/* * organic.cpp - additive synthesizer for organ-like sounds * * Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Andreas Brandmaier * * This file is part of Linux MultiMedia Studio - http://lmms.sourceforge.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program (see COPYING); if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #include "organic.h" #include #include #include "engine.h" #include "InstrumentTrack.h" #include "knob.h" #include "note_play_handle.h" #include "Oscillator.h" #include "pixmap_button.h" #include "templates.h" #include "tooltip.h" #include "embed.cpp" extern "C" { Plugin::Descriptor PLUGIN_EXPORT organic_plugin_descriptor = { STRINGIFY( PLUGIN_NAME ), "Organic", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "pluginBrowser", "Additive Synthesizer for organ-like sounds" ), "Andreas Brandmaier ", 0x0100, Plugin::Instrument, new PluginPixmapLoader( "logo" ), NULL, NULL } ; } QPixmap * organicInstrumentView::s_artwork = NULL; /*********************************************************************** * * class OrganicInstrument * * lmms - plugin * ***********************************************************************/ organicInstrument::organicInstrument( InstrumentTrack * _instrument_track ) : Instrument( _instrument_track, &organic_plugin_descriptor ), m_modulationAlgo( Oscillator::SignalMix ), m_fx1Model( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.99f, 0.01f , this, tr( "Distortion" ) ), m_volModel( 100.0f, 0.0f, 200.0f, 1.0f, this, tr( "Volume" ) ) { m_numOscillators = 8; m_osc = new OscillatorObject*[ m_numOscillators ]; for (int i=0; i < m_numOscillators; i++) { m_osc[i] = new OscillatorObject( this, i ); m_osc[i]->m_numOscillators = m_numOscillators; // Connect events connect( &m_osc[i]->m_oscModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), m_osc[i], SLOT ( oscButtonChanged() ) ); connect( &m_osc[i]->m_volModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), m_osc[i], SLOT( updateVolume() ) ); connect( &m_osc[i]->m_panModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), m_osc[i], SLOT( updateVolume() ) ); connect( &m_osc[i]->m_detuneModel, SIGNAL( dataChanged() ), m_osc[i], SLOT( updateDetuning() ) ); m_osc[i]->updateVolume(); } m_osc[0]->m_harmonic = log2f( 0.5f ); // one octave below m_osc[1]->m_harmonic = log2f( 0.75f ); // a fifth below m_osc[2]->m_harmonic = log2f( 1.0f ); // base freq m_osc[3]->m_harmonic = log2f( 2.0f ); // first overtone m_osc[4]->m_harmonic = log2f( 3.0f ); // second overtone m_osc[5]->m_harmonic = log2f( 4.0f ); // . m_osc[6]->m_harmonic = log2f( 5.0f ); // . m_osc[7]->m_harmonic = log2f( 6.0f ); // . for (int i=0; i < m_numOscillators; i++) { m_osc[i]->updateVolume(); m_osc[i]->updateDetuning(); } connect( engine::getMixer(), SIGNAL( sampleRateChanged() ), this, SLOT( updateAllDetuning() ) ); } organicInstrument::~organicInstrument() { delete[] m_osc; } void organicInstrument::saveSettings( QDomDocument & _doc, QDomElement & _this ) { _this.setAttribute( "num_osc", QString::number( m_numOscillators ) ); m_fx1Model.saveSettings( _doc, _this, "foldback" ); m_volModel.saveSettings( _doc, _this, "vol" ); for( int i = 0; i < m_numOscillators; ++i ) { QString is = QString::number( i ); m_osc[i]->m_volModel.saveSettings( _doc, _this, "vol" + is ); m_osc[i]->m_panModel.saveSettings( _doc, _this, "pan" + is ); _this.setAttribute( "harmonic" + is, QString::number( powf( 2.0f, m_osc[i]->m_harmonic ) ) ); m_osc[i]->m_detuneModel.saveSettings( _doc, _this, "detune" + is ); m_osc[i]->m_oscModel.saveSettings( _doc, _this, "wavetype" + is ); } } void organicInstrument::loadSettings( const QDomElement & _this ) { // m_numOscillators = _this.attribute( "num_osc" ). // toInt(); for( int i = 0; i < m_numOscillators; ++i ) { QString is = QString::number( i ); m_osc[i]->m_volModel.loadSettings( _this, "vol" + is ); m_osc[i]->m_detuneModel.loadSettings( _this, "detune" + is ); m_osc[i]->m_panModel.loadSettings( _this, "pan" + is ); m_osc[i]->m_oscModel.loadSettings( _this, "wavetype" + is ); } m_volModel.loadSettings( _this, "vol" ); m_fx1Model.loadSettings( _this, "foldback" ); } QString organicInstrument::nodeName() const { return( organic_plugin_descriptor.name ); } void organicInstrument::playNote( notePlayHandle * _n, sampleFrame * _working_buffer ) { if( _n->totalFramesPlayed() == 0 || _n->m_pluginData == NULL ) { Oscillator * oscs_l[m_numOscillators]; Oscillator * oscs_r[m_numOscillators]; for( Sint8 i = m_numOscillators - 1; i >= 0; --i ) { m_osc[i]->m_phaseOffsetLeft = rand() / ( RAND_MAX + 1.0f ); m_osc[i]->m_phaseOffsetRight = rand() / ( RAND_MAX + 1.0f ); // initialise ocillators if( i == m_numOscillators - 1 ) { // create left oscillator oscs_l[i] = new Oscillator( &m_osc[i]->m_waveShape, &m_modulationAlgo, _n->frequency(), m_osc[i]->m_detuningLeft, m_osc[i]->m_phaseOffsetLeft, m_osc[i]->m_volumeLeft ); // create right oscillator oscs_r[i] = new Oscillator( &m_osc[i]->m_waveShape, &m_modulationAlgo, _n->frequency(), m_osc[i]->m_detuningRight, m_osc[i]->m_phaseOffsetRight, m_osc[i]->m_volumeRight ); } else { // create left oscillator oscs_l[i] = new Oscillator( &m_osc[i]->m_waveShape, &m_modulationAlgo, _n->frequency(), m_osc[i]->m_detuningLeft, m_osc[i]->m_phaseOffsetLeft, m_osc[i]->m_volumeLeft, oscs_l[i + 1] ); // create right oscillator oscs_r[i] = new Oscillator( &m_osc[i]->m_waveShape, &m_modulationAlgo, _n->frequency(), m_osc[i]->m_detuningRight, m_osc[i]->m_phaseOffsetRight, m_osc[i]->m_volumeRight, oscs_r[i + 1] ); } } _n->m_pluginData = new oscPtr; static_cast( _n->m_pluginData )->oscLeft = oscs_l[0]; static_cast( _n->m_pluginData )->oscRight = oscs_r[0]; } Oscillator * osc_l = static_cast( _n->m_pluginData )->oscLeft; Oscillator * osc_r = static_cast( _n->m_pluginData)->oscRight; const fpp_t frames = _n->framesLeftForCurrentPeriod(); osc_l->update( _working_buffer, frames, 0 ); osc_r->update( _working_buffer, frames, 1 ); // -- fx section -- // fxKnob is [0;1] float t = m_fx1Model.value(); for (int i=0 ; i < frames ; i++) { _working_buffer[i][0] = waveshape( _working_buffer[i][0], t ) * m_volModel.value() / 100.0f; _working_buffer[i][1] = waveshape( _working_buffer[i][1], t ) * m_volModel.value() / 100.0f; } // -- -- instrumentTrack()->processAudioBuffer( _working_buffer, frames, _n ); } void organicInstrument::deleteNotePluginData( notePlayHandle * _n ) { delete static_cast( static_cast( _n->m_pluginData )->oscLeft ); delete static_cast( static_cast( _n->m_pluginData )->oscRight ); delete static_cast( _n->m_pluginData ); } /*float inline organicInstrument::foldback(float in, float threshold) { if (in>threshold || in<-threshold) { in= fabs(fabs(fmod(in - threshold, threshold*4)) - threshold*2) - threshold; } return in; } */ float inline organicInstrument::waveshape(float in, float amount) { float k = 2.0f * amount / ( 1.0f - amount ); return( ( 1.0f + k ) * in / ( 1.0f + k * fabs( in ) ) ); } void organicInstrument::randomiseSettings() { for( int i = 0; i < m_numOscillators; i++ ) { m_osc[i]->m_volModel.setValue( intRand( 0, 100 ) ); m_osc[i]->m_detuneModel.setValue( intRand( -5, 5 ) ); m_osc[i]->m_panModel.setValue( 0 ); m_osc[i]->m_oscModel.setValue( intRand( 0, 5 ) ); } } void organicInstrument::updateAllDetuning() { for( int i = 0; i < m_numOscillators; ++i ) { m_osc[i]->updateDetuning(); } } int organicInstrument::intRand( int min, int max ) { // int randn = min+int((max-min)*rand()/(RAND_MAX + 1.0)); // cout << randn << endl; int randn = ( rand() % (max - min) ) + min; return( randn ); } PluginView * organicInstrument::instantiateView( QWidget * _parent ) { return( new organicInstrumentView( this, _parent ) ); } class organicKnob : public knob { public: organicKnob( QWidget * _parent ) : knob( knobStyled, _parent ) { setFixedSize( 21, 21 ); } }; organicInstrumentView::organicInstrumentView( Instrument * _instrument, QWidget * _parent ) : InstrumentView( _instrument, _parent ) { organicInstrument * oi = castModel(); setAutoFillBackground( true ); QPalette pal; pal.setBrush( backgroundRole(), PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( "artwork" ) ); setPalette( pal ); // setup knob for FX1 m_fx1Knob = new organicKnob( this ); m_fx1Knob->move( 15, 201 ); m_fx1Knob->setFixedSize( 37, 47 ); m_fx1Knob->setHintText( tr( "Distortion:" ) + " ", "%" ); m_fx1Knob->setObjectName( "fx1Knob" ); // setup volume-knob m_volKnob = new organicKnob( this ); m_volKnob->setVolumeKnob( true ); m_volKnob->move( 60, 201 ); m_volKnob->setFixedSize( 37, 47 ); m_volKnob->setHintText( tr( "Volume:" ).arg( 1 ) + " ", "%" ); m_volKnob->setObjectName( "volKnob" ); // randomise m_randBtn = new pixmapButton( this, tr( "Randomise" ) ); m_randBtn->move( 148, 224 ); m_randBtn->setActiveGraphic( PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( "randomise_pressed" ) ); m_randBtn->setInactiveGraphic( PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( "randomise" ) ); connect( m_randBtn, SIGNAL ( clicked() ), oi, SLOT( randomiseSettings() ) ); if( s_artwork == NULL ) { s_artwork = new QPixmap( PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( "artwork" ) ); } } organicInstrumentView::~organicInstrumentView() { delete[] m_oscKnobs; } void organicInstrumentView::modelChanged() { organicInstrument * oi = castModel(); const float y=91.3; const float rowHeight = 26.52f; const float x=53.4; const float colWidth = 23.829f; // 54.4 77.2 220.2 m_numOscillators = oi->m_numOscillators; m_fx1Knob->setModel( &oi->m_fx1Model ); m_volKnob->setModel( &oi->m_volModel ); // TODO: Delete existing oscKnobs if they exist m_oscKnobs = new OscillatorKnobs[ m_numOscillators ]; // Create knobs, now that we know how many to make for( int i = 0; i < m_numOscillators; ++i ) { // setup waveform-knob knob * oscKnob = new organicKnob( this ); oscKnob->move( x + i * colWidth, y ); oscKnob->setHintText( tr( "Osc %1 waveform:" ).arg( i + 1 ) + " ", "%" ); // setup volume-knob knob * volKnob = new knob( knobStyled, this ); volKnob->setVolumeKnob( true ); volKnob->move( x + i * colWidth, y + rowHeight*1 ); volKnob->setFixedSize( 21, 21 ); volKnob->setHintText( tr( "Osc %1 volume:" ).arg( i + 1 ) + " ", "%" ); // setup panning-knob knob * panKnob = new organicKnob( this ); panKnob->move( x + i * colWidth, y + rowHeight*2 ); panKnob->setHintText( tr("Osc %1 panning:").arg( i + 1 ) + " ", "" ); // setup knob for left fine-detuning knob * detuneKnob = new organicKnob( this ); detuneKnob->move( x + i * colWidth, y + rowHeight*3 ); detuneKnob->setHintText( tr( "Osc %1 fine detuning " "left:" ).arg( i + 1 ) + " ", " " + tr( "cents" ) ); m_oscKnobs[i] = OscillatorKnobs( volKnob, oscKnob, panKnob, detuneKnob ); // Attach to models m_oscKnobs[i].m_volKnob->setModel( &oi->m_osc[i]->m_volModel ); m_oscKnobs[i].m_oscKnob->setModel( &oi->m_osc[i]->m_oscModel ); m_oscKnobs[i].m_panKnob->setModel( &oi->m_osc[i]->m_panModel ); m_oscKnobs[i].m_detuneKnob->setModel( &oi->m_osc[i]->m_detuneModel ); } } OscillatorObject::OscillatorObject( Model * _parent, int _index ) : Model( _parent ), m_waveShape( Oscillator::SineWave, 0, Oscillator::NumWaveShapes-1, this ), m_oscModel( 0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f, 1.0f, this, tr( "Osc %1 waveform" ).arg( _index + 1 ) ), m_volModel( 100.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f, 1.0f, this, tr( "Osc %1 volume" ).arg( _index + 1 ) ), m_panModel( DefaultPanning, PanningLeft, PanningRight, 1.0f, this, tr( "Osc %1 panning" ).arg( _index + 1 ) ), m_detuneModel( 0.0f, -100.0f, 100.0f, 1.0f, this, tr( "Osc %1 fine detuning left" ).arg( _index + 1 ) ) { } OscillatorObject::~OscillatorObject() { } void OscillatorObject::oscButtonChanged() { static Oscillator::WaveShapes shapes[] = { Oscillator::SineWave, Oscillator::SawWave, Oscillator::SquareWave, Oscillator::TriangleWave, Oscillator::MoogSawWave, Oscillator::ExponentialWave } ; m_waveShape.setValue( shapes[(int)roundf( m_oscModel.value() )] ); } void OscillatorObject::updateVolume() { m_volumeLeft = ( 1.0f - m_panModel.value() / (float)PanningRight ) * m_volModel.value() / m_numOscillators / 100.0f; m_volumeRight = ( 1.0f + m_panModel.value() / (float)PanningRight ) * m_volModel.value() / m_numOscillators / 100.0f; } void OscillatorObject::updateDetuning() { m_detuningLeft = powf( 2.0f, m_harmonic + (float)m_detuneModel.value() / 100.0f ) / engine::getMixer()->processingSampleRate(); m_detuningRight = powf( 2.0f, m_harmonic - (float)m_detuneModel.value() / 100.0f ) / engine::getMixer()->processingSampleRate(); } extern "C" { // necessary for getting instance out of shared lib Plugin * PLUGIN_EXPORT lmms_plugin_main( Model *, void * _data ) { return( new organicInstrument( static_cast( _data ) ) ); } } /* * some notes & ideas for the future of this plugin: * * - 32.692 Hz in the bass to 5919.85 Hz of treble in a Hammond organ * => implement harmonic foldback * m_osc[i].m_oscModel->setInitValue( 0.0f ); * - randomize preset */ #include "moc_organic.cxx"