/**************************************************************************** ** $Id: dl_jww-copy.cpp,v 2010/02/08 11:58:29 zeronemo2007 Exp $ ** ** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 RibbonSoft. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the dxflib project. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid dxflib Professional Edition licenses may use ** this file in accordance with the dxflib Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.ribbonsoft.com for further details. ** ** Contact info@ribbonsoft.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "dl_jww.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "dl_attributes.h" #include "dl_codes.h" #include "dl_creationinterface.h" #include "dl_writer_ascii.h" /** * Default constructor. */ DL_Jww::DL_Jww() { styleHandleStd = 0; version = VER_2000; vertices = NULL; maxVertices = 0; vertexIndex = 0; knots = NULL; maxKnots = 0; knotIndex = 0; controlPoints = NULL; maxControlPoints = 0; controlPointIndex = 0; leaderVertices = NULL; maxLeaderVertices = 0; leaderVertexIndex = 0; hatchLoops = NULL; maxHatchLoops = 0; hatchLoopIndex = -1; hatchEdges = NULL; maxHatchEdges = NULL; hatchEdgeIndex = NULL; dropEdges = false; //bulge = 0.0; } /** * Destructor. */ DL_Jww::~DL_Jww() { if (vertices!=NULL) { delete[] vertices; } if (knots!=NULL) { delete[] knots; } if (controlPoints!=NULL) { delete[] controlPoints; } if (leaderVertices!=NULL) { delete[] leaderVertices; } if (hatchLoops!=NULL) { delete[] hatchLoops; } if (hatchEdges!=NULL) { for (int i=0; i0) { std::cerr << "DXF Filter: There have been " << errorCounter << " errors. The drawing might be incomplete / incorrect.\n"; } return true; } return false; } /** * Reads a DXF file from an existing stream. * * @param stream The string stream. * @param creationInterface * Pointer to the class which takes care of the entities in the file. * * @retval true If \p file could be opened. * @retval false If \p file could not be opened. */ #ifndef __GCC2x__ bool DL_Jww::in(std::stringstream& stream, DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { int errorCounter = 0; if (stream.good()) { firstCall=true; currentEntity = DL_UNKNOWN; while (readDxfGroups(stream, creationInterface, &errorCounter)) {} if (errorCounter>0) { std::cerr << "DXF Filter: There have been " << errorCounter << " errors. The drawing might be incomplete / incorrect.\n"; } return true; } return false; } #endif /** * @brief Reads a group couplet from a DXF file. Calls another function * to process it. * * A group couplet consists of two lines that represent a single * piece of data. An integer constant on the first line indicates * the type of data. The value is on the next line.\n * * This function reads a couplet, determines the type of data, and * passes the value to the the appropriate handler function of * \p creationInterface.\n * * \p fp is advanced so that the next call to \p readDXFGroups() reads * the next couplet in the file. * * @param fp Handle of input file * @param creationInterface Handle of class which processes entities * in the file * * @retval true If EOF not reached. * @retval false If EOF reached. */ bool DL_Jww::readDxfGroups(FILE *fp, DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface, int* errorCounter) { bool ok = true; static int line = 1; // Read one group of the DXF file and chop the lines: if (DL_Jww::getChoppedLine(groupCodeTmp, DL_DXF_MAXLINE, fp) && DL_Jww::getChoppedLine(groupValue, DL_DXF_MAXLINE, fp) ) { groupCode = (unsigned int)stringToInt(groupCodeTmp, &ok); if (ok) { //std::cerr << groupCode << "\n"; //std::cerr << groupValue << "\n"; line+=2; processDXFGroup(creationInterface, groupCode, groupValue); } else { std::cerr << "DXF read error: Line: " << line << "\n"; if (errorCounter!=NULL) { (*errorCounter)++; } // try to fix: std::cerr << "DXF read error: trying to fix..\n"; // drop a line to sync: DL_Jww::getChoppedLine(groupCodeTmp, DL_DXF_MAXLINE, fp); } } return !feof(fp); } /** * Same as above but for stringstreams. */ #ifndef __GCC2x__ bool DL_Jww::readDxfGroups(std::stringstream& stream, DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface, int* errorCounter) { bool ok = true; static int line = 1; // Read one group of the DXF file and chop the lines: if (DL_Jww::getChoppedLine(groupCodeTmp, DL_DXF_MAXLINE, stream) && DL_Jww::getChoppedLine(groupValue, DL_DXF_MAXLINE, stream) ) { groupCode = (unsigned int)stringToInt(groupCodeTmp, &ok); if (ok) { //std::cout << groupCode << "\n"; //std::cout << groupValue << "\n"; line+=2; processDXFGroup(creationInterface, groupCode, groupValue); } else { std::cerr << "DXF read error: Line: " << line << "\n"; if (errorCounter!=NULL) { (*errorCounter)++; } // try to fix: std::cerr << "DXF read error: trying to fix..\n"; // drop a line to sync: DL_Jww::getChoppedLine(groupCodeTmp, DL_DXF_MAXLINE, stream); } } return !stream.eof(); } #endif /** * @brief Reads line from file & strips whitespace at start and newline * at end. * * @param s Output\n * Pointer to character array that chopped line will be returned in. * @param size Size of \p s. (Including space for NULL.) * @param fp Input\n * Handle of input file. * * @retval true if line could be read * @retval false if \p fp is already at end of file * * @todo Change function to use safer FreeBSD strl* functions * @todo Is it a problem if line is blank (i.e., newline only)? * Then, when function returns, (s==NULL). */ bool DL_Jww::getChoppedLine(char *s, unsigned int size, FILE *fp) { if (!feof(fp)) { // The whole line in the file. Includes space for NULL. char* wholeLine = new char[size]; // Only the useful part of the line char* line; line = fgets(wholeLine, size, fp); if (line!=NULL && line[0] != '\0') { // Evaluates to fgets() retval // line == wholeLine at this point. // Both guaranteed to be NULL terminated. // Strip leading whitespace and trailing CR/LF. stripWhiteSpace(&line); strncpy(s, line, size); s[size] = '\0'; // s should always be NULL terminated, because: assert(size > strlen(line)); } delete[] wholeLine; // Done with wholeLine return true; } else { s[0] = '\0'; return false; } } /** * Same as above but for stringstreams. */ #ifndef __GCC2x__ bool DL_Jww::getChoppedLine(char *s, unsigned int size, std::stringstream& stream) { if (!stream.eof()) { // Only the useful part of the line stream.getline(s, size); stripWhiteSpace(&s); assert(size > strlen(s)); return true; } else { s[0] = '\0'; return false; } } #endif /** * @brief Strips leading whitespace and trailing Carriage Return (CR) * and Line Feed (LF) from NULL terminated string. * * @param s Input and output. * NULL terminates string. * * @retval true if \p s is non-NULL * @retval false if \p s is NULL */ bool DL_Jww::stripWhiteSpace(char** s) { // last non-NULL char: int lastChar = strlen(*s) - 1; //std::cout << "lastChar: " << lastChar << "\n"; // Is last character CR or LF? while ( (lastChar >= 0) && (((*s)[lastChar] == 10) || ((*s)[lastChar] == 13) || ((*s)[lastChar] == ' ' || ((*s)[lastChar] == '\t'))) ) { (*s)[lastChar] = '\0'; lastChar--; } // Skip whitespace, excluding \n, at beginning of line while ((*s)[0]==' ' || (*s)[0]=='\t') { ++(*s); } return ((*s) ? true : false); } /** * Processes a group (pair of group code and value). * * @param creationInterface Handle to class that creates entities and * other CAD data from DXF group codes * * @param groupCode Constant indicating the data type of the group. * @param groupValue The data value. * * @retval true if done processing current entity and new entity begun * @retval false if not done processing current entity */ bool DL_Jww::processDXFGroup(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface, int groupCode, const char *groupValue) { //std::cout << "DL_Jww::processDXFGroup: " << groupCode << ": " //<< groupValue << "\n"; // Init on first call if (firstCall) { for (int i=0; isetAttributes(attrib); creationInterface->setExtrusion(toReal(values[210], 0.0), toReal(values[220], 0.0), toReal(values[230], 1.0), toReal(values[30], 0.0)); // Add the last entity via creationInterface switch (currentEntity) { case DL_SETTING: addSetting(creationInterface); break; case DL_LAYER: addLayer(creationInterface); break; case DL_BLOCK: addBlock(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENDBLK: endBlock(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_POINT: addPoint(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_LINE: addLine(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_POLYLINE: //bulge = toReal(values[42]); // fall through case DL_ENTITY_LWPOLYLINE: addPolyline(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_VERTEX: addVertex(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_SPLINE: addSpline(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_ARC: addArc(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_CIRCLE: addCircle(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_ELLIPSE: addEllipse(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_INSERT: addInsert(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_MTEXT: addMText(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_TEXT: addText(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_ATTRIB: addAttrib(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_DIMENSION: { int type = (toInt(values[70], 0)&0x07); switch (type) { case 0: addDimLinear(creationInterface); break; case 1: addDimAligned(creationInterface); break; case 2: addDimAngular(creationInterface); break; case 3: addDimDiametric(creationInterface); break; case 4: addDimRadial(creationInterface); break; case 5: addDimAngular3P(creationInterface); break; default: break; } } break; case DL_ENTITY_LEADER: addLeader(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_HATCH: addHatch(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_IMAGE: addImage(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_IMAGEDEF: addImageDef(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_TRACE: addTrace(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_SOLID: addSolid(creationInterface); break; case DL_ENTITY_SEQEND: endSequence(creationInterface); break; default: break; } // reset all values (they are not persistent and only this // way we can detect default values for unstored settings) for (int i=0; i=0 && c<=9) { creationInterface->setVariableString(settingKey, values[c], c); } // vector else if (c>=10 && c<=39) { if (c==10) { creationInterface->setVariableVector( settingKey, toReal(values[c]), toReal(values[c+10]), toReal(values[c+20]), c); } } // double else if (c>=40 && c<=59) { creationInterface->setVariableDouble(settingKey, toReal(values[c]), c); } // int else if (c>=60 && c<=99) { creationInterface->setVariableInt(settingKey, toInt(values[c]), c); } // misc else if (c>=0) { creationInterface->setVariableString(settingKey, values[c], c); } } /** * Adds a layer that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addLayer(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { // correct some impossible attributes for layers: attrib = creationInterface->getAttributes(); if (attrib.getColor()==256 || attrib.getColor()==0) { attrib.setColor(7); } if (attrib.getWidth()<0) { attrib.setWidth(1); } if (!strcasecmp(attrib.getLineType().c_str(), "BYLAYER") || !strcasecmp(attrib.getLineType().c_str(), "BYBLOCK")) { attrib.setLineType("CONTINUOUS"); } // add layer creationInterface->addLayer(DL_LayerData(values[2], toInt(values[70]))); } /** * Adds a block that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addBlock(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_BlockData d( // Name: values[2], // flags: toInt(values[70]), // base point: toReal(values[10]), toReal(values[20]), toReal(values[30])); creationInterface->addBlock(d); } /** * Ends a block that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::endBlock(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { creationInterface->endBlock(); } /** * Adds a point entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addPoint(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_PointData d(toReal(values[10]), toReal(values[20]), toReal(values[30])); creationInterface->addPoint(d); } /** * Adds a line entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addLine(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_LineData d(toReal(values[10]), toReal(values[20]), toReal(values[30]), toReal(values[11]), toReal(values[21]), toReal(values[31])); creationInterface->addLine(d); } /** * Adds a polyline entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addPolyline(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_PolylineData pd(maxVertices, toInt(values[71], 0), toInt(values[72], 0), toInt(values[70], 0)); creationInterface->addPolyline(pd); if (currentEntity==DL_ENTITY_LWPOLYLINE) { for (int i=0; iaddVertex(d); } creationInterface->endEntity(); } } /** * Adds a polyline vertex entity that was read from the file * via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addVertex(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_VertexData d(toReal(values[10]), toReal(values[20]), toReal(values[30]), //bulge); toReal(values[42])); //bulge = toReal(values[42]); creationInterface->addVertex(d); } /** * Adds a spline entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addSpline(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_SplineData sd(toInt(values[71], 3), toInt(values[72], 0), toInt(values[73], 0), toInt(values[70], 4)); creationInterface->addSpline(sd); for (int i=0; iaddControlPoint(d); } } /** * Adds a knot to the previously added spline. */ /* void DL_Jww::addKnot(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { std::cout << "DL_Jww::addKnot\n"; } */ /** * Adds a control point to the previously added spline. */ /* void DL_Jww::addControlPoint(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { std::cout << "DL_Jww::addControlPoint\n"; } */ /** * Adds an arc entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addArc(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_ArcData d(toReal(values[10]), toReal(values[20]), toReal(values[30]), toReal(values[40]), toReal(values[50]), toReal(values[51])); creationInterface->addArc(d); } /** * Adds a circle entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addCircle(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_CircleData d(toReal(values[10]), toReal(values[20]), toReal(values[30]), toReal(values[40])); creationInterface->addCircle(d); } /** * Adds an ellipse entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addEllipse(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_EllipseData d(toReal(values[10]), toReal(values[20]), toReal(values[30]), toReal(values[11]), toReal(values[21]), toReal(values[31]), toReal(values[40], 1.0), toReal(values[41], 0.0), toReal(values[42], 2*M_PI)); creationInterface->addEllipse(d); } /** * Adds an insert entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addInsert(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_InsertData d(values[2], // insertion point toReal(values[10], 0.0), toReal(values[20], 0.0), toReal(values[30], 0.0), // scale: toReal(values[41], 1.0), toReal(values[42], 1.0), toReal(values[43], 1.0), // angle: toReal(values[50], 0.0), // cols / rows: toInt(values[70], 1), toInt(values[71], 1), // spacing: toReal(values[44], 0.0), toReal(values[45], 0.0)); creationInterface->addInsert(d); } /** * Adds a trace entity (4 edge closed polyline) that was read from the file via the creation interface. * * @author AHM */ void DL_Jww::addTrace(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_TraceData td; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { td.x[k] = toReal(values[10 + k]); td.y[k] = toReal(values[20 + k]); td.z[k] = toReal(values[30 + k]); } creationInterface->addTrace(td); } /** * Adds a solid entity (filled trace) that was read from the file via the creation interface. * * @author AHM */ void DL_Jww::addSolid(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_SolidData sd; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { sd.x[k] = toReal(values[10 + k]); sd.y[k] = toReal(values[20 + k]); sd.z[k] = toReal(values[30 + k]); } creationInterface->addSolid(sd); } /** * Adds an MText entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addMText(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { double angle = 0.0; if (values[50][0]!='\0') { if (libVersion<=0x02000200) { // wrong but compatible with dxflib <= angle = toReal(values[50], 0.0); } else { angle = (toReal(values[50], 0.0)*2*M_PI)/360.0; } } else if (values[11][0]!='\0' && values[21][0]!='\0') { double x = toReal(values[11], 0.0); double y = toReal(values[21], 0.0); if (fabs(x)<1.0e-6) { if (y>0.0) { angle = M_PI/2.0; } else { angle = M_PI/2.0*3.0; } } else { angle = atan(y/x); } } DL_MTextData d( // insertion point toReal(values[10], 0.0), toReal(values[20], 0.0), toReal(values[30], 0.0), // height toReal(values[40], 2.5), // width toReal(values[41], 100.0), // attachment point toInt(values[71], 1), // drawing direction toInt(values[72], 1), // line spacing style toInt(values[73], 1), // line spacing factor toReal(values[44], 1.0), // text values[1], // style values[7], // angle angle); creationInterface->addMText(d); } /** * Handles additional MText data. */ bool DL_Jww::handleMTextData(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { // Special handling of text chunks for MTEXT entities: if (groupCode==3) { creationInterface->addMTextChunk(groupValue); return true; } return false; } /** * Handles additional polyline data. */ bool DL_Jww::handleLWPolylineData(DL_CreationInterface* /*creationInterface*/) { // Allocate LWPolyline vertices (group code 90): if (groupCode==90) { maxVertices = toInt(groupValue); if (maxVertices>0) { if (vertices!=NULL) { delete[] vertices; } vertices = new double[4*maxVertices]; for (int i=0; i=0 && vertexIndex0) { if (knots!=NULL) { delete[] knots; } knots = new double[maxKnots]; for (int i=0; i0) { if (controlPoints!=NULL) { delete[] controlPoints; } controlPoints = new double[3*maxControlPoints]; for (int i=0; i=0 && controlPointIndex0) { if (leaderVertices!=NULL) { delete[] leaderVertices; } leaderVertices = new double[3*maxLeaderVertices]; for (int i=0; i=0 && leaderVertexIndex0) { //std::cout << "allocating " << toInt(groupValue) << " loops\n"; if (hatchLoops!=NULL) { delete[] hatchLoops; hatchLoops = NULL; } if (maxHatchEdges!=NULL) { delete[] maxHatchEdges; maxHatchEdges = NULL; } if (hatchEdgeIndex!=NULL) { delete[] hatchEdgeIndex; hatchEdgeIndex = NULL; } if (hatchEdges!=NULL) { for (int i=0; i0) { hatchLoops = new DL_HatchLoopData[maxHatchLoops]; maxHatchEdges = new int[maxHatchLoops]; hatchEdgeIndex = new int[maxHatchLoops]; hatchEdges = new DL_HatchEdgeData*[maxHatchLoops]; //std::cout << "new hatchEdges[" << maxHatchLoops << "]\n"; for (int i=0; i0) { if (hatchLoopIndex=0 && hatchLoopIndex=0 && hatchLoopIndex=0 && hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex] < maxHatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] && ((atoi(values[92])&2)==0) && // not a polyline (groupCode==10 || groupCode==20 || groupCode==11 || groupCode==21 || groupCode==40 || groupCode==50 || groupCode==51 || groupCode==73)) { //std::cout << "Handle hatch edge for non-polyline boundary\n"; //std::cout << " found edge data: " << groupCode << "\n"; //std::cout << " value: " << toReal(groupValue) << "\n"; // can crash: //std::cout << " defined: " // << (int)hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] // [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].defined << "\n"; //std::cout << "92 flag: '" << values[92] << "'\n"; //std::cout << "92 flag (int): '" << atoi(values[92]) << "'\n"; if (hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].defined==false) { if (hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].type==1) { switch (groupCode) { case 10: hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].x1 = toReal(groupValue); break; case 20: hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].y1 = toReal(groupValue); break; case 11: hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].x2 = toReal(groupValue); break; case 21: hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].y2 = toReal(groupValue); hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].defined = true; break; default: break; } } if (hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].type==2) { switch (groupCode) { case 10: hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].cx = toReal(groupValue); break; case 20: hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].cy = toReal(groupValue); break; case 40: hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].radius = toReal(groupValue); break; case 50: hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].angle1 = toReal(groupValue)/360.0*2*M_PI; break; case 51: hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].angle2 = toReal(groupValue)/360.0*2*M_PI; break; case 73: hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].ccw = (bool)toInt(groupValue); hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].defined = true; break; default: break; } } } return true; } /* // 2003/12/31: polyline hatches can be extremely slow and are rarely used // // Handle hatch edges for polyline boundaries // (group codes 10, 20, 42) if (!dropEdges && hatchEdges!=NULL && hatchEdgeIndex!=NULL && hatchLoopIndex>=0 && hatchLoopIndex=0 && hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex] < maxHatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] && ((atoi(values[92])&2)==2)) { // a polyline if (groupCode==10 || groupCode==20 || groupCode==42) { std::cout << " found polyline edge data: " << groupCode << "\n"; std::cout << " value: " << toReal(groupValue) << "\n"; static double lastX = 0.0; static double lastY = 0.0; static double lastB = 0.0; if (firstPolylineStatus<2) { switch (groupCode) { case 10: firstPolylineStatus++; if (firstPolylineStatus==1) { lastX = toReal(groupValue); std::cout << " firstX: " << lastX << "\n"; } break; case 20: lastY = toReal(groupValue); std::cout << " firstY: " << lastY << "\n"; break; case 42: lastB = toReal(groupValue); break; default: break; } if (firstPolylineStatus!=2) { return true; } } switch (groupCode) { case 10: hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]++; hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].type = 1; hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].x1 = lastX; hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].x2 = lastX = toReal(groupValue); std::cout << " X: " << lastX << "\n"; break; case 20: hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].y1 = lastY; hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].y2 = lastY = toReal(groupValue); std::cout << " Y: " << lastY << "\n"; break; / * case 42: { // convert to arc: double x1 = hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].x1; double y1 = hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].y1; double x2 = hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].x2; double y2 = hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].y2; double bulge = toReal(groupValue); bool reversed = (bulge<0.0); double alpha = atan(bulge)*4.0; double radius; double cx; double cy; double a1; double a2; double mx = (x2+x1)/2.0; double my = (y2+y1)/2.0; double dist = sqrt(pow(x2-x1,2) + pow(y2-y1,2)) / 2.0; // alpha can't be 0.0 at this point radius = fabs(dist / sin(alpha/2.0)); double wu = fabs(pow(radius, 2.0) - pow(dist, 2.0)); double h = sqrt(wu); double angle = acos((x2-x1) / dist); if (bulge>0.0) { angle+=M_PI/2.0; } else { angle-=M_PI/2.0; } if (fabs(alpha)>M_PI) { h*=-1.0; } cx = mx + cos(angle) * h; cy = my + sin(angle) * h; a1 = hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].type = 2; hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].ccw = (toReal(groupValue)>0.0); hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].cx = cx; hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].cy = cy; hatchEdges[hatchLoopIndex] [hatchEdgeIndex[hatchLoopIndex]].radius = radius; } break; * / default: break; } } else { // end polyline boundary dropEdges = true; } return true; } */ return false; } /** * Adds an text entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addText(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_TextData d( // insertion point toReal(values[10], 0.0), toReal(values[20], 0.0), toReal(values[30], 0.0), // alignment point toReal(values[11], 0.0), toReal(values[21], 0.0), toReal(values[31], 0.0), // height toReal(values[40], 2.5), // x scale toReal(values[41], 1.0), // generation flags toInt(values[71], 0), // h just toInt(values[72], 0), // v just toInt(values[73], 0), // text values[1], // style values[7], // angle (toReal(values[50], 0.0)*2*M_PI)/360.0); creationInterface->addText(d); } /** * Adds an attrib entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. * @todo add attrib instead of normal text */ void DL_Jww::addAttrib(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_TextData d( // insertion point toReal(values[10], 0.0), toReal(values[20], 0.0), toReal(values[30], 0.0), // alignment point toReal(values[11], 0.0), toReal(values[21], 0.0), toReal(values[31], 0.0), // height toReal(values[40], 2.5), // x scale toReal(values[41], 1.0), // generation flags toInt(values[71], 0), // h just toInt(values[72], 0), // v just toInt(values[74], 0), // text values[1], // style values[7], // angle (toReal(values[50], 0.0)*2*M_PI)/360.0); creationInterface->addText(d); } /** * @return dimension data from current values. */ DL_DimensionData DL_Jww::getDimData() { // generic dimension data: return DL_DimensionData( // def point toReal(values[10], 0.0), toReal(values[20], 0.0), toReal(values[30], 0.0), // text middle point toReal(values[11], 0.0), toReal(values[21], 0.0), toReal(values[31], 0.0), // type toInt(values[70], 0), // attachment point toInt(values[71], 5), // line sp. style toInt(values[72], 1), // line sp. factor toReal(values[41], 1.0), // text values[1], // style values[3], // angle toReal(values[53], 0.0)); } /** * Adds a linear dimension entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addDimLinear(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_DimensionData d = getDimData(); // horizontal / vertical / rotated dimension: DL_DimLinearData dl( // definition point 1 toReal(values[13], 0.0), toReal(values[23], 0.0), toReal(values[33], 0.0), // definition point 2 toReal(values[14], 0.0), toReal(values[24], 0.0), toReal(values[34], 0.0), // angle toReal(values[50], 0.0), // oblique toReal(values[52], 0.0)); creationInterface->addDimLinear(d, dl); } /** * Adds an aligned dimension entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addDimAligned(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_DimensionData d = getDimData(); // aligned dimension: DL_DimAlignedData da( // extension point 1 toReal(values[13], 0.0), toReal(values[23], 0.0), toReal(values[33], 0.0), // extension point 2 toReal(values[14], 0.0), toReal(values[24], 0.0), toReal(values[34], 0.0)); creationInterface->addDimAlign(d, da); } /** * Adds a radial dimension entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addDimRadial(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_DimensionData d = getDimData(); DL_DimRadialData dr( // definition point toReal(values[15], 0.0), toReal(values[25], 0.0), toReal(values[35], 0.0), // leader length: toReal(values[40], 0.0)); creationInterface->addDimRadial(d, dr); } /** * Adds a diametric dimension entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addDimDiametric(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_DimensionData d = getDimData(); // diametric dimension: DL_DimDiametricData dr( // definition point toReal(values[15], 0.0), toReal(values[25], 0.0), toReal(values[35], 0.0), // leader length: toReal(values[40], 0.0)); creationInterface->addDimDiametric(d, dr); } /** * Adds an angular dimension entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addDimAngular(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_DimensionData d = getDimData(); // angular dimension: DL_DimAngularData da( // definition point 1 toReal(values[13], 0.0), toReal(values[23], 0.0), toReal(values[33], 0.0), // definition point 2 toReal(values[14], 0.0), toReal(values[24], 0.0), toReal(values[34], 0.0), // definition point 3 toReal(values[15], 0.0), toReal(values[25], 0.0), toReal(values[35], 0.0), // definition point 4 toReal(values[16], 0.0), toReal(values[26], 0.0), toReal(values[36], 0.0)); creationInterface->addDimAngular(d, da); } /** * Adds an angular dimension entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addDimAngular3P(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_DimensionData d = getDimData(); // angular dimension (3P): DL_DimAngular3PData da( // definition point 1 toReal(values[13], 0.0), toReal(values[23], 0.0), toReal(values[33], 0.0), // definition point 2 toReal(values[14], 0.0), toReal(values[24], 0.0), toReal(values[34], 0.0), // definition point 3 toReal(values[15], 0.0), toReal(values[25], 0.0), toReal(values[35], 0.0)); creationInterface->addDimAngular3P(d, da); } /** * Adds a leader entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addLeader(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { // leader (arrow) DL_LeaderData le( // arrow head flag toInt(values[71], 1), // leader path type toInt(values[72], 0), // Leader creation flag toInt(values[73], 3), // Hookline direction flag toInt(values[74], 1), // Hookline flag toInt(values[75], 0), // Text annotation height toReal(values[40], 1.0), // Text annotation width toReal(values[41], 1.0), // Number of vertices in leader toInt(values[76], 0) ); creationInterface->addLeader(le); for (int i=0; iaddLeaderVertex(d); } } /** * Adds a hatch entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addHatch(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_HatchData hd(toInt(values[91], 1), toInt(values[70], 0), toReal(values[41], 1.0), toReal(values[52], 0.0), values[2]); creationInterface->addHatch(hd); for (int l=0; laddHatchLoop(ld); for (int b=0; baddHatchEdge(hatchEdges[l][b]); } } creationInterface->endEntity(); currentEntity = DL_UNKNOWN; } /** * Adds an image entity that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addImage(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_ImageData id(// pass ref insead of name we don't have yet values[340], // ins point: toReal(values[10], 0.0), toReal(values[20], 0.0), toReal(values[30], 0.0), // u vector: toReal(values[11], 1.0), toReal(values[21], 0.0), toReal(values[31], 0.0), // v vector: toReal(values[12], 0.0), toReal(values[22], 1.0), toReal(values[32], 0.0), // image size (pixel): toInt(values[13], 1), toInt(values[23], 1), // brightness, contrast, fade toInt(values[281], 50), toInt(values[282], 50), toInt(values[283], 0)); creationInterface->addImage(id); creationInterface->endEntity(); currentEntity = DL_UNKNOWN; } /** * Adds an image definition that was read from the file via the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::addImageDef(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { DL_ImageDefData id(// handle values[5], values[1]); creationInterface->linkImage(id); creationInterface->endEntity(); currentEntity = DL_UNKNOWN; } /** * Ends some special entities like hatches or old style polylines. */ void DL_Jww::endEntity(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { creationInterface->endEntity(); } /** * Ends a sequence and notifies the creation interface. */ void DL_Jww::endSequence(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface) { creationInterface->endSequence(); } /** * Converts the given string into an int. * ok is set to false if there was an error. */ int DL_Jww::stringToInt(const char* s, bool* ok) { if (ok!=NULL) { // check string: *ok = true; int i=0; bool dot = false; do { if (s[i]=='\0') { break; } else if (s[i]=='.') { if (dot==true) { //std::cerr << "two dots\n"; *ok = false; } else { dot = true; } } else if (s[i]<'0' || s[i]>'9') { //std::cerr << "NaN: '" << s[i] << "'\n"; *ok = false; } i++; } while(s[i]!='\0' && *ok==true); } return atoi(s); } /** * @brief Opens the given file for writing and returns a pointer * to the dxf writer. This pointer needs to be passed on to other * writing functions. * * @param file Full path of the file to open. * * @return Pointer to an ascii dxf writer object. */ DL_WriterA* DL_Jww::out(const char* file, DL_Codes::version version) { char* f = new char[strlen(file)+1]; strcpy(f, file); this->version = version; DL_WriterA* dw = new DL_WriterA(f, version); if (dw->openFailed()) { delete dw; return NULL; } else { return dw; } } /** * @brief Writes a DXF header to the file currently opened * by the given DXF writer object. */ void DL_Jww::writeHeader(DL_WriterA& dw) { dw.comment("dxflib " DL_VERSION); dw.sectionHeader(); dw.dxfString(9, "$ACADVER"); switch (version) { case DL_Codes::AC1009: dw.dxfString(1, "AC1009"); break; case DL_Codes::AC1012: dw.dxfString(1, "AC1012"); break; case DL_Codes::AC1014: dw.dxfString(1, "AC1014"); break; case DL_Codes::AC1015: dw.dxfString(1, "AC1015"); break; } // Newer version require that (otherwise a*cad crashes..) if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(9, "$HANDSEED"); dw.dxfHex(5, 0xFFFF); } //dw.sectionEnd(); } /** * Writes a point entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writePoint(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_PointData& data, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { dw.entity("POINT"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbPoint"); } dw.entityAttributes(attrib); dw.coord(POINT_COORD_CODE, data.x, data.y); } /** * Writes a line entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeLine(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_LineData& data, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { dw.entity("LINE"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbLine"); } dw.entityAttributes(attrib); dw.coord(LINE_START_CODE, data.x1, data.y1); dw.coord(LINE_END_CODE, data.x2, data.y2); } /** * Writes a polyline entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data from the file * @param attrib Attributes * @see writeVertex */ void DL_Jww::writePolyline(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_PolylineData& data, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { if (version==VER_2000) { dw.entity("LWPOLYLINE"); dw.entityAttributes(attrib); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbPolyline"); dw.dxfInt(90, (int)data.number); dw.dxfInt(70, data.flags); } else { dw.entity("POLYLINE"); dw.entityAttributes(attrib); polylineLayer = attrib.getLayer(); dw.dxfInt(66, 1); dw.dxfInt(70, data.flags); dw.coord(VERTEX_COORD_CODE, 0.0, 0.0); } } /** * Writes a single vertex of a polyline to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeVertex(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_VertexData& data) { if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfReal(10, data.x); dw.dxfReal(20, data.y); if (fabs(data.bulge)>1.0e-10) { dw.dxfReal(42, data.bulge); } } else { dw.entity("VERTEX"); //dw.entityAttributes(attrib); dw.dxfString(8, polylineLayer); dw.coord(VERTEX_COORD_CODE, data.x, data.y); if (fabs(data.bulge)>1.0e-10) { dw.dxfReal(42, data.bulge); } } } /** * Writes the polyline end. Only needed for DXF R12. */ void DL_Jww::writePolylineEnd(DL_WriterA& dw) { if (version==VER_2000) { } else { dw.entity("SEQEND"); } } /** * Writes a spline entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data from the file * @param attrib Attributes * @see writeControlPoint */ void DL_Jww::writeSpline(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_SplineData& data, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { dw.entity("SPLINE"); dw.entityAttributes(attrib); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbSpline"); } dw.dxfInt(70, data.flags); dw.dxfInt(71, data.degree); dw.dxfInt(72, data.nKnots); // number of knots dw.dxfInt(73, data.nControl); // number of control points dw.dxfInt(74, 0); // number of fit points } /** * Writes a single control point of a spline to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeControlPoint(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_ControlPointData& data) { dw.dxfReal(10, data.x); dw.dxfReal(20, data.y); dw.dxfReal(30, data.z); } /** * Writes a single knot of a spline to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeKnot(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_KnotData& data) { dw.dxfReal(40, data.k); } /** * Writes a circle entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeCircle(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_CircleData& data, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { dw.entity("CIRCLE"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbCircle"); } dw.entityAttributes(attrib); dw.coord(10, data.cx, data.cy); dw.dxfReal(40, data.radius); } /** * Writes an arc entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeArc(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_ArcData& data, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { dw.entity("ARC"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); } dw.entityAttributes(attrib); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbCircle"); } dw.coord(10, data.cx, data.cy); dw.dxfReal(40, data.radius); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbArc"); } dw.dxfReal(50, data.angle1); dw.dxfReal(51, data.angle2); } /** * Writes an ellipse entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeEllipse(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_EllipseData& data, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { if (version>VER_R12) { dw.entity("ELLIPSE"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEllipse"); } dw.entityAttributes(attrib); dw.coord(10, data.cx, data.cy); dw.coord(11, data.mx, data.my); dw.dxfReal(40, data.ratio); dw.dxfReal(41, data.angle1); dw.dxfReal(42, data.angle2); } } /** * Writes an insert to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeInsert(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_InsertData& data, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { if (data.name.empty()) { std::cerr << "DL_Jww::writeInsert: " << "Block name must not be empty\n"; return; } dw.entity("INSERT"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbBlockReference"); } dw.entityAttributes(attrib); dw.dxfString(2, data.name); dw.dxfReal(10, data.ipx); dw.dxfReal(20, data.ipy); dw.dxfReal(30, 0.0); if (data.sx!=1.0 || data.sy!=1.0) { dw.dxfReal(41, data.sx); dw.dxfReal(42, data.sy); dw.dxfReal(43, 1.0); } if (data.angle!=0.0) { dw.dxfReal(50, data.angle); } if (data.cols!=1 || data.rows!=1) { dw.dxfInt(70, data.cols); dw.dxfInt(71, data.rows); } if (data.colSp!=0.0 || data.rowSp!=0.0) { dw.dxfReal(44, data.colSp); dw.dxfReal(45, data.rowSp); } } /** * Writes a multi text entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeMText(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_MTextData& data, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { dw.entity("MTEXT"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbMText"); } dw.entityAttributes(attrib); dw.dxfReal(10, data.ipx); dw.dxfReal(20, data.ipy); dw.dxfReal(30, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(40, data.height); dw.dxfReal(41, data.width); dw.dxfInt(71, data.attachmentPoint); dw.dxfInt(72, data.drawingDirection); // Creare text chunks of 250 characters each: int length = data.text.length(); char chunk[251]; int i; for (i=250; iVER_R12) { dw.dxfInt(71, data.attachmentPoint); dw.dxfInt(72, data.lineSpacingStyle); // opt dw.dxfReal(41, data.lineSpacingFactor); // opt } dw.dxfReal(42, data.angle); dw.dxfString(1, data.text); // opt //dw.dxfString(3, data.style); dw.dxfString(3, "Standard"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbAlignedDimension"); } dw.dxfReal(13, edata.epx1); dw.dxfReal(23, edata.epy1); dw.dxfReal(33, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(14, edata.epx2); dw.dxfReal(24, edata.epy2); dw.dxfReal(34, 0.0); } /** * Writes a linear dimension entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Generic dimension data for from the file * @param data Specific linear dimension data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeDimLinear(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_DimensionData& data, const DL_DimLinearData& edata, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { dw.entity("DIMENSION"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); } dw.entityAttributes(attrib); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDimension"); } dw.dxfReal(10, data.dpx); dw.dxfReal(20, data.dpy); dw.dxfReal(30, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(11, data.mpx); dw.dxfReal(21, data.mpy); dw.dxfReal(31, 0.0); dw.dxfInt(70, 0); if (version>VER_R12) { dw.dxfInt(71, data.attachmentPoint); dw.dxfInt(72, data.lineSpacingStyle); // opt dw.dxfReal(41, data.lineSpacingFactor); // opt } dw.dxfReal(42, data.angle); dw.dxfString(1, data.text); // opt //dw.dxfString(3, data.style); dw.dxfString(3, "Standard"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbAlignedDimension"); } dw.dxfReal(13, edata.dpx1); dw.dxfReal(23, edata.dpy1); dw.dxfReal(33, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(14, edata.dpx2); dw.dxfReal(24, edata.dpy2); dw.dxfReal(34, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(50, edata.angle/(2.0*M_PI)*360.0); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbRotatedDimension"); /* dw.dxfString(1001, "ACAD"); dw.dxfString(1000, "DSTYLE"); dw.dxfString(1002, "{"); dw.dxfInt(1070, 340); dw.dxfInt(1005, 11); dw.dxfString(1002, "}"); */ } } /** * Writes a radial dimension entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Generic dimension data for from the file * @param data Specific radial dimension data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeDimRadial(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_DimensionData& data, const DL_DimRadialData& edata, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { dw.entity("DIMENSION"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); } dw.entityAttributes(attrib); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDimension"); } dw.dxfReal(10, data.dpx); dw.dxfReal(20, data.dpy); dw.dxfReal(30, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(11, data.mpx); dw.dxfReal(21, data.mpy); dw.dxfReal(31, 0.0); dw.dxfInt(70, 4); if (version>VER_R12) { dw.dxfInt(71, data.attachmentPoint); dw.dxfInt(72, data.lineSpacingStyle); // opt dw.dxfReal(41, data.lineSpacingFactor); // opt } dw.dxfReal(42, data.angle); dw.dxfString(1, data.text); // opt //dw.dxfString(3, data.style); dw.dxfString(3, "Standard"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbRadialDimension"); } dw.dxfReal(15, edata.dpx); dw.dxfReal(25, edata.dpy); dw.dxfReal(35, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(40, edata.leader); } /** * Writes a diametric dimension entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Generic dimension data for from the file * @param data Specific diametric dimension data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeDimDiametric(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_DimensionData& data, const DL_DimDiametricData& edata, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { dw.entity("DIMENSION"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); } dw.entityAttributes(attrib); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDimension"); } dw.dxfReal(10, data.dpx); dw.dxfReal(20, data.dpy); dw.dxfReal(30, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(11, data.mpx); dw.dxfReal(21, data.mpy); dw.dxfReal(31, 0.0); dw.dxfInt(70, 3); if (version>VER_R12) { dw.dxfInt(71, data.attachmentPoint); dw.dxfInt(72, data.lineSpacingStyle); // opt dw.dxfReal(41, data.lineSpacingFactor); // opt } dw.dxfReal(42, data.angle); dw.dxfString(1, data.text); // opt //dw.dxfString(3, data.style); dw.dxfString(3, "Standard"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDiametricDimension"); } dw.dxfReal(15, edata.dpx); dw.dxfReal(25, edata.dpy); dw.dxfReal(35, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(40, edata.leader); } /** * Writes an angular dimension entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Generic dimension data for from the file * @param data Specific angular dimension data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeDimAngular(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_DimensionData& data, const DL_DimAngularData& edata, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { dw.entity("DIMENSION"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); } dw.entityAttributes(attrib); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDimension"); } dw.dxfReal(10, data.dpx); dw.dxfReal(20, data.dpy); dw.dxfReal(30, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(11, data.mpx); dw.dxfReal(21, data.mpy); dw.dxfReal(31, 0.0); dw.dxfInt(70, 2); if (version>VER_R12) { dw.dxfInt(71, data.attachmentPoint); dw.dxfInt(72, data.lineSpacingStyle); // opt dw.dxfReal(41, data.lineSpacingFactor); // opt } dw.dxfReal(42, data.angle); dw.dxfString(1, data.text); // opt //dw.dxfString(3, data.style); dw.dxfString(3, "Standard"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDb2LineAngularDimension"); } dw.dxfReal(13, edata.dpx1); dw.dxfReal(23, edata.dpy1); dw.dxfReal(33, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(14, edata.dpx2); dw.dxfReal(24, edata.dpy2); dw.dxfReal(34, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(15, edata.dpx3); dw.dxfReal(25, edata.dpy3); dw.dxfReal(35, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(16, edata.dpx4); dw.dxfReal(26, edata.dpy4); dw.dxfReal(36, 0.0); } /** * Writes an angular dimension entity (3 points version) to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Generic dimension data for from the file * @param data Specific angular dimension data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeDimAngular3P(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_DimensionData& data, const DL_DimAngular3PData& edata, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { dw.entity("DIMENSION"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); } dw.entityAttributes(attrib); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDimension"); } dw.dxfReal(10, data.dpx); dw.dxfReal(20, data.dpy); dw.dxfReal(30, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(11, data.mpx); dw.dxfReal(21, data.mpy); dw.dxfReal(31, 0.0); dw.dxfInt(70, 5); if (version>VER_R12) { dw.dxfInt(71, data.attachmentPoint); dw.dxfInt(72, data.lineSpacingStyle); // opt dw.dxfReal(41, data.lineSpacingFactor); // opt } dw.dxfReal(42, data.angle); dw.dxfString(1, data.text); // opt //dw.dxfString(3, data.style); dw.dxfString(3, "Standard"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDb3PointAngularDimension"); } dw.dxfReal(13, edata.dpx1); dw.dxfReal(23, edata.dpy1); dw.dxfReal(33, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(14, edata.dpx2); dw.dxfReal(24, edata.dpy2); dw.dxfReal(34, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(15, edata.dpx3); dw.dxfReal(25, edata.dpy3); dw.dxfReal(35, 0.0); } /** * Writes a leader entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data from the file * @param attrib Attributes * @see writeVertex */ void DL_Jww::writeLeader(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_LeaderData& data, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { if (version>VER_R12) { dw.entity("LEADER"); dw.entityAttributes(attrib); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbLeader"); } dw.dxfString(3, "Standard"); dw.dxfInt(71, data.arrowHeadFlag); dw.dxfInt(72, data.leaderPathType); dw.dxfInt(73, data.leaderCreationFlag); dw.dxfInt(74, data.hooklineDirectionFlag); dw.dxfInt(75, data.hooklineFlag); dw.dxfReal(40, data.textAnnotationHeight); dw.dxfReal(41, data.textAnnotationWidth); dw.dxfInt(76, data.number); } } /** * Writes a single vertex of a leader to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data */ void DL_Jww::writeLeaderVertex(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_LeaderVertexData& data) { if (version>VER_R12) { dw.dxfReal(10, data.x); dw.dxfReal(20, data.y); } } /** * Writes the beginning of a hatch entity to the file. * This must be followed by one or more writeHatchLoop() * calls and a writeHatch2() call. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data. * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeHatch1(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_HatchData& data, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { dw.entity("HATCH"); dw.entityAttributes(attrib); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbHatch"); } dw.dxfReal(10, 0.0); // elevation dw.dxfReal(20, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(30, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(210, 0.0); // extrusion dir. dw.dxfReal(220, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(230, 1.0); if (data.solid==false) { dw.dxfString(2, data.pattern); } else { dw.dxfString(2, "SOLID"); } dw.dxfInt(70, (int)data.solid); dw.dxfInt(71, 0); // associative dw.dxfInt(91, data.numLoops); } /** * Writes the end of a hatch entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data. * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeHatch2(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_HatchData& data, const DL_Attributes& /*attrib*/) { dw.dxfInt(75, 0); // odd parity dw.dxfInt(76, 1); // pattern type if (data.solid==false) { dw.dxfReal(52, data.angle); dw.dxfReal(41, data.scale); dw.dxfInt(77, 0); // not double //dw.dxfInt(78, 0); dw.dxfInt(78, 1); dw.dxfReal(53, 45.0); dw.dxfReal(43, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(44, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(45, -0.0883883476483184); dw.dxfReal(46, 0.0883883476483185); dw.dxfInt(79, 0); } dw.dxfInt(98, 0); } /** * Writes the beginning of a hatch loop to the file. This * must happen after writing the beginning of a hatch entity. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data. * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeHatchLoop1(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_HatchLoopData& data) { dw.dxfInt(92, 1); dw.dxfInt(93, data.numEdges); //dw.dxfInt(97, 0); } /** * Writes the end of a hatch loop to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data. * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeHatchLoop2(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_HatchLoopData& /*data*/) { dw.dxfInt(97, 0); } /** * Writes the beginning of a hatch entity to the file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data. * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeHatchEdge(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_HatchEdgeData& data) { dw.dxfInt(72, data.type); switch (data.type) { case 1: dw.dxfReal(10, data.x1); dw.dxfReal(20, data.y1); dw.dxfReal(11, data.x2); dw.dxfReal(21, data.y2); break; case 2: dw.dxfReal(10, data.cx); dw.dxfReal(20, data.cy); dw.dxfReal(40, data.radius); dw.dxfReal(50, data.angle1/(2*M_PI)*360.0); dw.dxfReal(51, data.angle2/(2*M_PI)*360.0); dw.dxfInt(73, (int)(data.ccw)); break; default: break; } } /** * Writes an image entity. * * @return IMAGEDEF handle. Needed for the IMAGEDEF counterpart. */ int DL_Jww::writeImage(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_ImageData& data, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { /*if (data.file.empty()) { std::cerr << "DL_Jww::writeImage: " << "Image file must not be empty\n"; return; }*/ dw.entity("IMAGE"); dw.entityAttributes(attrib); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbEntity"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbRasterImage"); dw.dxfInt(90, 0); } // insertion point dw.dxfReal(10, data.ipx); dw.dxfReal(20, data.ipy); dw.dxfReal(30, 0.0); // vector along bottom side (1 pixel long) dw.dxfReal(11, data.ux); dw.dxfReal(21, data.uy); dw.dxfReal(31, 0.0); // vector along left side (1 pixel long) dw.dxfReal(12, data.vx); dw.dxfReal(22, data.vy); dw.dxfReal(32, 0.0); // image size in pixel dw.dxfReal(13, data.width); dw.dxfReal(23, data.height); // handle of IMAGEDEF object int handle = dw.incHandle(); dw.dxfHex(340, handle); // flags dw.dxfInt(70, 15); // clipping: dw.dxfInt(280, 0); // brightness, contrast, fade dw.dxfInt(281, data.brightness); dw.dxfInt(282, data.contrast); dw.dxfInt(283, data.fade); return handle; } /** * Writes an image definiition entity. */ void DL_Jww::writeImageDef(DL_WriterA& dw, int handle, const DL_ImageData& data) { /*if (data.file.empty()) { std::cerr << "DL_Jww::writeImage: " << "Image file must not be empty\n"; return; }*/ dw.dxfString(0, "IMAGEDEF"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfHex(5, handle); } if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbRasterImageDef"); dw.dxfInt(90, 0); } // file name: dw.dxfString(1, data.ref); // image size in pixel dw.dxfReal(10, data.width); dw.dxfReal(20, data.height); dw.dxfReal(11, 1.0); dw.dxfReal(21, 1.0); // loaded: dw.dxfInt(280, 1); // units: dw.dxfInt(281, 0); } /** * Writes a layer to the file. Layers are stored in the * tables section of a DXF file. * * @param dw DXF writer * @param data Entity data from the file * @param attrib Attributes */ void DL_Jww::writeLayer(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_LayerData& data, const DL_Attributes& attrib) { if (data.name.empty()) { std::cerr << "DL_Jww::writeLayer: " << "Layer name must not be empty\n"; return; } int color = attrib.getColor(); if (color<=0 || color>=256) { std::cerr << "Layer color cannot be " << color << ". Changed to 7.\n"; color = 7; } if (data.name == "0") { dw.tableLayerEntry(0x10); } else { dw.tableLayerEntry(); } dw.dxfString(2, data.name); dw.dxfInt(70, data.flags); dw.dxfInt(62, color); dw.dxfString(6, (attrib.getLineType().length()==0 ? string("CONTINUOUS") : attrib.getLineType())); if (version>=VER_2000) { // layer defpoints cannot be plotted std::string lstr = data.name; std::transform(lstr.begin(), lstr.end(), lstr.begin(), tolower); if (lstr=="defpoints") { dw.dxfInt(290, 0); } } if (version>=VER_2000 && attrib.getWidth()!=-1) { dw.dxfInt(370, attrib.getWidth()); } if (version>=VER_2000) { dw.dxfHex(390, 0xF); } } /** * Writes a line type to the file. Line types are stored in the * tables section of a DXF file. */ void DL_Jww::writeLineType(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_LineTypeData& data) { //const char* description, //int elements, //double patternLength) { if (data.name.empty()) { std::cerr << "DL_Jww::writeLineType: " << "Line type name must not be empty\n"; return; } // ignore BYLAYER, BYBLOCK for R12 if (version=VER_2000) { dw.dxfInt(70, data.flags); //} if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "BYBLOCK")) { dw.dxfString(3, ""); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 0); dw.dxfReal(40, 0.0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "BYLAYER")) { dw.dxfString(3, ""); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 0); dw.dxfReal(40, 0.0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "CONTINUOUS")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Solid line"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 0); dw.dxfReal(40, 0.0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "ACAD_ISO02W100")) { dw.dxfString(3, "ISO Dashed __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 2); dw.dxfReal(40, 15.0); dw.dxfReal(49, 12.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "ACAD_ISO03W100")) { dw.dxfString(3, "ISO Dashed with Distance __ __ __ _"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 2); dw.dxfReal(40, 30.0); dw.dxfReal(49, 12.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -18.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "ACAD_ISO04W100")) { dw.dxfString(3, "ISO Long Dashed Dotted ____ . ____ . __"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 4); dw.dxfReal(40, 30.0); dw.dxfReal(49, 24.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "ACAD_ISO05W100")) { dw.dxfString(3, "ISO Long Dashed Double Dotted ____ .. __"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 6); dw.dxfReal(40, 33.0); dw.dxfReal(49, 24.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "BORDER")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Border __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ __ ."); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 6); dw.dxfReal(40, 44.45); dw.dxfReal(49, 12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "BORDER2")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Border (.5x) __.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__.__."); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 6); dw.dxfReal(40, 22.225); dw.dxfReal(49, 6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.175); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.175); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.175); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "BORDERX2")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Border (2x) ____ ____ . ____ ____ . ___"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 6); dw.dxfReal(40, 88.9); dw.dxfReal(49, 25.4); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 25.4); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "CENTER")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Center ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 4); dw.dxfReal(40, 50.8); dw.dxfReal(49, 31.75); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "CENTER2")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Center (.5x) ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___ _ ___"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 4); dw.dxfReal(40, 28.575); dw.dxfReal(49, 19.05); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.175); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 3.175); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.175); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "CENTERX2")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Center (2x) ________ __ ________ __ _____"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 4); dw.dxfReal(40, 101.6); dw.dxfReal(49, 63.5); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "DASHDOT")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Dash dot __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 4); dw.dxfReal(40, 25.4); dw.dxfReal(49, 12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "DASHDOT2")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Dash dot (.5x) _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._."); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 4); dw.dxfReal(40, 12.7); dw.dxfReal(49, 6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.175); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.175); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "DASHDOTX2")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Dash dot (2x) ____ . ____ . ____ . ___"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 4); dw.dxfReal(40, 50.8); dw.dxfReal(49, 25.4); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "DASHED")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Dashed __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 2); dw.dxfReal(40, 19.05); dw.dxfReal(49, 12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "DASHED2")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Dashed (.5x) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 2); dw.dxfReal(40, 9.525); dw.dxfReal(49, 6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.175); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "DASHEDX2")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Dashed (2x) ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 2); dw.dxfReal(40, 38.1); dw.dxfReal(49, 25.4); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "DIVIDE")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Divide ____ . . ____ . . ____ . . ____ . . ____"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 6); dw.dxfReal(40, 31.75); dw.dxfReal(49, 12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "DIVIDE2")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Divide (.5x) __..__..__..__..__..__..__..__.._"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 6); dw.dxfReal(40, 15.875); dw.dxfReal(49, 6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.175); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.175); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.175); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "DIVIDEX2")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Divide (2x) ________ . . ________ . . _"); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 6); dw.dxfReal(40, 63.5); dw.dxfReal(49, 25.4); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "DOT")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Dot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 2); dw.dxfReal(40, 6.35); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -6.35); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "DOT2")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Dot (.5x) ....................................."); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 2); dw.dxfReal(40, 3.175); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -3.175); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "DOTX2")) { dw.dxfString(3, "Dot (2x) . . . . . . . . . . . . ."); dw.dxfInt(72, 65); dw.dxfInt(73, 2); dw.dxfReal(40, 12.7); dw.dxfReal(49, 0.0); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); dw.dxfReal(49, -12.7); if (version>=VER_R13) dw.dxfInt(74, 0); } else { std::cerr << "dxflib warning: DL_Jww::writeLineType: Unknown Line Type\n"; } } /** * Writes the APPID section to the DXF file. * * @param name Application name */ void DL_Jww::writeAppid(DL_WriterA& dw, const string& name) { if (name.empty()) { std::cerr << "DL_Jww::writeAppid: " << "Application name must not be empty\n"; return; } if (!strcasecmp(name.c_str(), "ACAD")) { dw.tableAppidEntry(0x12); } else { dw.tableAppidEntry(); } dw.dxfString(2, name); dw.dxfInt(70, 0); } /** * Writes a block's definition (no entities) to the DXF file. */ void DL_Jww::writeBlock(DL_WriterA& dw, const DL_BlockData& data) { if (data.name.empty()) { std::cerr << "DL_Jww::writeBlock: " << "Block name must not be empty\n"; return; } //bool paperSpace = !strcasecmp(name, "*paper_space"); //!strcasecmp(name, "*paper_space0"); if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "*paper_space")) { dw.sectionBlockEntry(0x1C); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "*model_space")) { dw.sectionBlockEntry(0x20); } else if (!strcasecmp(data.name.c_str(), "*paper_space0")) { dw.sectionBlockEntry(0x24); } else { dw.sectionBlockEntry(); } dw.dxfString(2, data.name); dw.dxfInt(70, 0); dw.coord(10, data.bpx, data.bpy); dw.dxfString(3, data.name); dw.dxfString(1, ""); } /** * Writes a block end. * * @param name Block name */ void DL_Jww::writeEndBlock(DL_WriterA& dw, const string& name) { if (!strcasecmp(name.c_str(), "*paper_space")) { dw.sectionBlockEntryEnd(0x1D); } else if (!strcasecmp(name.c_str(), "*model_space")) { dw.sectionBlockEntryEnd(0x21); } else if (!strcasecmp(name.c_str(), "*paper_space0")) { dw.sectionBlockEntryEnd(0x25); } else { dw.sectionBlockEntryEnd(); } } /** * Writes a viewport section. This section is needed in VER_R13. * Note that this method currently only writes a faked VPORT section * to make the file readable by Aut*cad. */ void DL_Jww::writeVPort(DL_WriterA& dw) { dw.dxfString(0, "TABLE"); dw.dxfString(2, "VPORT"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfHex(5, 0x8); } //dw.dxfHex(330, 0); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbSymbolTable"); } dw.dxfInt(70, 1); dw.dxfString(0, "VPORT"); //dw.dxfHex(5, 0x2F); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.handle(); } //dw.dxfHex(330, 8); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbSymbolTableRecord"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbViewportTableRecord"); } dw.dxfString( 2, "*Active"); dw.dxfInt( 70, 0); dw.dxfReal( 10, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 20, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 11, 1.0); dw.dxfReal( 21, 1.0); dw.dxfReal( 12, 286.3055555555555); dw.dxfReal( 22, 148.5); dw.dxfReal( 13, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 23, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 14, 10.0); dw.dxfReal( 24, 10.0); dw.dxfReal( 15, 10.0); dw.dxfReal( 25, 10.0); dw.dxfReal( 16, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 26, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 36, 1.0); dw.dxfReal( 17, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 27, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 37, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 40, 297.0); dw.dxfReal( 41, 1.92798353909465); dw.dxfReal( 42, 50.0); dw.dxfReal( 43, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 44, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 50, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 51, 0.0); dw.dxfInt( 71, 0); dw.dxfInt( 72, 100); dw.dxfInt( 73, 1); dw.dxfInt( 74, 3); dw.dxfInt( 75, 1); dw.dxfInt( 76, 1); dw.dxfInt( 77, 0); dw.dxfInt( 78, 0); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfInt(281, 0); dw.dxfInt( 65, 1); dw.dxfReal(110, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(120, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(130, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(111, 1.0); dw.dxfReal(121, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(131, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(112, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(122, 1.0); dw.dxfReal(132, 0.0); dw.dxfInt( 79, 0); dw.dxfReal(146, 0.0); } dw.dxfString( 0, "ENDTAB"); } /** * Writes a style section. This section is needed in VER_R13. * Note that this method currently only writes a faked STYLE section * to make the file readable by Aut*cad. */ void DL_Jww::writeStyle(DL_WriterA& dw) { dw.dxfString( 0, "TABLE"); dw.dxfString( 2, "STYLE"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfHex(5, 3); } //dw.dxfHex(330, 0); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbSymbolTable"); } dw.dxfInt( 70, 1); dw.dxfString( 0, "STYLE"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfHex(5, 0x11); } //styleHandleStd = dw.handle(); //dw.dxfHex(330, 3); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbSymbolTableRecord"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbTextStyleTableRecord"); } dw.dxfString( 2, "Standard"); dw.dxfInt( 70, 0); dw.dxfReal( 40, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 41, 0.75); dw.dxfReal( 50, 0.0); dw.dxfInt( 71, 0); dw.dxfReal( 42, 2.5); dw.dxfString( 3, "txt"); dw.dxfString( 4, ""); dw.dxfString( 0, "ENDTAB"); } /** * Writes a view section. This section is needed in VER_R13. * Note that this method currently only writes a faked VIEW section * to make the file readable by Aut*cad. */ void DL_Jww::writeView(DL_WriterA& dw) { dw.dxfString( 0, "TABLE"); dw.dxfString( 2, "VIEW"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfHex(5, 6); } //dw.dxfHex(330, 0); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbSymbolTable"); } dw.dxfInt( 70, 0); dw.dxfString( 0, "ENDTAB"); } /** * Writes a ucs section. This section is needed in VER_R13. * Note that this method currently only writes a faked UCS section * to make the file readable by Aut*cad. */ void DL_Jww::writeUcs(DL_WriterA& dw) { dw.dxfString( 0, "TABLE"); dw.dxfString( 2, "UCS"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfHex(5, 7); } //dw.dxfHex(330, 0); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbSymbolTable"); } dw.dxfInt( 70, 0); dw.dxfString( 0, "ENDTAB"); } /** * Writes a dimstyle section. This section is needed in VER_R13. * Note that this method currently only writes a faked DIMSTYLE section * to make the file readable by Aut*cad. */ void DL_Jww::writeDimStyle(DL_WriterA& dw, double dimasz, double dimexe, double dimexo, double dimgap, double dimtxt) { dw.dxfString( 0, "TABLE"); dw.dxfString( 2, "DIMSTYLE"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfHex(5, 0xA); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbSymbolTable"); } dw.dxfInt( 70, 1); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDimStyleTable"); dw.dxfInt( 71, 0); } dw.dxfString( 0, "DIMSTYLE"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfHex(105, 0x27); } //dw.handle(105); //dw.dxfHex(330, 0xA); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbSymbolTableRecord"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDimStyleTableRecord"); } dw.dxfString( 2, "Standard"); if (version==VER_R12) { dw.dxfString( 3, ""); dw.dxfString( 4, ""); dw.dxfString( 5, ""); dw.dxfString( 6, ""); dw.dxfString( 7, ""); dw.dxfReal( 40, 1.0); } dw.dxfReal( 41, dimasz); dw.dxfReal( 42, dimexo); dw.dxfReal( 43, 3.75); dw.dxfReal( 44, dimexe); if (version==VER_R12) { dw.dxfReal( 45, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 46, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 47, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 48, 0.0); } dw.dxfInt( 70, 0); if (version==VER_R12) { dw.dxfInt( 71, 0); dw.dxfInt( 72, 0); } dw.dxfInt( 73, 0); dw.dxfInt( 74, 0); if (version==VER_R12) { dw.dxfInt( 75, 0); dw.dxfInt( 76, 0); } dw.dxfInt( 77, 1); dw.dxfInt( 78, 8); dw.dxfReal(140, dimtxt); dw.dxfReal(141, 2.5); if (version==VER_R12) { dw.dxfReal(142, 0.0); } dw.dxfReal(143, 0.03937007874016); if (version==VER_R12) { dw.dxfReal(144, 1.0); dw.dxfReal(145, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(146, 1.0); } dw.dxfReal(147, dimgap); if (version==VER_R12) { dw.dxfInt(170, 0); } dw.dxfInt(171, 3); dw.dxfInt(172, 1); if (version==VER_R12) { dw.dxfInt(173, 0); dw.dxfInt(174, 0); dw.dxfInt(175, 0); dw.dxfInt(176, 0); dw.dxfInt(177, 0); dw.dxfInt(178, 0); } if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfInt(271, 2); dw.dxfInt(272, 2); dw.dxfInt(274, 3); dw.dxfInt(278, 44); dw.dxfInt(283, 0); dw.dxfInt(284, 8); //dw.dxfHex(340, styleHandleStd); dw.dxfHex(340, 0x11); } // * / dw.dxfString( 0, "ENDTAB"); } /** * Writes a blockrecord section. This section is needed in VER_R13. * Note that this method currently only writes a faked BLOCKRECORD section * to make the file readable by Aut*cad. */ void DL_Jww::writeBlockRecord(DL_WriterA& dw) { dw.dxfString( 0, "TABLE"); dw.dxfString( 2, "BLOCK_RECORD"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfHex(5, 1); } //dw.dxfHex(330, 0); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbSymbolTable"); } dw.dxfInt( 70, 1); dw.dxfString( 0, "BLOCK_RECORD"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfHex(5, 0x1F); } //int msh = dw.handle(); //dw.setModelSpaceHandle(msh); //dw.dxfHex(330, 1); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbSymbolTableRecord"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbBlockTableRecord"); } dw.dxfString( 2, "*Model_Space"); dw.dxfHex(340, 0x22); dw.dxfString( 0, "BLOCK_RECORD"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfHex(5, 0x1B); } //int psh = dw.handle(); //dw.setPaperSpaceHandle(psh); //dw.dxfHex(330, 1); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbSymbolTableRecord"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbBlockTableRecord"); } dw.dxfString( 2, "*Paper_Space"); dw.dxfHex(340, 0x1E); dw.dxfString( 0, "BLOCK_RECORD"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfHex(5, 0x23); } //int ps0h = dw.handle(); //dw.setPaperSpace0Handle(ps0h); //dw.dxfHex(330, 1); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbSymbolTableRecord"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbBlockTableRecord"); } dw.dxfString( 2, "*Paper_Space0"); dw.dxfHex(340, 0x26); //dw.dxfString( 0, "ENDTAB"); } /** * Writes a single block record with the given name. */ void DL_Jww::writeBlockRecord(DL_WriterA& dw, const string& name) { dw.dxfString( 0, "BLOCK_RECORD"); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.handle(); } //dw->dxfHex(330, 1); if (version==VER_2000) { dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbSymbolTableRecord"); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbBlockTableRecord"); } dw.dxfString( 2, name); dw.dxfHex(340, 0); } /** * Writes a objects section. This section is needed in VER_R13. * Note that this method currently only writes a faked OBJECTS section * to make the file readable by Aut*cad. */ void DL_Jww::writeObjects(DL_WriterA& dw) { //int dicId, dicId2, dicId3, dicId4, dicId5; //int dicId5; dw.dxfString( 0, "SECTION"); dw.dxfString( 2, "OBJECTS"); dw.dxfString( 0, "DICTIONARY"); dw.dxfHex(5, 0xC); // C //dw.dxfHex(330, 0); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDictionary"); dw.dxfInt(280, 0); dw.dxfInt(281, 1); dw.dxfString( 3, "ACAD_GROUP"); //dw.dxfHex(350, dw.getNextHandle()); // D dw.dxfHex(350, 0xD); // D dw.dxfString( 3, "ACAD_LAYOUT"); dw.dxfHex(350, 0x1A); //dw.dxfHex(350, dw.getNextHandle()+0); // 1A dw.dxfString( 3, "ACAD_MLINESTYLE"); dw.dxfHex(350, 0x17); //dw.dxfHex(350, dw.getNextHandle()+1); // 17 dw.dxfString( 3, "ACAD_PLOTSETTINGS"); dw.dxfHex(350, 0x19); //dw.dxfHex(350, dw.getNextHandle()+2); // 19 dw.dxfString( 3, "ACAD_PLOTSTYLENAME"); dw.dxfHex(350, 0xE); //dw.dxfHex(350, dw.getNextHandle()+3); // E dw.dxfString( 3, "AcDbVariableDictionary"); dw.dxfHex(350, dw.getNextHandle()); // 2C dw.dxfString( 0, "DICTIONARY"); dw.dxfHex(5, 0xD); //dw.handle(); // D //dw.dxfHex(330, 0xC); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDictionary"); dw.dxfInt(280, 0); dw.dxfInt(281, 1); dw.dxfString( 0, "ACDBDICTIONARYWDFLT"); dw.dxfHex(5, 0xE); //dicId4 = dw.handle(); // E //dw.dxfHex(330, 0xC); // C dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDictionary"); dw.dxfInt(281, 1); dw.dxfString( 3, "Normal"); dw.dxfHex(350, 0xF); //dw.dxfHex(350, dw.getNextHandle()+5); // F dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDictionaryWithDefault"); dw.dxfHex(340, 0xF); //dw.dxfHex(340, dw.getNextHandle()+5); // F dw.dxfString( 0, "ACDBPLACEHOLDER"); dw.dxfHex(5, 0xF); //dw.handle(); // F //dw.dxfHex(330, dicId4); // E dw.dxfString( 0, "DICTIONARY"); //dicId3 = dw.handle(); // 17 dw.dxfHex(5, 0x17); //dw.dxfHex(330, 0xC); // C dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDictionary"); dw.dxfInt(280, 0); dw.dxfInt(281, 1); dw.dxfString( 3, "Standard"); dw.dxfHex(350, 0x18); //dw.dxfHex(350, dw.getNextHandle()+5); // 18 dw.dxfString( 0, "MLINESTYLE"); dw.dxfHex(5, 0x18); //dw.handle(); // 18 //dw.dxfHex(330, dicId3); // 17 dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbMlineStyle"); dw.dxfString( 2, "STANDARD"); dw.dxfInt( 70, 0); dw.dxfString( 3, ""); dw.dxfInt( 62, 256); dw.dxfReal( 51, 90.0); dw.dxfReal( 52, 90.0); dw.dxfInt( 71, 2); dw.dxfReal( 49, 0.5); dw.dxfInt( 62, 256); dw.dxfString( 6, "BYLAYER"); dw.dxfReal( 49, -0.5); dw.dxfInt( 62, 256); dw.dxfString( 6, "BYLAYER"); dw.dxfString( 0, "DICTIONARY"); dw.dxfHex(5, 0x19); //dw.handle(); // 17 //dw.dxfHex(330, 0xC); // C dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDictionary"); dw.dxfInt(280, 0); dw.dxfInt(281, 1); dw.dxfString( 0, "DICTIONARY"); //dicId2 = dw.handle(); // 1A dw.dxfHex(5, 0x1A); //dw.dxfHex(330, 0xC); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDictionary"); dw.dxfInt(281, 1); dw.dxfString( 3, "Layout1"); dw.dxfHex(350, 0x1E); //dw.dxfHex(350, dw.getNextHandle()+2); // 1E dw.dxfString( 3, "Layout2"); dw.dxfHex(350, 0x26); //dw.dxfHex(350, dw.getNextHandle()+4); // 26 dw.dxfString( 3, "Model"); dw.dxfHex(350, 0x22); //dw.dxfHex(350, dw.getNextHandle()+5); // 22 dw.dxfString( 0, "LAYOUT"); dw.dxfHex(5, 0x1E); //dw.handle(); // 1E //dw.dxfHex(330, dicId2); // 1A dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbPlotSettings"); dw.dxfString( 1, ""); dw.dxfString( 2, "C:\\Program Files\\AutoCAD 2002\\plotters\\DWF ePlot (optimized for plotting).pc3"); dw.dxfString( 4, ""); dw.dxfString( 6, ""); dw.dxfReal( 40, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 41, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 42, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 43, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 44, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 45, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 46, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 47, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 48, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 49, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(140, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(141, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(142, 1.0); dw.dxfReal(143, 1.0); dw.dxfInt( 70, 688); dw.dxfInt( 72, 0); dw.dxfInt( 73, 0); dw.dxfInt( 74, 5); dw.dxfString( 7, ""); dw.dxfInt( 75, 16); dw.dxfReal(147, 1.0); dw.dxfReal(148, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(149, 0.0); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbLayout"); dw.dxfString( 1, "Layout1"); dw.dxfInt( 70, 1); dw.dxfInt( 71, 1); dw.dxfReal( 10, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 20, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 11, 420.0); dw.dxfReal( 21, 297.0); dw.dxfReal( 12, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 22, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 32, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 14, 1.000000000000000E+20); dw.dxfReal( 24, 1.000000000000000E+20); dw.dxfReal( 34, 1.000000000000000E+20); dw.dxfReal( 15, -1.000000000000000E+20); dw.dxfReal( 25, -1.000000000000000E+20); dw.dxfReal( 35, -1.000000000000000E+20); dw.dxfReal(146, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 13, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 23, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 33, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 16, 1.0); dw.dxfReal( 26, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 36, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 17, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 27, 1.0); dw.dxfReal( 37, 0.0); dw.dxfInt( 76, 0); //dw.dxfHex(330, dw.getPaperSpaceHandle()); // 1B dw.dxfHex(330, 0x1B); dw.dxfString( 0, "LAYOUT"); dw.dxfHex(5, 0x22); //dw.handle(); // 22 //dw.dxfHex(330, dicId2); // 1A dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbPlotSettings"); dw.dxfString( 1, ""); dw.dxfString( 2, "C:\\Program Files\\AutoCAD 2002\\plotters\\DWF ePlot (optimized for plotting).pc3"); dw.dxfString( 4, ""); dw.dxfString( 6, ""); dw.dxfReal( 40, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 41, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 42, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 43, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 44, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 45, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 46, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 47, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 48, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 49, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(140, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(141, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(142, 1.0); dw.dxfReal(143, 1.0); dw.dxfInt( 70, 1712); dw.dxfInt( 72, 0); dw.dxfInt( 73, 0); dw.dxfInt( 74, 0); dw.dxfString( 7, ""); dw.dxfInt( 75, 0); dw.dxfReal(147, 1.0); dw.dxfReal(148, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(149, 0.0); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbLayout"); dw.dxfString( 1, "Model"); dw.dxfInt( 70, 1); dw.dxfInt( 71, 0); dw.dxfReal( 10, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 20, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 11, 12.0); dw.dxfReal( 21, 9.0); dw.dxfReal( 12, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 22, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 32, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 14, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 24, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 34, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 15, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 25, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 35, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(146, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 13, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 23, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 33, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 16, 1.0); dw.dxfReal( 26, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 36, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 17, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 27, 1.0); dw.dxfReal( 37, 0.0); dw.dxfInt( 76, 0); //dw.dxfHex(330, dw.getModelSpaceHandle()); // 1F dw.dxfHex(330, 0x1F); dw.dxfString( 0, "LAYOUT"); //dw.handle(); // 26 dw.dxfHex(5, 0x26); //dw.dxfHex(330, dicId2); // 1A dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbPlotSettings"); dw.dxfString( 1, ""); dw.dxfString( 2, "C:\\Program Files\\AutoCAD 2002\\plotters\\DWF ePlot (optimized for plotting).pc3"); dw.dxfString( 4, ""); dw.dxfString( 6, ""); dw.dxfReal( 40, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 41, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 42, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 43, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 44, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 45, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 46, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 47, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 48, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 49, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(140, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(141, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(142, 1.0); dw.dxfReal(143, 1.0); dw.dxfInt( 70, 688); dw.dxfInt( 72, 0); dw.dxfInt( 73, 0); dw.dxfInt( 74, 5); dw.dxfString( 7, ""); dw.dxfInt( 75, 16); dw.dxfReal(147, 1.0); dw.dxfReal(148, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(149, 0.0); dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbLayout"); dw.dxfString( 1, "Layout2"); dw.dxfInt( 70, 1); dw.dxfInt( 71, 2); dw.dxfReal( 10, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 20, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 11, 12.0); dw.dxfReal( 21, 9.0); dw.dxfReal( 12, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 22, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 32, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 14, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 24, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 34, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 15, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 25, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 35, 0.0); dw.dxfReal(146, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 13, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 23, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 33, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 16, 1.0); dw.dxfReal( 26, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 36, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 17, 0.0); dw.dxfReal( 27, 1.0); dw.dxfReal( 37, 0.0); dw.dxfInt( 76, 0); //dw.dxfHex(330, dw.getPaperSpace0Handle()); // 23 dw.dxfHex(330, 0x23); dw.dxfString( 0, "DICTIONARY"); //dw.dxfHex(5, 0x2C); //dicId5 = dw.handle(); // 2C //dw.dxfHex(330, 0xC); // C dw.dxfString(100, "AcDbDictionary"); dw.dxfInt(281, 1); dw.dxfString( 3, "DIMASSOC"); //dw.dxfHex(350, 0x2F); dw.dxfHex(350, dw.getNextHandle()+1); // 2E dw.dxfString( 3, "HIDETEXT"); //dw.dxfHex(350, 0x2E); dw.dxfHex(350, dw.getNextHandle()); // 2D dw.dxfString( 0, "DICTIONARYVAR"); //dw.dxfHex(5, 0x2E); dw.handle(); // 2E //dw.dxfHex(330, dicId5); // 2C dw.dxfString(100, "DictionaryVariables"); dw.dxfInt(280, 0); dw.dxfInt( 1, 2); dw.dxfString( 0, "DICTIONARYVAR"); //dw.dxfHex(5, 0x2D); dw.handle(); // 2D //dw.dxfHex(330, dicId5); // 2C dw.dxfString(100, "DictionaryVariables"); dw.dxfInt(280, 0); dw.dxfInt( 1, 1); } /** * Writes the end of the objects section. This section is needed in VER_R13. * Note that this method currently only writes a faked OBJECTS section * to make the file readable by Aut*cad. */ void DL_Jww::writeObjectsEnd(DL_WriterA& dw) { dw.dxfString( 0, "ENDSEC"); } /** * Checks if the given variable is known by the given DXF version. */ bool DL_Jww::checkVariable(const char* var, DL_Codes::version version) { if (version>=VER_2000) { return true; } else if (version==VER_R12) { // these are all the variables recognized by dxf r12: if (!strcmp(var, "$ACADVER")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$ACADVER")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$ANGBASE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$ANGDIR")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$ATTDIA")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$ATTMODE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$ATTREQ")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$AUNITS")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$AUPREC")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$AXISMODE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$AXISUNIT")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$BLIPMODE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$CECOLOR")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$CELTYPE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$CHAMFERA")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$CHAMFERB")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$CLAYER")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$COORDS")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMALT")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMALTD")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMALTF")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMAPOST")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMASO")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMASZ")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMBLK")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMBLK1")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMBLK2")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMCEN")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMCLRD")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMCLRE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMCLRT")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMDLE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMDLI")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMEXE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMEXO")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMGAP")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMLFAC")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMLIM")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMPOST")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMRND")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMSAH")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMSCALE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMSE1")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMSE2")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMSHO")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMSOXD")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMSTYLE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMTAD")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMTFAC")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMTIH")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMTIX")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMTM")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMTOFL")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMTOH")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMTOL")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMTP")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMTSZ")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMTVP")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMTXT")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DIMZIN")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DWGCODEPAGE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$DRAGMODE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$ELEVATION")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$EXTMAX")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$EXTMIN")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$FILLETRAD")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$FILLMODE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$HANDLING")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$HANDSEED")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$INSBASE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$LIMCHECK")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$LIMMAX")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$LIMMIN")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$LTSCALE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$LUNITS")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$LUPREC")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$MAXACTVP")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$MENU")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$MIRRTEXT")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$ORTHOMODE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$OSMODE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PDMODE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PDSIZE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PELEVATION")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PEXTMAX")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PEXTMIN")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PLIMCHECK")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PLIMMAX")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PLIMMIN")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PLINEGEN")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PLINEWID")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PSLTSCALE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PUCSNAME")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PUCSORG")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PUCSXDIR")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$PUCSYDIR")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$QTEXTMODE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$REGENMODE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SHADEDGE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SHADEDIF")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SKETCHINC")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SKPOLY")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SPLFRAME")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SPLINESEGS")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SPLINETYPE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SURFTAB1")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SURFTAB2")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SURFTYPE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SURFU")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SURFV")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$TDCREATE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$TDINDWG")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$TDUPDATE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$TDUSRTIMER")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$TEXTSIZE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$TEXTSTYLE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$THICKNESS")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$TILEMODE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$TRACEWID")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$UCSNAME")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$UCSORG")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$UCSXDIR")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$UCSYDIR")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$UNITMODE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$USERI1")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$USERR1")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$USRTIMER")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$VISRETAIN")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$WORLDVIEW")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$FASTZOOM")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$GRIDMODE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$GRIDUNIT")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SNAPANG")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SNAPBASE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SNAPISOPAIR")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SNAPMODE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SNAPSTYLE")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$SNAPUNIT")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$VIEWCTR")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$VIEWDIR")) { return true; } if (!strcmp(var, "$VIEWSIZE")) { return true; } return false; } return false; } /** * @returns the library version as int (4 bytes, each byte one version number). * e.g. if str = "" getLibVersion returns 0x02000200 */ int DL_Jww::getLibVersion(const char* str) { int d[4]; int idx = 0; char v[4][5]; int ret = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i