[General] Version=DrumSynth v2.0 Comment=Remember to send any good .ds files to paul.kellett@maxim.abel.co.uk Tuning=0.00 Stretch=100.0 Level=0 Filter=0 HighPass=0 Resonance=0 FilterEnv=0,100 6714,100 444000,100 444000,0 [Tone] On=1 Level=137 F1=195 F2=200 Droop=0 Phase=00 Envelope=0,100 190,100 972,26 2201,8 6255,1 7854,0 [Noise] On=1 Level=108 Slope=-24 Envelope=0,100 222,100 1314,27 2803,14 6302,2 7696,0 FixedSeq=0 [Overtones] On=1 Level=181 F1=285 Wave1=0 Track1=0 F2=75 Wave2=2 Track2=0 Method=0 Param=93 Envelope1=0,100 190,99 952,21 5431,4 7807,0 Envelope2=0,100 158,100 839,14 1077,12 6033,1 7696,0 Filter=0 [NoiseBand] On=1 Level=47 F=278 dF=10 Envelope=0,100 190,102 206,100 966,24 6096,3 7727,0 [NoiseBand2] On=1 Level=49 F=280 dF=12 Envelope=0,100 158,100 934,26 6033,2 7838,0 [Distortion] On=1 Clipping=7 Bits=0 Rate=0