# COMPILATION # # 1. download and install Cygwin environment for Windows with the following # extra packages: # # make # gcc-g++ development package # mingw development package (for cygwin.dll free native Windows compilation) # # 2. open a Cygwin shell, cd into this directory and run make # # # NOTE: newer MINGW libraries may have a compilation error, where the solution # is removing the "using ::swprintf" and "using ::vswprintf" lines from # /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-mingw32/3.4.x/include/c++/cwchar # #CC=gcc #CXX=g++ CC=gcc -mno-cygwin -DHUNSPELL_STATIC CXX=g++ -mno-cygwin -DHUNSPELL_STATIC CXXFLAGS= -O2 -ansi -pedantic -I. #CXXFLAGS= -O2 -Wall -ansi -pedantic -I. LDFLAGS=-L. -lhunspell LD2FLAGS=-L. -lhunspell -lparser LIBS=libhunspell.a LIBS2=libparser.a AR=ar rc RANLIB=ranlib OBJ=../hunspell/ OBJ2=../parsers/ OBJ3=../tools/ OBJS = \ affentry.o \ affixmgr.o \ hashmgr.o \ suggestmgr.o \ csutil.o \ phonet.o \ hunspell.o \ filemgr.o \ hunzip.o \ replist.o OBJS2 = \ textparser.o \ firstparser.o \ htmlparser.o \ latexparser.o \ manparser.o all: hunspell example hzip hunzip libhunspell.a: $(OBJS) $(AR) $@ $(OBJS) -@ ($(RANLIB) $@ || true) >/dev/null 2>&1 libparser.a: $(OBJS2) $(AR) $@ $(OBJS2) -@ ($(RANLIB) $@ || true) >/dev/null 2>&1 example: $(LIBS) example.o $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ example.o $(LDFLAGS) hunspell: hunspellprg.o $(LIBS) $(LIBS2) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ hunspellprg.o $(LDFLAGS) $(LD2FLAGS) hunzip: hunzipprg.o $(LIBS) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ hunzipprg.o $(LDFLAGS) hzip: hzip.o $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ hzip.o $(LDFLAGS) %.o: %.cxx $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< clean: rm -f *.exe *xx license* license* hunspell.h hzip.c *prg.cxx \ *.o *~ example hunspell hzip hunzip libhunspell.a libparser.a distclean: clean hunspell.hxx: ln -s $(OBJ)/*xx $(OBJ)/hunspell.h $(OBJ)/license* $(OBJ2)/*xx ./ ln -s $(OBJ)/hunvisapi.h ./ ln -s $(OBJ3)/hunspell.cxx ./hunspellprg.cxx ln -s $(OBJ3)/hunzip.cxx ./hunzipprg.cxx ln -s $(OBJ3)/example.cxx $(OBJ3)/hzip.c ./ make -f Makefile.cygwin depend: makedepend -- $(CXXFLAGS) -- *.[ch]xx # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it. affentry.o: license.hunspell config.h license.myspell affentry.hxx atypes.hxx affentry.o: hashmgr.hxx htypes.hxx filemgr.hxx hunzip.hxx w_char.hxx affentry.o: baseaffix.hxx affixmgr.hxx phonet.hxx csutil.hxx affentry.o: atypes.hxx hashmgr.hxx htypes.hxx filemgr.hxx hunzip.hxx affentry.o: w_char.hxx baseaffix.hxx affixmgr.hxx phonet.hxx affixmgr.o: license.hunspell config.h license.myspell affixmgr.hxx atypes.hxx affixmgr.o: hashmgr.hxx htypes.hxx filemgr.hxx hunzip.hxx w_char.hxx affixmgr.o: baseaffix.hxx phonet.hxx affentry.hxx langnum.hxx csutil.hxx affixmgr.o: atypes.hxx hashmgr.hxx htypes.hxx filemgr.hxx hunzip.hxx affixmgr.o: w_char.hxx baseaffix.hxx phonet.hxx atypes.o: hashmgr.hxx htypes.hxx filemgr.hxx hunzip.hxx w_char.hxx csutil.o: license.hunspell config.h license.myspell csutil.hxx w_char.hxx csutil.o: atypes.hxx hashmgr.hxx htypes.hxx filemgr.hxx hunzip.hxx csutil.o: langnum.hxx utf_info.cxx csutil.o: w_char.hxx dictmgr.o: dictmgr.hxx example.o: hunspell.hxx hashmgr.hxx htypes.hxx filemgr.hxx hunzip.hxx example.o: affixmgr.hxx atypes.hxx w_char.hxx baseaffix.hxx phonet.hxx filemgr.o: hunzip.hxx firstparser.o: ../hunspell/csutil.hxx w_char.hxx firstparser.hxx firstparser.o: textparser.hxx firstparser.o: textparser.hxx hashmgr.o: license.hunspell config.h license.myspell hashmgr.hxx htypes.hxx hashmgr.o: filemgr.hxx hunzip.hxx csutil.hxx w_char.hxx atypes.hxx hashmgr.o: htypes.hxx filemgr.hxx hunzip.hxx htmlparser.o: ../hunspell/csutil.hxx w_char.hxx htmlparser.hxx textparser.hxx htmlparser.o: textparser.hxx hunspell.o: license.hunspell config.h license.myspell hunspell.hxx hunspell.o: hashmgr.hxx htypes.hxx filemgr.hxx hunzip.hxx affixmgr.hxx hunspell.o: atypes.hxx w_char.hxx baseaffix.hxx phonet.hxx suggestmgr.hxx hunspell.o: hashmgr.hxx htypes.hxx filemgr.hxx hunzip.hxx affixmgr.hxx hunspell.o: atypes.hxx w_char.hxx baseaffix.hxx phonet.hxx suggestmgr.hxx hunspellprg.o: config.h hunspell.hxx hashmgr.hxx htypes.hxx filemgr.hxx hunspellprg.o: hunzip.hxx affixmgr.hxx atypes.hxx w_char.hxx baseaffix.hxx hunspellprg.o: latexparser.hxx manparser.hxx firstparser.hxx hunzip.o: hunzip.hxx latexparser.o: ../hunspell/csutil.hxx w_char.hxx latexparser.hxx latexparser.o: textparser.hxx latexparser.o: textparser.hxx manparser.o: ../hunspell/csutil.hxx w_char.hxx manparser.hxx textparser.hxx manparser.o: textparser.hxx phonet.o: csutil.hxx w_char.hxx phonet.hxx suggestmgr.o: license.hunspell config.h license.myspell suggestmgr.hxx suggestmgr.o: atypes.hxx hashmgr.hxx htypes.hxx filemgr.hxx hunzip.hxx suggestmgr.o: w_char.hxx affixmgr.hxx baseaffix.hxx phonet.hxx langnum.hxx suggestmgr.o: atypes.hxx hashmgr.hxx htypes.hxx filemgr.hxx hunzip.hxx suggestmgr.o: w_char.hxx affixmgr.hxx baseaffix.hxx phonet.hxx langnum.hxx testparser.o: textparser.hxx htmlparser.hxx latexparser.hxx textparser.o: ../hunspell/csutil.hxx w_char.hxx textparser.hxx utf_info.o: csutil.hxx w_char.hxx