[General] Version=DrumSynth v2.0 Comment=Right-click the file list and envelope display for more controls Tuning=-12 Stretch=100.0 Level=0 Filter=1 HighPass=0 Resonance=95 FilterEnv=0,45 190,74 1758,28 7680,0 8630,0 444000,100 444000,0 [Tone] On=0 Level=128 F1=200 F2=120 Droop=0 Phase=0 Envelope=0,100 1750,20 5250,0 [Noise] On=1 Level=128 Slope=-8 Envelope=0,22 649,12 8123,0 FixedSeq=1 [Overtones] On=1 Level=128 F1=109.5 Wave1=3 Track1=0 F2=220.5 Wave2=3 Track2=0 Method=0 Param=50 Envelope1=0,100 7775,0 Envelope2=0,100 7759,0 Filter=0 [NoiseBand] On=0 Level=128 F=630 dF=50 Envelope=0,100 750,20 2250,0 [NoiseBand2] On=0 Level=128 F=3150 dF=50 Envelope=0,100 1500,20 4500,0 [Distortion] On=0 Clipping=0 Bits=0 Rate=0