Welcome to Jokosher 0.11.5! Jokosher is a simple and easy to use audio multi-tracker for the Linux desktop. The aim of the project is to create a simple yet comprehensive multi-track studio that is focussed around the needs of musicians and podcasters. This is our fifth release of Jokosher and enables you to create music and podcasts. It also includes a range of features for recording, playing, editing, mixing, post-producing and exporting your compositions. > Requirements < * Python 2.4 * GStreamer 0.10.9 * Python GStreamer 0.10.13 * Gnonlin (plugin for Gstreamer) * PyGTK 2.14 * Python Glade2 * Python Cairo * Python Dbus * Python Setuptools * Python XDG > Running Jokosher < To run Jokosher without installing, open a terminal and run: ./Jokosher/Jokosher To install Jokosher system wide, open a terminal and run: python setup.py install > Finding Help < We have a number of resources for help: * http://answers.launchpad.net/jokosher - Ask a question on Launchpad. * http://bugs.launchpad.net/jokosher/+filebug - If you find a bug in Jokosher, feel free to submit it to the developers through Launchpad. * http://doc.jokosher.org/ - our primary documentation site includes a number of guides and resources that shows you how to drive Jokosher. * http://userdocs.jokosher.org/ - a community driven site where HOWTOs and guides are developed to show specific uses of Jokosher in specific situations and contexts. Have fun with Jokosher, and do keep in touch! The Jokosher team www.jokosher.org