. require_once '../../../config.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/grade/lib.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/grade/report/lib.php'; // for preferences require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/grade/edit/tree/lib.php'; require_js(array('yui_yahoo', 'yui_dom', 'yui_event', 'yui_json', 'yui_connection', 'yui_dragdrop', 'yui_treeview', 'yui_element', $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/tree/functions.js')); $courseid = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); $action = optional_param('action', 0, PARAM_ALPHA); $eid = optional_param('eid', 0, PARAM_ALPHANUM); $category = optional_param('category', null, PARAM_INT); $aggregationtype = optional_param('aggregationtype', null, PARAM_INT); $showadvanced = optional_param('showadvanced', -1, PARAM_BOOL); // sticky editting mode /// Make sure they can even access this course if (!$course = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid)) { print_error('nocourseid'); } require_login($course); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id); require_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $context); /// return tracking object $gpr = new grade_plugin_return(array('type'=>'edit', 'plugin'=>'tree', 'courseid'=>$courseid)); $returnurl = $gpr->get_return_url(null); /// Build editing on/off buttons if (!isset($USER->gradeediting)) { $USER->gradeediting = array(); } $current_view = ''; if (has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $context)) { if (!isset($USER->gradeediting[$course->id])) { $USER->gradeediting[$course->id] = 0; } if ($showadvanced == 1) { $USER->gradeediting[$course->id] = 1; } else if ($showadvanced == 0) { $USER->gradeediting[$course->id] = 0; } // page params for the turn editting on $options = $gpr->get_options(); $options['sesskey'] = sesskey(); if ($USER->gradeediting[$course->id]) { $options['showadvanced'] = 0; $current_view = 'fullview'; } else { $options['showadvanced'] = 1; $current_view = 'simpleview'; } } else { $USER->gradeediting[$course->id] = 0; $buttons = ''; } // Change category aggregation if requested if (!is_null($category) && !is_null($aggregationtype) && confirm_sesskey()) { if (!$grade_category = grade_category::fetch(array('id'=>$category, 'courseid'=>$courseid))) { error('Incorrect category id!'); } $data->aggregation = $aggregationtype; grade_category::set_properties($grade_category, $data); $grade_category->update(); grade_regrade_final_grades($courseid); } //first make sure we have proper final grades - we need it for locking changes grade_regrade_final_grades($courseid); // get the grading tree object // note: total must be first for moving to work correctly, if you want it last moving code must be rewritten! $gtree = new grade_tree($courseid, false, false); if (empty($eid)) { $element = null; $object = null; } else { if (!$element = $gtree->locate_element($eid)) { print_error('invalidelementid', '', $returnurl); } $object = $element['object']; } $switch = grade_get_setting($course->id, 'aggregationposition', $CFG->grade_aggregationposition); $strgrades = get_string('grades'); $strgraderreport = get_string('graderreport', 'grades'); $strcategoriesedit = get_string('categoriesedit', 'grades'); $strcategoriesanditems = get_string('categoriesanditems', 'grades'); $navigation = grade_build_nav(__FILE__, $strcategoriesanditems, array('courseid' => $courseid)); $moving = false; $grade_edit_tree = new grade_edit_tree($gtree, $moving, $gpr); switch ($action) { case 'delete': if ($eid && confirm_sesskey()) { if (!$grade_edit_tree->element_deletable($element)) { // no deleting of external activities - they would be recreated anyway! // exception is activity without grading or misconfigured activities break; } $confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_BOOL); if ($confirm) { $object->delete('grade/report/grader/category'); redirect($returnurl); } else { print_header_simple($strgrades . ': ' . $strgraderreport, ': ' . $strcategoriesedit, $navigation, '', '', true, null, navmenu($course)); $strdeletecheckfull = get_string('deletecheck', '', $object->get_name()); $optionsyes = array('eid'=>$eid, 'confirm'=>1, 'sesskey'=>sesskey(), 'id'=>$course->id, 'action'=>'delete'); $optionsno = array('id'=>$course->id); notice_yesno($strdeletecheckfull, 'index.php', 'index.php', $optionsyes, $optionsno, 'post', 'get'); print_footer($course); die; } } break; case 'autosort': //TODO: implement autosorting based on order of mods on course page, categories first, manual items last break; case 'synclegacy': grade_grab_legacy_grades($course->id); redirect($returnurl); case 'move': if ($eid and confirm_sesskey()) { $moveafter = required_param('moveafter', PARAM_ALPHANUM); $first = optional_param('first', false, PARAM_BOOL); // If First is set to 1, it means the target is the first child of the category $moveafter if(!$after_el = $gtree->locate_element($moveafter)) { print_error('invalidelementid', '', $returnurl); } $after = $after_el['object']; $sortorder = $after->get_sortorder(); if (!$first) { $parent = $after->get_parent_category(); $object->set_parent($parent->id); } else { $object->set_parent($after->id); } $object->move_after_sortorder($sortorder); redirect($returnurl); } break; case 'moveselect': if ($eid and confirm_sesskey()) { $grade_edit_tree->moving = $eid; $moving=true; } break; default: break; } // Hide advanced columns if moving if ($grade_edit_tree->moving) { $original_gradeediting = $USER->gradeediting[$course->id]; $USER->gradeediting[$course->id] = 0; } $CFG->stylesheets[] = $CFG->wwwroot.'/grade/edit/tree/tree.css'; $current_view_str = ''; if ($current_view != '') { if ($current_view == 'simpleview') { $current_view_str = get_string('simpleview', 'grades'); } elseif ($current_view == 'fullview') { $current_view_str = get_string('fullview', 'grades'); } } print_grade_page_head($courseid, 'edittree', $current_view, get_string('categoriesedit', 'grades') . ': ' . $current_view_str); if ($data = data_submitted() and confirm_sesskey()) { // Perform bulk actions first if (!empty($data->bulkmove)) { $elements = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('/select_(i[0-9]*)/', $key, $matches)) { $elements[] = $matches[1]; } } $grade_edit_tree->move_elements($elements, $returnurl); } // Category and item field updates foreach ($data as $key => $value) { // Grade category text inputs if (preg_match('/^(aggregation|droplow|keephigh)_([0-9]+)$/', $key, $matches)) { $param = $matches[1]; $aid = $matches[2]; // Do not allow negative values $value = clean_param($value, PARAM_INT); $value = ($value < 0) ? 0 : $value; $grade_category = grade_category::fetch(array('id'=>$aid, 'courseid'=>$courseid)); $grade_category->$param = $value; $grade_category->update(); grade_regrade_final_grades($courseid); // Grade item text inputs } elseif (preg_match('/^(grademax|aggregationcoef|multfactor|plusfactor)_([0-9]+)$/', $key, $matches)) { $param = $matches[1]; $aid = $matches[2]; $value = unformat_float($value); $value = clean_param($value, PARAM_NUMBER); $grade_item = grade_item::fetch(array('id'=>$aid, 'courseid'=>$courseid)); if ($param === 'grademax' and $value < $grade_item->grademin) { // better not allow values lower than grade min $value = $grade_item->grademin; } $grade_item->$param = $value; $grade_item->update(); grade_regrade_final_grades($courseid); // Grade item checkbox inputs } elseif (preg_match('/^extracredit_([0-9]+)$/', $key, $matches)) { // Sum extra credit checkbox $aid = $matches[1]; $value = clean_param($value, PARAM_BOOL); $grade_item = grade_item::fetch(array('id'=>$aid, 'courseid'=>$courseid)); $grade_item->aggregationcoef = $value; $grade_item->update(); grade_regrade_final_grades($courseid); // Grade category checkbox inputs } elseif (preg_match('/^aggregate(onlygraded|subcats|outcomes)_([0-9]+)$/', $key, $matches)) { $param = 'aggregate'.$matches[1]; $aid = $matches[2]; $value = clean_param($value, PARAM_BOOL); $grade_category = grade_category::fetch(array('id'=>$aid, 'courseid'=>$courseid)); $grade_category->$param = $value; $grade_category->update(); grade_regrade_final_grades($courseid); } } } // Print Table of categories and items print_box_start('gradetreebox generalbox'); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; // Build up an array of categories for move drop-down (by reference) $categories = array(); $level = 0; $row_count = 0; echo $grade_edit_tree->build_html_tree($gtree->top_element, true, array(), $categories, $level, $row_count); echo '
'; if (!$moving) { echo ''; } // We don't print a bulk move menu if there are no other categories than course category if (!$moving && count($categories) > 1) { echo '

'; echo ''; echo get_string('moveselectedto', 'grades') . ' '; echo choose_from_menu($categories, 'moveafter', '', 'choose', 'document.getElementById(\'bulkmoveinput\').value=1;document.getElementById(\'gradetreeform\').submit()', 0, true, true); echo '
'; } echo '
'; echo '
'; print_box_end(); // Print action buttons echo '
'; if ($moving) { print_single_button('index.php', array('id'=>$course->id), get_string('cancel'), 'get'); } else { print_single_button('category.php', array('courseid'=>$course->id), get_string('addcategory', 'grades'), 'get'); print_single_button('item.php', array('courseid'=>$course->id), get_string('additem', 'grades'), 'get'); if (!empty($CFG->enableoutcomes)) { print_single_button('outcomeitem.php', array('courseid'=>$course->id), get_string('addoutcomeitem', 'grades'), 'get'); } if ($legacy = grade_get_legacy_modules($course->id)) { //print_single_button('index.php', array('id'=>$course->id, 'action'=>'autosort'), get_string('autosort', 'grades'), 'get'); echo "

"; print_single_button('index.php', array('id'=>$course->id, 'action'=>'synclegacy'), get_string('synclegacygrades', 'grades').' ('.implode(', ', $legacy).')', 'get'); helpbutton('synclegacygrades', get_string('synclegacygrades', 'grades'), 'grade'); } } echo '
'; print_footer($course); // Restore original show/hide preference if moving if ($moving) { $USER->gradeediting[$course->id] = $original_gradeediting; } die; ?>