jclic for Debian ---------------- Please note that JClic needs Sun Java. In that case you might get ugly errors at starting JClic if you have another Java runtime engine than the Sun JVM set as your default Java virtual machine. This can easily be changed by running # update-alternatives --config java as root and explicitly choosing Sun Java there. On the other hand, even if the sources include them, this package does not include jclic applet and reports web application. They are not compiled neither signed to be used in a web environment. -- José L. Redrejo , Fri, 11 Jan 2008 10:57:10 +0100 Jclic for LliureX ----------------- Jclic, to the be a Java application, requires the Sun Java Runtime. There are many versions of the Java Runtime, so Jclic in LliureX requires a package called lliurex-java. This metapackage, allow you to have installed all the necessary for the execution of Jclic, in function of the version of Java installed. If for example, you want to execute Jclic with the Java Runtime version 5, you only need to install lliurex-java5-runtime. # apt-get install lliurex-java5-runtime All the necessary of Java version 5 will be installed and the previously installed version of Java will be removed. The default version of Java, included in LliureX, is the version 6. If you need to have many versions of the Java Runtime at the same time installed, the lliurex-java metapackage allows it. In that case you have to configure the Java in a Debian way. -- Fco Javier Lopez Perez Thu, 05 Jun 2008 09:46:42 +0200