libdir.'/uploadlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/gdlib.php'); require_once('uploadpicture_form.php'); define ('PIX_FILE_UPDATED', 0); define ('PIX_FILE_ERROR', 1); define ('PIX_FILE_SKIPPED', 2); admin_externalpage_setup('uploadpictures'); require_login(); require_capability('moodle/site:uploadusers', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)); if (!$site = get_site()) { error("Could not find site-level course"); } if (!$adminuser = get_admin()) { error("Could not find site admin"); } $strfile = get_string('file'); $struser = get_string('user'); $strusersupdated = get_string('usersupdated'); $struploadpictures = get_string('uploadpictures','admin'); $userfields = array ( 0 => 'username', 1 => 'idnumber', 2 => 'id' ); $userfield = optional_param('userfield', 0, PARAM_INT); $overwritepicture = optional_param('overwritepicture', 0, PARAM_BOOL); /// Print the header admin_externalpage_print_header(); print_heading_with_help($struploadpictures, 'uploadpictures'); $mform = new admin_uploadpicture_form(null, $userfields); if ($formdata = $mform->get_data()) { if (!array_key_exists($userfield, $userfields)) { notify(get_string('uploadpicture_baduserfield','admin')); } else { // Large files are likely to take their time and memory. Let PHP know // that we'll take longer, and that the process should be recycled soon // to free up memory. @set_time_limit(0); @raise_memory_limit("192M"); if (function_exists('apache_child_terminate')) { @apache_child_terminate(); } // Create a unique temporary directory, to process the zip file // contents. $zipdir = my_mktempdir($CFG->dataroot.'/temp/', 'usrpic'); if (!$mform->save_files($zipdir)) { notify(get_string('uploadpicture_cannotmovezip','admin')); @remove_dir($zipdir); } else { $dstfile = $zipdir.'/'.$mform->get_new_filename(); if(!unzip_file($dstfile, $zipdir, false)) { notify(get_string('uploadpicture_cannotunzip','admin')); @remove_dir($zipdir); } else { // We don't need the zip file any longer, so delete it to make // it easier to process the rest of the files inside the directory. @unlink($dstfile); $results = array ('errors' => 0,'updated' => 0); process_directory($zipdir, $userfields[$userfield], $overwritepicture, $results); // Finally remove the temporary directory with all the user images and print some stats. remove_dir($zipdir); notify(get_string('usersupdated', 'admin') . ": " . $results['updated']); notify(get_string('errors', 'admin') . ": " . $results['errors']); echo '
'; } } } } $mform->display(); admin_externalpage_print_footer(); exit; // ----------- Internal functions ---------------- /** * Create a unique temporary directory with a given prefix name, * inside a given directory, with given permissions. Return the * full path to the newly created temp directory. * * @param string $dir where to create the temp directory. * @param string $prefix prefix for the temp directory name (default '') * @param string $mode permissions for the temp directory (default 700) * * @return string The full path to the temp directory. */ function my_mktempdir($dir, $prefix='', $mode=0700) { if (substr($dir, -1) != '/') { $dir .= '/'; } do { $path = $dir.$prefix.mt_rand(0, 9999999); } while (!mkdir($path, $mode)); return $path; } /** * Recursively process a directory, picking regular files and feeding * them to process_file(). * * @param string $dir the full path of the directory to process * @param string $userfield the prefix_user table field to use to * match picture files to users. * @param bool $overwrite overwrite existing picture or not. * @param array $results (by reference) accumulated statistics of * users updated and errors. * * @return nothing */ function process_directory ($dir, $userfield, $overwrite, &$results) { if(!($handle = opendir($dir))) { notify(get_string('uploadpicture_cannotprocessdir','admin')); return; } while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if ($item != '.' && $item != '..') { if (is_dir($dir.'/'.$item)) { process_directory($dir.'/'.$item, $userfield, $overwrite, $results); } else if (is_file($dir.'/'.$item)) { $result = process_file($dir.'/'.$item, $userfield, $overwrite); switch ($result) { case PIX_FILE_ERROR: $results['errors']++; break; case PIX_FILE_UPDATED: $results['updated']++; break; } } // Ignore anything else that is not a directory or a file (e.g., // symbolic links, sockets, pipes, etc.) } } closedir($handle); } /** * Given the full path of a file, try to find the user the file * corresponds to and assign him/her this file as his/her picture. * Make extensive checks to make sure we don't open any security holes * and report back any success/error. * * @param string $file the full path of the file to process * @param string $userfield the prefix_user table field to use to * match picture files to users. * @param bool $overwrite overwrite existing picture or not. * * @return integer either PIX_FILE_UPDATED, PIX_FILE_ERROR or * PIX_FILE_SKIPPED */ function process_file ($file, $userfield, $overwrite) { // Add additional checks on the filenames, as they are user // controlled and we don't want to open any security holes. $path_parts = pathinfo(cleardoubleslashes($file)); $basename = $path_parts['basename']; $extension = $path_parts['extension']; // The picture file name (without extension) must match the // userfield attribute. $uservalue = substr($basename, 0, strlen($basename) - strlen($extension) - 1); // userfield names are safe, so don't quote them. if (!($user = get_record('user', $userfield, addslashes($uservalue),'deleted',0))) { $a = new Object(); $a->userfield = clean_param($userfield, PARAM_CLEANHTML); $a->uservalue = clean_param($uservalue, PARAM_CLEANHTML); notify(get_string('uploadpicture_usernotfound', 'admin', $a)); return PIX_FILE_ERROR; } $haspicture = get_field('user', 'picture', 'id', $user->id); if ($haspicture && !$overwrite) { notify(get_string('uploadpicture_userskipped', 'admin', $user->username)); return PIX_FILE_SKIPPED; } if (my_save_profile_image($user->id, $file)) { set_field('user', 'picture', 1, 'id', $user->id); notify(get_string('uploadpicture_userupdated', 'admin', $user->username)); return PIX_FILE_UPDATED; } else { notify(get_string('uploadpicture_cannotsave', 'admin', $user->username)); return PIX_FILE_ERROR; } } /** * Try to save the given file (specified by its full path) as the * picture for the user with the given id. * * @param integer $id the internal id of the user to assign the * picture file to. * @param string $originalfile the full path of the picture file. * * @return bool */ function my_save_profile_image($id, $originalfile) { $destination = create_profile_image_destination($id, 'user'); if ($destination === false) { return false; } return process_profile_image($originalfile, $destination); } ?>