package Jama; import Jama.util.*; /** Singular Value Decomposition.
For an m-by-n matrix A with m >= n, the singular value decomposition is an m-by-n orthogonal matrix U, an n-by-n diagonal matrix S, and an n-by-n orthogonal matrix V so that A = U*S*V'.
The singular values, sigma[k] = S[k][k], are ordered so that sigma[0] >= sigma[1] >= ... >= sigma[n-1].
The singular value decompostion always exists, so the constructor will
never fail. The matrix condition number and the effective numerical
rank can be computed from this decomposition.
public class SingularValueDecomposition implements {
/* ------------------------
Class variables
* ------------------------ */
/** Arrays for internal storage of U and V.
@serial internal storage of U.
@serial internal storage of V.
private double[][] U, V;
/** Array for internal storage of singular values.
@serial internal storage of singular values.
private double[] s;
/** Row and column dimensions.
@serial row dimension.
@serial column dimension.
private int m, n;
/* ------------------------
* ------------------------ */
/** Construct the singular value decomposition
@param A Rectangular matrix
@return Structure to access U, S and V.
public SingularValueDecomposition (Matrix Arg) {
// Derived from LINPACK code.
// Initialize.
double[][] A = Arg.getArrayCopy();
m = Arg.getRowDimension();
n = Arg.getColumnDimension();
/* Apparently the failing cases are only a proper subset of (m = -1; k--) {
if (k == -1) {
if (Math.abs(e[k]) <=
tiny + eps*(Math.abs(s[k]) + Math.abs(s[k+1]))) {
e[k] = 0.0;
if (k == p-2) {
kase = 4;
} else {
int ks;
for (ks = p-1; ks >= k; ks--) {
if (ks == k) {
double t = (ks != p ? Math.abs(e[ks]) : 0.) +
(ks != k+1 ? Math.abs(e[ks-1]) : 0.);
if (Math.abs(s[ks]) <= tiny + eps*t) {
s[ks] = 0.0;
if (ks == k) {
kase = 3;
} else if (ks == p-1) {
kase = 1;
} else {
kase = 2;
k = ks;
// Perform the task indicated by kase.
switch (kase) {
// Deflate negligible s(p).
case 1: {
double f = e[p-2];
e[p-2] = 0.0;
for (int j = p-2; j >= k; j--) {
double t = Maths.hypot(s[j],f);
double cs = s[j]/t;
double sn = f/t;
s[j] = t;
if (j != k) {
f = -sn*e[j-1];
e[j-1] = cs*e[j-1];
if (wantv) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
t = cs*V[i][j] + sn*V[i][p-1];
V[i][p-1] = -sn*V[i][j] + cs*V[i][p-1];
V[i][j] = t;
// Split at negligible s(k).
case 2: {
double f = e[k-1];
e[k-1] = 0.0;
for (int j = k; j < p; j++) {
double t = Maths.hypot(s[j],f);
double cs = s[j]/t;
double sn = f/t;
s[j] = t;
f = -sn*e[j];
e[j] = cs*e[j];
if (wantu) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
t = cs*U[i][j] + sn*U[i][k-1];
U[i][k-1] = -sn*U[i][j] + cs*U[i][k-1];
U[i][j] = t;
// Perform one qr step.
case 3: {
// Calculate the shift.
double scale = Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(
double sp = s[p-1]/scale;
double spm1 = s[p-2]/scale;
double epm1 = e[p-2]/scale;
double sk = s[k]/scale;
double ek = e[k]/scale;
double b = ((spm1 + sp)*(spm1 - sp) + epm1*epm1)/2.0;
double c = (sp*epm1)*(sp*epm1);
double shift = 0.0;
if ((b != 0.0) | (c != 0.0)) {
shift = Math.sqrt(b*b + c);
if (b < 0.0) {
shift = -shift;
shift = c/(b + shift);
double f = (sk + sp)*(sk - sp) + shift;
double g = sk*ek;
// Chase zeros.
for (int j = k; j < p-1; j++) {
double t = Maths.hypot(f,g);
double cs = f/t;
double sn = g/t;
if (j != k) {
e[j-1] = t;
f = cs*s[j] + sn*e[j];
e[j] = cs*e[j] - sn*s[j];
g = sn*s[j+1];
s[j+1] = cs*s[j+1];
if (wantv) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
t = cs*V[i][j] + sn*V[i][j+1];
V[i][j+1] = -sn*V[i][j] + cs*V[i][j+1];
V[i][j] = t;
t = Maths.hypot(f,g);
cs = f/t;
sn = g/t;
s[j] = t;
f = cs*e[j] + sn*s[j+1];
s[j+1] = -sn*e[j] + cs*s[j+1];
g = sn*e[j+1];
e[j+1] = cs*e[j+1];
if (wantu && (j < m-1)) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
t = cs*U[i][j] + sn*U[i][j+1];
U[i][j+1] = -sn*U[i][j] + cs*U[i][j+1];
U[i][j] = t;
e[p-2] = f;
iter = iter + 1;
// Convergence.
case 4: {
// Make the singular values positive.
if (s[k] <= 0.0) {
s[k] = (s[k] < 0.0 ? -s[k] : 0.0);
if (wantv) {
for (int i = 0; i <= pp; i++) {
V[i][k] = -V[i][k];
// Order the singular values.
while (k < pp) {
if (s[k] >= s[k+1]) {
double t = s[k];
s[k] = s[k+1];
s[k+1] = t;
if (wantv && (k < n-1)) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
t = V[i][k+1]; V[i][k+1] = V[i][k]; V[i][k] = t;
if (wantu && (k < m-1)) {
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
t = U[i][k+1]; U[i][k+1] = U[i][k]; U[i][k] = t;
iter = 0;
/* ------------------------
Public Methods
* ------------------------ */
/** Return the left singular vectors
@return U
public Matrix getU () {
return new Matrix(U,m,Math.min(m+1,n));
/** Return the right singular vectors
@return V
public Matrix getV () {
return new Matrix(V,n,n);
/** Return the one-dimensional array of singular values
@return diagonal of S.
public double[] getSingularValues () {
return s;
/** Return the diagonal matrix of singular values
@return S
public Matrix getS () {
Matrix X = new Matrix(n,n);
double[][] S = X.getArray();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
S[i][j] = 0.0;
S[i][i] = this.s[i];
return X;
/** Two norm
@return max(S)
public double norm2 () {
return s[0];
/** Two norm condition number
@return max(S)/min(S)
public double cond () {
return s[0]/s[Math.min(m,n)-1];
/** Effective numerical matrix rank
@return Number of nonnegligible singular values.
public int rank () {
double eps = Math.pow(2.0,-52.0);
double tol = Math.max(m,n)*s[0]*eps;
int r = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s[i] > tol) {
return r;