/**************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of the LibreCAD project, a 2D CAD program ** ** Copyright (C) 2010 R. van Twisk (librecad@rvt.dds.nl) ** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 RibbonSoft. All rights reserved. ** ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file gpl-2.0.txt included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ** ** This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! ** **********************************************************************/ #include "rs_dimension.h" #include "rs_solid.h" #include "rs_text.h" #include "rs_units.h" /** * Constructor. */ RS_Dimension::RS_Dimension(RS_EntityContainer* parent, const RS_DimensionData& d) : RS_EntityContainer(parent), data(d) { } RS_Vector RS_Dimension::getNearestRef(const RS_Vector& coord, double* dist) { return RS_Entity::getNearestRef(coord, dist); } RS_Vector RS_Dimension::getNearestSelectedRef(const RS_Vector& coord, double* dist) { return RS_Entity::getNearestSelectedRef(coord, dist); } /** * @return Dimension text. Either a text the user defined or * the measured text. * * @param resolve false: return plain value. true: return measured * label if appropriate. * @see getMeasuredLabel */ QString RS_Dimension::getLabel(bool resolve) { if (!resolve) { return data.text; } QString ret=""; // One space suppresses the text: if (data.text==" ") { ret = ""; } // No text prints actual measurement: else if (data.text=="") { ret = getMeasuredLabel(); } // Others print the text (<> is replaced by the measurement) else { ret = data.text; ret = ret.replace(QString("<>"), getMeasuredLabel()); } return ret; } /** * Sets a new text for the label. */ void RS_Dimension::setLabel(const QString& l) { data.text = l; } /** * Creates a dimensioning line (line with one, two or no arrows and a text). * * @param forceAutoText Automatically reposition the text label. */ void RS_Dimension::updateCreateDimensionLine(const RS_Vector& p1, const RS_Vector& p2, bool arrow1, bool arrow2, bool forceAutoText) { // text height (DIMTXT) double dimtxt = getTextHeight(); // text distance to line (DIMGAP) double dimgap = getDimensionLineGap(); // length of dimension line: double distance = p1.distanceTo(p2); // do we have to put the arrows outside of the line? bool outsideArrows = (distancesetPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); dimensionLine->setLayer(NULL); addEntity(dimensionLine); if (outsideArrows==false) { arrowAngle1 = dimensionLine->getAngle2(); arrowAngle2 = dimensionLine->getAngle1(); } else { arrowAngle1 = dimensionLine->getAngle1(); arrowAngle2 = dimensionLine->getAngle2(); // extend dimension line outside arrows RS_Vector dir; dir.setPolar(getArrowSize()*2, arrowAngle2); dimensionLine->setStartpoint(p1 + dir); dimensionLine->setEndpoint(p2 - dir); } // Arrows: RS_SolidData sd; RS_Solid* arrow; if (arrow1) { // arrow 1 arrow = new RS_Solid(this, sd); arrow->shapeArrow(p1, arrowAngle1, getArrowSize()); arrow->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); arrow->setLayer(NULL); addEntity(arrow); } if (arrow2) { // arrow 2: arrow = new RS_Solid(this, sd); arrow->shapeArrow(p2, arrowAngle2, getArrowSize()); arrow->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); arrow->setLayer(NULL); addEntity(arrow); } // Text label: RS_TextData textData; RS_Vector textPos; double dimAngle1 = dimensionLine->getAngle1(); double textAngle; bool corrected=false; textAngle = RS_Math::makeAngleReadable(dimAngle1, true, &corrected); if (data.middleOfText.valid && !forceAutoText) { textPos = data.middleOfText; } else { textPos = dimensionLine->getMiddlePoint(); RS_Vector distV; // rotate text so it's readable from the bottom or right (ISO) // quadrant 1 & 4 if (corrected) { distV.setPolar(dimgap + dimtxt/2.0, dimAngle1-M_PI/2.0); } else { distV.setPolar(dimgap + dimtxt/2.0, dimAngle1+M_PI/2.0); } // move text away from dimension line: textPos+=distV; //// the next update should still be able to adjust this //// auto text position. leave it invalid data.middleOfText = textPos; } textData = RS_TextData(textPos, dimtxt, 30.0, RS2::VAlignMiddle, RS2::HAlignCenter, RS2::LeftToRight, RS2::Exact, 1.0, getLabel(), "standard", textAngle); RS_Text* text = new RS_Text(this, textData); // move text to the side: RS_Vector distH; if (text->getUsedTextWidth()>distance) { distH.setPolar(text->getUsedTextWidth()/2.0 +distance/2.0+dimgap, textAngle); text->move(distH); } text->setPen(RS_Pen(RS2::FlagInvalid)); text->setLayer(NULL); addEntity(text); } /** * @return arrow size in drawing units. */ double RS_Dimension::getArrowSize() { return getGraphicVariable("$DIMASZ", 2.5, 40); } /** * @return extension line overlength in drawing units. */ double RS_Dimension::getExtensionLineExtension() { return getGraphicVariable("$DIMEXE", 1.25, 40); } /** * @return extension line offset from entities in drawing units. */ double RS_Dimension::getExtensionLineOffset() { return getGraphicVariable("$DIMEXO", 0.625, 40); } /** * @return extension line gap to text in drawing units. */ double RS_Dimension::getDimensionLineGap() { return getGraphicVariable("$DIMGAP", 0.625, 40); } /** * @return Dimension lables text height. */ double RS_Dimension::getTextHeight() { return getGraphicVariable("$DIMTXT", 2.5, 40); } /** * @return the given graphic variable or the default value given in mm * converted to the graphic unit. * If the variable is not found it is added with the given default * value converted to the local unit. */ double RS_Dimension::getGraphicVariable(const QString& key, double defMM, int code) { double v = getGraphicVariableDouble(key, RS_MINDOUBLE); if (v<=RS_MINDOUBLE) { addGraphicVariable( key, RS_Units::convert(defMM, RS2::Millimeter, getGraphicUnit()), code); v = getGraphicVariableDouble(key, 1.0); } return v; } void RS_Dimension::move(const RS_Vector& offset) { data.definitionPoint.move(offset); data.middleOfText.move(offset); } void RS_Dimension::rotate(const RS_Vector& center, const double& angle) { RS_Vector angleVector(angle); data.definitionPoint.rotate(center, angleVector); data.middleOfText.rotate(center, angleVector); data.angle = RS_Math::correctAngle(data.angle+angle); } void RS_Dimension::rotate(const RS_Vector& center, const RS_Vector& angleVector) { data.definitionPoint.rotate(center, angleVector); data.middleOfText.rotate(center, angleVector); data.angle = RS_Math::correctAngle(data.angle+angleVector.angle()); } void RS_Dimension::scale(const RS_Vector& center, const RS_Vector& factor) { data.definitionPoint.scale(center, factor); data.middleOfText.scale(center, factor); } void RS_Dimension::mirror(const RS_Vector& axisPoint1, const RS_Vector& axisPoint2) { data.definitionPoint.mirror(axisPoint1, axisPoint2); data.middleOfText.mirror(axisPoint1, axisPoint2); } // EOF