[General] Version=DrumSynth v2.0 Comment=You can use [Ctrl] and [Enter] to trigger the Play button! Tuning=0 Stretch=100 Level=0 Filter=1 HighPass=1 Resonance=2 FilterEnv=0,0 1685,8 10985,7 444000,100 444000,0 [Tone] On=1 Level=32 F1=300 F2=300 Droop=0 Phase=0 Envelope=0,100 5250,30 10500,0 [Noise] On=1 Level=128 Slope=64 Envelope=0,100 972,86 2300,47 3649,21 10628,0 FixedSeq=1 [Overtones] On=1 Level=78 F1=400 Wave1=0 Track1=0 F2=340 Wave2=0 Track2=0 Method=1 Param=48 Envelope1=0,8 1250,20 6856,0 Envelope2=0,100 1758,38 5796,0 Filter=0 [NoiseBand] On=1 Level=32 F=305 dF=12 Envelope=0,100 1473,58 4164,29 7456,14 10490,0 [NoiseBand2] On=1 Level=172 F=650 dF=78 Envelope=0,50 793,58 1487,35 2816,14 4442,6 6643,2 9121,0 [Distortion] On=1 Clipping=7 Bits=4 Rate=1