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Orca's key echo setting controls what happens each time you press a key. To enable key echo, check the "Enable key echo" checkbox. Doing so causes additional checkboxes to become available through which you can choose exactly which keys should and should not be echoed to best suit your needs.
Standardwert: aktiviert
This option controls whether or not keys like
Standardwert: aktiviert
This option controls whether or not
Standardwert: aktiviert
This option controls whether or not
Standardwert: aktiviert
This option controls whether or not
Standardwert: aktiviert
This option controls whether or not
Standardwert: aktiviert
This option controls whether or not
Standardwert: nicht aktiviert
This option controls whether or not "dead keys" used to generate accented letters should be spoken when pressed.
Standardwert: nicht aktiviert
Enabling this option causes Orca to echo the character you just typed.
While echo by character seems quite similar to the key echo of alphanumeric and punctuation keys, there are important differences, especially with respect to accented letters and other symbols for which there is no dedicated key:
Key echo causes
Character echo causes
Thus to have accented characters spoken as you type them, you should enable character echo.
Standardwert: nicht aktiviert
If you like key echo and you frequently type accented characters,
consider enabling both.
Checking the
Standardwert: nicht aktiviert