[General] Version=DrumSynth v2.0 Comment=Adjust the overtones 'drive' to hit harder! Tuning=0.00 Stretch=500 Level=1 Filter=0 HighPass=0 Resonance=85 FilterEnv=0,0 4061,99 442000,100 442000,0 [Tone] On=1 Level=74 F1=587.33 F2=587.33 Droop=0 Phase=0 Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0 [Noise] On=0 Level=130 Slope=-100 Envelope=0,100 596,8 1490,0 FixedSeq=0 [Overtones] On=1 Level=34 F1=392 Wave1=4 Track1=0 F2=587.33 Wave2=0 Track2=0 Method=2 Param=44 Envelope1=0,100 3750,100 3750,0 Envelope2=0,100 865,36 1666,92 2403,14 3085,59 3750,0 Filter=1 [NoiseBand] On=1 Level=128 F=1568 dF=5 Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0 [NoiseBand2] On=1 Level=80 F=987.77 dF=7 Envelope=0,100 3750,100 3750,0 [Distortion] On=1 Clipping=0 Bits=6 Rate=2