package jasymca; import geogebra.main.Application; /* Jasymca - - Symbolic Calculator for Mobile Devices This version is written for J2ME, CLDC 1.1, MIDP 2, JSR 75 or J2SE Copyright (C) 2006 - Helmut Dersch This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ public class Rational extends Algebraic{ Algebraic nom; // Zahl oder Polynomial Polynomial den; public Rational(Algebraic nom, Polynomial den) throws JasymcaException{ Algebraic norm = den.coef[]; if(norm instanceof Zahl){ this.nom = nom.div(norm); this.den = (Polynomial)den.div(norm); }else{ this.nom = nom; this.den = den; } } /* * DISABLED 2008-11-27 * Michael Borcherds * f(x) = (x³ + 0.52 x² + 10.09 x + 1.65) / (x² + 0.32 x + 1.03) * f'(x) wrong * */ public Algebraic reduce() { return this; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see jasymca.Algebraic#reduce() * public Algebraic reduce() throws JasymcaException{ if(nom instanceof Zahl)//) return this; //if (true) return this; Algebraic gcd= den.poly_gcd(nom); if(!gcd.equals(Zahl.ONE)){ Algebraic n = ((Polynomial)nom).polydiv(gcd); Algebraic d = den.polydiv(gcd); if(d.equals(Zahl.ONE)) { return n; } else if(d instanceof Zahl) { return n.div(d); } else { return new Rational(n,(Polynomial)d); } } return this; }*/ public Algebraic add(Algebraic x) throws JasymcaException{ if(x instanceof Rational) return nom.mult(((Rational)x).den).add(((Rational)x). nom.mult(den)).div(den.mult(((Rational)x).den)).reduce(); else{ return nom.add(x.mult(den)).div(den).reduce(); } } public Algebraic sub(Algebraic x) throws JasymcaException{ if(x instanceof Rational) return nom.mult(((Rational)x).den).sub(((Rational)x). nom.mult(den)).div(den.mult(((Rational)x).den)).reduce(); else return nom.sub(x.mult(den)).div(den).reduce(); } public Algebraic mult(Algebraic x) throws JasymcaException{ if(x instanceof Rational) return nom.mult(((Rational)x).nom).div(den.mult(((Rational)x).den)).reduce(); else return nom.mult(x).div(den).reduce(); } public Algebraic div(Algebraic x) throws JasymcaException{ if(x instanceof Rational) return nom.mult(((Rational)x).den).div(den.mult(((Rational)x).nom)).reduce(); else return nom.div(den.mult(x)).reduce(); } // Divide 2 Polynomials with rest public Algebraic[] div( Algebraic q1, Algebraic[] result) throws JasymcaException{ result = nom.div(q1,result); result[0] = result[0].div(den); result[1] = result[1].div(den); return result; } // toString() changed by Markus Hohenwarter, March 30, 2007 // old code missing parentheses leading to wrong result of // for example the derivative of f(x) = sqrt(1 + 1/x) // public String toString(){ // return nom + "/" + den; // } public String toString(){ return "((" + nom + ")/(" + den + "))"; } public boolean equals(Object x){ return x instanceof Rational && ((Rational)x).nom.equals(nom) && ((Rational)x).den.equals(den); } public Algebraic deriv( Variable var ) throws JasymcaException{ return nom.deriv(var).mult(den).sub(den.deriv(var).mult(nom)).div(den.mult(den)).reduce(); } public Algebraic integrate( Variable var ) throws JasymcaException{ if(!den.depends(var)) return nom.integrate(var).div(den); // Try f'/f Algebraic quot = den.deriv(var).div(nom); if(quot.deriv(var).equals(Zahl.ZERO)){ // J.Puettschneider sei Dank return FunctionVariable.create("log",den).div(quot); // return FunctionVariable.create("log",den).mult(quot); } // Markus Hohenwarter 2009-03-03 BEGIN // try polynomial division: // nom = q0 * denom + q1, thus // Int(nom/denom) = Int((q0 * denom + q1) / denom) = Int(q0) + Int(q1/denom) Algebraic q[] = nom.div(den,null); // we only do this if q0 is not a fraction itself if(!(q[0] instanceof Rational) && !q[0].equals(Zahl.ZERO)) { return q[0].integrate(var).add(q[1].div(den).integrate(var)); } // if(!q[0].equals(Zahl.ZERO)) { // return q[0].integrate(var).add(q[1].div(den).integrate(var)); // } // Markus Hohenwarter 2009-03-03 END // Constant coefficients if((nom instanceof Zahl || ((Polynomial)nom).constcoef(var)) && den.constcoef(var)){ Algebraic r = Zahl.ZERO; Vektor h = horowitz(nom,den,var); if(h.coord[0] instanceof Rational) // Square part r = r.add(h.coord[0]); if(h.coord[1] instanceof Rational) // Squarefree part r = r.add( new TrigInverseExpand().f_exakt(((Rational)h.coord[1]).intrat(var) )); return r; } throw new JasymcaException("Could not integrate Function "+this); } public double norm(){ return nom.norm()/den.norm(); } public Object toPrefix(){ Object r = null; r = Lisp.cons(den.toPrefix(),r); r = Lisp.cons(nom.toPrefix(),r); r = Lisp.cons("/",r); return r; } public Algebraic cc() throws JasymcaException{ return; } public boolean depends(Variable var){ return nom.depends(var) || den.depends(var); } // Loke depends, but does not recurse into functions public boolean depdir(Variable var){ return nom.depdir(var) || den.depdir(var); } public Algebraic value(Variable var, Algebraic x) throws JasymcaException{ return nom.value(var,x).div(den.value(var,x)); } public Algebraic map( LambdaAlgebraic f ) throws JasymcaException{ return f.f_exakt(nom).div(f.f_exakt(den)); } // Int p/q = c/d + Int a/b // return Vektor[ c/d, a/b ] public static Vektor horowitz(Algebraic p, Polynomial q, Variable x) throws JasymcaException{ if(> throw new JasymcaException("Degree of p must be smaller than degree of q"); p= p.rat(); q = (Polynomial)q.rat(); Algebraic d = q.poly_gcd(q.deriv(x)); Algebraic b = q.div(d,null)[0]; int m = b instanceof Polynomial? ((Polynomial)b).degree():0; int n = d instanceof Polynomial? ((Polynomial)d).degree():0; SimpleVariable a[] = new SimpleVariable[m]; Polynomial X = new Polynomial(x); Algebraic A = Zahl.ZERO; for(int i=a.length-1; i>=0; i--){ a[i] = new SimpleVariable("a"+i); A=A.add(new Polynomial(a[i])); if(i>0) A = A.mult(X); } SimpleVariable c[] = new SimpleVariable[n]; Algebraic C = Zahl.ZERO; for(int i=c.length-1; i>=0; i--){ c[i] = new SimpleVariable("c"+i); C=C.add(new Polynomial(c[i])); if(i>0) C = C.mult(X); } Algebraic r = b.mult(C.deriv(x)).sub(C.mult(b).mult(d.deriv(x)).div(d,null)[0]).add(d.mult(A)); Algebraic aik[][] = new Algebraic[m+n][m+n]; Algebraic cf, co[] = new Algebraic[m+n]; for(int i=0; i=0; i--){ A=A.add(s.coord[i]); if(i>0) A = A.mult(X); } C = Zahl.ZERO; for(int i=n-1; i>=0; i--){ C=C.add(s.coord[i+m]); if(i>0) C = C.mult(X); } co = new Algebraic[2]; co[0] = C.div(d); co[1] = A.div(b); return new Vektor(co); } // this muß echt gebrochen rational mit Nenner squarefree sein Algebraic intrat(Variable x) throws JasymcaException{ // Wir benutzen: Residue(f/g (a)) = (x-a)*(f/g)(a) = f(a)/g'(a) Algebraic de = den.deriv(x); if(de instanceof Zahl){ // trivial case return makelog(nom.div(de), x, den.coef[0].mult(Zahl.MINUS).div(de)); } Algebraic r = nom.div(de); Vektor xi = den.monic().bairstow(); Algebraic rs = Zahl.ZERO; for(int i=0; i