9. Profile Verwalten mehrerer Konfigurationen Joanmarie Diggs joanied@gnome.org

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Orca's profiles allow you to save and load multiple configurations so that you can quickly access the settings you need.

Verwalten mehrerer Konfigurationen These options appear at the bottom of the General page of the Orca preferences dialog.
Speichern eines neuen Profils

Get into the Orca Preferences dialog box.

Change whatever settings you wish.

On the General page, press the Save As button.

Type the new profile name in the resulting Save Profile As dialog box.

Press the OK button in the Save Profile As dialog box.

Laden eines vorhandenen Profils

Get into the Orca Preferences dialog box.

On the General page, select the profile to load from the Active Profile combo box.

Klicken Sie auf Laden.

You will be asked to confirm. Press the Yes button.

Klicken Sie auf OK.

Ändern eines vorhandenen Profils

Follow the steps described above to load the profile you wish to change.

Befolgen Sie die oben beschriebenen Schritte zum Speichern eines neuen Profils.

When prompted for the new profile name, type the same name as current profile. When you press the OK button, you will be told there is a name conflict.

Press the Yes button to confirm you wish to overwrite the existing profile with the new settings.

Changing the <gui>Start-up Profile</gui>

Get into the Orca Preferences dialog box.

On the General page, select the profile to load from the Start-up Profile combo box.

Klicken Sie auf OK. Wenn Sie Orca das nächste Mal starten, wird das neu ausgewählte Profil verwendet.