/* * patches_dialog.cpp - display sf2 patches * * Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Giblock * * This file is part of Linux MultiMedia Studio - http://lmms.sourceforge.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program (see COPYING); if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #include "patches_dialog.h" #include //#include // Custom list-view item (as for numerical sort purposes...) class patchItem : public QTreeWidgetItem { public: // Constructor. patchItem( QTreeWidget *pListView, QTreeWidgetItem *pItemAfter ) : QTreeWidgetItem( pListView, pItemAfter ) {} // Sort/compare overriden method. bool operator< ( const QTreeWidgetItem& other ) const { int iColumn = QTreeWidgetItem::treeWidget()->sortColumn(); const QString& s1 = text( iColumn ); const QString& s2 = other.text( iColumn ); if( iColumn == 0 || iColumn == 2 ) { return( s1.toInt() < s2.toInt() ); } else { return( s1 < s2 ); } } }; // Constructor. patchesDialog::patchesDialog( QWidget *pParent, Qt::WindowFlags wflags ) : QDialog( pParent, wflags ) { // Setup UI struct... setupUi( this ); m_pSynth = NULL; m_iChan = 0; m_iBank = 0; m_iProg = 0; // Soundfonts list view... QHeaderView *pHeader = m_progListView->header(); // pHeader->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::Custom); pHeader->setDefaultAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft); // pHeader->setDefaultSectionSize(200); pHeader->setMovable(false); pHeader->setStretchLastSection(true); m_progListView->resizeColumnToContents(0); // Prog. //pHeader->resizeSection(1, 200); // Name. // Initial sort order... m_bankListView->sortItems(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); m_progListView->sortItems(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); // UI connections... QObject::connect(m_bankListView, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)), SLOT(bankChanged())); QObject::connect(m_progListView, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)), SLOT(progChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*))); QObject::connect(m_progListView, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), SLOT(accept())); QObject::connect(m_okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(accept())); QObject::connect(m_cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(reject())); } // Destructor. patchesDialog::~patchesDialog() { } // Dialog setup loader. void patchesDialog::setup ( fluid_synth_t * pSynth, int iChan, const QString & _chanName, lcdSpinBoxModel * _bankModel, lcdSpinBoxModel * _progModel, QLabel * _patchLabel ) { // We'll going to changes the whole thing... m_dirty = 0; m_bankModel = _bankModel; m_progModel = _progModel; m_patchLabel = _patchLabel; // Set the proper caption... setWindowTitle( _chanName + " - Soundfont patches" ); // set m_pSynth to NULL so we don't trigger any progChanged events m_pSynth = NULL; // Load bank list from actual synth stack... m_bankListView->setSortingEnabled(false); m_bankListView->clear(); // now it should be safe to set internal stuff m_pSynth = pSynth; m_iChan = iChan; fluid_preset_t preset; QTreeWidgetItem *pBankItem = NULL; // For all soundfonts (in reversed stack order) fill the available banks... int cSoundFonts = ::fluid_synth_sfcount(m_pSynth); for (int i = 0; i < cSoundFonts; i++) { fluid_sfont_t *pSoundFont = ::fluid_synth_get_sfont(m_pSynth, i); if (pSoundFont) { #ifdef CONFIG_FLUID_BANK_OFFSET int iBankOffset = ::fluid_synth_get_bank_offset(m_pSynth, pSoundFont->id); #endif pSoundFont->iteration_start(pSoundFont); while (pSoundFont->iteration_next(pSoundFont, &preset)) { int iBank = preset.get_banknum(&preset); #ifdef CONFIG_FLUID_BANK_OFFSET iBank += iBankOffset; #endif if (!findBankItem(iBank)) { pBankItem = new patchItem(m_bankListView, pBankItem); if (pBankItem) pBankItem->setText(0, QString::number(iBank)); } } } } m_bankListView->setSortingEnabled(true); // Set the selected bank. m_iBank = 0; fluid_preset_t *pPreset = ::fluid_synth_get_channel_preset(m_pSynth, m_iChan); if (pPreset) { m_iBank = pPreset->get_banknum(pPreset); #ifdef CONFIG_FLUID_BANK_OFFSET m_iBank += ::fluid_synth_get_bank_offset(m_pSynth, (pPreset->sfont)->id); #endif } pBankItem = findBankItem(m_iBank); m_bankListView->setCurrentItem(pBankItem); m_bankListView->scrollToItem(pBankItem); bankChanged(); // Set the selected program. if (pPreset) m_iProg = pPreset->get_num(pPreset); QTreeWidgetItem *pProgItem = findProgItem(m_iProg); m_progListView->setCurrentItem(pProgItem); m_progListView->scrollToItem(pProgItem); // Done with setup... //m_iDirtySetup--; } // Stabilize current state form. void patchesDialog::stabilizeForm() { m_okButton->setEnabled(validateForm()); } // Validate form fields. bool patchesDialog::validateForm() { bool bValid = true; bValid = bValid && (m_bankListView->currentItem() != NULL); bValid = bValid && (m_progListView->currentItem() != NULL); return bValid; } // Realize a bank-program selection preset. void patchesDialog::setBankProg ( int iBank, int iProg ) { if (m_pSynth == NULL) return; // just select the synth's program preset... ::fluid_synth_bank_select(m_pSynth, m_iChan, iBank); ::fluid_synth_program_change(m_pSynth, m_iChan, iProg); // Maybe this is needed to stabilize things around. ::fluid_synth_program_reset(m_pSynth); } // Validate form fields and accept it valid. void patchesDialog::accept() { if (validateForm()) { // Unload from current selected dialog items. int iBank = (m_bankListView->currentItem())->text(0).toInt(); int iProg = (m_progListView->currentItem())->text(0).toInt(); // And set it right away... setBankProg(iBank, iProg); if (m_dirty > 0) { m_bankModel->setValue( iBank ); m_progModel->setValue( iProg ); m_patchLabel->setText( m_progListView-> currentItem()->text( 1 ) ); } // Do remember preview state... // if (m_pOptions) // m_pOptions->bPresetPreview = m_ui.PreviewCheckBox->isChecked(); // We got it. QDialog::accept(); } } // Reject settings (Cancel button slot). void patchesDialog::reject (void) { // Reset selection to initial selection, if applicable... if (m_dirty > 0) setBankProg(m_bankModel->value(), m_progModel->value()); // Done (hopefully nothing). QDialog::reject(); } // Find the bank item of given bank number id. QTreeWidgetItem *patchesDialog::findBankItem ( int iBank ) { QList banks = m_bankListView->findItems( QString::number(iBank), Qt::MatchExactly, 0); QListIterator iter(banks); if (iter.hasNext()) return iter.next(); else return NULL; } // Find the program item of given program number id. QTreeWidgetItem *patchesDialog::findProgItem ( int iProg ) { QList progs = m_progListView->findItems( QString::number(iProg), Qt::MatchExactly, 0); QListIterator iter(progs); if (iter.hasNext()) return iter.next(); else return NULL; } // Bank change slot. void patchesDialog::bankChanged (void) { if (m_pSynth == NULL) return; QTreeWidgetItem *pBankItem = m_bankListView->currentItem(); if (pBankItem == NULL) return; int iBankSelected = pBankItem->text(0).toInt(); // Clear up the program listview. m_progListView->setSortingEnabled(false); m_progListView->clear(); fluid_preset_t preset; QTreeWidgetItem *pProgItem = NULL; // For all soundfonts (in reversed stack order) fill the available programs... int cSoundFonts = ::fluid_synth_sfcount(m_pSynth); for (int i = 0; i < cSoundFonts && !pProgItem; i++) { fluid_sfont_t *pSoundFont = ::fluid_synth_get_sfont(m_pSynth, i); if (pSoundFont) { #ifdef CONFIG_FLUID_BANK_OFFSET int iBankOffset = ::fluid_synth_get_bank_offset(m_pSynth, pSoundFont->id); #endif pSoundFont->iteration_start(pSoundFont); while (pSoundFont->iteration_next(pSoundFont, &preset)) { int iBank = preset.get_banknum(&preset); #ifdef CONFIG_FLUID_BANK_OFFSET iBank += iBankOffset; #endif int iProg = preset.get_num(&preset); if (iBank == iBankSelected && !findProgItem(iProg)) { pProgItem = new patchItem(m_progListView, pProgItem); if (pProgItem) { pProgItem->setText(0, QString::number(iProg)); pProgItem->setText(1, preset.get_name(&preset)); //pProgItem->setText(2, QString::number(pSoundFont->id)); //pProgItem->setText(3, QFileInfo( // pSoundFont->get_name(pSoundFont)).baseName()); } } } } } m_progListView->setSortingEnabled(true); // Stabilize the form. stabilizeForm(); } // Program change slot. void patchesDialog::progChanged (QTreeWidgetItem * _curr, QTreeWidgetItem * _prev) { if (m_pSynth == NULL || _curr == NULL) return; // Which preview state... if( validateForm() ) { // Set current selection. int iBank = (m_bankListView->currentItem())->text(0).toInt(); int iProg = _curr->text(0).toInt(); // And set it right away... setBankProg(iBank, iProg); // Now we're dirty nuff. m_dirty++; } // Stabilize the form. stabilizeForm(); } #include "moc_patches_dialog.cxx"