This is the pano13 library, part of the Panorama Tools by Helmut Dersch of the University of Applied Sciences Furtwangen. Also included with the library are: - tools/PTOptimizer, a command-line tool for optimizing control points. - tools/panoinfo, a command-line tool for querying the library version. Usage ---- The typical workflow would be: - PTmender maps the pano files, outputs cropped TIFFS - PTblender* fixes colour shifts in TIFFs, outputs cropped TIFFS (8 bit only) - PTmasker* creates stitching masks in TIFFs, outputs cropped TIFFS - PTroller creates a single TIFF from set of TIFFs - PTcrop recropps a TIFF to a tight bounding box, creates a cropped TIFF * Optional step. Other tools: - PTtiff2psd Combines a set of tiffs into one PSD file with multiple layers (including stacking feature) and the ability to specify blending mode (8 bit only) - PTuncrop Uncrops a cropped TIFF. Installation ------------ Build and install as normal: ./configure make make install If you have retrieved this from CVS you need to prepare the build system first: ./bootstrap ./configure make make install