2. Tabellennavigation Tabellennavigation Die Navigation mit Orca innerhalb von Tabellen konfigurieren Joanmarie Diggs joanied@gnome.org

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Einstellungen für Tabellennavigation

The following option allows you to customize how Orca behaves when navigating within a table in Structural-Navigation-enabled applications.

Zellenkoordinaten vorlesen

If this checkbox is checked, Orca will announce the coordinates of each cell you navigate to.

Standardwert: aktiviert

Zellenausdehnung vorlesen

If this checkbox is checked, Orca will announce how many rows and/or columns a cell spans when it spans more than one.

Standardwert: aktiviert

Zellenüberschrift vorlesen

If this checkbox is checked, Orca will announce changes in the header if the headers for the current cell can be determined.

Standardwert: aktiviert

Leere Zellen überspringen

If this checkbox is checked, Orca will skip blank cells when you are using Orca's table structural navigation commands to access the table.

Standardwert: nicht aktiviert