Polynomial)f; if(!(fp.var instanceof FunctionVariable) || !((FunctionVariable)fp.var).fname.equals("exp")) return; Algebraic arg = ((FunctionVariable)fp.var).arg.reduce(); if(arg instanceof Zahl) return fp.value( FunctionVariable.create("exp",arg) ).map(this); if(!(arg instanceof Polynomial) || !(((Polynomial)arg).degree()==1) ) return; // Can be normalized // Convert coef[i]*(exp(ax+b))^i ----> (coef[i]*exp(bi)) * exp(aix) Algebraic r = Zahl.ZERO; Algebraic a = ((Polynomial)arg).coef[1]; for(int i=1; i0) r = r.add(f_exakt(fp.coef[0])); return Exponential.poly2exp(r); } } // Collect exponentials: exp(2ax)+exp(ax) --> (exp(ax)^2+exp(ax)) class CollectExp extends LambdaAlgebraic{ Vector v; public CollectExp(Algebraic f) throws JasymcaException{ v = new Vector(); // Get a list of variables new GetExpVars(v).f_exakt(f); } Algebraic f_exakt(Algebraic x1) throws JasymcaException{ if(v.size()==0) return x1; if( !(x1 instanceof Exponential) ) return; Exponential e = (Exponential)x1; // Find largest multiple int exp = 1; Algebraic exp_b = e.exp_b; if(exp_b instanceof Zahl && ((Zahl)exp_b).smaller(Zahl.ZERO)){ exp *= -1; exp_b = exp_b.mult(Zahl.MINUS); } Variable x = e.expvar; for(int i=0; i x^n int n = ((Zahl)xp.coef[1]).intval(); return ((FunctionVariable)xp.var).arg.pow_n(n); } } return null; } // Calculate exp(x*i*pi) Algebraic fzexakt(Zahl x) throws JasymcaException{ if(x.smaller(Zahl.ZERO)){ Algebraic r = fzexakt((Zahl)x.mult(Zahl.MINUS)); if(r!=null) return; return r; } if( x.integerq() ){ if( x.intval() % 2 == 0 ){ // n even return Zahl.ONE; }else // odd return Zahl.MINUS; } Algebraic qs = x.add(new Unexakt(.5)); if( ((Zahl)qs).integerq() ){ if( ((Zahl)qs).intval() % 2 == 0 ){ // n even return Zahl.IMINUS; }else{ // odd return Zahl.IONE; } } qs = x.mult(new Unexakt(4)); if( ((Zahl)qs).integerq() ){ Algebraic sq2 = FunctionVariable.create("sqrt",new Unexakt(0.5)); switch( ((Zahl)qs).intval() % 8 ){ case 1: return Zahl.ONE.add(Zahl.IONE).div(Zahl.SQRT2); case 3: return Zahl.MINUS.add(Zahl.IONE).div(Zahl.SQRT2); case 5: return Zahl.MINUS.add(Zahl.IMINUS).div(Zahl.SQRT2); case 7: return Zahl.ONE.add(Zahl.IMINUS).div(Zahl.SQRT2); } } qs = x.mult(new Unexakt(6)); if( ((Zahl)qs).integerq() ){ switch( ((Zahl)qs).intval() % 12 ){ case 1: return Zahl.SQRT3.add(Zahl.IONE).div(Zahl.TWO); case 2: return Zahl.ONE.add(Zahl.SQRT3.mult(Zahl.IONE)).div(Zahl.TWO); case 4: return Zahl.SQRT3.mult(Zahl.IONE).add(Zahl.MINUS).div(Zahl.TWO); case 5: return Zahl.IONE.sub(Zahl.SQRT3).div(Zahl.TWO); case 7: return Zahl.IMINUS.sub(Zahl.SQRT3).div(Zahl.TWO); case 8: return Zahl.SQRT3.mult(Zahl.IMINUS).sub(Zahl.ONE).div(Zahl.TWO); case 10:return Zahl.SQRT3.mult(Zahl.IMINUS).add(Zahl.ONE).div(Zahl.TWO); case 11:return Zahl.IMINUS.add(Zahl.SQRT3).div(Zahl.TWO); } } return null; } } class LambdaLOG extends LambdaAlgebraic{ public LambdaLOG(){ diffrule = "1/x"; intrule = "x*log(x)-x"; } Zahl f( Zahl x){ Unexakt z = x.unexakt(); if(z.real<0 || z.imag != 0.) return new Unexakt( StrictMath.log( z.real*z.real+z.imag*z.imag )/2, StrictMath.atan2(z.imag,z.real)); return new Unexakt(StrictMath.log(z.real)); } Algebraic f_exakt(Algebraic x) throws JasymcaException{ if(x.equals(Zahl.ONE)) return Zahl.ZERO; if(x.equals(Zahl.MINUS)) return Zahl.PI.mult(Zahl.IONE); // Trigonometric conversions if(x instanceof Polynomial && ((Polynomial)x).degree()==1 && ((Polynomial)x).coef[0].equals(Zahl.ZERO) && // ((Polynomial)x).coef[1].equals(Zahl.ONE) && ((Polynomial)x).var instanceof FunctionVariable && ((FunctionVariable)((Polynomial)x).var).fname.equals("exp")) return ((FunctionVariable)((Polynomial)x).var).arg.add (FunctionVariable.create("log",((Polynomial)x).coef[1])); return null; } } class Pow extends LambdaAlgebraic{ public Object lambda(Object x) throws JasymcaException{ Object base = car(x); Object exp = car(cdr(x)); if(base==null || exp==null || !(base instanceof Algebraic) || !(exp instanceof Algebraic)) throw new JasymcaException("Wrong arguments to function pow."); if(exp instanceof Zahl && ((Zahl)exp).integerq()) return ((Algebraic)base).pow_n((int) ((Zahl)exp).intval()); return FunctionVariable.create("exp",FunctionVariable.create ("log",(Algebraic)base).mult((Algebraic)exp)); } }