Moodle quickstart for Debian ---------------------------- USAGE The application should be available at http://localhost/moodle/ after install. If you want to continue with setup and table creation from a remote browser in another host, you should edit the file /etc/moodle/apache.conf, removing the comment (#) from the line "allow from all" and restart apache. Note that if you do not remove this comment (#), no one will have remote access to your moodle installation and only local users on that machine will be able to access moodle. QUICKSTART DATABASE CREATION For the correct database and user creation during the package installation you need to have a database admin account and the password for that account. In PostgreSQL you should verify that you have the right access policy in /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf. You should change your PostgreSQL server configuration to use passwords to authenticate users writing in your /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf file: local all all password host all all password Before restarting the postmaster you should check that the admin user has a password to access the database. You can do this by executing in a shell while being root: su - postgres psql template1 (and inside the psql shell) ALTER USER postgres password 'new_pass'; \q For further information about PostgreSQL users and passwords refer to the documentation available in the postgresql-doc package. Then, restart the postmaster with /etc/init.d/postgresql restart. TABLE CREATION In order to create the database tables you need to point your browser to http://localhost/moodle/admin . You need to have network access to your database, you can enable it in /etc/mysql/my.cnf (just comment the skip-networking line) for MySQL, and in /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf (the above pg_hba example should work) for PostgreSQL. Remember to restart the database with /etc/init.d/ restart if you change that files.