QG_CadToolBarLines 0 0 65 338 0 0 65 336 Lines 0 1 0 0 65 20 Back to main menu :/extui/back.png:/extui/back.png 65 20 32 32 Line with two points :/extui/linesnormal.png:/extui/linesnormal.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Line with given angle :/extui/linesangle.png:/extui/linesangle.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Horizontal lines :/extui/lineshor.png:/extui/lineshor.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Vertical lines :/extui/linesver.png:/extui/linesver.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Rectangles :/extui/linesrect.png:/extui/linesrect.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Bisectors :/extui/linesbisector.png:/extui/linesbisector.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Parallels with distance :/extui/linespara.png:/extui/linespara.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Parallels through point :/extui/linesparathrough.png:/extui/linesparathrough.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Tangents from point to circle :/extui/linestan1.png:/extui/linestan1.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Tangents from circle to circle :/extui/linestan2.png:/extui/linestan2.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Tangents to a circle, orthogonal to a line :/extui/linesorthtan.png:/extui/linesorthtan.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Orthogonal lines :/extui/linesorthogonal.png:/extui/linesorthogonal.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Lines with relative angles :/extui/linesrelativeangle.png:/extui/linesrelativeangle.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Polygons with Center and Corner :/extui/linespolygon.png:/extui/linespolygon.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Polygons with two Corners :/extui/linespolygon2.png:/extui/linespolygon2.png 32 32 true true 32 32 Freehand lines :/extui/linesfree.png:/extui/linesfree.png 32 32 true true 0 0 Line with two points 32 32 true true Qt::Vertical 20 40 bNormal clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLine() 20 41 20 20 bFree clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLineFree() 53 318 20 20 bParallel clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLineParallel() 20 160 20 20 bAngle clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLineAngle() 53 41 20 20 bHorizontal clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLineHorizontal() 20 81 20 20 bBisector clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLineBisector() 53 120 20 20 bTangent1 clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLineTangent1() 20 200 20 20 bTangent2 clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLineTangent2() 53 200 20 20 bRectangle clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLineRectangle() 20 120 20 20 bRelAngle clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLineRelAngle() 20 279 20 20 bVertical clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLineVertical() 53 81 20 20 bOrthTan clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLineOrthTan() 20 239 20 20 bOrthogonal clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLineOrthogonal() 53 239 20 20 bPolygon clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLinePolygon() 53 279 20 20 bPolygon2 clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLinePolygon2() 20 318 20 20 bParallelThrough clicked() QG_CadToolBarLines drawLineParallelThrough() 53 160 20 20