package jas.hist; import jas.plot.ColorMap; import jas.plot.ColorMapAxis; import jas.plot.CoordinateTransformation; import jas.plot.DataAreaLayout; import jas.plot.DateCoordinateTransformation; import jas.plot.DoubleCoordinateTransformation; import jas.plot.MutableLegendEntry; import jas.plot.Overlay; import jas.plot.OverlayContainer; import jas.plot.PlotGraphics; import jas.plot.Transformation; import jas.plot.java2.PlotGraphics12; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; class TwoDOverlay implements Overlay, MutableLegendEntry, Observer { protected OverlayContainer container; private Color color; private JASHist2DHistogramData parent; private double[][] data; private double binHeightFixed; private double binWidthFixed; private double xHigh; private double xLow; private double yHigh; private double yLow; private double zlogmin; private double zmax; private double zmin; private int xBins; private int yBins; private ColorMapAxis colorMapAxis; private ColorMap colorMap; private boolean isColorMapAxisAdded = false; double cx; double cy; double cw; double ch; int c_mode, s_mode; TwoDOverlay(JASHist2DHistogramData parent) { this.color =; this.parent = parent;; colorMap = new ColorMap(; colorMapAxis = new ColorMapAxis(colorMap); styleChanged(; } private void styleChanged(JASHist2DHistogramStyle style) { s_mode = style.getHistStyle(); c_mode = style.getColorMapScheme(); if ( s_mode != 0 && s_mode!= 1 ) { if ( ! isColorMapAxisAdded ) parent.parent.da.add(colorMapAxis,DataAreaLayout.Y_AXIS_RIGHT); isColorMapAxisAdded = true; } else if ( isColorMapAxisAdded ) { parent.parent.da.remove(colorMapAxis); isColorMapAxisAdded = false; } } public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { styleChanged((JASHist2DHistogramStyle) o); } public void setTitle(String newTitle) { parent.setLegendText(newTitle); } public String getTitle() { return parent.getLegendText(); } public void containerNotify(OverlayContainer c) { this.container = c; } // Use local coordinates here boolean isInClip(Transformation xt, Transformation yt, double Lx1, double Ly1, double Lx2, double Ly2) { double Gx1 = xt.convert(Lx1); double Gy1 = yt.convert(Ly1); double Gx2 = xt.convert(Lx2); double Gy2 = yt.convert(Ly2); if (Gx2 < Gx1) { double xTmp = Gx1; Gx1 = Gx2; Gx2 = xTmp; } if (Gy2 < Gy1) { double yTmp = Gy1; Gy1 = Gy2; Gy2 = yTmp; } double Gw = Gx2 - Gx1 + 5.; double Gh = Gy2 - Gy1 + 5.; boolean ok = false; double dGx = cx + (cw - Gx2 - Gx1)*0.5; double dGy = cy + (ch - Gy2 - Gy1)*0.5; double dGw = (cw + Gw)*0.5; double dGh = (ch + Gh)*0.5; if (Math.abs(dGx) <= dGw && Math.abs(dGy) <= dGh) ok = true; //System.out.println("\t\tIntersects="+ok+", dx="+dGx+", dGy="+dGy+", dGw="+Gw+", dGh="+Gh); //System.out.println("\t\t\t\t x1="+ Lx1+", x2="+ Lx2+", y1="+ Ly1+", y2="+ Ly2); //System.out.println("\t\t\t\tGx1="+Gx1+", Gx2="+Gx2+", Gy1="+Gy1+", Gy2="+Gy2); return ok; } public void paint(PlotGraphics g, boolean isPrinting) { //Disable antialiasing for 2D plots. The original rendering hints are set back //at the end of the paint method. RenderingHints oldRh = null; if ( g instanceof PlotGraphics12 ) { oldRh = ((PlotGraphics12)g).graphics().getRenderingHints(); RenderingHints rh = new RenderingHints(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF); ((PlotGraphics12)g).graphics().setRenderingHints(rh); } boolean doClipCheck = true; Rectangle rect = g.getClipBounds(); if (rect == null) { doClipCheck = false; } else { cx = (double) rect.x; cy = (double) rect.y; cw = (double) rect.width; ch = (double) rect.height; } /////////Begin Test Area//////// s_mode =; c_mode =; boolean log =; boolean uoState = false; //; boolean showZeroHeightBins =; //boolean showGrid = true; /////////End Test Area///////// if (data == null) { return; } final int x_bins = xBins; final int y_bins = yBins; CoordinateTransformation xp = container.getXTransformation(); final CoordinateTransformation yp = container.getYTransformation(); if (xp instanceof DateCoordinateTransformation) { xp = new DateTransformationConverter((DateCoordinateTransformation) xp); } if (xp instanceof DoubleCoordinateTransformation && yp instanceof DoubleCoordinateTransformation) { double[] binXEdges = null; double[] binYEdges = null; if (parent.getDataSource() instanceof Rebinnable2DVariableHistogramData) { binXEdges = ((Rebinnable2DVariableHistogramData) parent.getDataSource()).getXBinEdges(); binYEdges = ((Rebinnable2DVariableHistogramData) parent.getDataSource()).getYBinEdges(); } final DoubleCoordinateTransformation xt = (DoubleCoordinateTransformation) xp; final DoubleCoordinateTransformation yt = (DoubleCoordinateTransformation) yp; g.setTransformation(xt, yt); //////Set Background///// if ((s_mode == 0) || (s_mode == 1)) //Box/Ellipse Selected { g.setColor(Color.white); } else { /* if (c_mode == 0) { //Warm selected g.setColor(; } else if ((c_mode == 1) || (c_mode == 3)) { //Cool/Rainbow Selected //g.setColor(; } else if ((c_mode == 2) || (c_mode == 4)) { //Thermal/GrayScale Selected g.setColor(; } else if (c_mode == 5) { //SelectRange Selected g.setColor(; } else { // Do something here... } g.fillRect(xLow, yHigh, xHigh, yLow); */ } ////////// Show overflow and underflow bins ///////// // FIXME: Does not seem right if (((s_mode == 0) || (s_mode == 1)) && (uoState == true)) { g.setColor(; g.drawLine(xt.convert(xLow + binWidthFixed), yt.convert(yLow), xt.convert(xLow + binWidthFixed), yt.convert(yHigh)); g.drawLine(xt.convert(xHigh - binWidthFixed), yt.convert(yLow), xt.convert(xHigh - binWidthFixed), yt.convert(yHigh)); g.drawLine(xt.convert(xLow), yt.convert(yLow + binHeightFixed), xt.convert(xHigh), yt.convert(yLow +binHeightFixed)); g.drawLine(xt.convert(xLow), yt.convert(yHigh - binHeightFixed), xt.convert(xHigh), yt.convert(yHigh- binHeightFixed)); } //////////Grid Lines on the Pane///////// /* if ( ((s_mode == 0) || (s_mode == 1)) && showGrid ) { g.setColor(; double yGrid = yLow; double xGrid = xLow; for (int j = 0; j < y_bins; j++) { double binHeight = (binYEdges == null) ? binWidthFixed : binYEdges[j+1] - binYEdges[j]; yGrid += binHeight; g.drawLine(xt.convert(xLow), yt.convert(yGrid), xt.convert(xHigh), yt.convert(yGrid)); } for (int i = 0; i < x_bins; i++) { double binWidth = (binXEdges == null) ? binWidthFixed : binXEdges[i+1] - binXEdges[i]; xGrid += binWidth; g.drawLine(xt.convert(xGrid), yt.convert(yLow), xt.convert(xGrid), yt.convert(yHigh)); } } */ ///////End Set Background//// // make sure that zero is included in the Z axis range double dispZmin = zmin; double dispZmax = zmax; if (log) { dispZmin = Math.log(zlogmin); dispZmax = Math.log(zmax); } else { if ((dispZmin > 0) && (dispZmax > 0)) { dispZmin = 0; } if ((dispZmin < 0) && (dispZmax < 0)) { dispZmax = 0; } } double zrange = dispZmax - dispZmin; if (zrange > 0) { double binHeight = binHeightFixed; double binWidth = binWidthFixed; g.setColor(; double y = yLow; for (int j = 0; j < y_bins; j++) { if (binYEdges != null) binHeight = binYEdges[j+1] - binYEdges[j]; y += binHeight/2; double x = xLow; for (int i = 0; i < x_bins; i++) { if (binXEdges != null) binWidth = binXEdges[i+1] - binXEdges[i]; x += binWidth/2; double size = 0; if ((s_mode == 0) || (s_mode == 1)) size = log ? Math.sqrt((Math.log(data[i][j]) - dispZmin) / zrange) : Math.sqrt((data[i][j] - dispZmin) / zrange); else size = 1.; double xFact = (binWidth * size) / 2; double yFact = (binHeight * size) / 2; // We dont want anything to appear if size is exactly 0 if (size == 0) { x += binWidth/2; continue; } double x1 = x - binWidth/2; double y1 = y - binHeight/2; double x2 = x + binWidth/2; double y2 = y + binHeight/2; if (doClipCheck && !isInClip(xt, yt, x1, y1, x2, y2)) { x += binWidth/2; continue; } x1 = x - xFact; y1 = y - yFact; x2 = x + xFact; y2 = y + yFact; if (s_mode == 0) { g.drawRect(x1, y1, x2, y2); } else if (s_mode == 1) { g.drawOval(x1, y1, x2, y2); } else // Color Map mode (s_mode == 2) { double colorSize = log ? ((Math.log(data[i][j]) - dispZmin) / zrange) : ((data[i][j] - dispZmin) / zrange); if ( (showZeroHeightBins || colorSize != 0) && colorSize != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ) { g.setColor(colorMap.getColor(colorSize)); g.fillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2); } } x += binWidth/2; } y += binHeight/2; } } else if (zrange == 0) { // empty histogram, so nothing to do } } // else zrange < 0 (should not occur) if ( oldRh != null ) ((PlotGraphics12)g).graphics().setRenderingHints(oldRh); } //paint() public void paintIcon(PlotGraphics g, int width, int height) { g.setColor(; g.fillRect(1, 1, width - 2, height - 2); } public boolean titleIsChanged() { return parent.isLegendChanged(); } void setData(double[][] data, double xLow, double xHigh, double yLow, double yHigh, int xBins, int yBins) { = data; this.xBins = xBins; this.yBins = yBins; this.xLow = xLow; this.xHigh = xHigh; this.yLow = yLow; this.yHigh = yHigh; binWidthFixed = Math.abs(xHigh - xLow) / xBins; binHeightFixed = Math.abs(yHigh - yLow) / yBins; } void setZMinMax(double zMin, double zMax, double zLogMin) { boolean log =; this.zmin = zMin; this.zlogmin = zLogMin; this.zmax = zMax; colorMapAxis.setZminZmax(zmin, zmax); colorMapAxis.setLogarithmic(log); } }