package jas.hist; import jas.util.NestedRuntimeException; import jas.util.ObjectFactory; import jas.util.ObjectFactoryException; class DefaultFitterFactory extends ObjectFactory implements FitterFactory { DefaultFitterFactory(Class c, String name) throws FitterFactoryError { super(c); = name; // Class must be a subclass of Fitter if (!inheritsFrom(Fitter.class)) throw new FitterFactoryError("Function "+name+" does not inherit from Basic1DFunction"); // Class must be declared public if (!checkAccess()) throw new FitterFactoryError("Function "+name+" is not declared public"); // The function needs to have a suitable constructor if (!canBeCreatedFrom()) throw new FitterFactoryError("Function "+name+" does not have a suitable constructor"); } public Fitter createFitter() { try { return (Fitter) create(); } catch (ObjectFactoryException x) { throw new NestedRuntimeException("Unexpected failure to create Fitter "+name,x); } } public String getFitterName() { return name; } public String toString() { return name; } private String name; }