/* * visualization_widget.cpp - widget for visualization of sound-data * * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Tobias Doerffel * * This file is part of Linux MultiMedia Studio - http://lmms.sourceforge.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program (see COPYING); if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #include #include #include "visualization_widget.h" #include "gui_templates.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "embed.h" #include "engine.h" #include "tooltip.h" #include "song.h" visualizationWidget::visualizationWidget( const QPixmap & _bg, QWidget * _p, visualizationTypes _vtype ) : QWidget( _p ), s_background( _bg ), m_points( new QPointF[engine::getMixer()->framesPerPeriod()] ), m_active( false ) { setFixedSize( s_background.width(), s_background.height() ); setAttribute( Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true ); const fpp_t frames = engine::getMixer()->framesPerPeriod(); m_buffer = new sampleFrame[frames]; engine::getMixer()->clearAudioBuffer( m_buffer, frames ); toolTip::add( this, tr( "click to enable/disable visualization of " "master-output" ) ); } visualizationWidget::~visualizationWidget() { delete[] m_buffer; } void visualizationWidget::updateAudioBuffer() { if( !engine::getSong()->isExporting() ) { engine::getMixer()->lock(); const surroundSampleFrame * c = engine::getMixer()-> currentReadBuffer(); const fpp_t fpp = engine::getMixer()->framesPerPeriod(); memcpy( m_buffer, c, sizeof( surroundSampleFrame ) * fpp ); engine::getMixer()->unlock(); } } void visualizationWidget::setActive( bool _active ) { m_active = _active; if( m_active ) { connect( engine::mainWindow(), SIGNAL( periodicUpdate() ), this, SLOT( update() ) ); connect( engine::getMixer(), SIGNAL( nextAudioBuffer() ), this, SLOT( updateAudioBuffer() ) ); } else { disconnect( engine::mainWindow(), SIGNAL( periodicUpdate() ), this, SLOT( update() ) ); disconnect( engine::getMixer(), SIGNAL( nextAudioBuffer() ), this, SLOT( updateAudioBuffer() ) ); // we have to update (remove last waves), // because timer doesn't do that anymore update(); } } void visualizationWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) { QPainter p( this ); p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, s_background ); if( m_active && !engine::getSong()->isExporting() ) { float master_output = engine::getMixer()->masterGain(); int w = width()-4; const float half_h = -( height() - 6 ) / 3.0 * master_output - 1; int x_base = 2; const float y_base = height()/2 - 0.5f; // p.setClipRect( 2, 2, w, height()-4 ); const fpp_t frames = engine::getMixer()->framesPerPeriod(); const float max_level = qMax( mixer::peakValueLeft( m_buffer, frames ), mixer::peakValueRight( m_buffer, frames ) ); // and set color according to that... if( max_level * master_output < 0.9 ) { p.setPen( QColor( 128, 224, 128 ) ); } else if( max_level * master_output < 1.0 ) { p.setPen( QColor( 255, 192, 64 ) ); } else { p.setPen( QColor( 255, 64, 64 ) ); } p.setPen( QPen( p.pen().color(), 0.7 ) ); const float xd = (float) w / frames; p.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing ); // now draw all that stuff for( ch_cnt_t ch = 0; ch < DEFAULT_CHANNELS; ++ch ) { for( int frame = 0; frame < frames; ++frame ) { m_points[frame] = QPointF( x_base + (float) frame * xd, y_base + ( mixer::clip( m_buffer[frame][ch] ) * half_h ) ); } p.drawPolyline( m_points, frames ); } } else { p.setPen( QColor( 192, 192, 192 ) ); p.setFont( pointSize<7>( p.font() ) ); p.drawText( 6, height()-5, tr( "Click to enable" ) ); } } void visualizationWidget::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * _me ) { if( _me->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) { setActive( !m_active ); } } #include "moc_visualization_widget.cxx"