1. GOAL Toolchain to create panoramic images for every occasion, from quick holiday snaps to images with hundreds of megapixels. 2. CONTENT This package contains the following programs: - hugin, The main program, a GUI for the panorama tools suite and some programs included here. - nona, a simple stitcher that does geometrical and photometric distortions to photos and writes the output to image files. It is a replacement for PTStitcher (doesn't support most features of PTStitcher, but is faster, opensource and will be extended in the future). The parameters, mostly backward-compatible to PTStitcher, are specified in a .pto project such as those generated by hugin, i.e. nona doesn't decide what the distortions are going to be, it just does what it is told to do. - nona_gui, nona with a graphical progress bar. - autooptimiser, optimise a panorama pairwise, starting from an anchor image. cmd line version of the pairwise mode in hugin These programs are built on top of the pano13 library, http://panotools.sourceforge.net/ 3. DEPENDENCIES Hugin is work in progress and dependencies can be added any time. Hugin depends on the following packages. The list may be incomplete, and there may be some platform-specific dependencies. For the latest updates, check http://wiki.panotools.org/Development_of_Open_Source_tools#Dependencies 3.1. Build-Time Dependencies Users compiling Hugin from source will need: The wxWidgets GUI toolkit version >=2.7.0. 2.9 support is experimental. 2.8.11 is recommended. boost >=1.40. The following boost libraries are used: filesystem graph iostreams regex signals system thread libtiff the TIFF library with LZW support. libpano13 version >=2.9.18 libjpg the JPEG library libpng the PNG library libopenexr the OpenEXR library Exiv2 Image metadata library GLEW the OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library freeglut or glut, the OpenGL utility toolkit gettext optionally, lapack on Unix you need also libGLU the OpenGL utility library libxi libxmu on Windows you need HTML Help Workshop for generating compiled HTML help file for the optional Python Scripting Interface (currently functional and tested only on Linux and Windows) Python version >=2.6 SWIG >=2.0 - If Python >=3.2, SWIG must be >=2.0.4 Hugin can be compiled with gcc-4.4.4, gcc-4.5.1, and gcc-4.6, as well as with MSVC 2008 and MSVC 2010. The build process requires CMake version >=2.8 3.2. At runtime enblend >= 3.2 is required. Exiftool is recommended. Starting with Hugin 2010.3 and newer, Hugin ships with its own control points generator cpfind. Prior to 2010.3 another optional but recommended runtime dependency was a control points generator. Optionally Python argparse command-line parsing library for the Python scripts. 4. USE hugin can be used to stitch multiple images together. The resulting image can span 360 degrees. Another common use is the creation of very high resolution pictures by combining multiple images. See http://hugin.sourceforge.net/ for more information and tutorials. See http://wiki.panotools.org/Development_of_Open_Source_tools#Supported_Platforms for some information on releases for different platforms. 5. TYPICAL WORKFLOW 1. load images 2. specify initial parameters (lens etc) 3. select control points points. 4. run optimizer to estimate image positions 5. set output parameters and stitch images together. 6. KNOWN ISSUES / INCOMPATIBILITIES / LIMITATIONS Check the Hugin FAQ and bug tracker http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_FAQ#Known_Limitations An updated list of issues deemed to be critical, including discussions and workarounds, is in the issue tracker https://bugs.launchpad.net/hugin/+bugs?search=Search&field.importance=Critical Linux: Compiz interferes with the fast preview window. If you're affected, the workaround is to not use Compiz. Some components of Hugin have been reported not to deal well with image files that have the same name in different folders. The workaround is to rename your images files so that all image files in a project are unique. 7. SUPPORT / COMMUNITY Please use the hugin-ptx mailing list if you have questions or suggestions: http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx