# encoding: utf-8 module Tests module Api module Interpolation def interpolate(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} key = args.pop I18n.backend.translate('en', key, options) end # If no interpolation parameter is not given, I18n should not alter the string. # This behavior is due to three reasons: # # * Checking interpolation keys in all strings hits performance, badly; # # * This allows us to retrieve untouched values through I18n. For example # I could have a middleware that returns I18n lookup results in JSON # to be processed through Javascript. Leaving the keys untouched allows # the interpolation to happen at the javascript level; # # * Security concerns: if I allow users to translate a web site, they can # insert %{} in messages causing the I18n lookup to fail in every request. # define_method "test interpolation: given no values it does not alter the string" do assert_equal 'Hi %{name}!', interpolate(:default => 'Hi %{name}!') end define_method "test interpolation: given values it interpolates them into the string" do assert_equal 'Hi David!', interpolate(:default => 'Hi %{name}!', :name => 'David') end define_method "test interpolation: given a nil value it still interpolates it into the string" do assert_equal 'Hi !', interpolate(:default => 'Hi %{name}!', :name => nil) end define_method "test interpolation: given a lambda as a value it calls it if the string contains the key" do assert_equal 'Hi David!', interpolate(:default => 'Hi %{name}!', :name => lambda { |*args| 'David' }) end define_method "test interpolation: given a lambda as a value it does not call it if the string does not contain the key" do assert_nothing_raised { interpolate(:default => 'Hi!', :name => lambda { |*args| raise 'fail' }) } end define_method "test interpolation: given values but missing a key it raises I18n::MissingInterpolationArgument" do assert_raise(I18n::MissingInterpolationArgument) do interpolate(:default => '%{foo}', :bar => 'bar') end end define_method "test interpolation: it does not raise I18n::MissingInterpolationArgument for escaped variables" do assert_nothing_raised(I18n::MissingInterpolationArgument) do assert_equal 'Barr %{foo}', interpolate(:default => '%{bar} %%{foo}', :bar => 'Barr') end end define_method "test interpolation: it does not change the original, stored translation string" do I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, :interpolate => 'Hi %{name}!') assert_equal 'Hi David!', interpolate(:interpolate, :name => 'David') assert_equal 'Hi Yehuda!', interpolate(:interpolate, :name => 'Yehuda') end define_method "test interpolation: works with the deprecated syntax" do deprecation = capture(:stderr) do assert_equal 'Hi David!', interpolate(:default => 'Hi {{name}}!', :name => 'David') end assert_match "The {{key}} interpolation syntax in I18n messages is deprecated", deprecation end define_method "test interpolation: given the translation is in utf-8 it still works" do assert_equal 'Häi David!', interpolate(:default => 'Häi %{name}!', :name => 'David') end define_method "test interpolation: given the value is in utf-8 it still works" do assert_equal 'Hi ゆきひろ!', interpolate(:default => 'Hi %{name}!', :name => 'ゆきひろ') end define_method "test interpolation: given the translation and the value are in utf-8 it still works" do assert_equal 'こんにちは、ゆきひろさん!', interpolate(:default => 'こんにちは、%{name}さん!', :name => 'ゆきひろ') end if Kernel.const_defined?(:Encoding) define_method "test interpolation: given a euc-jp translation and a utf-8 value it raises Encoding::CompatibilityError" do assert_raise(Encoding::CompatibilityError) do interpolate(:default => euc_jp('こんにちは、%{name}さん!'), :name => 'ゆきひろ') end end # define_method "test interpolation: given a utf-8 translation and a euc-jp value it returns a translation in euc-jp" do # assert_equal euc_jp('Hi ゆきひろ!'), interpolate(:default => 'Hi %{name}!', :name => euc_jp('ゆきひろ')) # end # # TODO should better explain how this relates to the test above with the simpler utf-8 default string define_method "test interpolation: given a utf-8 translation and a euc-jp value it raises Encoding::CompatibilityError" do assert_raise(Encoding::CompatibilityError) do interpolate(:default => 'こんにちは、%{name}さん!', :name => euc_jp('ゆきひろ')) end end end define_method "test interpolation: given a translations containing a reserved key it raises I18n::ReservedInterpolationKey" do assert_raise(I18n::ReservedInterpolationKey) { interpolate(:default => '%{default}', :foo => :bar) } assert_raise(I18n::ReservedInterpolationKey) { interpolate(:default => '%{scope}', :foo => :bar) } assert_raise(I18n::ReservedInterpolationKey) { interpolate(:default => '%{separator}', :foo => :bar) } end end end end