/* * InstrumentSoundShaping.cpp - implementation of class InstrumentSoundShaping * * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Tobias Doerffel * * This file is part of Linux MultiMedia Studio - http://lmms.sourceforge.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program (see COPYING); if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #include #include "InstrumentSoundShaping.h" #include "basic_filters.h" #include "embed.h" #include "engine.h" #include "EnvelopeAndLfoParameters.h" #include "Instrument.h" #include "InstrumentTrack.h" #include "note_play_handle.h" const float CUT_FREQ_MULTIPLIER = 6000.0f; const float RES_MULTIPLIER = 2.0f; const float RES_PRECISION = 1000.0f; // names for env- and lfo-targets - first is name being displayed to user // and second one is used internally, e.g. for saving/restoring settings const QString __targetNames[InstrumentSoundShaping::NumTargets][3] = { { InstrumentSoundShaping::tr( "VOLUME" ), "vol", InstrumentSoundShaping::tr( "Volume" ) }, /* InstrumentSoundShaping::tr( "Pan" ), InstrumentSoundShaping::tr( "Pitch" ),*/ { InstrumentSoundShaping::tr( "CUTOFF" ), "cut", InstrumentSoundShaping::tr( "Cutoff frequency" ) }, { InstrumentSoundShaping::tr( "RESO" ), "res", InstrumentSoundShaping::tr( "Resonance" ) } } ; InstrumentSoundShaping::InstrumentSoundShaping( InstrumentTrack * _instrument_track ) : Model( _instrument_track, tr( "Envelopes/LFOs" ) ), m_instrumentTrack( _instrument_track ), m_filterEnabledModel( false, this ), m_filterModel( this, tr( "Filter type" ) ), m_filterCutModel( 14000.0, 1.0, 14000.0, 1.0, this, tr( "Cutoff frequency" ) ), m_filterResModel( 0.5, basicFilters<>::minQ(), 10.0, 0.01, this, tr( "Q/Resonance" ) ) { for( int i = 0; i < NumTargets; ++i ) { float value_for_zero_amount = 0.0; if( i == Volume ) { value_for_zero_amount = 1.0; } m_envLfoParameters[i] = new EnvelopeAndLfoParameters( value_for_zero_amount, this ); m_envLfoParameters[i]->setDisplayName( tr( __targetNames[i][2].toUtf8().constData() ) ); } m_filterModel.addItem( tr( "LowPass" ), new PixmapLoader( "filter_lp" ) ); m_filterModel.addItem( tr( "HiPass" ), new PixmapLoader( "filter_hp" ) ); m_filterModel.addItem( tr( "BandPass csg" ), new PixmapLoader( "filter_bp" ) ); m_filterModel.addItem( tr( "BandPass czpg" ), new PixmapLoader( "filter_bp" ) ); m_filterModel.addItem( tr( "Notch" ), new PixmapLoader( "filter_notch" ) ); m_filterModel.addItem( tr( "Allpass" ), new PixmapLoader( "filter_ap" ) ); m_filterModel.addItem( tr( "Moog" ), new PixmapLoader( "filter_lp" ) ); m_filterModel.addItem( tr( "2x LowPass" ), new PixmapLoader( "filter_2lp" ) ); } InstrumentSoundShaping::~InstrumentSoundShaping() { } float InstrumentSoundShaping::volumeLevel( notePlayHandle * _n, const f_cnt_t _frame ) { f_cnt_t release_begin = _frame - _n->releaseFramesDone() + _n->framesBeforeRelease(); if( _n->released() == false ) { release_begin += engine::getMixer()->framesPerPeriod(); } float volume_level; m_envLfoParameters[Volume]->fillLevel( &volume_level, _frame, release_begin, 1 ); return volume_level; } void InstrumentSoundShaping::processAudioBuffer( sampleFrame * _ab, const fpp_t _frames, notePlayHandle * _n ) { const f_cnt_t total_frames = _n->totalFramesPlayed(); f_cnt_t release_begin = total_frames - _n->releaseFramesDone() + _n->framesBeforeRelease(); if( _n->released() == false ) { release_begin += engine::getMixer()->framesPerPeriod(); } // because of optimizations, there's special code for several cases: // - cut- and res-lfo/envelope active // - cut-lfo/envelope active // - res-lfo/envelope active // - no lfo/envelope active but filter is used // only use filter, if it is really needed if( m_filterEnabledModel.value() ) { int old_filter_cut = 0; int old_filter_res = 0; if( _n->m_filter == NULL ) { _n->m_filter = new basicFilters<>( engine::getMixer()->processingSampleRate() ); } _n->m_filter->setFilterType( m_filterModel.value() ); #ifdef __GNUC__ float cut_buf[_frames]; float res_buf[_frames]; #else float * cut_buf = NULL; float * res_buf = NULL; #endif if( m_envLfoParameters[Cut]->isUsed() ) { #ifndef __GNUC__ cut_buf = new float[_frames]; #endif m_envLfoParameters[Cut]->fillLevel( cut_buf, total_frames, release_begin, _frames ); } if( m_envLfoParameters[Resonance]->isUsed() ) { #ifndef __GNUC__ res_buf = new float[_frames]; #endif m_envLfoParameters[Resonance]->fillLevel( res_buf, total_frames, release_begin, _frames ); } const float fcv = m_filterCutModel.value(); const float frv = m_filterResModel.value(); if( m_envLfoParameters[Cut]->isUsed() && m_envLfoParameters[Resonance]->isUsed() ) { for( fpp_t frame = 0; frame < _frames; ++frame ) { const float new_cut_val = EnvelopeAndLfoParameters::expKnobVal( cut_buf[frame] ) * CUT_FREQ_MULTIPLIER + fcv; const float new_res_val = frv + RES_MULTIPLIER * res_buf[frame]; if( static_cast( new_cut_val ) != old_filter_cut || static_cast( new_res_val*RES_PRECISION ) != old_filter_res ) { _n->m_filter->calcFilterCoeffs( new_cut_val, new_res_val ); old_filter_cut = static_cast( new_cut_val ); old_filter_res = static_cast( new_res_val*RES_PRECISION ); } _ab[frame][0] = _n->m_filter->update( _ab[frame][0], 0 ); _ab[frame][1] = _n->m_filter->update( _ab[frame][1], 1 ); } } else if( m_envLfoParameters[Cut]->isUsed() ) { for( fpp_t frame = 0; frame < _frames; ++frame ) { float new_cut_val = EnvelopeAndLfoParameters::expKnobVal( cut_buf[frame] ) * CUT_FREQ_MULTIPLIER + fcv; if( static_cast( new_cut_val ) != old_filter_cut ) { _n->m_filter->calcFilterCoeffs( new_cut_val, frv ); old_filter_cut = static_cast( new_cut_val ); } _ab[frame][0] = _n->m_filter->update( _ab[frame][0], 0 ); _ab[frame][1] = _n->m_filter->update( _ab[frame][1], 1 ); } } else if( m_envLfoParameters[Resonance]->isUsed() ) { for( fpp_t frame = 0; frame < _frames; ++frame ) { float new_res_val = frv + RES_MULTIPLIER * res_buf[frame]; if( static_cast( new_res_val*RES_PRECISION ) != old_filter_res ) { _n->m_filter->calcFilterCoeffs( fcv, new_res_val ); old_filter_res = static_cast( new_res_val*RES_PRECISION ); } _ab[frame][0] = _n->m_filter->update( _ab[frame][0], 0 ); _ab[frame][1] = _n->m_filter->update( _ab[frame][1], 1 ); } } else { _n->m_filter->calcFilterCoeffs( fcv, frv ); for( fpp_t frame = 0; frame < _frames; ++frame ) { _ab[frame][0] = _n->m_filter->update( _ab[frame][0], 0 ); _ab[frame][1] = _n->m_filter->update( _ab[frame][1], 1 ); } } #ifndef __GNUC__ delete[] cut_buf; delete[] res_buf; #endif } if( m_envLfoParameters[Volume]->isUsed() ) { #ifdef __GNUC__ float vol_buf[_frames]; #else float * vol_buf = new float[_frames]; #endif m_envLfoParameters[Volume]->fillLevel( vol_buf, total_frames, release_begin, _frames ); for( fpp_t frame = 0; frame < _frames; ++frame ) { float vol_level = vol_buf[frame]; vol_level = vol_level * vol_level; _ab[frame][0] = vol_level * _ab[frame][0]; _ab[frame][1] = vol_level * _ab[frame][1]; } #ifndef __GNUC__ delete[] vol_buf; #endif } /* else if( m_envLfoParameters[Volume]->isUsed() == false && m_envLfoParameters[PANNING]->isUsed() ) { // only use panning-envelope... for( fpp_t frame = 0; frame < _frames; ++frame ) { float vol_level = pan_buf[frame]; vol_level = vol_level*vol_level; for( ch_cnt_t chnl = 0; chnl < DEFAULT_CHANNELS; ++chnl ) { _ab[frame][chnl] = vol_level * _ab[frame][chnl]; } } }*/ } f_cnt_t InstrumentSoundShaping::envFrames( const bool _only_vol ) const { f_cnt_t ret_val = m_envLfoParameters[Volume]->PAHD_Frames(); if( _only_vol == false ) { for( int i = Volume+1; i < NumTargets; ++i ) { if( m_envLfoParameters[i]->isUsed() && m_envLfoParameters[i]->PAHD_Frames() > ret_val ) { ret_val = m_envLfoParameters[i]->PAHD_Frames(); } } } return ret_val; } f_cnt_t InstrumentSoundShaping::releaseFrames() const { f_cnt_t ret_val = m_envLfoParameters[Volume]->isUsed() ? m_envLfoParameters[Volume]->releaseFrames() : 0; if( m_instrumentTrack->instrument()->desiredReleaseFrames() > ret_val ) { ret_val = m_instrumentTrack->instrument()->desiredReleaseFrames(); } if( m_envLfoParameters[Volume]->isUsed() == false ) { for( int i = Volume+1; i < NumTargets; ++i ) { if( m_envLfoParameters[i]->isUsed() && m_envLfoParameters[i]->releaseFrames() > ret_val ) { ret_val = m_envLfoParameters[i]->releaseFrames(); } } } return ret_val; } void InstrumentSoundShaping::saveSettings( QDomDocument & _doc, QDomElement & _this ) { m_filterModel.saveSettings( _doc, _this, "ftype" ); m_filterCutModel.saveSettings( _doc, _this, "fcut" ); m_filterResModel.saveSettings( _doc, _this, "fres" ); m_filterEnabledModel.saveSettings( _doc, _this, "fwet" ); for( int i = 0; i < NumTargets; ++i ) { m_envLfoParameters[i]->saveState( _doc, _this ).setTagName( m_envLfoParameters[i]->nodeName() + QString( __targetNames[i][1] ).toLower() ); } } void InstrumentSoundShaping::loadSettings( const QDomElement & _this ) { m_filterModel.loadSettings( _this, "ftype" ); m_filterCutModel.loadSettings( _this, "fcut" ); m_filterResModel.loadSettings( _this, "fres" ); m_filterEnabledModel.loadSettings( _this, "fwet" ); QDomNode node = _this.firstChild(); while( !node.isNull() ) { if( node.isElement() ) { for( int i = 0; i < NumTargets; ++i ) { if( node.nodeName() == m_envLfoParameters[i]->nodeName() + QString( __targetNames[i][1] ). toLower() ) { m_envLfoParameters[i]->restoreState( node.toElement() ); } } } node = node.nextSibling(); } } #include "moc_InstrumentSoundShaping.cxx"